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LAGirl 9 | 496  
25 Feb 2009 /  #1
One question why do Polish men lie.
here is the story. I been on Polish dating site looking to meet a nice man. well I have talked to a few over phone and they seemed nice. well on the weekends they never called or texed. then I found out they had girlfriends and want me to be the other woman. I say no to that. what is it with them what arnt they happy with one women are they all that way. were are the nice ones.
plk123 8 | 4129  
25 Feb 2009 /  #2
on noon polish dating sites... lol.. good luck.. thanks for lumping all poles into one pile.. good luck in your future love endeavors. you will need it with this line of thinking...
OP LAGirl 9 | 496  
25 Feb 2009 /  #3
no I know a really nice Polish guy I meet him off this site we are friends. but the ones that I am talking about are the ones I meet offline talk on the phone and they have girlfriends.not all Polish men lie but why have I ohnly found the ones that do. I have many Polish friends.I still want a Polish boyfriend I know there are good ones out there.
JohnP - | 210  
25 Feb 2009 /  #4
Just curious, why do you want a Polish boyfriend?
Lying to women...isn't specifically a Polish trait, unfortunately. All nationalities have these I'd imagine.
regardless, sorry you are having a run of bad luck apparently.

John P.
sledz 23 | 2247  
25 Feb 2009 /  #5
One question why do Polish men lie.

Women lie just as bad, who you kiddin?
pgtx 29 | 3115  
25 Feb 2009 /  #6
lol.... how defensive... ;P


i don't like the "Polish" part in this question...
sledz 23 | 2247  
25 Feb 2009 /  #7
lol.... how defensive... ;P

its true , I have a lying suka right next to me
impete82 3 | 29  
25 Feb 2009 /  #8
why do Polish men lie

why do asian women lie? why do black women lie? why do american women lie? why do canadian women lie?
janosik 1 | 9  
25 Feb 2009 /  #9
why do Polish men lie

It's better this way, especially for married woman, because if man wouldn't lie there would be more divorces, fights, break ups etc etc... lol
Sokrates 8 | 3335  
25 Feb 2009 /  #10
One question why do Polish men lie.

Because we exist purely to make females miserable.

Now some more questions.

Why do Polish men wear shoes ? Is it because they're Polish ?
Why do Polish men have penises ? Its unusual for a man to have a penis, is it because they're Polish ?

Noble winning threads sprout like diseased hookers in a poor London suburb lately.
NO 14 4 | 44  
25 Feb 2009 /  #11
All people lie, dosnt matter what nationality they are.
polishcanuck 7 | 461  
25 Feb 2009 /  #12
why do Polish men lie

Because Poland is a "nation of liars." Just ask Wroclaw_Boy to elaborate on this.
ShelleyS 14 | 2883  
25 Feb 2009 /  #13
Women lie just as bad, who you kiddin?

No we do not! *whoops that's a lie* ;0)

I heard that all Polish men are experts at tiddleywinks, can someone clarify this for me?
goodlady 2 | 31  
25 Feb 2009 /  #14
most people lie.normally so they can get their own way or are insecure or just like the "game". The polish do seem to lie a bit more. they like secrets-they trust no one-i put this down to thier history- "Trust no one tell them what they want to hear and you may live"In my experience most polish men and women who come to england are either married back in poland or certainly have boyfriends and girlfriends. they live this double life to get what they want-thinking thier two lives will never intertwine
frd 7 | 1385  
25 Feb 2009 /  #15
a good lie makes the day complete
25 Feb 2009 /  #16
nothing to do with nationality.
apparently 50% of males using online dating services are married, so.....maybe OP should try other venues.
SeanBM 34 | 5786  
25 Feb 2009 /  #17

Because they are tired of standing?.
Randal 1 | 577  
25 Feb 2009 /  #18
why do Polish men lie.

they had girlfriends and want me to be the other woman.

You have answered you own question, my dear. ;)
plk123 8 | 4129  
25 Feb 2009 /  #19
no I know a really nice Polish guy I meet him off this site we are friends. but the ones that I am talking about are the ones I meet offline talk on the phone and they have girlfriends.not all Polish men lie but why have I ohnly found the ones that do. I have many Polish friends.I still want a Polish boyfriend I know there are good ones out there.

look in the morror.. you are attracting them.. so, you have to figure out why and change that.

i don't like the "Polish" part in this question...

you lie better?
ponds9 - | 1  
25 Feb 2009 /  #20
hi there im quite new here to this forum and i find it very interesting,i can tell that polish guy are nice and sweet,im an asian girl and had a polish guy bf,but were still friends until now..kissss...:)
25 Feb 2009 /  #21
So run a controlled experiment. Enrol on an Italian, an English, a Lithuanian, and a Japanese site to find out if they lie just as much. Let us know how that works out.
OP LAGirl 9 | 496  
26 Feb 2009 /  #22
yeah thats true most men do lie.I was wrong not only Polish but all men American Russian Itlalian Middle Eastern. why men are a dumb species of their own. and you emn wounder why women use men for their money or want rich men I dont blame them. and sledz what are you gay wat you dont like why i want Polish man because I think they are attractive. the best men I have dated were British they are honest kind and are true gentlemen.
plk123 8 | 4129  
26 Feb 2009 /  #23
women lie just as much as men.. don't be blaming all the lying on us men.
OP LAGirl 9 | 496  
26 Feb 2009 /  #24
well whya re some here to want to make female miserable without women you people wouldnt be I have alot of good men friends so not all are bad. but I dont balme women for being gay either.true there are some bad women out there I know some but there are good ones too and they always get the bad guys.
plk123 8 | 4129  
26 Feb 2009 /  #25
well whya re some here to want to make female miserable without women you people wouldnt be born

you can't have a baby without our INPUT.. lol

I know some but there are good ones too and they always get the bad guys.

now you're just whining.
OP LAGirl 9 | 496  
26 Feb 2009 /  #26
no thats true but the men only get the fun part of having a baby we women have to go throught the pain of carrying them for 9 months lets see a man gothrough that no I am not whinning just saying the truth.
plk123 8 | 4129  
26 Feb 2009 /  #27
hey, men have to put up with a lifetime of whining and nagging and stuff.. pushing out a kid ain't nothin'. :D :D :D
Randal 1 | 577  
26 Feb 2009 /  #28
hey, men have to put up with a lifetime of whining and nagging and stuff..

Lol... And that ain't no lie!
PennBoy 76 | 2429  
26 Feb 2009 /  #29
A mans lie is, um something came up, or i can't make it. A womans lie is, thats ur baby!!!!
Randal 1 | 577  
26 Feb 2009 /  #30
A womans lie is, thats ur baby

Good point. Girl lies are usually worse.

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