The BEST Guide to POLAND
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Joined: 14 Feb 2007 / Male ♂
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Threads: Total: 154 / Live: 56 / Archived: 98
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From: Novi Sad, Vojvodina, Srbija.
Interests: New Commonwealth (Sarmatia), Slavic Union, Poland, books, sport, traveling

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8 Aug 2019
Food / British food products in Poland? [334]

No, no contest. I merely pointed out how is story of good British cheese nothing but ugly joke. What good can be there. London fog? Selling fog to Poles, man, don`t you?

Polish cheeses are just....rubbish.

Rubbish you say? Rubbish? Provoking don`t you?

Man, Polish cow and fungus receive far more sun then English cow and English fungus. Comparing to Poland, Britain is like Mordor. How could Mordor give good cheese?

What on earth did you visit that scum country for Delph? Got a death wish?

Good one. But he got himself decent peace of cheese, on the contrary to you who would remind backward till the end of life.
7 Aug 2019
Food / British food products in Poland? [334]

Yes. But if I said that they wouldn`t believe me. They are too indoctrinated by politics.

Anyway, would you believe me if I tell you that Hungarians even don`t have that kind of cheese or to say milk products. All sorts of cheese you can eat with spoon. They generally have good food industry but I was fascinated when friends of mine from Hungary once asked me to bring them kajmak and some other soft cow and goat cheese. They said they don`t have it what was shock to me. I learned later that we truly have good dishes and kitchen in this country, in comparison to many others in Europe.
7 Aug 2019
Food / British food products in Poland? [334]

Because Poles can't make decent cheese genius.

I see. But its rather that you know nothing, same as Brits don`t know nothing about cheese.

For really good cheese you go to European country in a little bit warmer climate, better mountains and fields. Country that is much closer to Poland and therefore transport costs are far lower then transport from Britain to Poland. But sure, if you have wrong information, corrupt politicians, deluded brain and distributors with monopoly, you finish eating British cheese, instead of cheese from that other country. Cheese that is really top.

Actually, they can. And do. I've had some jaw-droppingly good Polish cheeses at "Ecological markets".

See. There is alternative among Polish products, too.
7 Aug 2019
Food / British food products in Poland? [334]

If I kindly may. If I may ask dobri panowie, why would somebody Polish buy British food products in Poland? Isn`t that even stupid? Why not boycott British products and show more loyalty to Polish products? Mind yourself, what good Britain done for Poland ever. If you think calmly, you would realize nothing. Britain only used Poles. See? Logic is clear and here come the point. I mean, whenever you see British products, just move your hand to the Polish product and be smart. Better to contribute to Polish industry, isn`t it, after all.
6 Aug 2019
Off-Topic / DALMATIA - How much Poles love Dalmatia ? [123]

Still, it is so proper for Serbian to initiate only thread that speak of Dalmatia on this forum.

Now, speaking of today`s Croatia. At moment when economy collapsing, you know how much Dalmatia contribute to Croatia every year? In average 8 billion eur from tourism every year. All goes to Zagreb. Exploitation of Dalmatia is complete and absolute. Total abuse.

So no wonder why already exist separatist movement in Dalmatia. No wonder. It always starting from economy and then people will start to put unpleasent question - Why we are forced to be Croats when we aren`t Croats? Some would say `I am of old Catholic Serbs`, some `I am Slavo-Dalmatian` and some `My ancestors were Orthodox Serbs and then forcible converted to Catholicism and then forced to be Croats` and some `I am Yugoslavian`.

Croatia will crumble and Dalmatia will be free. Herzegovina, Bosnia, Slavonia, too. Liberation must come firstly from within. Sure, if Zagreb try to use force against people, Serbia should react.
6 Aug 2019
History / History of two Neighbors: Poland - Germany Interrelations [283]

I self-critically analyzed myself and concluded that I am right and that many of you mistaking. I am among those on this forum who bringing fresh winds, rising topics entirely shunned, underestimated and ignored by some others. That is how I serve to Poland here and to Poles.

your fast diminishing and unimportant little country.

Let us stay on topic here. On one angle of it. Strictly on Poland - Germany interrelations and where is Vatican in this.

How much is Poland important? Really?

Some say `Poland is important Catholic country`. I don`t see that. What I see is that Vatican always (!) prefer German interests above Polish interests. Actually, Vatican even prefer Anglo interests over Polish. Powerful Protestants are more important to Vatican then Poland.

