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Joined: 14 Feb 2007 / Male ♂
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Threads: Total: 154 / Live: 56 / Archived: 98
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From: Novi Sad, Vojvodina, Srbija.
Interests: New Commonwealth (Sarmatia), Slavic Union, Poland, books, sport, traveling

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15 Jul 2019
News / PiS candidates are losing positions in EU Parliament. Will they keep power in Poland? [358]

You worry to much...

Your wife told you that. Didn`t she?

Man, I`m not you. I would in every race run for my head.

They followed the USA into an illegal Iraq war

Fortunately, USA of today isn`t what is USA of yesterday. Not perfect but Trump make it better. So, if today`s Poland`s ruling establishment decide to follow USA in some extent, it won`t be that tragic. But, USA isn`t problem. Even hanging with Germany wouldn`t be problem if Poland knows what Poland doing. Official Poland demonstrate utter incompetence in every possible sense and one can hardly say how Poles rule Poland. That is the problem.
14 Jul 2019
News / PiS candidates are losing positions in EU Parliament. Will they keep power in Poland? [358]

And Poland will never have a better chance to change things than from INSIDE the EU!!!

How true. Since I am member of this forum and that is more then 10 years of hard work, I never heard bigger truth stated here. Truly. Non can change Poland as EU can. Change will be so essential that your grandchildren won`t look like your grandfathers.

Obama would be proud. In some sick way even Hitler.
14 Jul 2019
USA, Canada / Poles Living in the Chicago Area [300]

Salute to all brothers and sisters of Chicago who are loyal to our cause! Only strongly!
13 Jul 2019
Life / Why Polish singers are not popular abroad? [95]

Its complicated with Bulgarians. Everybody f*** them mentally and they likes to be receivers. The Pope, the Patriarch of Constantinople, Germany, Britain, France. Russians also penetrate sometimes. Now, would you sing nicely after such an orgies.
13 Jul 2019
USA, Canada / Poles Living in the Chicago Area [300]

We must turn Chicago in impregnable fortress for all our Slavic kind. Think of this. Always think of this. So when things in US worsen all our people from allover the USA can flee and find safe refuge here. Next step would be to declare Chicago a free Slavic city state.
13 Jul 2019
Life / Why Polish singers are not popular abroad? [95]

Vatican. Too much control of Vatican. Too much spins. Vatican eliminate vitality, passion for life and spirits.

To be clear, I here don`t speak about Catholic Church but particularly about Vatican`s influence.
12 Jul 2019
USA, Canada / Poles Living in the Chicago Area [300]

Are you guys gonna pull a srebnica or Sarajevo in Chicago?

Only if elements provoke wrathful respond and start first to attack.

Dude the serbs have no power. Even the poles

Compare to Anglos we are titans. You heard Chinese Xi who nicely said how is Britain insignificant country. Man, one can speak better of African countries then of Britain. I know, you may say how is USA something else. And it is. US belong to us all. Chicago belong to Poles and to Serbs. Elements try some f*** there and they get quick respond. One Serbian and one Pole count as 20 hostiles. That much we are stronger. Better man, nicer woman, healthier.
12 Jul 2019
News / PiS candidates are losing positions in EU Parliament. Will they keep power in Poland? [358]

Losing? Everything Polish losing position in EU. Never even had position in EU. What Poles can expect from its natural enemies? To pump more Poles out of Poland. My brothers, don`t you see, EU is kind of gigantic pimp.

But no, not that I here defending PIS. PiS is treacherous anyway.

You Poles rapidly new political player of the scene. Somebody pro Central Europe, Hungary and Serbia.
11 Jul 2019
History / The reasons of Polish pride? [112]


Polish pride - yes or no - would Poles find their scent

Poland can exist only as proud. Tell it to yourself, to your children.

Don`t buy BS. Its not nationalism. Its life or death. Its existence or no resistance. Its patriotism.

Racowie are with you. And let them lie on us. Let them. Its just normal for weaklings and dishonorable people to lie.

Poland is sacred! Protect Poland, save her!

Down with EU, don`t with Islamic league, down with NATO!
11 Jul 2019
USA, Canada / Poles Living in the Chicago Area [300]

This way or another Chicago is free and will stay free even when US is no more. Good God arranged that weak people of westerner European origin aren`t majority here.
11 Jul 2019
Travel / What is the ugliest city or town in Poland? [89]

Nothing ugly in venerable Poland. Only something more ruined by invaders and something less.

