The BEST Guide to POLAND
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Joined: 14 Feb 2007 / Male ♂
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From: Novi Sad, Vojvodina, Srbija.
Interests: New Commonwealth (Sarmatia), Slavic Union, Poland, books, sport, traveling

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4 Nov 2019
News / Poland in the European Union. Polexit? [559]

When happen, Polexit will happen with BIG BANG. It won`t go with negotiations as in case with Brexit. Oh, no. Look issues of Northern Ireland and Scotland. Entire Britain reverberate with tremors as parts of countries seek to stay within EU. But that is Britain. Poland is not Britain. You think Germanics and Francos won`t try to stimulate Silesia, Swinouscie, etc. regions to secede from Poland? They will.

That is why Poland already prepare its maneuverable space, making itself ready for the inevitable. Do you now understand some moves of PiS and Duda?
2 Nov 2019
Life / "The Poland question?" Is antisemitism growing? [21]

Jews don`t helping themselves. Why not apologize to Poles for Jewish role during era of slavery, when Jewish traders were famous by their `Slavic` commodity all around western Europe, Near East and Northern Africa.

Sure, Jews made fine first step by publicly speaking of Slavs as natives of Europe. Pan Netanyahu is a great man. My people appreciate that. But Poles are even more sensitive.
24 Oct 2019
Off-Topic / DALMATIA - How much Poles love Dalmatia ? [123]

Tomislav 1 - Zagreb.

Fiction and myth from back then 200 years ago, when Vatican`s agreed with Austria to scr** Serbs and Germanize them so Croatization was phase to it. Told you, one can hardly say who was more tortured by Popes, Serbs or Poles. We Serbs were killed trice and Poles at least once. In any case we coming to same outcome and just resurrecting now.

Did Tomislav even existed? Noble probably did exist but historians aren`t sure even in his identity and name. Probably some noble did exist and he was self-declared King. If you wants to believe so. But it is not known when, where, or by whom he was crowned. Figure that. And all that on area of Slavic Shtokavian dialect (ie Serbian language by official global linguistic science). Split, where Tomislav supposedly crowned himself is deeply within Shotkavian (Serbian) speaking area.


Serbo-Croatian = Serbian language (it was also falsely named as Serbo-Croatian, when all knows it is Serbian) - but map clearly shows its about one and same people in 80% of former Yugoslavia

Common story in the region about eventual Tomislav is that we speak of noble that was promoted to King just to deliver Zagreb, Krizevci and Varzdin (back then region named Croatia but its not ethnic region- `Croat` name is foreign given form of Serb name, while by linguistics `Hrv` represent softened `Srb`, again under foreign linguistic influence) to Hungary. And what makes him Croat when at that time Croats were Latin label for Serbs. Later label for Catholic Serbs.

Tomislav, minus 1. Plus, why do you speak of Serbs when speak of ``Croats``?

Born in Buda.Her father was Hungarian and mother was Bosnian.

Bosnian Kotromanic family inherit from Nemanjic lineage. Jadwiga`s grandmother was Nemanjic. Nemanjic`s were the highest ranking noble (crowned Imperial, by Pope of Rome and Patriarch of Constantinople- only ruling nobles in Europe crowned by both, Catholic and Orthodox Church) house in Jadwiga`s lineage and that makes her originate from Nemanjic`s nobles.
24 Oct 2019
Off-Topic / DALMATIA - How much Poles love Dalmatia ? [123]

Unfortunately for you, history favours Croatia, Serbs and Croats settled in their lands at about the same time in the 7th century.

Nonsense, delusions, German and Vatican`s propaganda.

`Croat` name is the Roman version of Serbian name and some 200 years ago it was decided in Austria and Rome, Croat name to be applied solely on Catholic Serbs, to separate them from Orthodox Serbs. See, it is Germano-Vatican expansionist project.

But Croatia was a state before Serbia was.

You believe that myth. That lie.

Do you know any ``Croat``? Travel to what is now still Croatia? See, when you talk to those still deluded, ask them for at least 1 grave of any Croatian King. Any. At least 1. Only 1. I mean, even most backward African tribe can show you few graves of their Kings. ``Croats`` don`t have graves of any King. You know why? Because in past they existed as Catholic and Orthodox Serbs and center of state wasn`t in what is now Croatia. Actually, some Catholic Serbs originated from around Split in Dalmatia and Herzegovina and it was Serbian Imperial Nemanjic dynasty (that was original Catholic but opted for Orthodoxy when Pope pressured them). Even their grave isn`t in what is now Croatia but in old Raska region (now and then in Serbia), center of old statehood.

