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Posts by Bratwurst Boy  

Joined: 2 Apr 2007 / Male ♂
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Threads: Total: 9 / Live: 5 / Archived: 4
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From: Berlin, Germany
Speaks Polish?: No
Interests: his helmet

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Bratwurst Boy   
21 Apr 2019
News / Petition for War Crimes Reparations for Poland [126]

The so called "Prussian trust" and the west german Vertriebenenverbund was actually a big feared thing back then in Poland. Hence the urge to get that treaty about the Oder-Neisse-Border officially done...I remember weakly...
Bratwurst Boy   
21 Apr 2019
News / Petition for War Crimes Reparations for Poland [126]

Everybody who supports such claims supports also populists, they are fattening their numbers. Keeping old grievances with their neighbours alive with purpose has only nationalist reasons and is only supported by people who would love to throw every unity which has been achieved in the last decades happily under the next bus.

I'm suprised to find you in their corner Jon...
Bratwurst Boy   
21 Apr 2019
News / Petition for War Crimes Reparations for Poland [126]

Yet, it has nothing to do with war reparations.

It has all to do with the reparations....Poland didn't put a claim up then and now its to late. This conference in 1990 was the time and place to do it, the polish government wanted the Oder-Neisse-Border secured and they got it.

There was no other demand and then it was settled for good. THAT was the polish-german treaty which cleared the last questions. Money wasn't part of it. Done!
Bratwurst Boy   
21 Apr 2019
News / Petition for War Crimes Reparations for Poland [126]

But I did that already...

PS: Poland never lodged any formally demand, even as they bring it up again and again, and my guess is they never's's all only hot air for people like you!

Again show me your seriousness and ask Moscow for reparations...for their own and a share of the german ones...

Till then, I will file it under dishonest and hypocritical, so forget about it!
Bratwurst Boy   
21 Apr 2019
News / Petition for War Crimes Reparations for Poland [126]

It makes you both funny, BB in a nice way

Love you too Iron, but that "jabbing" really happens only in these forums where some can't help themselves and bring this topic regularly back on the table.

Internationally nobody jabs (beside eye rolls and head shakes and some groans inbetween)

1953 reparations were decided. 1990 was the day all rest demands was talked over and were decided...Poland got its Oder-Neiße-Border, Greece didn't show up and that was that then...

A few years later Poland (not having any open disputes anymore with other EU members) became member of the EU and the rest is history.

Nobody could have someone like K. many years later on the radar...but there is really no way for him and his friends to breath any life in that dead is dead and stays dead!
Bratwurst Boy   
21 Apr 2019
News / Petition for War Crimes Reparations for Poland [126]

There must an EU clause somewhere that prohibits members states from suing each other for the events prior to joining.

There is, in the accession protocol....."no running conflicts with neighbours" :)
Bratwurst Boy   
20 Apr 2019
News / Petition for War Crimes Reparations for Poland [126]

Serio, Germany is soo lucky I'm not in charge in Poland. :)

So we are all lucky in that regard! :)

But I'm fairly sure would you become elected prez of Poland you would very soon learn that nothing is that easy as it first sounds. In consequence you would have to bin most of your election promises/threats immediately after taking office and coming round to the thinking that maybe having good relationships with Germany is not a bad thing at all...happens all the time! :)
Bratwurst Boy   
20 Apr 2019
News / Petition for War Crimes Reparations for Poland [126]

That issue has more levels to it.

Not really...actually only 2. The one who wants money and the other who pays it (or not).

I rather think PiS believes Germany as weak and soft, they try for their pound of flesh as long as they think they can get away with it.

Otherwise it is illogical why they don't grate on Moscows nerves too at the same time. They fear Russia more than Germany...

It's abit schizophrenic....Germany is an partner and an ally, a good, peaceful neighbour, sharing most unions and they look for any things to pelt Germany with.

Russia is feared and depised, hated even...seen as an enemy....not a bad word from Warsaw, and for sure no demands!

Maybe Germany should become abit harsher? :)
Bratwurst Boy   
20 Apr 2019
News / Petition for War Crimes Reparations for Poland [126]

It get's boring...there are just no new arguments or facts or anything else what would demand a re-consideration. It's done!

Greece wasn't even part of the treaty talks in 1990, they even get less from Germany as in:


Your fault that you weren't even there. You failed to put in your demands then, now it's to late. Sorry!"
Bratwurst Boy   
20 Apr 2019
News / Petition for War Crimes Reparations for Poland [126]

I asked for links to government sites with photocopies of sufficient documents


Gesetz betreffend das Abkommen vom 27. Februar 1953 über deutsche Auslandsschulden*%5B%40attr_id%3D%27bgbl253s0331.pdf%27%5D__1555800148125

You could find it all by yourself, you know...don't play daft!

It began in 1953 in London and ended 1990 in Berlin as also Poland subscribed to make the after-war Oder-Neiße-Border officially and acknowledged for good by Germany.

You really want to resuscitate that old dead horse?
Bratwurst Boy   
20 Apr 2019
News / Petition for War Crimes Reparations for Poland [126]

And aslong as some nutters only always claim reparations from Germany and not from Russia likewise too, the whole thing just smells rotten anyhow....
Bratwurst Boy   
20 Apr 2019
News / Petition for War Crimes Reparations for Poland [126]

I'm sure you will provide links to those "subscribed treaties"?

