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Posts by Kashub1410  

Joined: 24 Jun 2022 / Male ♂
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Last Post: 8 Jul 2023
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25 Feb 2023
News / R. Trzaskowski, current mayor of Warsaw, future President of Poland [278]

If I created a thread with topic named: "Future mayor and future president: Bosak!" You would behave the same or even worse.
Either way his English is commendable and in interview he seems calm and restrained.

Not sure what his goals are though yet, if he really is Libertarian I could warm myself up to him. My problem is most Libertarians are against all forms of authority (or authoritarianism) which easily puts them against the church. So I guess my beef with him would be on moral/religious grounds. Not on political/economical/diplomatical platforms.
24 Feb 2023
News / R. Trzaskowski, current mayor of Warsaw, future President of Poland [278]

To you it might seem off-topic as it suits you and your agenda to dismiss heritage, the past and history in general it seems. Most likely cause it doesn't benefit you or your platform or you are too strongly thinking about the present without a past, while others like me see to the future based on the past to a much larger degree.

So yes, according to me what kind of surname, past and parents he had. Does matter
22 Feb 2023
Food / Kefir drink in Poland [79]

I am curious as far as true kefir is concerned, I saw a video recently about companies removing certain gut bacteria from Kefir which is essential for burning of certain calories and have a healthy gut intestines. Do you know if Kefir from Łowicz is missing anything? I love Kefir but would like to find out more which kefir is best to buy for health reasons

Cause I am wondering about buying BIO milk, then adding "Zakwaske do Kefiru" make it home made and let it wait 18hours-24 hours with inspiration from:
21 Feb 2023
News / R. Trzaskowski, current mayor of Warsaw, future President of Poland [278]

I didn't draw any conclusions, I was only calculating the probability. It seems more negative then positive until convinced otherwise.

I do not set my opinion of people in stone, nor is it unchangeable. No matter how judgemental you might think I am.

I don't perceive as informing on someone, especially somebody close or related to hostile/enemy authorities as something positive, which seems you or closest family has done or does or won't mind doing if your opposing the statement I made so much.

And no, I am not judging right now. I am giving you ground to either prove my point or show it being wrong
21 Feb 2023
News / R. Trzaskowski, current mayor of Warsaw, future President of Poland [278]

True, but it has such high probability that more often then not. I would be surprised if same mentality/behaviour does not follow through. Especially among more known families or reputation based one's.

Unknown families or those that has no structure/framework are 100% lotteries
21 Feb 2023
News / R. Trzaskowski, current mayor of Warsaw, future President of Poland [278]

@Cargo pants
Cause certain traits go down from parent to child, if parents were verbally abusive towards their kid (with the thought of making them stronger) it will continue to the next kid, and so on cause they don't any other way of raising a child except how their own parents did it to them.

Me myself, I was quite lucky as past two generations have been a lot milder. Thing I scared of is that I could be a lot harsher parent to my children if I ever have them. My only comfort is it that my dog seem to like me and adore me, and misses me if I am not around. Still doesn't give me full certainty yet
18 Feb 2023
History / Poland and Britain started WW2 [307]

Please don't put modern day perspective of nationalities against me. You should know fairly well that religion was far more important and loyalty to family and royal family then ideologies.

Most commoners, farmers alike couldn't be bothered with "king's and dukes" plays, games and warfare. Except the possibility of getting sacked
18 Feb 2023
History / Poland and Britain started WW2 [307]

In which half of them lived in Poland throughout centuries under the protection of Poland, I would recommend to think more through your own statements.

Many people think they are good or "real" Christians by being anti-Jewish or antisemitic, just to show or be confident in being anti-Pharaseeic.

But, remember... By doing so one starts to resemble more that of pagan Roman soldiers who nailed Jesus Christ to the cross.

Crimes during holocaust was also an act against Poland in every way, due to it happening against the will of the Polish people, elite and Polish state in most cases on Polish land, despite very problematic relations.

So ye tread likely, even tho a shepherd dog has his owner, sheep and goats to protect and take care of, either he likes goats or not. Will protect them, neglecting that task only shows lack of patriotism or lack of knowledge in Polish matters, which again leads to the thinking of somebody being an imposter.

Living long away from Poland can lead to lack of that perspective due to being connected more with mentality of foreign cultures and their guilt, even tho there are guilty actions done by a minority of Polish speakers, it's far more the shame of the situation happening in the first place by not being able to stop it from happening.
13 Feb 2023
Life / Why women's rights are not respected here in Poland? [64]

Happens when pupils are not disciplined by their parents, a pupils goes on the nerve of the teacher and it boils over or when the teacher is too strict and tyrannical.

Either way, it is hard to practice idealism among troubled children (and grown ups).

One should be prepared and ready to hit, but seclude it to sports/physical activities. Not to be used as a form of punishment unless there is no way out, due to constant disrespect. Borders have to be made, otherwise a person will go out in the world thinking they are allowed to do anything and disregards other people and their being.

