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Joined: 14 Feb 2007 / Male ♂
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From: Novi Sad, Vojvodina, Srbija.
Interests: New Commonwealth (Sarmatia), Slavic Union, Poland, books, sport, traveling

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7 Sep 2018
Genealogy / What does my Polish name mean? [401]

Translating from Serbian your name in English could have two meanings.

1. Vadeslav (the one who extract Slav) >>> `Vade` from verb `izvaditi` >>> Extractslav


2. Vadeslav (the one who excuse Slav) >>> `Vade` from `vaditi se` reflexive (to excuse oneself, explaining onself) >>> Excuseslav

Now, you should try this translation from Polish.
3 Sep 2018
News / Mister President Andrzej Duda - Best Poland could get. [70]

Eastern Europe and you, the nationalist world of old.

Nationalist world of old?

So what you want? All Catholics or all Christians to be one nation? Same as Islam negate nations you wants all Christians to be one nation? Is that it? Are you religious fanatic or globalist?

If we, the Polish taxpayers, have any sense, then we will vote for a pro west candidate who realises that Poland is in central Europe

Somethings don`t stand right in your understanding. Possible Visegrad-Serbia integration as it is suggested by Hungarian PM Orban, among others, are integrations within Central and not Eastern Europe. So see, Duda distancing itself from these processes and turning to German and pro-German schemes. Actually, for Duda, that isn`t choice between Central and Eastern Europe. For him its choice for Germany. And he promised, after elections, to push for Intermarium. A Liar.
2 Sep 2018
News / Mister President Andrzej Duda - Best Poland could get. [70]

Not good enough for Poland. Not good enough. He hold Poland while events accelerate. Events require Poland`s presents and Poland is isolated.

Its not all the same if Poland hold Capital of Intermarium or just financial center. I thought Poland will hold Capital and financial center goes to Serbia. But how Duda doing, Poland will lose both and become just province of Intermarium, instead of crucial region.

And Serbs call Poland and official Poland humiliates Serbia, for interests of western Europe, while at the same time Visegrad Group started to gravitate around Serbia.

Think of this. Think of Duda. By all he doing Poland will stay locked within EU (Magna Germania) while rest of Central European countries moving in something else.
2 Sep 2018

I think that Poland finally profit from Russia`s strength. Poland is much safer since Russia discovered new nuclear technology- Nuclear Propelled Cruise Nuclear Missile, what effectively marks moment when world started open transition from Uni-Polar to Multi-Polar world.

I am all for friendship between Poles and Russians. Neutral relations between Poles and Russians are already satisfactory to Serbian interests.

more > Russia's Nuclear Powered Cruise Missile, by Jeffrey Lewis >>>


War against Russia became impossible. Crucial world powers agreed to transit world on Multi-Polar path. We see this happening all-around us.

And we Slavs did it. We liberated world. With granting to the world Multi-Polar option, we did it. At least created real condition for freedom. What would mankind with it is another question. But I am optimistic.

As for Poland. Multi-Polar world was salvation in last moment. For that credit goes to Russia. If this could repay some old Russian debt, some old injustice from Russians done to Poles, let it repay it.

Sarmatia is eternal! Eternal and inevitable. Remember that
2 Sep 2018
News / Mister President Andrzej Duda - Best Poland could get. [70]

My Polish brothers, Duda is traitor.

This is how Duda attacked Polish children when Polish children supported Serbia. Police brutality on children? Is that free Poland of today? >>>

Down with traitor and licker of Merkel`s!

Sarmatia is eternal!
2 Sep 2018
News / Purturbing opinion: Poland is not a woman, it is a drunk, inept guy in depression [30]

Poland should look on the Serbian example. Yes, we suffered because of our resistance but we would suffer even more if we didn`t resist! Have that in mind my Polish brothers and my most gracious Polish sisters. Most gracious, practically flower of this world.

They want nothing to do with your recent past, so I would forget it.

My dear English friend, things in your head are perturbed and dislocated. You was and are exposed to anti-Serbian propaganda. One of reasons for that propaganda is exactly reduction of Serbian influence on other Slavs.

