The BEST Guide to POLAND
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Joined: 14 Feb 2007 / Male ♂
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From: Novi Sad, Vojvodina, Srbija.
Interests: New Commonwealth (Sarmatia), Slavic Union, Poland, books, sport, traveling

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22 Jul 2018
News / Poland supporting potential new EU members - Georgia and Turkey [32]

Force to be reckoned with, I agree. And Erdogan himself sound like a sultan or caliph. One can`t tell is it for internal political theater or we really looks how Turkey reform backward.

Fortunately, here in the region (Balkans), Turkey started to play positive role. Again, one can`t tell is it permanent or temporary. Hard to trust them.
21 Jul 2018
History / The Two Saddest Nations on Earth... Poles and Jews [243]

Saddest? Don`t weep here like old woman. Shame. Serbians have much more reasons to cry but they refused tears. Much better to strike back, push death in ranks of enemies. Let them cry.
17 Jul 2018
History / Do Polish people in general dislike Russia or Germany more? [369]

he saw Islam as a better religion for Germans but he understood that Roman Catholicism and Protestantism were the dominant religious sects.

true. that is why he experimented with Nazi-Islam on Bosnian Muslims during WWII. Back then Croatian `ustashe` were also part of experiment. Their alliance with Arab mujaheedines in this Civil War that happened in former Yugoslavia deepened their Nazi-Islam. That again confirms that EU, as sponsor to `ustashe` continuing where Hitler`s Third Reich stooped. One of reasons that Pope Francis, here in the region, turning to Serbians.
16 Jul 2018
Life / Why Do You Love Poland? [907]

Why love for Poland?

One must love his people. I don`t know for other way. Some knows but I don`t.
16 Jul 2018
History / Do Polish people in general dislike Russia or Germany more? [369]

Germans are deeper heretics then Russians. Its obvious now, if not until now. So, mere sanity dictates that, as sane, Poles must deal with them.

We Serbians will assist to Poles.

Purge the deeper heretics!
13 Jul 2018
History / Lusatia allied with Poland? [19]

Of course he spoke in Serbian. Sarmatian, to say Serbian flame is inextinguishable. Who in its own sanity can turn its back to such a venerable and glorious heritage. Heritage of solstice, sun and givers of the West. Hyperborean, Aryan Slavic West that was vulgarized and mocked by western Europe. He knows, same as I know, that even after very long night morning must come. As it is morning certain on this Earth, certain is fact that we would live in same country, with all our lands. Again free, as should be. Without false borders that evil set on us.

And have no fear sisters and brothers. Refuse life in fear. Heads up. Don`t fear Germanic monsters, their kin, friends and servants that wants to destroy our very name and last trace of us. They are small, so small to us. Lost souls. We shall win the battle that must be won. We are Serbs. The last bearers of the flame.

Slava! Long live freedom!

Arkona - Zasypiając w strachu (2013)
13 Jul 2018
News / How strongly are Poles sure that president Duda defend Poland's interests ? [251]

I know brate for those differences but, those differences are logical. I mean, Poland already have 1 mil Ukrainian refugees and EU wants to add Muslim Arabs to it. How to accept more? even if we disregard Islam, how? To ruin economy of Poland just like that? But EU pushing for it. This only shows that western Europe starting to behave as crazy nympho which can`t be satisfied. They used to it that Poland blindly follow and they push and push, simple can`t stop.

Then also, sure, Serbians have their friends within Polish society. Its not just easy to cut those relations with really long warm history. After all, Poles ARE Slavs and Christians. So, official Poland needs to balance increasingly many factors.

But what worries me is that official Poland already, by its actions, set Poland on direct collision course with Serbia. For we must try to restore unity of our people, no matter are those Serbs, Orthodox, Catholic or Muslims. Its our people. And there are voices already from within even Catholic circles in Croatia that calling Serbia not to forget them. In Croatia all Serbs live in fatalistic fear for life. That strong Zagreb have support from western Europe for its actions against Serbians.