Especially of possibility of encountering criminal environment or ending up in prison. Schools have a responsibility as not to push pupils in that direction
11 Feb 2023
History / Life in communist Poland - personal relations [412]

You got to understand that certain people have little power with their words, as they don't put much value to it. As a tool to humour or lessen a blow or help somebody with their feelings. Also different mentality with regards to feelings, some people utter and use words as hate, hating when they merely despise or dislike something (who loves to overdramatize) and think people understand that considering the context of the conversation, what kind of real mood they really are in as to make it interesting and fun (other people with principles find fun and enjoyment elsewhere and can easily find such behaviour not only anouying but, disturbing. Especially those considering words more sacred and holy)

So when you read words like hatred, you might start imagening a bloodthirsty SS-Man wanting to destroy everything around you and murdering everyone, yet you see a happy but, moody teacher writing stuff on the internet and get frustrated and anoyed.

Yet he sees a guy suddenly bursting out over not a very big deal. Words have different meaning to different people due to different perspective, which is why conflict happends. More easily over the internet due to lack of body language
8 Feb 2023
Po polsku / Piszę po polsku - ludzie zmieniają się pod wpływem pieniędzy [34]

Zależy od osoby, jedni bardzo chętnie podzielą się każdym kawałkiem chleba będąc biednym bo ma taką samą sytuacje potrzebę i potrzebuje i chce by inni mu też dawali kiedy niema (dosyć ludzkie)

Ale też jak zaczyna człowiek być bogaty, to mniej się z tym dzieli, bo albo chce odciąć się od dawnej grupy, albo nie chce wrócić do biedy i patrzy ostrożnie na każde wydatki lub jest draniem który chce zatrzymywać każdy pieniądz tylko dla siebie bo nie ufa innym/nie lubi ludzi i jest amoralny itd.
8 Feb 2023
Life / Why women's rights are not respected here in Poland? [64]

To me (as a man), a right to abort your own kid would be the same for a man to have the right to rape as he pleases (mating selection being in his favour, having more control and be the deciding factor to a larger degree)

Which is ridicules, even tho murder is obviously worse then wish/will/list to control their own situation. One cannot fully control reality around oneself, every human being is fairly limited. Presidents as well

For a women (as it correlates with the change of her physical body, by giving birth) it is a dramatic life changing event, which also can decrease her mating options, lifespan but possibly also her life as shown in the article.

Obvious solution to prevent such actions in the future would be to have a man protecting the women from such things happening (which is the norm), a brother, father, cousin, close friend or husband.

Yet I understand that some families are so f***ed up that even close family members rape their own daughters. Those are extremely special cases, and called exceptions. Which again should not cause the general public to change their ways cause of it, as it can lead to major negative changes at large.

To me personally I would priority the women's spiritual needs and morality before anything else. Which very often comes ignored or not understood by unbelievers or materialists in such matters.

So yeah, I am pro-life and have a rather harsh, radical with strong convictions stance on this.
7 Feb 2023
Genealogy / What are common Polish character traits? [417]

Well depends, as long as any Pole stands away from becoming dark. Then most traits can apply as one of the collective traits are being different from one another. So one can easily claim a lot depending on ones own experiences and easily apply other traits that are more profesional specific or class.

In contact with Polish middle class one can easily think Poles prefer beer/wine yet in contact with lower class one can think most Poles prefer vodka. Since most Poles knows about this, a ignorant foreigner automatically informs that with which Polish crowd the person hangs out with and if it's a risk or not to be associated with that person.

Same applies to Russia every time something negative happends (then most Poles want to distance themselves)

Few odd exceptions could had been Gorbachev who was "praised" with a song by famous oppositionist artist singing him a song called "Wieje wiosna z wschodu"

I recommend it
6 Feb 2023
History / The Battle of Stalingrad saved Poland [34]

You can convince a Czech of such things, unless you want Poles to stop being Polish. Just because you choose it. Doesn't mean others have to if anything you told so far is remotely true
6 Feb 2023
History / The Battle of Stalingrad saved Poland [34]

Most of the NKVD were withdrawn out of PRL past 1953 for obvious reasons... Especially after 1956, what's next you gonna state? That you don't how the Polish flag looks like?

You taking me for an idiot?

Besides you are ignoring the fact of why the uprising broke out, it was due to a ultimatum from the Germans. All grown adult men had to show up to start building barricades and fortifications for the Germans front lines within Warsaw.

It was either get excecuted, arrested on their own or transported to concentration camps, run away en mass or resist.

Men of Warsaw chose to resist, despite the Home Army leaderships will to delay.

Which seems to blurr your understanding of it due to the Polish resistance leadership known intentions of the Soviets, any idiot knew what the Soviet Union was about after experiencing it first hand. Many of the Polish officers in the Polish resistance had access to intelligence reports from war of 1920 and what was happening in eastern Poland under Soviet occupation. Every Polish leader knew what was coming, and most Poles could fairly and easily guess it.

It was a mouse trapped in a corner, that tried to jump at a cat and got hit by it's paws.

