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Posts by InPolska  

Joined: 19 Jun 2015 / Female ♀
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Last Post: 9 May 2016
Threads: Total: 9 / Live: 2 / Archived: 7
Posts: Total: 1796 / Live: 467 / Archived: 1329
From: Warszawa

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11 Nov 2015
UK, Ireland / What is the best way to meet a Polish girl in London for a serious relationship? [28]

My goodness! Terrible this boy's (I don't say "man") mentality to choose a girl like they choose a piece of furniture in Ikea's catalogue.... Completely stupid to rule out any other nationality, color of hair/eyes etc.... Why ruling out a nice and decent local girl? Pure immaturity!
11 Nov 2015
UK, Ireland / My bad experiences with Polish neighbours in UK (not meant to offend) [173]

@Ryouga! Hi! It seems that it's gotten much worse but probably it's a "blessing in disguise" since now a lot of neighbors are affected. You know, when only 1 or 2 person(s) complain(s), they are often not taken seriously but now if there are several of you, as a group we'll be more efficient and taken more seriously. In the meantime, I'm sure that it's pure h...ll to live in such conditions. Obviously your Polish neighbors are pure garbage and should be not only taken away from the estate but also dealt with with police and other authorities since they don't follow rules and even laws. Such (foreign) scum leads to xenonophobia and racism in any place.

Good luck and keep fighting! :)
9 Nov 2015
News / Poland hates Poland [24]

@Levi: no need to send the gays to gas chambers to be homophobic ;). Just to stigmatize them and to refuse them equal rights is homophobia.
9 Nov 2015
History / POLAND: EASTERN or CENTRAL European country? [1080]

@Grzegorz: you'll realize that all Germanic, Celtic, Romance (true word or rather "Latin"?)... languages are found only in the West. Rumanian although a latin language is in the East.

I'm not going to continue this splitting hair discussion. The Western and Eastern Europe division refers to capitalistic and former communist countries and that's why it's so largely used by whoever around prior to 1989 (I was an adult by then).
9 Nov 2015
News / Poland hates Poland [24]

To compare for instance PiS and French FN does not make any sense. Although both have a leftish economic program, FN contrary to PiS are not bigots, not homophobic (numerous gay leaders, including M. Le Pen's right arm, Florian Philipot), and generally speaking are more open in terms of other social matters (divorce, abortion....).

It's like comparing apples and oranges
7 Nov 2015
News / Poland's post-election political scene [4080]

Yes, Harry, and if we consider that about 50% of voters don't vote, I seriously doubt that whoever gets elected does represent a lot of people ;). This of course goes for all countries, not only Poland.
5 Nov 2015
History / POLAND: EASTERN or CENTRAL European country? [1080]

@Atch: you keep talking to us about YOUR husband but your husband is only ONE Pole out of so many millions. Mine too was Polish (we married in 1990 at a time when Poland was most "exotic" and believe me, the différences were really huge back then...) and he was also one Pole out of so many millions. We don't base an explaination on only ONE example ;).

As a 100% westerner, I maintained that except for tiny minorities to be met among educated well off traveling urban classes, Polish mentality, culture and way of life is closer to Eastern than Western folks. Pure evidence! Social relationships are also more formal for instance; I refer and call people by their first names right away and I realize that it's a bit "weird" here.

Since "Eastern" has (for me and most people) NO negative connotation, I don't see what it's all about.
5 Nov 2015
History / POLAND: EASTERN or CENTRAL European country? [1080]

@Polson: yes but nevertheless the Slavic (= Eastern) influences are much bigger (culture (another example I've just found: painting eggs), food and overall mentality).

I don't understand that Poles have a problem with that.

PS: for me "Eastern Europe" is NOT pejorative.
5 Nov 2015
History / POLAND: EASTERN or CENTRAL European country? [1080]

@Atch: to answer you "no", but I know people from such countries and also as at home we've had a lot of Russians (since 1917) and besides since not anti-Russian, we mean to be informed from the horse's mouth ;).

Sorry, but whenever I go to Polska B, I can tell that it is not the "West". We can also see some of those old women in Warsaw, selling garlic for instance on the street or just visiting their kids in Warsaw. Everytime, I do, I'm sorry but I stare at them because for me it's "exotic" to me. The kind of underwear they wear is called 'pantalone" (French "pantalon" = pants/trousers) in Russian (a lot of French words because of Napoléon). Same goes for priests and nuns, to me also quite exotic. For some 40 or more years, in France, priests wear suits, they only have a narrow white removable collar and nuns are in plain clothes (of course rather ... conservative ;)) and when they cover their heads, it's very discrete.... Yes, cultural differences can be very huge between countries but it does NOT mean that Y is right and X is wrong. We do things different ways and that's all. It beats me when I read/hear about Poles being ashamed of their culture. Why being ashamed?????
5 Nov 2015
History / POLAND: EASTERN or CENTRAL European country? [1080]

Before I go, just one among thousands of examples: what about all the old women outside main cities wearing colorful headscarves? I have never seen any old western woman covering their head ;) (even when I was a child, a very long time ago...)