See, things stand differently. In wars during dissolution of Yugoslavia, Serbs were attacked by paramilitary forces sponsored by western European governments and Islamic league. Part of USA establishment was also involved (Clinton and others). There was attempt to hide Serbian victims of genocide and to portrait our righteous resistance as attack on others.

But now we have venerable president Trump on the scene and things change in favor of the Serbs. Our resistance to manipulations with Slavs and to Islamic domination over Slavs and Europe starting to be rewarded.

God bless USA!

PiS are right.

no PiS is wrong. Very. They favor cooperation with representatives of former USA administration, while publicly speak of policy coordinated with USA.
1 Sep 2018
News / Purturbing opinion: Poland is not a woman, it is a drunk, inept guy in depression [30]

Only chance for Poland is that we Serbians succeed. If we fail, Poland is lost. You Poles can consider yourself extremely lucky for we Serbs holding attention of the foe for few decades already. If not for our sole resistance in Europe, Poland would stay firmly on the track of sure ruination in slow process of assimilation and abandonment of Poland in every sense.

So you got yourself little respite. Use it well, for foe from your western borders didn`t forget you. You will get reward that goes to you.

So pray. And not just pray.
16 Aug 2018
Life / Why do Silesians hate Poland? [41]

Place of Silesia is in Poland. All Silesians and all Slavs knows that. Germany just can`t do anything about it.
5 Aug 2018
History / Let's talk about the POLISH ARMY [79]

Please tell me more. I have several friends from this unit I need to locate

You ask, on Kosovo, I suppose?

You have friends in that Polish brigade on Kosovo? Sorry for that, man. What I know they are located on border between Serbia (province Kosovo of Serbia) and Macedonia. Most volatile region. Shquiptars (Albanians) killing each others and hunt local Serbs. Kosovo separatists provoke Serbia every day and Serbia is about to respond. Many Shquiptars are ISIS returners. Its even questionable how deeply is NATO united in the region. Region is bomb that just wait to explode. In the middle of all this are Polish troops on Kosovo. Afghanistan is joke for this situation.
5 Aug 2018
History / Let's talk about the POLISH ARMY [79]

Don`t forget. Most important thing is what values defend one army.

I know, many would tell how they know. But, do you know? Do you have information? Are you strong enough to comprehend?
3 Aug 2018
News / Israel opposing potential new Polish law to criminalise term 'Polish death camps' [1538]

By the good God, this thread is real virtual expirium. Put these two songs in one context and see what I mean when say that two peoples needs to live in peace >

Białe róże - White Roses - Polish Patriotic Song

and this >

Israeli Hebrew song - 'If there's a heaven' | Israeli songs sad jewish hebrew songs israel music
1 Aug 2018
News / Israel opposing potential new Polish law to criminalise term 'Polish death camps' [1538]

Poles should have good relations with Jews. Poles should find way.

I have bigger and bigger respect for Jews. Such a brave people, no matter historically so scattered and reduced in numbers. Such a bravery is characteristic of a truly noble souls.

At a time when anti-Serbian propaganda serve to distract attention of world public from real problems in the region. No matter all lies and power of western Europe, official NATO and EU, Israel finds way to say the truth. Again and again. My respect. My deepest respect. On one side problem with Iran, complete Arabic world and on other side, western European loyalty to Nazism. And Jews always find way to maneuver that middle path of truth.

"Genocidal Ustasha regime still glorified in Croatia"

The genocidal Ustasha regime (of the Independent State of Croatia (NDH) is still glorified in Croatia, Nazi hunter Efraim Zuroff writes for the Jerusalem Post.

This is what EU doing. Sponsor Nazi regimes in Europe. Sponsor genocide on Orthodox Christians and assimilation of Catholic Christians. Sponsor germanization and destruction of Slavs. That is EU. Monstrosity.
1 Aug 2018
News / Britain - problem for Poland and Poles? [117]

Britain is evil. Trust me Poles. Around `Serbian question` even future of Poland would be resolved. If Serbians are partitioned and subjugated, Poland don`t have chance to be free. So now, despite regular procedures within UN, Britain again issuing pressure on Serbia >

British establishment now confront Serbian PM Ana Brnabic


Brnabićeva: Videćemo kako će se završiti (Eng- `We`ll see how this will end`)
Serbian PM Ana Brnabic said how is Britain `politically insincere` and `non-serious`

more on info >

London doesn't want UN Security Council to discuss Kosovo

The last session dedicated to Kosovo at the UN Security Council was held on May 15. UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres has said that he was "certainly preparing his regular quarterly report on the situation in Kosovo."

