The BEST Guide to POLAND
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Posts by PennBoy  

Joined: 7 Dec 2008 / Male ♂
Last Post: 29 Dec 2013
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From: USA
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6 Feb 2013
News / American SM-3 ballistic missile site in Poland by 2018 [86]

Don't know. According to this web site, China has about 240 nukes. You only need a tiny fraction of them - say 5 in total - to make it to the west coast, and Seattle, Portland, San Franciso, San Diego and LA would be gone.

Those 240 are largely tactical nuclear bombs of lower destructive power. Few kilotons at best, something that would be used on small cities or army brigades, divisions. You need ICBMs to hit the mainland United States, and like I said the Chinese have just 2 dozen of those. The US has 450 ICBMs, and 288 SLBM on submarines with hundreds of cruise missiles like Tomahawk which can be armed with nuclear warheads and fired from ships.

and since estimates now place Chinese capacity at 120+ nuclear tipped cruise missiles a month rolling off their assembly lines

A months?? I'd like a link stating this. Plus as I said before a cruise missile is a short range weapon.
6 Feb 2013
Genealogy / Can one become Polish? [21]

Can you become Polish?

No, It's hard to even become a Polish citizen if you don't have Polish ancestry and you sure as hell can't become ethnically Polish, ur born into it, blood.
7 Feb 2013
News / Poland is the source of horsemeat in burgers? [169]

Poland is the source of horsemeat in burgers

Jeez, this story doesnt wanna go away. Especially since it supposedly is healthier than beef and pork while being cheaper.

Poland didn't put it in the burgers the countries who bought the horses from Poland did.
7 Feb 2013
News / American SM-3 ballistic missile site in Poland by 2018 [86]

So, yes, if the USN attacked China today, they would get wiped out.

I don't think so in the very least. 10 aircraft carriers plus 2 more under construction, Chinese 1. If naval strike missiles were so effective the US wouldn't be spending billion on air craft carriers.
7 Feb 2013
News / American SM-3 ballistic missile site in Poland by 2018 [86]

You don't seam to understand that it will not catch up in the next one or two years but maybe 20! Even if the pentagon reduces its budget from 700 to 600 billion it's still several times more than China's. Most 70% of Chinese equipment it total trash! remembering the 60s and 70s, cheaply constructed Soviet copies. There's no comparing it to American firepower. This is what the PLAs General Chen Bingde said ""Although China's defense and military development has come a long way in recent years, a gaping gap between you and us remains," Chen said through an interpreter. He added, "China never intends to challenge the U.S."

Chen made a similar point later at a Pentagon news conference with his American counterpart, Navy Adm. Mike Mullen.

"I can tell you that China does not have the capability to challenge the United States," he said, adding that China's wealth and military strength pales in comparison with that of the U.S. He said China's navy is 20 years behind the U.S. Navy." I'm sure he didn't tell all the truth, but more or less he is correct.
7 Feb 2013
News / American SM-3 ballistic missile site in Poland by 2018 [86]

I'll agree on one thing. China, eventually, will be a much bigger foe for the US than the Soviet Union ever was!. The Cold War bankrupted the Soviet state. Meanwhile China has over 3 trillion dollars in foreign exchange reserves. While the US is bankrupt, except from what it collects annually in taxes and a few hundred billion in gold reserves.
7 Feb 2013
History / "Westerner's" most ridiculous beliefs about the time of communism in Poland [73]

"Westerner's" most ridiculous beliefs about the time of communism in Poland

That people in Poland were starving because of shortages and empty shelves in stores. Meanwhile the truth was Poland until the 1970s was a major food exporter. There were shortages because Poland borrowed 25 billion in the early 70s from West German and US to build roads, hospital, industry... By 1980 it was time to pay back, with the economy is crisis, 870% inflation that year, it didn't have the money to pay. Some it paid with food. People didn't starve they drove to the countryside to buy directly from the farmers.
7 Feb 2013
News / American SM-3 ballistic missile site in Poland by 2018 [86]

Magazine size is going to be a factor. Number of launchers and deployment space is limited.

So far 1 site with 24 missiles is planned right on the northern border with Russia.

I think Poland's best bet on defense with it's rather limited military budget is large quantities of anti tank, anti aircraft, anti ship missiles. Poland can't really afford frigates, tanks, stealth fighters.
9 Feb 2013
News / New uniforms for Polish Army [30]

It won't their changing it once again. I really like this new one.

10 Feb 2013
News / New uniforms for Polish Army [30]

Isn't is made out of kevlar? As for the shape and good head protection, it's a copy for the German WWII helmet.
11 Feb 2013
News / 2014-2020 EU Cohesion funds for Poland [11]

I dont like Tusk myself but it's nice Poland is getting this money. It never got any Marshal Plan **** even former Nazi Germany did.
14 Feb 2013
Language / Slavic accent correction [110]

Russian accent

Putting the Russian government aside, I like the Russian language.
17 Feb 2013
History / Why will Poland always be the puppet of America? [159]

How about sending a Polish diplomat to Iran instead of building a missile base and making a enemy out of Iran?