You know when is Poland important? Only when comes to `Drang Nach Osten`. Then Catholic Church show sympathy to Poles. Sympathy. Power still goes to Germany. But sympathy goes to Poland strengthening anti-Russian stance. For that Poland is important. Use Poles against Russians. Get rid of both, of Poland and of Russia. Perfect solution. Then western Europe can expand.

After all, Rome and Catholic Church authorized Danish destruction of Arkona. Why didn`t they give it to Poland? Why not? Why to Danes? It was natural entire today`s Eastern Germany to be Poland now but Catholic Church made deal with Germanics. Why?

Would anybody here care to answer to that question. Please, tackle that, will you?

Its about as close as you can get to worshipping Satan.

You say that my respect on Svetovid represent `satanic` thing?

Why would you insult me like that? Insulting all Slavs here? Are you sane? This is 21 century.

Anyway, why Irish can have their pre-Christian elements in their Catholicism (Christianity) and Slavs can`t? Or take Germans. They are proud of their pre-Christian roots (no matter that those roots are Slavic but they are blind to it). See, there is more questions.
5 Aug 2019
History / History of two Neighbors: Poland - Germany Interrelations [283]

World in which we live is world of disorder and we know who made it disordered. Those who destroyed international order and police the world. New order is - one will take what one can and when win, write the history.

Nobody will let you do that.

Those who don`t like us, may only tackle our testicles.

Vatican loves Poles and don't ever forget it.

That is the love of black widow. Male of black widow regularly forgets his head but love never, that`s for sure.
5 Aug 2019
Off-Topic / DALMATIA - How much Poles love Dalmatia ? [123]

This is only thread on this forum that have word Dalmatia in its title and you ruined it, made it non-public. Ruined. You had to do it, didn`t you?

Just to prevent Poles to get real information. Plus you lie and spread some poisonous propaganda. You are some nasty British who pretend to be Polish and f*** this entire forum and hold Poles in naivety.
5 Aug 2019
History / History of two Neighbors: Poland - Germany Interrelations [283]

If I were you I would worry more about your own nation's declining population.

I stooped to worry. We are now on the path of recuperation.

A tiny nation of only 7 million .........What happened to that great Serbian manhood?Did they lose their balls?

7 now but we will expand. Many millions in the region await liberation, many of all three faith, Orthodox, Catholic and Muslim. Plus atheists and philosophers. And Svetovid smile to all. So, we will expand and Poland won`t expand. You know why? Because we know our foe. We got resilient to that poison. We know Vatican don`t like us, while Poles think that Vatican loves them. That is the crucial mistake. They would be even more cruel to Poles then to us who resist. Look poor Germans. They believed blindly in alliance with Vatican and they accepted refugees en masse. Granny Merkel is very stupid. Very. And evil.
5 Aug 2019
Off-Topic / DALMATIA - How much Poles love Dalmatia ? [123]

You know Dalmatia, don`t you Poles. That is Slavic part of Adriatic. All what is Slavic Adriatic coast, all is Dalmatia in wide sense.


Province of Dalmatia during the Roman Empire

So, how much?
5 Aug 2019
History / History of two Neighbors: Poland - Germany Interrelations [283]

Decline of Poland`s population is precursor to all kind of hostilities against Poland. Add to it completely corrupt and incompetent leadership and that`s it. But Poland is just lucky that Germany and entire western Europe made many tragic mistakes recently and aren`t able to even think of Poland. Not only that but Poland maybe even get some time to recuperate and move western, if play wisely. If.

Not to mention rapid population growth is an all but certain precursor to war - Syria more than tripled its population

Beside Libya, Syria was among most advanced Islamic countries. I mean, before NATO leading countries ruined it, same as they ruined Libya. Certainly, no any population growth was precursor to war in Syria.
5 Aug 2019
History / History of two Neighbors: Poland - Germany Interrelations [283]

I contemplated on what would official Poland do when Germany finally collapse and, you know what, I came to certain conclusion.

That what is now Germany would become and belong to almost all but not to Poland. Nothing to Poland. Nothing. France will expand, Switzerland, Belgium, Netherlands, Luxembourg. Even Czech Republic would expand. Even one new state will emerge on the map of Europe and that is Lusatian Serbia. Yes, almost all would expand except Poland. That is so because Poland would be stunned, tear apart between all wishes of her western European friends. Poland would wait for Vatican`s opinion. For French opinion. For USA opinion. British opinion. Etc.

