Welcome back, troll. :p
Polish Dentist
Polish GP
Polish Gynecologist
Polish Dietician
Polish Mechanic
These make sense, as there may be a language barrier. It's not easy to translate technical terms, even if you can speak a language reasonably well. Even my mum (born in Poland) didn't know what
wały napędowe are (in Polish) but I did (in both languages). But I'm a bloke :) lol
And, here in the UK, the word is gynaecologist. Funny how you criticise foreigners for their lack of language skills, yet you use "U.S. English" yourself.
Polish Cake maker
OK then, genius... show us the English bakery which knows how to make Polish-style cakes. Do we see you criticising Halal meat stores and Indian sweet centres? NO!
I can just imagine myself, living in Austrlaia or France and begging for a British doctor to see me
You really are a bit thick, aren't you? No-one British would demand a "British doctor" in Australia, as there is no language barrier.
However, we all know that you would expect your French doctor to speak English.
Pot... kettle... black!