The BEST Guide to POLAND
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Posts by isthatu2  

Joined: 3 Apr 2008 / Male ♂
Last Post: 6 May 2013
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From: in the auld empty barn
Speaks Polish?: a little
Interests: life the universe and everything

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9 Aug 2011
UK, Ireland / Why Poles will never belong in England [283]

englands first cavalry????????????? LMAO. Dont they teach you about Rome in Oz?
i love the fact you twist an invasion force of vikings and polish mercenaries into "Englands first" anything.
How does that work mate? Seriously,you should work for the Pentagon with that spin on things....... I suppose the nazi panzer grenadiers were Polands first armoured infantry then in your world view............
9 Aug 2011
UK, Ireland / Why Poles will never belong in England [283]

No,he was a Danish invader.............duh. Knut,not very English sounding name is it?
A page almost full of people who know fek all about the history of these islands pontificating with straight faces........fek me, get a life.

The Poles I know are well educated, fun and free thinking

yeah, I know a lot of them too,shame none of them seem to post on here.................
28 Jul 2011
Life / Rich man, poor man - today`s Poland [80]

Not Britain but Canada. At least I guess so, or I am wrong and the Canadian company makes Bombardiers in England?

Yes,same company,but Canada is a "cousin" and the jobs were in Derby,its not the same as government awarding the contract to a german firm based in germany with a rather foul history.
28 Jul 2011
Life / Rich man, poor man - today`s Poland [80]

And their name is - Bombardier! :):):):)

are you taking the proverbial Pawian? !!!!
Bombardier are the last remaning train manufacturors in the country that invented trains.....they just lost a crucial contract to that nazi company siemanns............i wont have one bit of their foul,tainted products in my house! now if I ride half the trains in Britain Im ironicaly riding on trains built by the main electrical contractor for Auschwitz......:(
27 Jul 2011
Life / Rich man, poor man - today`s Poland [80]

Warsaw will even look better next year with a lot of new roads and other infrastructure constructions to be built in the upcoming year .

Dont get rid of the Trams in a rush to "modernise" we in the UK are just realising how great they were but its costing a fortune to re build the lines :(

maybe the best thing about the new skyline is its "Free Polishness"..............I mean,when I was there the main visual image of "modern Warsaw" was pictures of Stalins mini sky scrapper (which,I like,but...) ,now I suppose its the mini Mannhattan skyline in the tourist brouchures?
27 Jul 2011
Life / Rich man, poor man - today`s Poland [80]

I dont like:(:(......homogenisation..but, I suppose its a good sign for Poland and thats what counts :)
27 Jul 2011
Feedback / I love this forum - It's so Polish: tolerant, inconsistent, amusing [244]

So many people have both a wife and a mistress ;-)

are these the French women with sagging faces again?

I was a life-long republican before I started reading your stuff

Lmao, oddly enough, I dont think I have ever in my life defended the Monarchy untill I read some of his posts :)
You may be right,he is false flag.mind, he says he is Turkish, maybe he is actually Boris Johnson?
27 Jul 2011
Feedback / I love this forum - It's so Polish: tolerant, inconsistent, amusing [244]

Well,it does allow harmless drivel from people like Nomadatnet which can be entertaining,but on the other hand it also allows less harmless drivel from some pretty strange people too.

Oh,and its allowed my rambles and random drivel without any suspensions so....Im really confused.Id have banned me for a few of my posts but conversley I hate rules and bannings for thought crimes.....arghhhhhhhh
27 Jul 2011
History / Poland: Her heroes and her traitors [217]

any of my family surnames appeared in the list of 300 traitors and I'd have been mortified if any did.

Its hardly a slur on you,and without living through the times we just cannot judge "minor players" (ie,people not fully biographed with well recorded motives) on what choices they may have made and regreted or made under duress or any other number of reasons alien to our presant day lives.
26 Jul 2011
Law / The right to own guns: would you support such legislation in Poland? [2237]

No,its not about punishment,never was.
Its a culture shift, a mini arms race took place when a new crowd arrived who were prepared to use extreme violance far more randomly than the old lags did. "Natives" needed to "tool up" and so,much like the east west arms race a stupid amount of weapons arrived and were mostly used by those on the fringes. That mixed with the glamourising of LA gang culture and you end up with kids tooling up to sort out the sort of stuff that even in my day in the 90s would have at most ended up with a bit of a staring out contest or one or two punches.
26 Jul 2011
Law / The right to own guns: would you support such legislation in Poland? [2237]

nott Britain was not an exception. What changed? Internet? EU? Pop music? Cheap flights

Ok,with my leftist lib credentials I'll jump in with the elephant in the room....................many moons ago crims used to carry shooters but very rarely used them,fast forward a few years and those "old families" were being muscled out by gangs from,lets say Jambadosidad where shootings and uprisings on the streets back home were day to day events,although with all the ganja I dont know where they got the energy.