28 Jul 2018
History / What is Poles opinion on Intermarium (Międzymorze)? [188]

News update (I hope that venerable brat Admin won`t merge this post with previous)

Speaking today in Romania, Hungarian PM Orban said that Serbia, same as Montenegro, belongs to Central Europe, not to Balkans. He then also said that Hungary, Hungarians and Serbia, Serbians see each others in same political community, in common future of Central Europe.... What connects Serbians and Hungarians is conflict with imposed forcible multiculturalism, we share Christian values, we value traditional families where every child have right to have father and mother, we share market and have compatible economies.


27 Jul 2018
News / Israel opposing potential new Polish law to criminalise term 'Polish death camps' [1538]

Now we listen something Jewish, to give respect to this brave and noble people. Sarmatians (ie Slavs) and Jews deserve chance to live in peace and prosper in cooperation.

Rika Zaraï - Hava Nagila

Thank you Jews. You are the first in this part of the world to have politicians that openly speak how are Slavs natives to Europe (and not only Europe). How are Slavs on their own and not some backward newcomers. You ending that cruel ruination of Slavs that was by Romans and Roman western European satellites imposed on us Sarmats. Minimum I can give you for that is my respect.

Let us learn to criticized and correct each others, on behalf of all our children. For peace!
27 Jul 2018
News / Israel opposing potential new Polish law to criminalise term 'Polish death camps' [1538]

True. Maybe that is main Polish problem. Complexes as result of foreign writing of history.

How could Poles establish normal relations with Jews if Poles can`t express themselves? Take this example.... How tell to Jews next thing... ``You Jews harmed us Poles and all Slavs during era of slavery and now we Poles expect you Jews to apologize to us.`` How could Pole tell it to a Jew? Really, how? To be able to tell it to a Jew and be able to comprehend whole enormity of that what he telling, Pole must be:

1. aware of Polish history
2. feel itself as Slavic
3. feel itself as Polish
4. aware that before Jews harmed Poles, Romans did harm both- the Jews and Slavs (ie Sarmatians). Romans are those who created world where was profitable to hunt Slavs. Jews, Arabs,... only founded itself in that world.

But, how to accept fact that Rome harmed Poles? Simple fact. How? Rome as Rome, Roman Rome and also later Catholic Rome. But without accepting that fact, how then to look in the eyes of others who harmed Poles? What to tell to Jews? To Germans? To Russians? Is Polish sensitivity selective? Rome can harm Poles and others can`t?

There is something what is called `universal human values`. One should behave in accordance with those values and one can always easily found way to talk to anybody. That goes for Poles, too. Poles don`t have equal standards. Poles must establish standards. They alone. Then accuse and then forgive. But not before you have standards. Honest standards.

Gavrilo shot the Ferdinand and Poland founded itself independent. Independent and confused.
26 Jul 2018
News / Israel opposing potential new Polish law to criminalise term 'Polish death camps' [1538]

Official Poland should coordinate with Serbia in approach to Israel and Jews. Let me tell you one thing- one, if sane, can struck the deal with Jews. But no, Duda repeating mistakes. Plus for stance on EU, minus for stance on Eastern and South-Eastern Europe.

Today in Belgrade >


Israely President Reuven Rivlin and Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic
22 Jul 2018
News / Poland supporting potential new EU members - Georgia and Turkey [32]

Force to be reckoned with, I agree. And Erdogan himself sound like a sultan or caliph. One can`t tell is it for internal political theater or we really looks how Turkey reform backward.

Fortunately, here in the region (Balkans), Turkey started to play positive role. Again, one can`t tell is it permanent or temporary. Hard to trust them.