What I want to tell you, collision with Serbia would bring much more misery to Poles then collision with Russia. Around problems with Russia you can homogenize Poland. Around ruining Serbians one can never homogenize Poles. On the contrary. So, don`t get me wrong. Misery won`t come as intention and by doing of Serbs. Problems with Serbians already indicate that something is amiss, that Poland went wrong, that Poland distancing itself from its civilization and, to make it worse, nobody knows where Poland going, while only certain thing represent official Poland`s loyalty to western Europe. Prolonged and serious collision with Serbia would absolutely isolate Poland firstly from Czechs and Slovaks, from Bulgaria and Romania, maybe even with Hungary, threaten Visegrad itself. Then, internal problems within Poland would start. It would weaken Poland severely. Anybody then can use opportunity to harm such a weakened Poland.
13 Jul 2018
News / How strongly are Poles sure that president Duda defend Poland's interests ? [251]

And how would you call the Polish government until 1989?

Period of Communist yoke? Puppets of Soviet Union? What else?

I agree, only the puppeteer has changed; pre-'89

Exactly. Only period when Poland was independent in last 100 years or so (!what was arranged in plan of Adam Mickiewicz, Prince Czartorisky and others from the group that closely worked with Serbians around Kardjordjevic dynasty to achieve two aims- independence and avoidance of domination from both- from western Europe and Russia), was period during venerable brat Marshal Pilsudski and later to the 1939. And interestingly, that Poland was in alliance with Serbs and Yugoslavia and that Poland was, same as Yugoslavia betrayed by Britain and France, left to Nazis and to communist yoke.

And look Poland now? In alliance with pro-German `Zagreb Croat` clique to whom Catholicism serve as synonym for germanization. Clique that with German support massacred 1 million Serbs during WWII and pledge to totally destroy Serbians on the right side of Drina river. When we are at it, pro-German Nazi Croatia isn`t problem only to Serbians. Croatian-Hungarian and Croatian-Slovenian relations are on the verge of open war. And Hungarians and Slovenians are Catholics. I already said that official Poland failed to show solidarity even with Catholic Serbs. So, obviously, puppets in Warsaw abandoned even Catholic solidarity, considering that formation of Croatian state and new Croatian nation represent western European project (of pro-Islamic Protestant-Catholic magnates; I know, sound totally mind-blowing), Poland obviously serve solely to western Europe. So Poles should now expect problems even with USA. By betraying Slavdom entirely, official Poland may expect only problem with Russia, too. And this time puppets ruined even relations with Vatican, while Serbs and Russians manages to improve relations with Rome (Vatican opposing Nazi Cardinals in Croatia, have serious problems there; Vatican also refusing to recognize Kosovo separation).

With puppet regime in Warsaw, that collaborates with western Europe, Poles would face only period of real misery. Then sure, freedom shall come. It must come.
13 Jul 2018
News / How strongly are Poles sure that president Duda defend Poland's interests ? [251]

Cause that's what they want to be?

Do they want that? Even those who want that, their reasons are mostly for practical safety at the moment.

You think like when player for Croatian football team says he is Croat no matter that he is Serbian, because of fear for his life and existence?

Or when Croatian touristic organizations present centuries old Serbian Orthodox Church in Dalmatia as Croatian Catholic Church? Or when centuries old heritage of Catholic Serbs of Dubrovnik is presented as Croatian?

Or when Nazis in Croatia in dark suits celebrate `ustashe` and threaten new pogroms over Serbs?

Well, I suppose, over NATO solidarity, official Poland would itself act against Serbs when they rebel against Croatian rule. If you ask me, what feelings that raising in me, I would tell that its feeling that official government of Poland have to be put down and Poles liberated and re-install of Slavic government in Poland supported. I see Poland as country occupied by western Europe, ruled by puppet regime.

That's the population as a whole, any kind of slavic fellowship or pan-slavic feeling is all but non-existent in Poland.

