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Posts by Novichok  

Joined: 17 Nov 2020 / Male ♂
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2 Feb 2024
Language / Bilingual Polish-English books with audio for listening and reading learning method [75]

I hate "studying" unless I get paid for it. I studied electronics to make a living in the US, not because it was fun.

I still remember trying to help a Russian with directions back in Warsaw. In the middle of the first sentence, he said: Speak Polish. That was the shortest review of my Russian abilities and my last attempt to use it. After six years of studying it...

With English, I know all the languages worth knowing.
2 Feb 2024
Language / Bilingual Polish-English books with audio for listening and reading learning method [75]

Polish is useful to me in Poland.

...just as my English is useful to me in the US.
What I will never do is "study" Italian to spend three days in Venice. Knowing two dozen Italian words annoys and confuses Italians.
No, I don't give FF what a taxi driver thinks about Socrates. Besides, he is from Algeria...
2 Feb 2024
Work / Are Poles workaholics? [128]

why would you work so hard you nearly kill yourself in the process?

I was in that situation. The solution: change countries. Voila...
In "America", never came to work before 8 and never left work after 5. Frankly, I don't even know what "working hard" is. Longer hours? More coffee?
2 Feb 2024
Language / Bilingual Polish-English books with audio for listening and reading learning method [75]

English is, without question THE GLOBAL LANGUAGE.

...and for a very good reason...

I studied Polish for god-only-knows how long and I still don't like it and can't understand as well as I do American.
I studied Latin for 4 years and Russian for 7 and I would die from starvation in ancient Rome and Moscow.
I didn't spend one hour studying English and now it's my primary language.

English is like sex; you instantly know how to do it. The best example is Paulina. I am talking about her perfect English, not her love life.
1 Feb 2024
Language / Bilingual Polish-English books with audio for listening and reading learning method [75]

What better way than by knowing their language.

I don't talk to people who don't know my language. Their loss...

Oh,...almost forgot,,, "my language" is American.

I read your first paragraph twice and I still have no idea what you are trying to say - in English...

Next time assume that I am a low-IQ serial murderer and that I will hurt you if you talk to me like this again.
1 Feb 2024
News / How will Poland be affected by WW3 which has now started [559]

We're talking about their government,

Are you talking about the DC criminals that gave "the trash" 34 trillion debt, 1.6 trillion annual deficit, and 3 million illegals a year?
FU, Euro parasite...

Without Europe they are F, to put it short as a global power

If Europe became the Euro Sea, the US would exhale and prosper.

As far as that "global" crap...Read the US Constitution and find "global" anything and why we should be taxed to protect your "global" Euro asses.

BTW, the Euro sense of self-importance is a recognized mental disorder.
1 Feb 2024
News / How will Poland be affected by WW3 which has now started [559]

The Yanks always want to try and lead ...

Is everybody here a shameless liar? What the fvck is the matter with you, Euro parasites?

I didn't meet one American who wanted "to lead". Everybody here wants out of NATO and the UN - the two most useless to us organizations. We pay and pay and get sh*it in return...

without a stable Europe/Middle East

Hey, stupid, our main exports are arms and wars so we love unstable. When things are stable, the DC will make them unstable, See Iraq, Libya, and Ukraine.

A global approach is needed to tackle a global problem.

Why when "global" is mentioned, every parasite is looking at the US for men and money?
1 Feb 2024
News / How will Poland be affected by WW3 which has now started [559]

I am sure most Germans would rather see the USA take the lead,

You are lying again.

You don't want the USA to "lead". You want the US to bleed - men and money - because Euros are now trembling pussies.
30 Jan 2024
News / How will Poland be affected by WW3 which has now started [559]

Everywhere west of Terespol you are free to publicly disagree with your freely elected leaders

...but not to offend and insult minorities...

You see, stupid, I can offend and insult any group I want in America and never fear being charged criminally. That's why we have the First Amendment - to offend and insult...

You are so cute when trying to smuggle that kind of crap past me...
30 Jan 2024
News / How will Poland be affected by WW3 which has now started [559]

Quoting from

In Germany criminalization of hate speech and fake news is seen as a legitimate way to protect democracy and the historical truth against onslaught. That's why a mainstream German politician and member of the European Parliament a couple of years ago countered my criticism of legislation against Holocaust denial by insisting that "European citizens have a constitutional right to the truth." The frightening implications of this statement didn't bother him at all.

In Germany and other European democracies the right to free speech is just one among many rights that has to be balanced against other rights, values and considerations, be it public order, dignity, democracy, religious sensibilities, security, equality and so on and so forth.

In the U.S. the First Amendment's protection of speech cannot be balanced against other rights. That principle has served the US well.

The Soviet Union made it a serious crime to distribute false and slanderous information defaming the Soviet social and political system. Such criminal laws were widely used by the Kremlin to silence dissidents, human rights activists, religious movements, and groups in the Soviet republics fighting for national independence.

The short version: Europe is only a notch better than the USSR, Compared to the US, you suck. Lucky me, I am an American - in the US.
29 Jan 2024
News / How will Poland be affected by WW3 which has now started [559]

Milo, you are a nice guy but you forgot that I am never, ever wrong.

Quoting from

The U.K now has some of the most authoritarian restrictions on free speech in Europe. The basis for much of Britain's censorious legislation is the concept of protected characteristics-identities deemed vulnerable and enshrined in the Equality Act of 2010. Initially, that law had a noble intention: to fight prejudice and discrimination against minority groups. Unfortunately, the protection of a select group of people in the name of "equality" has made equality under the law no longer tenable, and the Equality Act itself has wound up chilling freedom of speech. Engaging in whatever authorities may deem hate speech can bring police to your door.

This threat is not theoretical. According to official statistics, the police in England and Wales recorded 124,000 hate crimes between March 2020 to March 2021-a 9 percent increase from the year before and more than double that of five years ago.

Proliferating identity groups continue to seek protection from offense under the law. Last December, the Law Commission published recommendations on the reform of hate-crime law. It suggests expanding the concept of hate crime to include prejudice against the disabled and LGBT people.

Glaswegian Joseph Kelly, though, saw things differently. He tweeted a photo of the World War II veteran with the words "The only good brit soldier is a deed one, burn auld fella, buuuuuurn." Offensive to many, no doubt. Kelly deserved critical scorn-but not prosecution. Authorities recently convicted him of sending a "grossly offensive" tweet under Section 127 of the 2003 Communications Act, which makes it against the law to send "by means of a public electronic communications network a message or other matter that is grossly offensive or of an indecent, obscene or menacing character." What about free speech? Adrian Cottam, the sheriff who convicted Kelly, offered this answer: "The prosecution does interfere with freedom of expression, but it is a necessary interference."

None of the above would be posssible in the US.