Yes, no single grave of Croatian King in Croatia. You didn`t know that?

You know, when you talk to deluded Croats, they will tell you how are ``Catholic Serbs`` invention of Serbian propaganda. But, you can consult, for example, Catholic online Encyclopedia and see on your own. Read about Nemanjic dynasty and many more other Catholic Serbs. BDW, Polish Jadwiga originate from Serbian Nemanjic dynasty.
21 Oct 2019
News / PiS candidates are losing positions in EU Parliament. Will they keep power in Poland? [358]

Ah, its simplistic approach. Kremlin wants to see central European Union on its western borders rather then EU, its a fact. Russians are wise not to trust to western Europe that using EU as instrument to assimilate Slavs and spread on east (one aspect of it all - EU is Drang Nach Osten). But, Britain also don`t trust to Germany and France. That brings us to USA, great Anglo mother and father to mankind with a mission that include taking Jewish interests in account. It all set Anglos, Jews and Russians on one side. That was moment when Vatican gave up and gave agreement. Germany and France were then isolated from Turkey. Turkey gave up. When China entered game world was then cemented as Multi-Polar.

PiS? Serbia? Hungary? Vucic? Orban? Duda? Zeman? Just a tool to make Central European Union. I know I don`t complaint. Its time powers repay some debt to us who live from Baltic to Balkan.

As for Germany and France? Germany will be reduced and what remain will stay with France. What remain of western Europe would all gravitate around France. As compensation that new conglomerate gets parts of northern Africa.

Britain goes as new US state.

Global civilizations forming.
21 Oct 2019
News / PiS candidates are losing positions in EU Parliament. Will they keep power in Poland? [358]

PiS has realised at last they have to cooperate with Germans to achieve their political goals in Europe.

I think PiS will grill Germany. Sure, PiS isn`t alone. And, it was about time for Germany to pass in oblivion. Like some more countries its a rogue state.

result of how positive their relations with Germany are - the better relations, the more influence.

Yes. More influence, closer eastern Germany to Poland.
21 Oct 2019
News / PiS candidates are losing positions in EU Parliament. Will they keep power in Poland? [358]

Ask him. He is honest I think and he will admit. I hope he was just joking but then I was naive to take him seriously. He almost damaged my brain. I said to myself, wtf is that Vatican same as Medina and Mecca to take your soul and make you ethnic Catholic, like you have ethnic Muslims. Its even similar to how Judaism works. All globalistic ideas after globalistic ideas. Thank God for Trump that he pledge to save human differences. Only in differences spirit can be fully creative and progress. Globalists are selfish and anti-progressive.

I suffered, man. Mourned for Poland and Slavic world. Iron should apologize to me, frankly.
21 Oct 2019
Off-Topic / DALMATIA - How much Poles love Dalmatia ? [123]

To start understand politics around Dalmatia (only realistic access to warm seas by Poland), spot this >


#Orban showing the map of greater Hungary to Mateusz #Morawiecki.

Now spot this to get full picture and get idea > Treaty of London (1915) > Territories promised to Serbia and Montenegro by the Triple Entente, after WWI >



Now you see how is Dalmatia split between Serbia and Hungary. Now you understand why Croatia wasn`t present at last Visegrad meeting few days ago.


Dalmatia is ethnic Serbian land that is in history influenced by foreign element. Croatia is artificial state. Land of Catholic and Orthodox Serbs ruled by elite that is Germanized and people greatly deluded. So now Serbia must accept reality and save what can be saved for itself and Slavic world. To it, Hungary, for its own interests, wisely, enter the game and offering hand to Serbia, behave generally Slavic friendly, making things easier. We do it for our own interests and interest of entire Central Europe. Joint Hungarian-Serbian deal, push Italy rightfully out from the region. Deal also ending existence of pro-germanic-clerical creation, false rogue state of Croatia. Poland is satisfied. Vatican and Russia are satisfied, they get border between Catholic and Orthodox zone. Islam is expelled. USA is satisfied. China is satisfied. Most world powers are happy. Central Europe profit from balance and long term peace.