We know that its not the truth. Serbian patriots are in contact with Polish patriots. But, what we also see is that those voices are silenced, its truth.
13 Jul 2018
News / How strongly are Poles sure that president Duda defend Poland's interests ? [251]

Nobody needs to be positive on Russia if Russia don`t deserve that. Do anybody deserve to be positive on him? We all sometimes deserve this or that. What Poland needs is balanced diplomacy. You know, Poland isn`t just some small and insignificant country. But Polish diplomacy and politicians often behave exactly inferior. Too often. Why blindly follow moves of western Europe? How western Europe deserved that? For money? For money, on the first place, we know that. But if we all understand it how we comprehend blind and automatic moves of official Poland? As self-humiliating. One immediately imagine Gypsy on the street that extend his hand. And what general public needs to think of that? Of Poland? To have respect on Poland? Do Poles themselves have respect on Poland?

If official Poland knows that western Europe targeting Serbs, that Yugoslavia was targeted by western Europe, that Nazis came to power in Croatia and extreme Muslims in Bosnia, on Kosovo, that those new regimes committing constant crimes on Serbians (no matter of what religion they might be), and, if official Poland knows that western Europe madding in Ukraine, why would, why, for the sake of good God, official Poland declare every Russian move in direction of Balkan and Ukraine to be hostile? Why not criticize moves of western Europe? Why not tell- `if western Europe do that, let`s not be surprised when Russia do that`? Speaking of Serbs particularly, they called Poland to help, too. Not that official Poland don`t helping us but official Poland doing everything possible to complicate to Serbia. Official Poland act as open enemy. Why? Why support extreme Muslims and Nazis in the region here? Why not condemn Croatization of Serbs? Where is human, Slavic, Christian (on Orthodox Serbs) and even Catholic solidarity? See, Catholic Serbs never got support from Poland to survive as Serbs. We only see that official Poland encouraging them to be Croats. Why?

And then Russians are problem when they move?

Listen. Its obvious. Official Poland isn`t Slavic government. Face it. See, there are priorities and official Poland, by its behavior, don`t show any understanding for anything Slavic. How I see things, official Poland just selling fog to Poles. Is that good for future of Poles, time will tell.
12 Jul 2018
News / How strongly are Poles sure that president Duda defend Poland's interests ? [251]

I will speak in examples from my part of Europe.... Russia can`t be attacker, when Russia is called. My people calling Russia to intervene on Balkans. My people calling Poland, too. All Slavs are called to help.

Russia said will use nuke for Serbia, if pushed hard. What would now attackers on Serbia? Would they keep Serbian territories? Would NATO survive this? Maybe Poland also decide to come in aid to Serbia. That would be normal to me. What Poland has to do against Racowie? Can you imagine? We never wanted territory of Poland. Never. Always we were loyal to Poland. I can`t even imagine history of Poland without Serbians.

In all that Duda raising anti-Russian stance in Poland. In this moment it means that Duda works against Serbia and by that against Poland. So Serbs now thinks that Poles needs to be liberated.

Duda only deepen crisis. Think that he can survive as politician in Poland? Keep him and Poland will collapse
12 Jul 2018
News / How strongly are Poles sure that president Duda defend Poland's interests ? [251]


Should Polish public condemn Polish president Duda for his open anti-Russian stance ?

Here is the Poland`s situation:

* Poland is via NATO and EU in alliance with countries that historically wants to destroy Poland and exterminate Poles in genocide and assimilation
* we live in world without international order, where world powers doing what they want thanks to spreading of NATO and respond to it

Now, not that is Russia perfect (far from it) but, why would official Poland desire to destroy balance of power in Europe and see Russia ruined. Really, why?

Let us follow Duda`s logic and openly ask- What Duda want? Destruction of Russia and what then? Poland would be safe? Can Duda guaranty that today`s Poland`s allies won`t just swallow Poland, after they finish with Russia? Can he?


Let me tell it openly. Duda is traitor to Poland. That, or ultimate imbecile. Or both. Why? Let me elaborate. Because he as president don`t offer solution to Poles but creating them more problems. Plus, he is liar, hypocrite and political prostitute.