Synchronicity combined in the early 80s,righteous anger followed by economic down turn followed by the rise of gang culture in LA by people our own sons of newcomers felt they could relate too.

You see footage of any gun crime in London or manchester and even if these days its a multi kulti meld of all races they all have two things in common, pants hanging below their arses and preposterous side ways shooting of pistols,thankfully that tactic keeps the number of victims down but it can lead to bystanders like that Polish lass a couple of years ago ending up dead because one lot of fcukwits from one post code area had a silly spat with another gang of thugs from a few blocks away.
23 Jul 2011
Law / The right to own guns: would you support such legislation in Poland? [2237]

so you must be one of the stupids.

nah, he's either just a harmless blowhard troll or a sad Uncle Tom for the mega rich...................coz odds on he aint one of them.

Upon taking power, why do all dictators (Stalin, Hitler, Castro.......etc) immediately enact laws which confiscate guns from citizens?

They dont. Quote them please, references,links anything substantial ..............
22 Jul 2011
History / Polish historical myths - to break or not to break them? [257]

Tip to spot napoleonic hussars, Fur lined short jackets,often worn cape like over one shoulder, and bizzarly enough, sort of braided "jewish" sideburn type thingys,like pig tails but infront of the ears :)

The fine chaps in your pictures are lancers,and yes,rightly feared and admired by their opponents,including us Brits, like I said earlier,we directly copied napoleons "Polish lancers" for our own Lancer regiments(ssshhhh,did someone say Charge of the light brigade ? ;)n ).
22 Jul 2011
History / Polish historical myths - to break or not to break them? [257]

and they kicked your ass! forces kinda kicked french arse out of Iberia then kicked french arse at waterloo, those two campaigns aside britain did not really fight on land as such,we tended to leave that to jonny European....................

But, FYI, those are Lancers/Uhlans you dope :)

That simple, winged hussars were outdated in XVIII century and not effective anymore. Them were replaced by :

Thanks,can you tell Monia that? That was my point......they didnt stick wings on them because it was a stupid thing to do,simple as.
22 Jul 2011
History / Polish historical myths - to break or not to break them? [257]

not kind of poor imitation by Napoleon soldiers .

LMFAO.................its fact,nationalists really are hilarious as long as they have no power :):):)
Sooooo Napoleons armies were a poor imitation of Polands,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,yes,of course dear,nurse will see you soon with the little yellow pills .......
That would be a non existent poland only given a crumb of exsistence by the fact napoleon liberated land that had once been Polish..............but of course, in your mind im sure it was the Duchy of Warsaw who conquered europe,fought battles on 3 continents,defeated europes strongest armies and liberated france to must be lovely to live in cukoo land monia,unfortunatly its history,its known,you are quite simply wrong,but of course,being monia uber Pole of course the entire world is wrong,you are right.............................
22 Jul 2011
Law / The right to own guns: would you support such legislation in Poland? [2237]

You got me on this one, I'm not aware of kids being incarcerated for profit with kickbacks to judges.

I have not got the details to hand,I think it was in Virginia/Carolina one of the states in that neck of the woods a year or so back now. This was "small town America" these were not ghetto kids being targeted these were in effect everyday middle class (white) kids being sent to youth custody for absurd reasons such as smoking cigarettes ,"only" getting a sentance of a couple of weeks but then having them extended for "bad behaviour" inside. It wasnt rumour,it was discovered and heads rolled,eventualy,but one does wonder if it took so long for alarm bells to ring when good kids were being abused in this way,how long for the kids from the wrong side of the tracks?

I'm interested in knowing what you define as civilized--I don't mean this smugly, I'm genuinely curious

Well, murder by commitee is not civilised by any standard is it? Bit too old hebrew for my tastes all this eye for an eye crap.

Example,white power nut job,violant man all his life shoots three muslims as "revenge" for 911,one victim survives and campaigns against his assailents death penalty. This is ignored,the wronged party is ignored in favour of "state revenge",no more,no less. Where is the "justice" in killing someone when his victim is clearly against it..................does that offer the "closer" for the victim that we here babbled about by supporters of the death penalty?

I mean,its not like the options were Death or Freedom, the guy was never going to leave jail alive for a double murder and attempted murder was he?