This is what happening right now and have to happen for the peace in Europe. Its only technical detail to make new Hungarian-Serbian border.
21 Oct 2019
News / Years of Poland in the EU - assessment of pros and cons [1158]

Good. While you focusing on Russia, Serbia will finish the job.

Central Europe isn`t Russian domain. To my people, Central Europe is home. Russia have its own wider interests. But there are specific interests of Central Europeans. Sure, we will accept Russian, Chinese, Japan, Indian, Brazilian and any support to our cause. Powers have interest that we win. So, we speak of specific interests of Central Europe. Pilusdski spoke of it.

Things with European politics already rotate around this gravitic pool.
21 Oct 2019
News / PiS candidates are losing positions in EU Parliament. Will they keep power in Poland? [358]

Woot woot!!! Even konfederacja got 6.8%

See, I was not surprised. PiS offering practical solutions.

It is sad you seem to be devoid of enough intellect to comprehend it. :(:(: It means we still need to work on you.

Iron is great Polish and Slavic patriot but he sometimes, probably when drank, falling in delusions. I was especially shocked when he said how is he Catholic first and Slavic distant second. I was actually terrified by the concept. I thought only Muslims negate their own ethnicity. Idea that one Pole can negate its Polish self to prove something to Vatican instigated great fear and mental suffering in me. Greeks for example tried to delude my people with the concept of Orthodoxy being above our Slavic self and, such as it is, my people gave Greeks middle finger. Even Russians were bore with that idea of Third Rome and of course now they cry because of that. Failure is promised to all who betray its self in order to serve foreign concept.
17 Oct 2019
History / Heil Poland!.....? Poland is a pro-Nazi state? [105]

Heil Poland!.....? Poland is a pro-Nazi state?

Not truth. Poland helping to Serbia against Nazis.

Estonia, Lituania, Latvia,

See > no Estonia, Latvia, Croatia, Lithuania here >


Sure, it puts Poland on the collision course with Vatican but again, Vatican differ from Pope to Pope. On the other side, I don`t know, Popes goes but Vatican is eternal. Until some new Gavrilo Princip with a nuke lose his nerves.
16 Oct 2019
News / Poland Parliamentary Elections 2019 [93]

Why don`t you comment on Korwin clowns

Don`t speak like that of brat Korwin. One must sometimes have specific style in order to penetrate with words of truth and wisdom. I understand him absolutely. Brat Korwin is true patriot.
16 Oct 2019
News / PiS candidates are losing positions in EU Parliament. Will they keep power in Poland? [358]

I predicts great future of PiS. They will take Poland into era of true freedom and awakening. Chains will be broken and spirit of `Sarmatism` restored.

No such person of any historical importance existed...

He existed. He was on the same path as Zawisha Czarny, Jagilonians, Jan Sobieski, Jadwiga, Warnenczyk, Czartorisky, Pilsudski, ...

They all knew where is source of Poland`s power.
16 Oct 2019
News / PiS candidates are losing positions in EU Parliament. Will they keep power in Poland? [358]

point to a single program of theirs that requires expertise and/or long term planning to carry out that actually happened or wasn't a disaster

Its easy to answer. One word - Serbs. PiS finally checked historic lessons of Adam Mizkiewich and now giving more space to the `Serbian question`. Question joined them already with key players of Polish diaspora. Question will strengthen Poland from within and to outside. And Serbians are still just a shadow of their true potential. In diplomacy, in numbers, in economy, in spirit, in weigh of fact that Serbs represent last direct continuity in genetics, language and culture with original Arians, ie Sarmatians, ie old Slavs, ie givers of the West. Imagine what comes later.

Three more heavy Russian helicopters arrived last night via Visegrad`s air space. Thanks PiS. Thanks Duda. Thanks Poland.

It is wisely played. And why not say, honest. Why not trust to Serbs which never betrayed Poland, while trust to Brits, French, Vatican, Germans, etc in long line of traitors.
14 Oct 2019
News / Poland Parliamentary Elections 2019 [93]

Plus, Trump love PiS

The second Greece is more likely....