And, my Polish sisters and brothers, considering that your politicians bestially failed you, as a Serbian, I for sure won`t hesitate to familiarize you with reality.
8 Jul 2018
History / Where did the power of Poland vanish to, since... let`s say, some 300 years ago? [180]

I trust you brate. We will make for it. But Russians aren`t enough here. Poles are necessary or foe will manipulate, initiate propaganda.

Not to say that Poles, Serbs, we have our reasons no matter Russian reasons.

So when it start, I will look to North to see how Wigs are coming.

And Hungary and even Ukraine, turning to Serbia. Slovakia, Czech Republic. They all sense inevitable. We have some interesting development here.


Poroshenko and Vucic few days ago in Belgrade
8 Jul 2018
History / Where did the power of Poland vanish to, since... let`s say, some 300 years ago? [180]

Respect brate. Insult not intended. I know for contacts of Polish and Serbian patriots. I know what I talking about. That`s why I said that official Poland risking to separate from Polish people. I know that are Poles capable to recognize trap and that Poles also rapidly losing their nerves.

And don`t worry for Russians when the moment come. They shall play positive role or they can fu** themselves. For them, that would be last chance, too.
8 Jul 2018
History / Where did the power of Poland vanish to, since... let`s say, some 300 years ago? [180]

Don`t delude yourself, dobri brate. Poland is not free. Poland is enslaved. Held in the mud by its so called western European friends, while they doing all to weaken Poland even more, pump Poles out of Poland, economically bind Poland and push migrants into Poland. When the moment come, you shall come with us Serbians or there won`t be Poland in not that distant future! Its your last chance. For we won`t wait long. We shall repel the invasion. Official Poland stay on the wrong side and Poles go without official Poland. Mark my words. Such serious is situation.

And don`t believe them brate. They lied on us. Serbians were never mobilized in last 30 years. THEY dealt only with small fragments of our people on local level. When we all take boots, we shall push THEM in hell where they belong. Freedom or death! And let THEY then create EU by their standards. Let them hail Nazis and Islamists. Let them eat sh** of this world and underworld. Let it be Eurabia or Eurafrica, we don`t give a sh**. But what is ours will stay ours! It go with us.
8 Jul 2018
History / Where did the power of Poland vanish to, since... let`s say, some 300 years ago? [180]

Where is your power Poles, you ask yourself. Death in silence is what your foes wish for you, so that Poland and all Polish belong to them.


Power, glory and dignity of Poland shall be restored. But are you ready to pay the price, Poles! Are you? We Serbians will create chance for you but we can`t fight your war. Grab the chance. Don`t miss that window of opportunity. If don`t arise to resist in 50 years you shall be part of that multi-culti soup that creates western Europe.

In NATO you fight for rich magnates, for Islamic interests, for your natural foe- western Europe. With Serbians you fight for Poland, for your children. No retreat brothers. Its like Grunwald. Nowhere to retreat. Its life or death.

PIERSI - Bałkanica (Official Video) [HD]
8 Jul 2018
History / Where did the power of Poland vanish to, since... let`s say, some 300 years ago? [180]

We have need of you brothers from the North. Come to us. Let us summon Dragon again! Let it be what can not be, what is forbidden. Have no fear. Blood of ancestors shall be avenged and future of our children secured! Soon. Soon!

Slavic (ie Sarmatian) fist against the dark

otpor - resistance

Under the command of general Pavel Sturm- Lusatian Serb in service of Serbian Royal Army during WWI, this is how major Gavrilovic issued order for counter-strike against advancing Austrian army under the General Potjorek: ,,They said they will awash Serbia in iron! I never in my whole life heard such an ugly comment for one people. So, when they came, fight them with your guns. When you don`t have ammunition, use bayonets. When your bayonet is broken, use your fists. When fists are broken, use your teeth. When they kill you, fall in front of them. Let them stumble over your dead body. Fu** them even in your death! And don`t worry for your lives! Your lives don`t exist. High command erased them from its records. Forward to glory, for Serbia, for the King! Serbia!``

Quote entered in Japanese military encyclopedias on military academies as rare example of Europeans being capable of ultimate sacrifice and military fanatism.

