The BEST Guide to POLAND
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Posts by wildrover  

Joined: 7 Jun 2007 / Male ♂
Last Post: 30 Nov 2014
Threads: Total: 98 / Live: 48 / Archived: 50
Posts: Total: 4431 / Live: 2753 / Archived: 1678
From: plocie ..Zachodniopomorskie Poland
Speaks Polish?: very little
Interests: riding harleys..driving off beer..

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16 Jul 2009
Life / Is it me or do any guys in Poland not have shaved heads? [113]

thebear45 Today, 06:40

Have a look on a gay site and see what bear seems it is the term for a gay man who is bearded and hairy and on the big size......Most of them don,t go around accusing others of being gay in order to cover up their sexuality though......
23 Jun 2009
Travel / Gdansk at night - where do I go for nightlife? [10]

There is some kind of bar in Gdansk where Brits , Scots , Irish , and other dodgy types hang out , its been mentioned on the forum before...if you cant find the thread no doubt somebody will be along soon to tell you the best places....have fun...
20 Jun 2009
Travel / Motorcycle tour of Poland [137]

Ha..not sure i am quite a star yet , but i do have a contract , and i get paid for the filming , so i guess i can say i am a professional actor.... The people doing the filming suggested i should go to acting school , but i doubt i will take it that far....

I guess the reason bikers tend to help each other out so much is due to the feeling that we have to take care of our own , but i have to say on my travels i have been shown kindness by all manner of people , not only bikers...

I will be more than happy to have a beer or three with you should you pass this way....
19 Jun 2009
Love / What to wear when trying to pick up girls in Poland? [58]

[quote=ZIMMY]women are interested in the thickness of a man's wallet first and foremost.....

Oh , so thats why i have been on my own so long... Mind you , i would rather be on my own than have a woman who is only interested in money....
19 Jun 2009
Life / Polish plantlife and similar flora where you live. [81]

Here goes....another try at a pic of the forest...TOO BIG....i really can,t be bothered with messing around trying to shrink will just have to imagine it....
19 Jun 2009
Travel / Motorcycle tour of Poland [137]

around your area on the 5th or 6th

I would be glad to help out my friend , and could certainly find you a comfortable place to rest your head...

There are a few decent places around the town of Polczyn zrdoj which is close to me , so i can check them out and let you know prices and contact details...

I might be able to find you a place here in my home , ie , not camping , but it depends on the dates.. I have a film crew decending on me around the 8th of july , so will have a house full , and on the 11th of july there is a biker barbecue here at the farm which is going to be part of the film they are making...

You must tell me all about getting a visa for your Russian lady , as i will have to go through this process for a Ukrainian friend who wants to visit me , she thinks that she needs to be invited to Poland by some official body in order to get a visa....

Anyways , good luck with your trip , i have sent you a personal message on the forum with my email address on if you need to ask anything... safe riding...
18 Jun 2009
Life / Internet without TPSA (The Telecommunication of Poland Corporation) [11]

TPSA are a bunch of incompetant bandits in my opinion.....They charged me loads of money for an internet connection , and when i finally got tired of paying the same bill several times over i cancelled them out of my life...

Long after i no longer had a telephone they continued to send me bills , which i paid , untill they finally assured me all was paid...

Now some four years after i no longer had a phone some other company which it seems has bought a small debt that TPSA say still exists is chasing me for this money , plus of course a large lump added on to line their pockets....The Energa company isnt much better......!
16 Jun 2009
Life / Polish plantlife and similar flora where you live. [81]

I have hundreds of really nice pics of the forests and lakes , but i don,t know if i can face shrinking em all down...Besides , tomorow a film crew arrive at my farm to make a film , yes me a star...sometime in the future you wil see me , my forest , my cats and my Harley in Polish cinemas...but thats for another thread....BISON....
16 Jun 2009
Travel / Travel by Motorcycle in Poland (cost, distance, risk?) [47]

BSA T-Bolt.

Ah that brings back memories....i had one of those for a while , not so much restored tho , mine was a ratty old heap , but i went many a mile on it.....It was almost responsible for burning down a Police station....after a leaking fuel tank exploded while trying to start it oh happy days.....

Just remembered...the Harley hire place was called Eurotours , and they hire out Harleys at 120 euro per day....
15 Jun 2009
Travel / Travel by Motorcycle in Poland (cost, distance, risk?) [47]

Hi there... Welcome to the forum fellow biker...

I am a Brit who has been living in Poland for the last five years , and for a lot of that time i have been riding my Harley sportster here...

I have also ridden the bike to Ukraine , and have traveled the route you are thinking of from Berlin to Bialostok tho on that route i went by Landrover....