So, while Poland wasting its time, others will expand. And when finally arrive opinions from Poland`s western European friends, advice to Poland will be: ``Pump more anti-Russian propaganda over mass media. Give to Poles something to think about.``
3 Aug 2019
History / History of two Neighbors: Poland - Germany Interrelations [283]

Poles listen.

Absolutely forget to comprehend Germany as threat and danger for Poland. That time is behind us all. That German involvement in violent dissolution of Yugoslavia was last German mistake. Spoke to some people, listening public media, political analyzers and conclusion is simple, and that is that certain powerful centers have serious problem with Germany, ie Germany have problems with them.

Germany belongs to past. They won`t get chance for next mistake. Everything in Europe would be corrected to state before Germany and Ottoman Turks appeared as states in Europe. Every their strategic project erased and damage corrected.

Europe would see serious changes.
2 Aug 2019
News / Food producers from Poland should stop suffering from obliged sanctions against Russia [75]

Crucial info ! Please note ! Share info, support Polish industry !

Unlimited export of pig/pork meat from Serbia into China !!! Please share info with other Polish web sites. Great opportunity for Polish pork meat producers. So, once more, please, share info. Its really valuable info for Polish producers. Really important. Poland and Serbia already have great projects in food industry. Poles, contact your Serbian partners and join in project.

Serbia of course don`t have capacity to satisfy Chinese market and have to increase production. Still, Serbia preparing to call Central European countries farmers, pork meat producers and chambers of commerce to cooperate with Serbia in this matter, in mutual interests.

>>>>>>> b92.../biz/vesti/srbija.php?yyyy=2019&mm=08&dd=02&nav_id=1573065

We speak of quantities that are on the level behind comprehension.
30 Jul 2019
Work / Business ideas for Poland [63]

For renowned Japan tire manufacturer Toyo Tires, EU as a whole and EU member countries became too fragile for serious investments.


Poland may soon come to the point where being EU member brings more complications then profit.
24 Jul 2019
Food / What do non-Poles think about eating the following Polish foods? [1390]

When I as 300% Polish eat that Polish food I always contemplate on those Poles who are only 100% Polish or who are, God forbid, known as plastic Poles. And I can tell you, I feel fine when contemplate on them and eat. I enjoy at least 300% more then them.
24 Jul 2019
USA, Canada / Shipping personal possessions from US to Poland [11]

Moving to Poland From Michigan

Very very wise. If not little Slavia that is Chicago or little Poland if you wish, then it is always healthy European Poland, mother of many healthy people.
24 Jul 2019
Off-Topic / Random Sports News [742]


FIBA Basketball World Cup 2019 tournament in China - What Poles and Poland expect ?


What I know Poland starts on August 31, in Beijing sport arena, Poland vs. Venezuela
22 Jul 2019
History / Polish treasures in Sweden? [18]

Swedes are dirty thieves. Good that you Poles joined force with Russians and kicked Swedes in time, when they tried to scr** you totally.
20 Jul 2019
USA, Canada / Poles Living in the Chicago Area [300]

It is really hard to believe.

I am shocked. They will turn Pulaski in Colombia safe heaven. They only lack nargiles to fall completely.

Right back at ya!

Don`t shame yourself man, and this venerable forum, with your vulgarities. Very primitive performance, you know.
18 Jul 2019
News / PiS candidates are losing positions in EU Parliament. Will they keep power in Poland? [358]

PiS and their main opposition is far past, being blinded by Germany and Britain. Germany is down and Britain running like a rat and gave up from entire Europe. You Poles needs new political power on the scene or Poland losing leading position in emerging Central European Union.

Look at stupid Germany. It pays its price again. Now France leads western Europe. After all, French proved to be wise.
15 Jul 2019
News / PiS candidates are losing positions in EU Parliament. Will they keep power in Poland? [358]

You worry to much...

Your wife told you that. Didn`t she?

Man, I`m not you. I would in every race run for my head.

They followed the USA into an illegal Iraq war

Fortunately, USA of today isn`t what is USA of yesterday. Not perfect but Trump make it better. So, if today`s Poland`s ruling establishment decide to follow USA in some extent, it won`t be that tragic. But, USA isn`t problem. Even hanging with Germany wouldn`t be problem if Poland knows what Poland doing. Official Poland demonstrate utter incompetence in every possible sense and one can hardly say how Poles rule Poland. That is the problem.