The BEST Guide to POLAND
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Posts by Joker  

Joined: 17 Dec 2008 / Male ♂
Warnings: 2 - OO
Last Post: 3 hrs ago
Threads: 2
Posts: Total: 2260 / Live: 2254 / Archived: 6
From: Guess
Speaks Polish?: Sometimes

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12 Apr 2024
Off-Topic / Music Thread [789]

you just google Polish music and then copy and paste the first video which you see

Thats a total lie as Milo knows every music genre and has good taste in music!

Something you will also never have as well is "class".

Put you money where your mouth is Jerzy??? What songs do you like?? Cartoon music?? LOL
13 Apr 2024
Off-Topic / Music Thread [789]

Really?Post in the thread then you pathetic coward!

I wonder why he is so afraid? lol

13 Apr 2024
Off-Topic / Music Thread [789]

He cant be a music teacher thats for sure! Haha

Heres Gary covering a classic Roy Buchanan song.

13 Apr 2024
Off-Topic / What's your hobby? [165]

3. A failed attempt at foreshortening (I think that's how it's called) probably lol

Looks very cool!
14 Apr 2024
Off-Topic / Music Thread [789]

He just copies and pastes random videos without any sense.


The stupid monkey has ran out of ideas! Hahahaha

Milo is a musical encyclopedia and the more you post the more he kicks your dupa!

Post a song Troll? That's all you are!
14 Apr 2024
Off-Topic / 75 Years of Israel and the War - part 2 [713]

We need more votes from the US Jews and RINOs in November

Dont forget him pandering to the woke college worthless degree graduates that cant find jobs. Hes defying the SC as well.

Where is Mr.NPR Lysko? Went belly up as his leftist news source has been exposed as total propaganda! Haha
14 Apr 2024
News / Will Poland as a NATO member be drawn into the Israel/Iran war ? [127]

No country is intimated by Biden. American soldiers are calling back home saying they want to leave asap bc the commander in chief does not have their backs.

Nobody here cares about NATO when Biden is destroying our country!
14 Apr 2024
Off-Topic / Music Thread [789]


You should like this British classic then:)

14 Apr 2024
Off-Topic / Music Thread [789]

Or would you prefer some good ol Rock and Roll created in the USA

I suppose, they didn't play any good songs before Lech freed the country from commies like yourself?
16 Apr 2024
Off-Topic / Music Thread [789]

Who elected you class president to make up the rules as you go, troll.

Oh, the irony!
Youre still here around the clock everyday..Hahaha

16 Apr 2024
Off-Topic / Music Thread [789]

Had to google them though as I'd never heard of them.

This one is probably their most popular...

They have that Lynyrd Skynyrd type sound.

this one as well.

16 Apr 2024
Off-Topic / What's your hobby? [165]

want and make it look like it is your original sketch ?

It sounds like youre are totally jealous because you dont have one ounce of talent in your entire body.

As far as anyone can tell all you ever do is hang out on this forum 24/7 tell lies and antagonize everyone.

What a guy! Splendid chap!

Hey, whats your hobby? PF is it right? Hahahaha
21 Apr 2024
Off-Topic / Music Thread [789]

.It's nearly 1am in Poland and he's still trolling! A man obsessed!

The later it gets his posts become increasingly childish as well.

These trolls try to wreck forums like t

He is jealous bc he hasn't any knowledge of music at all.

He claims to be a teacher which is highly unbelievable.

22 Apr 2024
Off-Topic / Music Thread [789]

Decent readers

And youre not one of them, only troll.

In 1967 The Beatles released a double A sided single, this was side A1.

The Beatles were musical geniuses, but Im sure Jagoff Jerzy would disagree...

22 Apr 2024
Off-Topic / Music Thread [789]

kept coming up with new stuff all the time for a long time.

They have over 300 songs and not one of them sounds the same. On the other hand you have bands like AC/DC that every songs sounds exactly the same.

Of course in my humble opinion.

Not everyone has the taste, no biggie:)

You probably wont like this song, it will melt your mind if you listen to its entirely. lol

This one goes out to Cosmic Mike!

23 Apr 2024
Off-Topic / Music Thread [789]

don't seem to be very keen to post on that either..... LOL!!!

Jerzy proves his lack of musical knowledge with each post.. All the guy can do is post photos of nasty looking food.

23 Apr 2024
Off-Topic / Music Thread [789]

He does....

I found a photo of him getting ready to go teach his class.

23 Apr 2024
Off-Topic / Music Thread [789]


Good old Rock and Roll!

26 Apr 2024
Off-Topic / Music Thread [789]

Next time it's Led Zeppelin 3

No Stairway! LOL Oh, wait thats #4
28 Apr 2024
Off-Topic / Music Thread [789]

Now go to bed old man........

Its only 2am in Poland so this troll has just

28 Apr 2024
Off-Topic / Islamists and the Woke Left are uniting to topple the West [30]

Because if you google "disgusting globalist Jewish scum" this POS will show up at the top.

Soros is funding these brainwashed college students. Can you imagine paying $70K per year in tuition to learn absolutely nothing but garbage.

No wonder Biden has to bail them out, those idiots will never be able to find employment.
29 Apr 2024
UK, Ireland / "Strange " English language.. [246]

Yanks will probably be speaking Spanish......

And the Muslim flag will be flying over Buckingham Palace before that
29 Apr 2024
Off-Topic / Music Thread [789]

British band are called UFO.

But you play all the chick tunes! lol

30 Apr 2024
Food / Healthy polish food? [98]

Not as much as outsiders think.

So says the outsider from England.......
30 Apr 2024
Off-Topic / Music Thread [789]

Classic Stevie!

2 May 2024
News / Coronavirus in Poland - part 2 [316]

Over 75 actually and can still b!tch slap you around

Youre so old you fart dust!!😆😆

You couldn't bıtch slap a womble.

Hes just another fat blob sitting in front of his computer, eating a pizza with a fan blowing on him.

He sure has changed his tune from part 1 of this thread when he was condemning everyone for NOT getting the jab and Not wearing a mask.

His stories change like the passing wind blowing out of his pie hole.