The BEST Guide to POLAND
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Posts by Lenka  

Joined: 17 Nov 2009 / Female ♀
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From: Polska
Speaks Polish?: yes
Interests: Books

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5 Feb 2020
Food / Which foods are generally disliked/unpopular in Poland? Which non-Polish foods are slowly gaining popularity? [180]

Central north London where many Greeks and Turks live you get the best kebabs.

I can easily believe it- after all it's the capital city but generally the standard is low with ready made sauces.
All the places I visited in Poland and Germany had their own recipes with great salads.

But in general I find most cuisine from the former Yugoslavia very appetising.

The food is good but I think their biggest asset is how they run the place- the way they treat their customers plus the atmosphere- great place to spend a nice e evening
5 Feb 2020
News / Dodgy PRL-holdover judiciary finally reformed [420]

I'm quite surprised that so many of you think it's ok to put judges under political rule. Forget our political scene at the moment and think long term- you really can't see a danger in a political body being able to influence courts? Seriously?

And how can there be a good change starting with some questions about legality of KRS ( a judge is suspended because he wanted to look into support list legally required in the process? Seriously?)
2 Feb 2020
Off-Topic / Random Sports News [783]

Och I don't care and I don't intend to watch any of it. I was just giving European perspective. That kind of sports fever is reserved mostly for big, international football cups here.

We don't have that whole surrounding- adds and concerts etc. That seem to be almost as important as the event itself
2 Feb 2020
Off-Topic / Random Sports News [783]

In Europe we mostly hear about the entertainment. Who was wearing what on stage etc. As a sporting event- not so much.

Football World Cup is a different matter
2 Feb 2020
Life / A good Geriatric Doctor in Krakow [5]

Well actually that is often the case. With so many drugs doctors loose track of how they interact etc. Not to mention that old people are ofter under the care of few specialists, each doing their bit without asking about other drugs.
1 Feb 2020
Study / School Uniforms in Poland - not required? [15]

To be fair I don't think it makes much of a difference...
The material status is still clearly visible.
And I think it can be quite educational to learn what is appropriate for certain situarions.

They tried to introduce the uniforms when I started Liceum. There were two top schools in my town- one went for uniforms one didn't. Didn't make slightest difference in the long run.
30 Jan 2020
News / European funds - why Poland should refuse to receive them. [36]

to provide the needed 50% they simply take out long-term loans, so they end up paying off the sum closer to the 100% anyway

There are two pointa here:
-if you are saying that our governments are stupid enough to take loans on such a high interest then we are doomed anyway
- by that logic if the governments had to do this projects on their own they would spend close to 200% as they would have to take the loan for the full ammount.

they would think twice if they really need another acquapark or if they really need an airport

You are blaming the funds for the stupidness of some politicians? They are chosen by the society after all- sad but that is all up to us and we have only that to blame.

And who told you that they wouldn't just take a loan and making it even worse?

As to the farmers- the fact that it could produce so much doesn't mean that it would or that it would be profitable or smart.
30 Jan 2020
News / European funds - why Poland should refuse to receive them. [36]

you have to provide 50% of the money yourself.

Which means 50% comes from the founds. I don't know of course but it seems to me that it's easier to provide 50% than 100%.
And if you are young person starting some small buisness that makes a huge difference.

And I would like to see you convincing the farmers to give up theirs :D
28 Jan 2020
Law / The right to own guns: would you support such legislation in Poland? [2237]

I know quite a few who still wouldn't see a reason to have it. And that is even if we forget your sexism- if anything women have more reason to want one as we have on average less physical strenght to fight off the attacker.

And even if we assume you are right- it doesn't change anything- still nore people wouldn't want more relaxed gun law.
28 Jan 2020
Law / The right to own guns: would you support such legislation in Poland? [2237]


I assume you made a mental shortcut as noone sane would object to not having mass shootings.

As to why some people don't want more relaxed law- probably different reasons but I would say that top of the list is that they don't feel like they need one and feel safer without easy access to guns in the society.

BTW- thank you for figuring out my sentence- I didn't switch my input to English and the auto fill did the rest.
24 Jan 2020
Law / Alimony and child support - Polish wife seeking divorce [15]

I wouldn't call it that wide. The only question here whether the court will trust him to take the kid back to Japan for holiday.

