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Posts by Novichok  

Joined: 17 Nov 2020 / Male ♂
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11 Feb 2024
UK, Ireland / Is it good for Poland as Sinn Fein will win today in Northen Ireland [282]

Dublin, where that lovely and happy city seems to have been engulfed by race riots."'

I love it!!!! Serves you right, Irish morons, for not listening to me...The biggest mystery is why you agreed to let this human garbage in...

Oops,...I am so sorry...I forgot that your rulers don't give a fvck what you think...But don't feel bad...That's how all Western "democracies" work...

Actually I quite like Warsaw. few foreign scumbags...Lovely, isn't it...
10 Feb 2024
History / Pol-Shorpy Photo Thread [954]

Men are makers and women are takers.

That alone wouldn't be bad.
The bad is when some old sucker believes that he met the love of his life in a three-time divorced lying bi*ch who recently discovered the alternate use for antifreeze.
10 Feb 2024
News / How will Poland be affected by WW3 which has now started [559]

Seethe all you want - nobody, including their alleged ally, China, recognizes Russian Crimea and other cope annexations.

I don't "seeth". I celebrate when people are free to vote in a referendum. I wish our ruling mod would ask us if we want our borders open to the invading hordes.

and anyway what about Iraq

You are a true genius. If the US can invade and stay in Syria and Iraq, Russia can invade Ukraine and stay there as long as it wants. I like simple...

Memo to morons: Normal people like guys with guns. We call them cops. Russian soldiers in Crimea were cops. Their job was to prevent violence and terrorism, not to inflict violence and terror on the voters.

Do you, morons, know how I know that? I know that because no shots were fired, nobody died, and no Western press has reported that people were threatened to vote one way or the other.

Further, Russia invited "international observers". They didn't come so that later Polish morons could claim the referendum was coerced and illegitimate. Nice trick...
10 Feb 2024
News / How will Poland be affected by WW3 which has now started [559]

Even the architect of the 2014 invasion admits the 'referendum' was carried out at gunpoint and people didn't want to participate.

Democratic U was free to organize it without guns.
When was the last poll done before 2014 and what were the results?
10 Feb 2024
News / How will Poland be affected by WW3 which has now started [559]

I'd guess when Ruskies invaded Crimea?

Russia didn't "invade" Crimea. Crimea seceded from Ukraine and asked Russia to join the Russian Federation. Russian Duma agreed and now Crimea is part of Russia. Eat sh*it.

Iraq didn't ask Poland to invade Iraq but Poland did it anyway. How nice...I guess to spread democracy and freedom to be gay...

The US invaded Afghanistan because it couldn't tell the difference between the good guys like me and the scum like the 9/11 19 azholes who came to "study" how to fly big planes - one way, no landings.

And yet Putin never tried to do it,

...before they went NATO.

Is every Polak an idiot with a short memory?
10 Feb 2024
Life / What is Poland's fastest growing ethnic group? [57]

The fastest growing ethnic group are Western white racists and xenophobes. I wonder why...Just as Cali scum runs to Texas after fvcking up their own state.
10 Feb 2024
News / How will Poland be affected by WW3 which has now started [559]

Respectfully, Poland doesn't have near enough military

Why would Russia attack Poland? To exterminate Poles? To make them slaves? To grab Polish oil fields? Because Russia doesn't have enough land and cannot feed its people?

Russia invaded Ukraine when the Western meddlers finally crossed the red line in 2014 and turned a Russia-friendly neighbor into a hostile one. We would do the same if Iraq started some WMDs crap that would threaten the very existence of the US. The Iraqi ICBMs are amazingly fast and accurate.
9 Feb 2024
Law / Rejecting Inheritance [44]

Useless as Liberals?

Keep up. It's leftists, not "liberals". Leftists are totalitarian criminals.
Liberals are pussified intellectuals with skinny arms. Aka Libertarians.
9 Feb 2024
News / How will Poland be affected by WW3 which has now started [559]

Russia will not dare to attack Poland...

Russia has no desire or need to attack Poland today or the Russians would have done it before Poland went NATO.

Today, Poland is a US vassal state and, thus, untouchable. Because of the US umbrella, Poland can stop spending money like a drunk sailor.

Without the US, Poland would be a bump on the road to Russia. U is different and it shows with the ridiculously low U civilian casualties Russia is trying to avoid at great cost to itself.
9 Feb 2024
Off-Topic / AfD Party is growing ever more powerful throughout country [46]

Hey, Professor, why don't you at least include what you are responding to...

Ignorance though is indeed a personal right protected by our Constitution....unfortunately.

Do you realize how stupid that sentence is in addition to being idiotic?
9 Feb 2024
Law / Rejecting Inheritance [44]

I have three choices for the most useless: Iron, Alien, and tits on a bull.
Which one would you vote for, Iron?
9 Feb 2024
Law / Rejecting Inheritance [44]

Look, don't you know that rational people do not listen to you?

I will let you know later today who is more useless here - you or Alien...

is both folly as well as unrealistic.

That's a different argument...It should not ever come to the point where anyone would have to say it. Doing nothing should be enough.
8 Feb 2024
Law / Rejecting Inheritance [44]

Idiocy is not a system. It's a mental disorder.
I naively assumed that I was dealing with rational people. Sorry...
8 Feb 2024
Law / Rejecting Inheritance [44]

30 years ago for most Poles there were no debts and no assets

So 30 years ago, a 10-year-old kid could be dragged through a bureaucratic nightmare because grandpa was an idiot and made him inherit a negative estate.

Novi, don't be such an idiot. Under Polish law you inherit the deceased's debts as well as their assets.

Why did the PF bootlicker call me an idiot instead of calling the Polish inheritance law idiotic? The answer: Because bootlickers never, ever criticize the system and the ruling morons.
8 Feb 2024
Law / Rejecting Inheritance [44]

Hey, legal geniuses: What happens if your "loved" one dies with a ton of bills, 2 dollars in assets, and a will with you in it? You say fvck it and do nothing. Now what?
7 Feb 2024
Law / Rejecting Inheritance [44]

If I want to. If I don't want to inherit, I don't have to.

You are lying. I cannot be responsible for the actions of other civilians if I didn't consent or had no control over them. See Lidice as an exception.

Only you can be that insane.
7 Feb 2024
Law / Rejecting Inheritance [44]

But there is 6 months to reject the estate.

What happens when you do nothing?
7 Feb 2024
Off-Topic / AfD Party is growing ever more powerful throughout country [46]

An opinion though CAN, indeed SHOULD, be predicated on fact as much as possible.

What is based on facts we call "conclusions", not opinions, Professor. Only habitual weasels say "In my opinion" when they know it's a fact that may hurt feelings.

"Faggots are perverts" is an opinion. "Some faggots die of AIDS" is a fact. The conclusion "don't fvck around" is based on that fact.
7 Feb 2024
Law / Rejecting Inheritance [44]

It's a guilty unless found innocent idiocy. Now I know why I left that God-forsaken sh*ithole.

My bet is still that I am dealing only with idiots like you here. Even Polish law can't be that stupid. A simple test to test its sanity:

Assume that one thousand fiscal idiots put you in their wills, each one coming with 1 million buck debt. You don't know any of them.

Are you now obligated to run around to refuse each of those 1000 cases?
7 Feb 2024
Law / Rejecting Inheritance [44]

Under Polish law unless an heir refuses an inheritance they are liable for debts of the deceased (beyond the size of the estate).


Learn English or at least read slowly...