As we go eastwards in Poland, we see more and more similiaries with countries like Ukraine and Russia but why being ashamed???? ;)
5 Nov 2015
History / POLAND: EASTERN or CENTRAL European country? [1080]

@Wulkan: yes, you do a personal matter out of it although you cannot change it. Poland, except for urban well off and educated classes is culturally (including food, but not only) closer to Eastern Europe and as we travel eastwards in Poland, we almost feel like in Ukraine and Russia.... Most Poles also physically look more Eastern Europeans. As to the Czech Republic, even in the provinces, it is more "westernized" (also no importance of religion, like in Western countries) than Poland is.

Being culturally linked to far Eastern Europe is no shame, or is it for you?
4 Nov 2015
History / POLAND: EASTERN or CENTRAL European country? [1080]

I suppose those here who don't understand were not born or very small kids in 1989 so they don't get the point. What's the big deal to understand that Western Europe = capitalistic countries and Easter Europe = former communist countries? Everybody in Western Europe (in the USA too?) talk this way and nobody is shocked as there is nothing wrong.
4 Nov 2015
History / POLAND: EASTERN or CENTRAL European country? [1080]

I think that rich educated classes from main cities in Poland tend to eat, live, and even think on a lot of societal topics rather western but most Poles (not only in Polska B, because if we go for instance a few dozen km from Warsaw, situation applies) it's more Eastern in terms of mentality, food... In a lot of Eastern areas in Poland, one can feel like in Ukraine or even in Russia...

To me, there is NOTHING wrong about being from Eastern Europe so why the big fuss???? ;)
4 Nov 2015
History / POLAND: EASTERN or CENTRAL European country? [1080]

@Absolutely, Atch! It was "simple" in those days: Western Europe = capitalistic Europe, and Eastern Europe = communist block. East Germany was considered part of Eastern Europe because it was communist whereas countries like Austria and Greece although fruther east geographically speaking where consisdered Western Europe because capitalistic countries.

Whoever has lived in Western Europe prior to 1989 knows that and I don't see anything wrong saying that Poland is part of Eastern Europe because there is nothing wrong, it is no ... insult ;).

As I said, Central Europe was (and is) Germany, Austria, Hungary and the Czech Republic. Poland as per mentality and culture is more "Eastern" than Central. Hungary is not a slavic country and is completely different from any other country but the Czech Republic is much more Westernized (and problaby always has been) in everything than Poland is.

What is wrong about that????? Nothing so what's the big deal???????? ;)
4 Nov 2015
History / POLAND: EASTERN or CENTRAL European country? [1080]

Eastern Europe refers to former communist countries, which were all in the eastern half of Europe. On the contrary, Greece has always been considered a Western country since not part of the communist world.

Eastern and Western are political references.

As to Poland, culturally and mentality wise, it is closer to Eastern side of Europe. Personally I don't see it as an insult so I don't understand the fuss about it. Central Europe is rather Germany, Austria, Hungary and the Czech Republic.
4 Nov 2015
Law / Polish work visa refused - what should i do next? [23]

sorry for you but what do you want us to do? We are neither lawyers nor Polish government and also we have no access to your file. If you think it can be worthwile the money, time, and energy, do hire a lawyer but you know, no country (including Poland) owes visas to anyone.

PS: when you say "Polish" company, I assume you mean ... "American" company ;)
29 Oct 2015
Life / Can someone tell me about the reason behind being gay in Poland being wrong [148]

@Jon: for sure, Poles who accept homosexuals are those among the educated, well off and travelled populations. I have heard from homosexuals that I do trust (....) terrible stories, including about parents paying doctors to administrate "electro therapy" treatment to their homo kids.... In bigotted Polska B, it's really something. Same goes for unwed mothers.... Well, it was like this in Western Europe in the 1950's....
29 Oct 2015
Life / Can someone tell me about the reason behind being gay in Poland being wrong [148]

I have met another openly gay guy in Warsaw today and I'm sure we"ll become good friends :). However, it's "ok" in educated and open minded circles but gays and lesbians still cannot hold hands and kiss in public in Poland, even in Warsaw. Well, it's not that great even in Warsaw; I personally know some gays who regularly get insulted and even beaten up just because they are homosexuals... Polish society still has a long way to go. Last year, in GW, there was a long report re homosexuals living in Polska B and needless to say, it is rather hard for them as they usually have to hide their homosexuality. Someone told me last week that prior to 1989, homosexuals had it easier in Poland. I don't know but if true, was it because Church less powerful?
28 Oct 2015
Love / Do Polish girls like to marry a man from Lebanon ??? [41]