You have to remember that even if the mother will get the custody it doesn't mean the father's parental rights are removed- he still has the right to be involved in the kids life in resonable ways

But generally as cms said- it's better to believe the lawyer than people here.
23 Jan 2020
News / Coal-Powered Poland Refuses to "Go Green". EU Ain't Happy. [304]


The moment you will get the option to message me in private will be the day I get locked up in a psychiatric hospital.

As to the cleanliness- as Milo pointed out- that electricity comes from somewhere. In Poland that would be coal. If you add to it that it's not as good as other means of heating the cleanliness becomes a question.

However, considering that a lot of people will buy the cheapest coal and even burn things that they shouldn't it would improve things. Not enough though.
23 Jan 2020
News / Polexit? Almost half of the Poles believe that Poland would be better off outside of the EU [548]

Or we just shrink to a sustainable level

Possible but for that to happen at some point birth rate would have to jump quite significantly. How likely is it that at that magical moment becoming a parent will suddenly appeal to young people?

trivial problems as having to learn a local language or get used to different store hours

Why do people suddenly think that any problem on the way is a big no- no? Things worth having are usually not easy. Why not look at it as an opportunity to get to know different things about yourself, grow as a human being?

I generally don't think that governments can move groups of people from one end of the world to the other and expect they will fill the wholes left by the dying people (in the same way I don't think young people are simple replacements for their daying grandparents) but if people want to move and the society can use them being there there is nothing tragic or immoral about it.
23 Jan 2020
News / Polexit? Almost half of the Poles believe that Poland would be better off outside of the EU [548]

Italy is selling €1 houses, most countries offer some programs to convince people to have kids, Russia has ghost towns when you have 1-2 people left or noone at all...

Of course we don't HAVE to replace the drops in population, maybe we can even find economic solutions to aging population but if it stays as it is Europe will simply die out. We are talking about physically empty villages and towns...

Of course our spicies can get wiped out before then so hey ho :)
23 Jan 2020
News / Coal-Powered Poland Refuses to "Go Green". EU Ain't Happy. [304]

I also found it less efficient in the meaning that it heats up small areas very quickly and too strong. As soon as you turn it off it's freezing again.

I never tried the newest electric heaters but I'm not tempted. They are usually used for 'spot heating' and thankfully my house is plenty warm with central heating.
23 Jan 2020
News / Polexit? Almost half of the Poles believe that Poland would be better off outside of the EU [548]

The idea that governments should be bartering about how many people should be shipped to this or that country

Are you talking about refugees or normal migrants because I'm getting lost here...
Refugees need help and it would help if the effort could be spread but they have no connection to the region anyway so any trauma you are talking about already happened.

If you are talking about migrants- stop treating people as little kids or mindless pets! Most of us are capable of making our decisions and take responsibility for it. Do you really expect us to feel sorry for some Ph. D that is smart and successful and decided to move somewhere out of his own free will? And if he is that traumatised- he can go back.

Of course the fate of economic migrants is a bit harsher but still- their decission and the consequences are theirs They could have stayed at home. Or they can go back. While it would be lovely if we could all get nice, interesting, stable and well paid jobs outside our front steps it's impossible.
23 Jan 2020
News / Coal-Powered Poland Refuses to "Go Green". EU Ain't Happy. [304]

No, I just worry about your emotional state. To get so upset over something like that...

Generally in Poland electric heating is the least popular. It's simply less efficient and more expensive than alternatives.
23 Jan 2020
News / Polexit? Almost half of the Poles believe that Poland would be better off outside of the EU [548]

Omg Maf, you are really starting to get too blinded by your views. So now people having the freedom to choose to live somewhere else because that is what they believe is good for them career wise, economicaly and that can allow them to experience a different world is bad too? So shall we ban all migration because you believe it causes trauma? Not to mention that I think you havily exaggerated there...

Guess what- societies that did that weren't too happy and many were trying to run away.
22 Jan 2020
News / Coal-Powered Poland Refuses to "Go Green". EU Ain't Happy. [304]

@ Johnny
Calm down man. No need to get so agitated. 1500 zl a month is expensive by Polish standards... British as well. Of course the size of the house plays a role but you have to admit that the difference between 65 for heating and hot water compared to around 350 is huge.

Electric heating is not very popular in Poland. In towns people usually have town's or building's society central heating connected and pay a fee all through the year in rent. Once a year the meaters are checked and you either get some money back or you have to add a bit.

Free standing houses use different variation of coal/wood central heating.