The BEST Guide to POLAND
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Posts by Bratwurst Boy  

Joined: 2 Apr 2007 / Male ♂
Warnings: 1 - Q
Last Post: 5 hrs ago
Threads: Total: 9 / Live: 5 / Archived: 4
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From: Berlin, Germany
Speaks Polish?: No
Interests: his helmet

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Bratwurst Boy   
24 Feb 2019
Genealogy / The typical Polish look, or all Eastern Europeans [656]

I prefer my Polish human face to any horse face thank you very much :-)

Hey....there are pretty faces everywhere.

Especially the slavic girls are famous for their cheekbones! :)
Bratwurst Boy   
24 Feb 2019
Genealogy / The typical Polish look, or all Eastern Europeans [656]

Actually Radek Sikorski doesn't look very slavic...he has a rather square face without an especially round head...his coloring (brown hair/blue eyes) would point to germanic heritage.

But of course here in central Europe we all are a mixed bunch anyhow! After 2 Millennia there is no such thing as "pureness" :)
Bratwurst Boy   
24 Feb 2019
Genealogy / The typical Polish look, or all Eastern Europeans [656]

Let's take a look at German actors. Where would you place

That has not much to do with nationality but with heritage. You will find many "horse faces" in Poland too...Kopernikus had a germanic head structure for example.

as have all three of your examples. Compare them to the typical slavic round heads as here:

or here:

or here:

or here:

The upper head is bigger and more pronounced than with non-slavic heritage....
Bratwurst Boy   
24 Feb 2019
Genealogy / The typical Polish look, or all Eastern Europeans [656]

I agree....Slavs have rounder heads and higher cheekbones...square heads and also brown hair and blue eyes is rather typically for middle-southern Germans.

The blond/blue eyed germanic/northern types come often with a narrow/rectangular head (horse face:)....
Bratwurst Boy   
22 Feb 2019
Travel / Bent trees in Gryfino Poland.. (Any answers) [18]

[Moved from]: European Tree of the Year

What a cool of the best EVER!!!!

Important: Not so much the beauty is the deciding facter (is there something like an "ugly" tree???) but the history the tree has witnessed.

Poland entered the contest with the "Kneeling Tree" and made it even to the finals.

The story of this tree:

Go vote!!!! :)

In the European Tree of the Year contest, we are searching for the tree with the most interesting story. Voting takes place from 1 to 28 February 2019. When voting, always select two trees. Votes in the last week (from 22 to 28 February) are secret, meaning that preliminary vote counts will not be available on the web page.
Bratwurst Boy   
13 Feb 2019
History / Polish and German Borders-Justice for Both Countries or not? [37]

a more autonomous status of Silesia like it´s demanded also by some Polish.

Is it?

Looks like they are not really hostile towards Poland, and not as nazi as some people would seem to think.

The proverbial wolf in sheep's clothing! :)
Bratwurst Boy   
11 Feb 2019
History / Poland - problem for Germany? (historically continual hostility of German state on Poland) [154]

I believe that the strength is the best guarantee of peace

Nope, cooperation is the best guarantee of peace. Membership in the same unions, common goals and lotsa common projects. A deep political and economical integration, so that any conflict makes no sense anymore.

As it would be to hurt yourself when you try to hurt the other....THAT is a guarantee for peace!

Germany has 9 neighbours, do you really think there will be peace when all 10 countries point their weapons at each other???
Bratwurst Boy   
11 Feb 2019
History / Poland - problem for Germany? (historically continual hostility of German state on Poland) [154]

So, to spite the US you want the EU to collapse? I'm afraid I fail to see the logic behind that.

There isn't any logic behind. For Trump the EU is a rival on the world markets...

As for Putin, the EU is the main political enemy in his quest for power and influence in Europe...

To make it fail would please both of them.

It's downright illogical for any proud European to want to weaken the EU now.
Bratwurst Boy   
11 Feb 2019
History / Poland - problem for Germany? (historically continual hostility of German state on Poland) [154]

both countries have different geopolitical aims and goals so we could never be friends or close political allies

That's why the EU is such a game changer.

If you want to set Germany and Poland back on an centuries old, bloody path, it's your choice...I would rather not.

Especially since one of AfD goals is Gerexit which practically means the destruction of the EU which will lead to new economic model of Europe.

They won't win any elections with that. The contrary is true, to stop the incoming masses Europe needs to secure it's outer borders, that will only work together, when all chip in. It's in Germany's best interest.

The other alternative for Germany, alone...outside of the EU, would be to build a wall to all neighbouring countries, that is not even a workable dream here, rather a nightmare.

There will be no Gerexit, and there will be a longterm solution to this mass immigration. But it won't destroy the EU, it will make it stronger, we would have a real common border then, a border accepted and supported by its members, a step forward to a real union.

Common footie team next... :)

Putin speaks fluent German and wants a alliance with Germany since decades. Trump hates Germany, insults us nonstop.

Trump will be gone soon. His term is limited by law...we can sit him out!
Bratwurst Boy   
10 Feb 2019
History / Poland - problem for Germany? (historically continual hostility of German state on Poland) [154]

Actually, what fascinates me, even Serbia is more serious state then Germany or France.