@Dany: here, I can agree. I have a cousin in Warsaw who used to work for a Saudi investment group (I don't know the name, and it was close to 10 years ago) and according to my cousin, Saudis were wild re women and booze here ;).
28 Oct 2015
Love / Do Polish girls like to marry a man from Lebanon ??? [41]

@Levi, I have NEVER lived in Saudi Arabia and frankly why should I and I am NOT obsessed by Saudi Arabia and Muslims the way you are obsessed by Muslims and Western Europe, where you have NEVER lived. I don't know re Saudi Arabia so I don't pretend to know whereas you have never lived in Western Europe but you pretend to know better than us who were born and whose families have lived there for a least several generations. I bet you don't even speak French, Swedish or German ...

Besides, this is called POLISH forum so why so obsession with Muslims and Western Europe where you have never been? It shows how stupid you are.
28 Oct 2015
Love / Do Polish girls like to marry a man from Lebanon ??? [41]

Once more. Levy who lives in Saudi Arabia with Muslims that he pretends to hate, talks about things he does not know of. In so called multicultural societies, several cultures exist next to each other and none is replaced by any. Western Europeans have their traditions for Christmas and other events. Well, no need to keep talking to ignorant Levy. He has NEVER lived in any Western European countries but he "knows" of course better than those who were born there and who've been living there for generations.

Levy, this is called plain stupidity and it is even pathology...

Levy, instead of talking about what you don't know, do spend your free time with your great Muslim friends thanks to whom you may eat.... ;)
28 Oct 2015
Love / Do Polish girls like to marry a man from Lebanon ??? [41]

@Roger: you can admit that Levy deserves the Nobel prize for stupitidy and ignorance! Do you remember about "the Polish woman supposedly beheaded by her Saudi husband and about homosexuals organizing orgies in the middle of the streets in front of churches" that he told us???? Of course, nothing on the net and no proof from him either. If he works in Saudi Arabia (for someone so anti-muslim, it makes a lot of sense "lol"), I can say that the level of qualifications requested to work there is dirt low or Levy cleans their camels' s sh...t
28 Oct 2015
Love / Do Polish girls like to marry a man from Lebanon ??? [41]

@levy: once more the anti-muslim obsession! For someone who has to work in Saudi Arabia to earn his bread, it's rather ... hilarious! ;). Levy, who has NEVER lived in either UK or France of course knows better that people there have NO traditions. "lol". Lévy, you should work as a clown because you are very funny ;)
28 Oct 2015
Language / What computer keyboards are in use in Poland? [34]

Absolutely, Pol! Almost all countries with languages using "signs" have their own keyboard and also characters are arranged on keyboard according to the frequency or not of their use. Thus, no need to press half a dozen different keys at same time to get a "sign" and letters used most often in any given language are placed at more convenient places. I personally use a French keyboard and I do type very fast all the more as I don't need to press half a dozen keys to get "accents and various signs". If I need to type some Polish (rarely but "unfortunately" I have a " ł " in my (Polish) name)), I just go to "special characters" and that's it.

I don't understand why there is no Polish keyboard...
28 Oct 2015
Law / Polish Visa Refused, Going To Make Appeal, What should I do ? [81]

@Rony: YOU have not applied for a work permit since ONLY potential employers do. Polish authorities, like any other authrorities, are not obliged to issue visas (and work permits). Since you cannot get into Poland, try another country!

PS: in this random forum, none of us are either lawyers or working with the relevant Polish authorities and also we don't know about your particular case and therefore what do you want us to tell you?
24 Oct 2015
News / School shooting in Sweden. Should Poland be worried about a copycat? [24]

What does it have to do with Poland? Anything that could happen in Tanzania, North Pole or New Guinea shall be now copied-pasted in PF with the "could it happen in Poland too"? What to you expect from PF's members besides vomitting once more on Muslims. Sorry, but I don't see anything else. ANYTHING in PF is an exuse to do so...

I don't know whether you are a racist or not but you sometimes post things that are strongly xenophobic.. I must say that I am most surprised as you said that you are Jewish. As part of a minority who have suffered in the most incredible horrible ways, one could expect some empathy from you to others suffering. (I won't be label as "antisemitic" as my mother-in-law was born Jewish (later on converted to catholicism because easier in Poland ;)).

Sorry if I have misunderstood your aim but I am almost sure that I have not.

If you want to comment upon things that happen in Sweden or elsewhere, go to Swedish and other more suitable fora.