Whats more,watching the interview the guy did a couple of days before he was killed by the state it was clear he had been greatly affected by his victims forgiveness and campaign against his excecution, this was a changed man,if you like,not the same angry man who murdered. That shouldnt be a get out of jail free card,dont get me wrong,you cant just say "aww sorry 'bout that" and walk, but what angered me watchin it was just how usefull this man could have been within the Prison system working on re education programes etc. If talking to him stopped even one first timer inside wanting to come back then surely that would have been a far more rational and "civilized" thing to do.
22 Jul 2011
UK, Ireland / Poles in the UK, you know were the door is [102]

You are what you feel you are. Ethno-cultural awareness and self-identity are subjective concepts, a thing of the consciousness or soul, and no scrap of paper, no chip, no laws, rules, regulations or red tape can change that.

Was this regarding my comment that I just tick the "other" box? Its two reasons really,the first I have a gut reaction regarding racial profiling,on the one hand we are all told from on high that "race doesnt matter" etc (which I agree with) but on the other hand those same people seem obbsessed with making lists of peoples ethnicities,way to NAZI like for my comfort.

The second reason is much more laid back; Im a happy mongrol,Im Scots by birth and maternity,Irish by paternaty with English and Welsh in the mix a couple of generations back,but, Im raised ,identify as and sound like pure Yorkshire ! No box for that l'il mix :)

I think IKrash has it spot on, we are esentially from the same European catholic background ( thats small c catholic,being as we aint all Catholics but our Christianity stems from Rome rather than say Armenia) . Our histories are intertwinned to.
22 Jul 2011
History / Polish historical myths - to break or not to break them? [257]

Jeez , my entire post # 111 was dedicated to just husssar`s wings .

Yes,where it quite clearly states ;"
To this day, in the minds of Poles is encoded picture hussar with two wings attached to the backplate armor. This is a picture not so much wrong as misleading. Well, a lot more wing or wing (usually used for one) attached to the rear saddle, and that's after the occupation of the hussar of the saddle [note 10]. Very often it was used only for popisach wings and parades."

So,again, Hussars existed, Hussars did not wear huge wings on their backs...............its really rather simple.

, so Napoleon was inept to have such hussars in his army( know - how ) and didn`t have the slightest idea about it . He was a man gripped by inferiority complex, but with the exaggerated ego to understand that the Poles could help him on his way to victory - perhaps not at all studied the history of arms.

lols, I read, "napoleon was inept" then I know Im not dealing with anyone with any serious knowledge.
22 Jul 2011
History / Polish historical myths - to break or not to break them? [257]

Why can`t you contribute to this thread yourself , do some research , maybe you could find some english source for Pawian :D.

Why? I read your source in mentioned nothing about wings. Frankly ,as a military historian,granted with not much knowledge of specifically Winged Hussars I also tend to agree with the assesments pawian pointed out regarding simple physics,ie,you strap stupid great wings to your back then attempt to charge on horseback you are going to get dragged backwards. Whatsmore, the so called scary sound.............Oh, behave, in a battle with cannons roaring,muskets firing,dead and dying screaming and the thunder of thousands of hooves charging................bah, sorry,but youd need a set of marshal stack amps turned up to 11 to make any whistly whiny sound heard.........................

So,in short, Polish Hussars did exist. Did they wear huge wings into battle? Probably as ofton as Vikings wore horns in their helmets.*

* Vikings never wore horns in their helmets,it was a 19th century revisionism/romantisism thing,much as the whole wings in battle seems to be.

Just a bthought here but.....if Winged Hussars were such a war winning thing (which,in their day the hussars were undoubtadly) didnt Napoleon form any Winged hussars units either in his imperial army directly or within the Duchy of Warsaw forces?

He certainly employed Lancers,or Uhlans,both Polish and French "Polish" lancers,in fact, Britain copied the idea in many ways for our lancers,even down to the flat topped four pointed helmet :)

My suggestion for this would be that back in 1812 people who actually went to war on horseback knew fine well that the wings thing was a dud and had probably rarely been worn in battle. Sure, pennets of feathers maybe on saddles,but far from the Angel wings one see's in romantic paintings.
22 Jul 2011
Law / The right to own guns: would you support such legislation in Poland? [2237]

Are you inferring that the US isn't a civilized society, pip?

Hmmm, murder rates comparable only to third world narco states............death penalty............3 strikes and life laws........private run for profit jails incarcerating kids for profit and backhanders to the judge........yup, far from most definitions of "civilized" .......................
21 Jul 2011
History / Polish historical myths - to break or not to break them? [257]

So, what exactly are you going to prove , why did you say " nice " . For me, it holds an ironic connotation , does it for you ?

No,you are just a touch paranoid and not nearly as proficient in English as you like to think.
20 Jul 2011
News / Polish immigrants contribute to the world [32]

You do realise its a film based on a novel dont you? before you start getting all predictably indignant...................but Im waiting with baited breath for your review.........