Poland to become second Greece? Maybe if stay 100 more years within EU and gypsineze enough.
14 Oct 2019
News / Poland Parliamentary Elections 2019 [93]

Goooood. Goooood. I celebrate. It is of utter importance that heavy armament from Russia continue to fly via Poland`s air space into Serbia and PiS will assure continuity of this. Very important. Russians have some very very good things and we here have very very serious problems. And very honest from Poland, if can`t help openly then at least to make sure Russian weaponry to come to Serbs. Also very important that Polonia coordinate with Poland on this. Very.

11 Oct 2019
News / Poland Parliamentary Elections 2019 [93]

People, what would you with PiS?

Are we finally sure they are patriots? In true, they play dirty politics but its dirty era. Crucial thing is that we know that they allowed to Serbia to transport heavy Russia`s weaponry via Poland`s air space. In that PiS is in line with Orban, Zeman, Lewandowski, etc. Logically, with Trump himself.

So, why tackle them now more? Who care if PiS is sincere or just pretend to be sincere as long as PiS helping the common cause.
6 Oct 2019
News / How could PiS better spend billions instead of 500+ ? [280]

Poland`s PiS was also great dilemma to me, to my people. But, as I learning these days, PiS aren`t traitors.

As for spending money, well, by politicians? Why do you ask? As I always say, more stupid person is, more person is happier. Actually, only absolute retard sow true happiness on this Earth.

Now, we can only hope we know the truth.

How could this money be spent by the government in another way?

2 things. More public works, primarily in infrastructure and, more direct subventions to companies that invest into Serbia.
6 Oct 2019
News / Mister President Andrzej Duda - Best Poland could get. [70]

Dupa, you say? Well, politicians brate. Politics cost us mere mortals a lot of nerves. We don`t have full information and we struggle to understand. But paradoxically, more stupid person is, person is happier.

As for venerable Duda in particular, he played politics so well that he convinced me he is Slavic and Polish traitor, that he wants to join western Europe in lies and genocide on my people. But, I mistaken and so I apologized publicly to veliki Pan Duda. See, you know Serbia is encircled with NATO countries? If not for hallowed Duda, dobri Orban and noble Visegrad group, my people would be even more weakened and left to mercy of aggressive pro-germanic Nazi ustashe movement that pollute number of Catholic Serbs of what is now Croatia. Not to speak of mad mujaheedine maniacs that seek to secede Kosovo and form Greater Albania on sacred Serbian and Slavic ground.

All in all, thanks to import of armament from France and Russia, Serbia recently dramatically strengthened her army. Strengthened to the point where we shifting power balance in the region. All that thanks to brat Duda and brotherly Visegrad group and their allowance to Serbia to use their air space for import of most heavy armament from Russia, including Mi-35m, Mi-17 helicopters, tanks T-72ms, BRDM-2`s fighting vehicles, anti-aircraft system Pancir S-1. All that no matter that western European NATO members protested and yet would hysterically protest when via Polish air space Serbia import Russia`s S-400 missile system.

Visegrad summit (plus Serbia and Slovenia) at Prague, these days >

Nicely about Serbia from all Visegrad Presidents >>>>>
Serbian President thanked and said how are good Serbian-Russian relations on the good of Visegrad, that complete our history speaks of our loyalty to Central Europe, that Serbs see Visegrad countries as closest brothers >>>>>


You know, Yugoslavia isn`t country that crumbled just like that, from within. No, Yugoslavia and later Serbia was victim of organized attack from leading NATO powers of western Europe that were supported by weakling and madman US Clinton. They sponsored local Nazi movements and imported mujaheediens into region, lied in mass media about Serbia and Serbs. Now with President Trump in USA, world change and Serbia gets more and more support. So, Visegrad countries now dare openly to support Serbia, too.
5 Oct 2019
News / Mister President Andrzej Duda - Best Poland could get. [70]


I apologize to Polish President Duda - defender of Central Europe

I apologize to Polish President Duda because I now clearly see that Duda have specific and utterly wise style in playing politics. I thought Duda is German player and I regret now. Many times here I criticized venerable Duda but, I see I mistaken. Duda is deeply dedicated to interests of Poland and Central Europe.

Thank you President Duda and, I sincerely apologize. My critics were public and my apology is so public.


Venerable President of Poland, Andrzej Duda