There is no denying that Polish accident figures suggest that they are all suicidal nutters on the road , but my own experiance on a motorcycle here has given me far fewer heart stopping moments than i had in the UK... Maybe because there are fewer bikes here people tend to notice them more , and are less liable to run em off the road...

Some of the roads here are less than perfect , especially in towns where they can get badly rutted up due to heavy trucks , and the tram lines can be a bit tricky in the wet , but they are making lovely new roads all the time , and my last ride all the way accross Poland to the Ukraine was mostly a smooth trip . ..untill i got to Ukraine , but thats a different story....

I reckon you should get that bike sorted and head over here , you will love it... You can pass by my farm , have a few beers and a barbie , camp for free , then ride on to your destination the next day....

Poland is lovely , the people friendly , and there is no such thing as a no bikers sign on any place....

Come on over , and if you want any more advice , just pm me , and i will pass on my email address..... Ride safe...
15 Jun 2009
Life / Polish plantlife and similar flora where you live. [81]

but if you don't know about mushrooms

Agreed....take a local expert with you , many of the deadly mushrooms look very similar to ones you can eat if not 100% sure for gods sake don,t eat em...

I have found that an expert is anyone Polish over the age of seven , it seems that even town dwellers know all about mushrooms , they are way ahead of us Brits on that score....
15 Jun 2009
Life / Polish plantlife and similar flora where you live. [81]

I think black cherries are sweeter than the red ones , i prefer the black ones myself , they taste just like the ones in a black cherry yoghurt , i try to eat as many as i can before the birds get all the best ones...

The gardening books i have are..... Peter seabrooks book of the garden.. The complete book of successful gardening by David carr and Hg witham fogg ( theres a name ) and .. Gardening for everyone by Emma callery...

I too am a townie , so i am having to learn the country life as i go along , sometimes the hard way....
15 Jun 2009
Life / Polish plantlife and similar flora where you live. [81]

I don,t think its a boring thread at all , well not for those of us with gardens we care about....

I too have apple trees , five of them actually , that produce enough apples to feed the whole village.. I must get organised this year to remove all the apples and store them properly so i can eat them through the winter and find a way to distribute the rest to people that don,t have any...

I also have a pear tree , three black cherry trees , and like you Sean a grape vine , a huge thing that i need to move as the barn its attatched to is falling down , i did wonder when was the best time to move it....

I am not much of a garden expert , but i love being in the garden and doing stuff , mostly with the help of various garden books...

Does anyone know the Polish name for the budlia bush , as i would like a few of them to attract butterflies to the garden....
14 Jun 2009
Travel / Poland wildlife and similar wild life where you live. [243]

Perhaps the ones you caught as a kid were sticklebacks , they are a bit pinkish.....I think the ones in your pictures are minows , but i am not much of an expert on fish . other than the kind you eat with chips on Scarborough seafront...
10 Jun 2009
Travel / Poland wildlife and similar wild life where you live. [243]

HA..i am happy to report that this evening i actually saw a badger for the first time in Poland... One of the things i brought back from the UK in my fully loaded Jeep was a new mountain bike , so tonight i went for my first ride on it... I rode ten miles along a tarmac cycle track that is near my home , it used to be a rail line , and runs through lovely countryside to the town of Polczyn zdroj...

These cycle tracks are great for spotting wildlife , seems a cycle makes less noise than a person walking , so you can get pretty near to animals before they leg it....

On my ten mile cycle i saw four rabbits , a deer , a large eagle that scared the hell out of me when it launched itself off a branch just over my head , and as dusk fell i came up behind a badger cantering along the track ahead of me , when i got close he turned off into the long grass , but i did get pretty close....

So if you want to see the wildlife , leave the car at home , and get on yer bike.... I feel strangely healthy too for some reason...?
9 Jun 2009
Travel / Poland wildlife and similar wild life where you live. [243]

killer bees

EH..?? Not sure about killer bees , but we have some big aggressive hornets that can kill you if you get stung enough times....

If you are refering to the African bees , which can be more aggresive than the usual European bee , i don,t know if they are in Poland , but no doubt somebody will tell us about that..

All the mozzies here have the deadly Macdonalds virus which , if bitten by one causes you to eat big macs till you burst....

oh.....Shewolf.......... swooooooon
9 Jun 2009
Travel / Poland wildlife and similar wild life where you live. [243]

occasional raccoon

We get racoons in Poland too , which originated in the USA... seems they were brought into what was then Germany by Mr Herman Goring of the Luftwaffe around 1937 as he was a keen hunter , and thought they would be a nice addition to the forest....They have since spread over all Germany , and into Poland too...

I am told they can be a bit naughty , getting into houses , stealing food etc , but the ones around here seem to be quite shy....