Just in case you missed it the first 325 rounds before:

"According to a statement made by the German government on the issue, the reparations issue was resolved in 1953 as Poland declined receiving any payments from Germany."

That is the one and only answer Poland will ever get. Believe me...and come another election with K. and his followers slowly dying out that all will also fall into the fog of long gone history.
Bratwurst Boy   
20 Apr 2019
News / Petition for War Crimes Reparations for Poland [126] wouldn't be the first time...this topic pops up regularly....

There has been compensations, there has been treaties...if Poland today wants to disrespect them then everything else will to...then Silesia needs to be re-negotiated not to mention the billions of EU-funds pouring into Poland...not to mention opening up an interesting case for others who have historical beef with Poland.

It's a two-sided sword and in Europe nearly everybody can play that game!

So, nobody will do anything about it...only nutters on some internet forum or politicians hoping to win some brownie points with a small portion of the electorate for domestic reasons.

That is not really a topic any longer at all!
Bratwurst Boy   
18 Apr 2019
News / Petition for War Crimes Reparations for Poland [126]


That means nothing for it Greece or Poland such actions are meant for the home population, for domestic reasons only like an upcoming election seduce possible voters with a show of dicks...

Once that is over that reparation demand is forgotten like any other pre-election promise! It's a game...
Bratwurst Boy   
23 Mar 2019
History / What do Poles owe to Germans? [448]

Isn`t it so already? :) Or, it isn`t yet, if you mean the full unification.... :):)

I call it polish friend prefers the decision on the name is still out! :)
Bratwurst Boy   
16 Mar 2019
History / What do Poles owe to Germans? [448]

But the parcels could have been prepared for communist Angola, constantly torn by civil war.


Or Vietnam! They were always in need of some parcels. I remember THAT! :)
Bratwurst Boy   
16 Mar 2019
History / What do Poles owe to Germans? [448]

I too remember faintly packing such parcels with my school class, it was an organized action after school and all classes did it...

Mind you...I somewhat doubt that my East German overlords would waste their school kids time to send humanitarian aid in a roundabout way to support the Solidarity uprising in the "socialist brother country" Poland...I wonder where else the parcels were send to...

Wasn`t POLEN written on the parcels?

I don't remember! :(
Bratwurst Boy   
16 Mar 2019
History / What do Poles owe to Germans? [448]

Yes, I can give you that but only when it comes to some types of speciality sausages.

Thats all I ever wanted! :)

Interesting....I too remember faintly packing such parcels with my school class, it was an organized action after school and all classes did it...but I don't remember where they were send to....

There is even a movie about the West German help for Poles during that time:
Bratwurst Boy   
15 Mar 2019
History / What do Poles owe to Germans? [448]

Yeah....well....that doesn't count...we got it from the Spaniards who brought it back from South America before...

How about sausages?
Bratwurst Boy   
7 Mar 2019
History / History of two Neighbors: Poland - Germany Interrelations [283]'s about "Klima Schutz"....after that logic every child destroys to much of the climate (CO2 foot print). Rich children are not better than poor kids. To save the planet we need to constrain ourselves...the author said.

I can't help thinking that idea would fit better to Africa and Asia where people are spawning as if there is no tomorrow (China being excepted). Not really to Germany or Europe generally with their already sinking birthrates...
Bratwurst Boy   
7 Mar 2019
History / History of two Neighbors: Poland - Germany Interrelations [283]

Maybe german women will get in the future a bonus for NOT bearing children to fit the population size to the rest of the manual jobs where humans are still needed.

The first ideas are being thrown around....

PS: Of course to keep the borders open at the same time for foreigners with lotsa foreign children would be then somewhat counter productive..
Bratwurst Boy   
7 Mar 2019
History / History of two Neighbors: Poland - Germany Interrelations [283]

Just look at how Chinese cities look compared to the us or western Europe.

Nah....just much more people, they have to live like ants in huge and working like tiny ants....ants have no individuality, they only serve a purpose....

Your ideal?

Not mine!
Bratwurst Boy   
7 Mar 2019
History / History of two Neighbors: Poland - Germany Interrelations [283]

Most of India still lives firmly in the third world, China too. A majority is still uneducated even illiterate, dirt poor, without access to health care or even clean water, I'm not even mentioning civil rights and participation on a democratic process, people in Beijing and Delhi are dying daily from inhaling their poisonous, toxic air ffs...The people in the West live generally on a much higher niveau....most Indians and Chinese can only dream of!

A few prestige projects and a few abysmal rich people don't show the whole picture.

And please, just try writing a posting without injecting muslims somehow innit, TRY! Thank you.
Bratwurst Boy   
7 Mar 2019
History / History of two Neighbors: Poland - Germany Interrelations [283]

No wonder we need to import Chinese and Indians just to keep pace with their countries development.

Compared to China and India most of the West is still in another league...they have still alot of catching up to do!
Bratwurst Boy   
7 Mar 2019
History / History of two Neighbors: Poland - Germany Interrelations [283]

That's not a fair comparison.....

For the US and most of the West space has lost it's priority. A grave error which will cost us dearly, especially as the Russians have never let up and the Chinese have found their ambition to become a space faring nation too.