Everyone knows, even the Iranians, that it's not meant for them but Russia. Would you rather Poland was under Russia's control again? Remember those fun times? Poland is too small and weak militarily to make it on it's own so it needs a big brother.
17 Feb 2013
History / Why will Poland always be the puppet of America? [159]


EU don't make me laugh. When Russia invaded Georgia they where ******* their pants, Russia isn't afraid of EU. Only the US can challenge them. I never said there would be a war, the missiles are to intimidate and prevent one, just in case.
18 Feb 2013
Life / What are those scars and cuts on many Polish guys' arms? [21]

Hello! I moved to Poland 1 year ago, and i still wondering i have seeing many polish guys with cuts marks or scars on their arms??

My one friend has several deep cuts on his arms. He said he got in a knife fight with another Polish guy while in Spain. So yes its from fighting, i dunno about gangs but hooliganism definitely.
19 Feb 2013
Life / Men in Poland in the forest? Just men? [133]

As a foreigner living in Poland I have long wondered why so many gatherings of men in the 'picnic areas' in forests? in my home country there would be guys and girls......but here it is just men always just the men???

That's a Polish thing, in the summertime it's a fire with guys standing around with beer and laughing. In the winter it's a kulig with horses pulling sleighs to an area where a fire is started to stand around, drink vodka and laugh about stuff. It's more or less like a guys night out, to get away from their women for a while.

gatherings of men behind the local Straz and behind the local village shops???

Well women wouldn't hang by stores with a bunch of men drinking beer cause it would make her look bad, like some *****.
21 Feb 2013
Language / Polish words that sound funny? [224]

Polish words that sound funny?

One one I hear Poles, here in America use, is leser. I thought it's just people who misheard the English word loser, as in a person, and keep pronouncing it wrong. Is it also used in Poland nowadays??
21 Feb 2013
News / Polish language diacritical marks at risk! [20]

Polish language experts launched a campaign Thursday to preserve the challenging system of its diacritical marks, saying the tails, dots and strokes are becoming obsolete under the pressure of IT and speed.

The drive, initiated by the state-run Council of the Polish Language, is part of the UNESCO International Mother Language Day. The campaign's Polish name is complicated for a non-Polish keyboard: "Je,zyk polski jest a,-e,."

That's a pun meaning that Polish language needs its tails and is top class. Part of the meaning is lost and the pronunciation sounds wrong if the marks aren't there.

Computer and phone keyboards require users to punch additional keys for Polish alphabet. To save time, Poles skip the nuances, and sometimes need to guess the meaning of the message that they have received. This is also true for IT equipment users of other languages with diacritical marks, like Russian or Romanian.

21 Feb 2013
News / Polish language diacritical marks at risk! [20]

This is a different thread on this forum but with regards to creativity and the relative ease of making a new word I don't see my there are so many new English words added to the Polish language these days. It wouldn't be difficult at all to make the word sound Slavic, Polish.
21 Feb 2013
News / Polish language diacritical marks at risk! [20]

I am not sure how English replacements can solve that problem within one generation.

I didn't say that English words in Polish are the problem with diacritical marks, quite the contrary since they don't have them. I was just talking about the influence of foreign words in Polish will mess up the language. The article speaks of it being inconvenient for people to write with the Polish diacritical marks via texting or typing on a computer, there are add on available for download to solve that problem, no need to be that lazy.
21 Feb 2013
News / Polish language diacritical marks at risk! [20]

i've just been chatting about this offline. in the early days of mobile phones one paid for the amount of space used. ą ć ę etc cost more to send than a c e

It's because most phones and computers are programed in the world language, English. If Polish was the dominant language in the world as English is all those ą ć ę would already be on keys.

ALWAYS use Polish diactritical marks. For me they sound cute. :D

It does make the word have more pizazz. You can for instance say ide instead of idę as many people talk and understand exactly what's someone saying but it wont sound as good.
23 Feb 2013
News / Poland A and Ukraine B. Compare how far Poland has advanced. [282]

Instead of that they glorify Bandera and people who were commiting such heinous crimes as ddd mentioned. They are building their national identity on the suffering of Poles.

Not entirely I read an article that according to a recent poll Ukrainians like us the most, even more than Belorussians and Russians.
25 Feb 2013
Food / "Poland - it's the new Provence of food" [56]

MSG is in all sorts of products in Poland, and far more common than in the UK

You must be talking about canned and processed foods only, the home cooked food in Poland tastes great, especially in the countryside. I dunno how much MSG is used in Poland but i'm sure it's more common here in the States, everything from snack foods to Asian take out.
27 Feb 2013
History / Poland's King Jan III Sobieski - the stopper of Turkish Janissaries! [64]

Sobieski stopped turks at vienna

Yes the heavy cavalry charge which he led broke the Turkish defense which led to their defeat but it didn't really take a heavy toll with losses on the Turks. The Battle of Parkany a few days later was a much bigger less known victory.
3 Mar 2013
Language / Polish was chosen the HARDEST LANGUAGE in the world to learn... :D [1558]

no different than half of the USA

Especially minorities and Southerners..With accents i like the one they call Hollywood, it sounds really proper.

German often looks like it should be easy for English speakers

Polish no doubt is difficult to non Slavic language speakers, i think it's mostly to being just different. Since English initially developed out of German why does it use a C instead of a K like all other Germanic languages?
3 Mar 2013
News / Poland's population on the rise [24]

Poland's population picked up and stood at 38.3 million in 2012.

Yea but is this due to natural increase, more babies born, or Poles returning home from abroad or immigration to Poland from other countries?