When is all completely in hands of mother, again, all will blossom.
7 Jul 2019
History / Why did Hitler call Poles Half Jews? [98]

Why this again finishing in talk about Russia?

Its Romans that subjugated Jews, molested them and finally, being themselves original Semites, succumbed to Jewish culture. So, Romans, not Russia. Its then Vatican that continued what Romans started. Here, yes, Russians tried to follow but fortunately failed. Then, its western Europe that inherit Romans and Nazi Germany, as derivation of it, not Russia. Now, its EU that follow all that I mentioned, not Russia. So, why we finishing in speak of Russia? Because EU wants to get rid of Russia?

You are all crazy, I see that again and again. You are blind if you don`t see that western European ideology pushing world in adventure. Russians becoming cornered and Russians will nuke them if they push them just a little bit harder. Simple as that.
7 Jul 2019
History / Why did Hitler call Poles Half Jews? [98]

Partnership is a good word. Strange times demand strange partnerships.

But why we talk of Russians? Let us talk about Polish army that sided with mujaheediens and Nasiz on Serbian ground, so that even in his death great daemon Hitler can be proud of today`s Poland. He and his reich and so called Poland`s western European allies so good kicked Poland that Poland lost any sense of measure of what is positive and what is negative. Is that about money? Money? But money is not the problem. We will have more money then they ever dreamed of. But, is that all what moves us? Money?

Tell me brate Dirke, is that normal to you that Polish soldiers walk with mujaheedines, terrorists and mafiosos against Serbs? Against Racowie? Down there on Kosovo Hungarian soldiers already have problems with this situation. Polish are more obedient to their NATO commanders.

Tell me Dirke brate, how we come to this point? What went wrong in Poles?
5 Jul 2019
History / Why did Hitler call Poles Half Jews? [98]

Why did Hitler said that for Poles?

Just to kick them, to tackle them, to provoke. Hitler was demon master and complete Germany is demonic. Generations there grow up on hate of Poles and Slavs in general. Shame really that such a demons exist in Europe. And entire western Europe is same way demonic. All beast after beast. Very few normal people. Very few.

But what pains me most is that is Poland now in alliance with Germany and regime of Poland actually even isn`t Polish regime. Its open occupation by ruling puppets. And what Polish masses doing? Obey. Obey. See, that is real horror. Don`t you feel shame my Polish brothers? Are you that womanized now and unable to offer decent resistance? You want to live forever, like some golden cow or pig? As something like that even exist.

Look this and awake > This is from time when started Civil War in former Yugoslavia and we Serbs were aware how is fascist Germany behind that > As brat Arkan said (citation) ``Third Reich is behind ustashe``.... ``so we will come to Berlin sooner or later to liberate even them from themselves, from this new fascism`` >>>

Shame on you Poles! In what you turned yourself. Shame! In alliance with Germany. Shame! Go give them some more children! Go give them! Maybe one day become enough
30 Jun 2019
Love / Help my Polish wife hates sex [46]

Our ancients were wise. Most of the life woman was pregnant. Pregnancy is the state in which woman minimally upsets nerves to its man.
29 Jun 2019
Love / Help my Polish wife hates sex [46]

Who knows. Maybe she`s some crazy nympho. Maybe non can help her.

But, her husband can take her to EXIT music fest. Enough people there. I mean, its a fest.
29 Jun 2019
Love / Help my Polish wife hates sex [46]

She's scared to have sex because she says she thinks she will get pregnant again.

Good one.

To be blunt, sounds like she don`t like sex with YOU.
6 Jun 2019
History / How different would WW2 turned out if Poland accepted Hitler's offer [219]

How different would WW2 turned out if Poland accepted Hitler's offer

Let us speculate imagining that whole WWII wasn`t organized by US and western European bankers or let us speculate exactly having that reality in mind.

** Acceptance of Poland would arrange things against Soviet Union so utterly that would Hitler win the war.

** Then Germany and USA would split Europe on their zones of control (Britain and British colonies would belong to USA)

** Slavic world would be exterminated, assimilated and destroyed. Poland would cease to exist and never would be restored. Russia would never rise again. Slavic countries wouldn`t exist.