Hmm...people are leaving Serbia....alot of them to Germany and France....

Around one-fifth of Serbian citizens want to emigrate in search of a better life and better-paying jobs, according to a new survey. Most of them are young people and almost all of them want to go to the West.

...Those who have already left do not wish to return...

That really can become a serious problem. Especially once Serbia becomes a new EU member and they are free to chose where to go in Europe. Serbia will empty out in no time.

In a few decades they will be all assimiliated into the West... ;)

Remember? "Voting with their feet", huh? :)

60% of young people planning to leave Serbia
Bratwurst Boy   
10 Feb 2019
History / Poland - problem for Germany? (historically continual hostility of German state on Poland) [154]

Okay...but what would be the alternative?

Our security forces are traditional more interesting for conservative mentalities...the Left and the Greens have destroyed alot with their attacks against policemen and soldiers doing their job and their generally dislike against weapons.

It's not as if they would want to fill the void when you throw out all AfD voters, not that you can as it is still a democratic party...
Bratwurst Boy   
10 Feb 2019
History / Poland - problem for Germany? (historically continual hostility of German state on Poland) [154]

....member of AfD as are most of my comrades and also superiors.

I really doubt that...

Strange use of language that.

"Kameraden" is used in police and military though. A traditional german description for brother-in-arms.

What you probably mean is "Genossen", another possibly translation for "comrades" in the anglo-sphere, mainly used by party commies...
Bratwurst Boy   
9 Feb 2019
History / Poland - problem for Germany? (historically continual hostility of German state on Poland) [154] is already better than anything in our common history! We don't shoot at each other and nobody is invading anybody. We are members of the same unions. We can visit each other, and are able to live and work in the other country when we want to.

That has to count for something, right? :)

For the rest, we will muddle through and hoping for the best as always....
Bratwurst Boy   
9 Feb 2019
History / Poland - problem for Germany? (historically continual hostility of German state on Poland) [154]

You should know that the pipeline is now very controversial in Germany too. There is no "us", it's mainly Merkel.

The number of german politicians who speak out openly against it is rising.

And yes, it's also a question of solidarity. It's nuts to ask Poland and other to help us out with the refugees and otherwise showing them the finger when its about our interests only and totally disregarding theirs. That's undermining every kind of good will inside the EU.
Bratwurst Boy   
6 Feb 2019
News / Poland in the European Union. Polexit? [559]

And yes, they do have a welfare system but it's minimal when compared to other Western European nations.

Are you sure?

Switzerland's AHV program is an income-replacement system for elderly citizens unable to work or their survivors. This system is funded via income taxation and redistributed to recipients to ensure the individual's ability to afford subsistence.[5] Disability insurance is similarly provided to those unable to work due to birth defect, disease or accident.[6] Family allowances are distributed to Swiss families by the government to compensate for the costs of raising children. Each child rates an individual family allowance package.[7]

That sounds well rounded....
Bratwurst Boy   
3 Feb 2019
History / Why are Poles/Poland disliked by Germans? [140]

I haven`t tried ultra nationalist German sites, then it might be different.

Surely it will be different. One thing all nationalists have in common, the hate of other nations!

As long as they are on the fringe margins one can ignore them...its when they gain power and come to rule is when it gets dangerous.
Bratwurst Boy   
3 Feb 2019
History / Why are Poles/Poland disliked by Germans? [140]

does nothing ever come from the heart?


As compared to "I KNOW people X hates people Y because some Z people I know said so?"

Yes, I prefer stats to that! :)

Join Pawian in his insect theory then. really believe any individual on his/her own would be more successful than a network of people supporting each other?
Bratwurst Boy   
3 Feb 2019
History / Why are Poles/Poland disliked by Germans? [140]

Yet, the time works to our advantage. The young generation of Poles is mostly EU-sceptical.

I have another survey, saying the contrary...especially about young people across the EU (including Poland):

New research indicates that young people in Britain, France, Germany, Greece, Italy, Poland and Spain are, by varying degrees, not inclined to embrace populist positions, nor would they support their country leaving the bloc if they had a chance to vote on it....

Asked to vote on whether their country should leave the European Union, 71 percent of young Europeans said "no," an increase over last year when 61 percent said they would opt to remain

...the Youth Europe 2018 study, carried out by YouGov on behalf of the TUI Foundation, found.

Question: How would you vote if a referendum on leaving the EU were held tomorrow?

68% should stay
17% should leave
9% would not vote
6% don't know
Bratwurst Boy   
3 Feb 2019
History / Why are Poles/Poland disliked by Germans? [140]

Individuals are the key,not colectiveism.

I disagree...a group of people with a common goal will always be more successful than the loner struggling for himself.

At one point sooner or later he will need support, even better a network....
Bratwurst Boy   
3 Feb 2019
History / Why are Poles/Poland disliked by Germans? [140]

from the borderlands to Wroclaw (breslau for you) things are fine, plenty of Polish German interminglings, tourists etc

And Spike reported in another thread about fat, sauerkraut smelling german tourists in, things are maybe indeed looking up? :)