Yet you seem to imply the mouse should just get eaten or something. It was a "sytuacja bez wyjścia"
6 Feb 2023
Law / I am pregnant but the father is now ghosting me [17]

@Cargo pants
Well she would need to have solid evidence and convincing story, otherwise she might experience the wrath and wroth of Polish mother-in-law or the guys wife if such a situation would happen. Most Polish women should be perfectly aware of such risks, so frauds are rather quite the risk in such circumstances.
6 Feb 2023
History / The Battle of Stalingrad saved Poland [34]

I have no reason to respect nor like an army that not only looked with indifference to the massacres happening in Warsaw, in which you personally claim to have experienced.

Nor a army supporting the policies of a state by plundering and burning my family's estate despite locals salvaging what possibly they could and returning it back to the family. Nor it's wickedness in plunder and rape performed towards my brothers and sisters of faith and social class because of their own problems with Boyars in Russia.

(I also change keyboard language on my Iphone and type rather fast so capital letters change very often depending on language settings mind you)

You deliberately also ignore the red armies pleads on radio's and leaflets that were dropped in Warsaw before the uprising to rise up against the Germans. So no, don't tell me they were simply "having" to go through Poland to reach Germany.

You probably also ignorant of the fact there were far more NKVD divisions operating in post-ww2 Poland then eastern Germany.

6 Feb 2023
History / Ghetto Uprising better known than Warsaw Uprising? [111]

Or knowing Polish realities and how politics worked in the Polish second republic and doesn't have to second guess wether or not there was "hidden antisemitic agenda" going on.

If there were, Poland would had signed with Hitler long time ago and worked on invading the Soviet Union since the get-go. Which any person with enough historical knowledge knows that did not happen, but also how ridiculously laughable the possibility was/is

It's like accusing German elites of trying to ban beer in Germany due to some of it's members being anti-alcoholics. Give me a break
6 Feb 2023
Law / I am pregnant but the father is now ghosting me [17]

"Ghosting" is the sudden and unexpected cutting off comunication with the other person, leaving the impression of having been turned in to a ghost. Left without a trace of existing anymore.

A person mainly or only communicating via "Snapchat" then blocking the other person. Then if the person is able to reach him by other means, continues to block her and shows no signs or willingness to meet again
6 Feb 2023
History / The Battle of Stalingrad saved Poland [34]

Well I can tell you one thing, I come from an family of pedantic people but, you take the cake! If you think I am ignorant about ww2, history or Russia in general and that I hate Russia/Russians

Then you can only blame yourself about such delusions! Have a good day! You clearly need it!
6 Feb 2023
History / The Battle of Stalingrad saved Poland [34]


Stalingrad was part of the Soviet Union, it's army was the red army. So yes, they were liberated by their own a.K.a as the red army and other military branches that were part of the military operation you nitpicking quarrelsome bothering internet person
6 Feb 2023
History / Poland and Britain started WW2 [307]

Because he is appealing to the emotional side with his arguments, many far right Germans (and others for that matter) have a beef with the elites of the west (and who they think have power/most influence behind the scenes) therefore it is rooted in fear, paranoia and huge doses of emotional reactions and mistrust.

What many forget is that western allies (especially France and U.K) tried their best as not to have a air form of warfare based on terror, which was proven by dropping leaflets in 1939 over Germany. A very subtle show of what would happen if they were exchanged with bombs as to stop any further aggression. That signal was not taken in to account AND ignored.

Later on after the London blitz, I am honestly surprised that any German cries over spilt milk when seeing themselves as the victims of the burning of Dresden. Germans were asking for it every step of the way after ruining Warsaw and bombing England as long as it was possible (most knowingly London)

It all originated from evil doctrines and thinking of Nazi Germany, so one has to have a few screws loose to think that those doctrines and way of thinking got anything to do with Democracy and Freedom.

People should read more about the word: "precedence"

If it is commonly agreed to not do a certain action (not because it's not possible, but because it is possible but too destructive for all parties involved), then first one to break it gets the hardest hit as not to be repeated again.

In similar fashion, Nazi Germany was the most brutal and harshest towards Poland for being first and most opposing to Nazi German rule and expansion, in their mind it created a precedence of opposition to their authoritarian regime, which made others more eager and willing to oppose them.

Similar to how Lukashenko reacted when Poland refused his tactics of sending immigrants over the border of Poland, it created a precedence to oppose dictators like Lukashenko. Which made him fear for his life, cause if it came out (just like with Maidan) that opposing a dictator is not only an option but, an successful one with enough strength. Then he CAN be toppled, the opening of the possibility itself terrifies them. Rightfully so
6 Feb 2023
History / The Battle of Stalingrad saved Poland [34]

In that context, Stalingrad was liberated by their own people. Not by another hostile force pretending to be helpful formally.

It seems to me you only apply "formal realities" to Poland cause it suits you or trying to be obnoxious to other users cause you know they will get pissed off at you. Why do you try to provoke constantly? Do you want people to hate you or something?

Hate is a self-destructive force, you should abandon your ways.