** Apartheid and slavery would still exist and would be seen as solution for future (remaining Slavs would be only acceptable slaves).

** China would be by Germany and US destroyed in genocide.

** Black Africans would be exterminated.

** Entire world would live in eternal Bi-Polar world where USA and Germany rule.

** Ultimately, world would end in WWIII nuclear war between USA and Germany, if progressive Germans fails to appear on horizon. If they appear that would change the world into Uni-Polar world where USA dominates and US government would be world government. Meaning, Multi-Polar wouldn`t happen.
6 Jun 2019
History / Poland in a Slavic Union/Alliance/Federation? [335]

Poland should have never recognize kosovo

Tragic mistake by Poland to take part in partition of country that gave military elite to Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth. Actually, Serbian influence gave Golden Age to medieval Poland. So yes, stubbing Serbs in the back was very shameful act by official Poland.

That said, 3SI is a chance for Serbia to grow.

I said its interesting but, be aware that borders between Serbia and what is now Greater Croatia aren`t settled. When that is over and when Serbia re-merge with Crna Gora (Montenegro), Bosnia and Herzegovina and when Kosovo and Metohija are liberated and when question of Macedonia is solved, then we talk.

But tell me, how do you plan to prevent Germany from controlling Greater Croatia? Its impossible. Only pray Serbian justice to be swift and we liberate what is ours. What is ours was always open to Polish interests.
6 Jun 2019
History / Poland in a Slavic Union/Alliance/Federation? [335]

Interesting that about Three Seas. First that we see end of Greater Croatia and finish consolidation of borders of Serbian state, as it is rightful and not as it suits to western Europe and then we talk of Serbia in it.
29 May 2019
History / Why do Polish people hate to be called Eastern European? [120]

You can`t compare terms `Polish` and `Chinese`. One who is Polish, in its meta-ethnicity is Slavic (ie Sarmatian).

Be advised that China and Chinese represent meta-ethnicity. Exactly comparable to term as we would say Slavs or Eastern Europeans. For example, you have Han people that are majority of Chinese. Then you have Duani, Tungizu, Panthay, Tibetans, Mongols, etc, etc, etc. They are all Chinese same way as Poles, Russians, Serbs, etc peoples Slavs. Term `Eastern Europeans` can be considered to be same as `Slavic` and `Slavic influenced`. That is today`s situation and I won`t go now in deeper past or observe future trends.
27 May 2019
History / Why do Polish people hate to be called Eastern European? [120]

Crow that too much BS even for you.

Like that Duda speak thru your mouth.

You know very well that western Europe represent bigger problem to Poland then Russia. You think western Europeans love Poles more then Serbs? Only because Poles are mostly Catholic, western Europeans would kill them once, while Serbs would be killed trice. I mean we refuse to die, but that`s what they think of us. So that is the slight difference, I agree. Difference yes but, that's not love.

In other words, you consider Russians weaker then western Europeans and that is why you spit on Russians. Yes, I am absolutely sure that you don`t love Russians, true. But for western Europeans you feel only hate. It is them who force you not to be Polish, not to be Slavic. You don`t see Russians as obstacle to that. You know and you anyway speak against Russians.

It all speaks of your weak character.
26 May 2019
History / Why do Polish people hate to be called Eastern European? [120]

Yes, much better than the current Bi-Polar world.

Just to clarify, Bi-Polar world was domination of USA and western Europe, or as it is also in our time, domination by USA and China. But we also had phases of Uni-Polar world with sole domination of USA.

Effectively, today, world is in transition from Bi-Polar to Multi-Polar, where Multi-Polar designate world with shared domination of major human civilizations.

Speaking of Slavic world in all these changes, I once already said how we finally (after at least 1500 years) entered in period where strong Poland suits best Russia`s interest. It is western Europe that losing if Poland and other countries on Baltic-Balkan line form Central European Union.
26 May 2019
History / Why do Polish people hate to be called Eastern European? [120]

Why do Polish people hate to be called Eastern European?

Those complexes belong to past. It is from era when geographically western Europeans dominated and play games with Eastern Europe and world. And geographical west even isn`t core of West but periphery of the West.

We entering in era when true West- Slavic world and Eastern Europe coming on the stage as re-claimers of their rightful place in European and world affairs. Our liberation is possible thanks to establishing of Multi-Polar world.