... and they broke enemy lines. In few ours killing 25.000 broken and panicking enemy soldiers. Serbian losses were arround 4.600 troops. Famous Cer battle.
8 Jul 2018
History / Where did the power of Poland vanish to, since... let`s say, some 300 years ago? [180]

Sarmatians are foreign name for our common ancestors. Among them Racowie (Serbowie) were and are among finest. We turning to our roots in hard times, when we sense that fierce struggle for freedom seams inevitable.


Role of Serbian medieval cavalry in formation of Polish hussars


Sabaton-Winged Hussars (Polskie Napisy)

Sarmatian Knights
8 Jul 2018
History / Where did the power of Poland vanish to, since... let`s say, some 300 years ago? [180]

This thread,... started so long and not so long and still actual.

Poles knows somethings is wrong in Europe. But, they are held by all kind of shackles.

Shackles are to be broken. Realm of Sarmatia from Baltic to Balkan shall be free.

Resolve is inevitable. Foe push for it, thinks its their time now but, underestimated us.

Racowie are coming back. Coming to awake Sarmatia.

No, brothers, we won`t die in silence, humiliated and defeated.

So you remind yourself on your obligations to Sarmatia. Rest is private. Sarmatia is Sarmatia. Sarmatia is must.

1 Jul 2018
Genealogy / Are Sorbs Polish? Does anyone know about Sorbish enthnicity? [62]

Are Sorbs Polish? No, quite the opposite. Poles are Sorbs. They were Sorbs and now they are Sorbs in their meta-ethicity. To understand this one must know how is Sarmatian = Sorb. Also, you can say Sorb, Surb, Serb, etc foreign forms of also foreign Sarmat form but `Serb` or even `Serbians` as foreign form is closes to original self given: Srbin, Serbyan, etc.

But not only Poles. Ancestors of all White Europeans called themselves in some form of Serbian name. Meaning, those who still call themselves `Serbs` still using once original self-given name that was used by all European Whites. Poles at least remembered and have their `Sarmatian` (Serbian) legends. Its also something.
24 Jun 2018
News / Poland Sports News [1079]

they succumbed to English demands and joined the few nations in the English led World Cup boycott.

Poland`s position is indeed tragic. Like a colony.
23 Jun 2018
History / Future of Kaliningrad Oblast - is it possible to annex by Poland or will it become an independent country? [137]

They killed so much of us, incomprehensibly much and utterly cruelly, that we have nowhere to retreat. They leave us no choice. Its us or them. We don`t have any reason to give up from anything on their behalf. Every time we gave something for the peace with them, they took it as our weakness and killed more of us in first opportunity.

After all, we defending facts. With it we defending scientific truth and progress.
23 Jun 2018
History / Future of Kaliningrad Oblast - is it possible to annex by Poland or will it become an independent country? [137]

Prussians were BALTS...end of story!

You know what was old original name of Baltic sea? It was correctly recorded in oldest Roman maps. It was Oceanus Sarmaticum (ie Serbian ocean/read Slavic ocean). Then it later was by Germans known as `Mare Svebicum` (Pronounced in newly formed Germanic language > Swab = Serbs). Then, should I mention that oldest recorded name of old Prussians was Sambians.

Not to say that word `Balt` origin from `Blato` (ie Slavic, Serbian)- `Swamp, mud` in English, same as Hungarian lake `Balaton`.

Only in era when Germanc ethos started to appear from within (!) Sarmatians, under the Roman influence, early Germanic nobles starte to designate themselves as Balts. As you see, even them as elite of newly emerging ethos were not able to escape from naming themselves with the word that originate from within Sarmatian culture and linguistic logic.

Anyway, you want to suggest that there was Sarmatian ocean and that people who lived on shores was not Sarmatian people? Please, really please. Stop that. This forum should moved forward with knowledge, not backward.