31 Jan 2013
Language / POLISH 18 - 30 years old know MUCH BETTER ENGLISH language than their own native language! [102]
I always welcome help (and correcting faulty expressions is big help) but I often feel embarrassed that I've got it wrong the first time.Maybe that's what you take for anger?I can't speak for the whole nation but that's how I feel about it-same rules for every person struggling with foreign language.
Often Poles seem angry, offended at even the slightest corrective recast of their often faulty English. This is where I and others often have a problem!
I always welcome help (and correcting faulty expressions is big help) but I often feel embarrassed that I've got it wrong the first time.Maybe that's what you take for anger?I can't speak for the whole nation but that's how I feel about it-same rules for every person struggling with foreign language.