The BEST Guide to POLAND
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Joined: 14 Feb 2007 / Male ♂
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Threads: Total: 154 / Live: 56 / Archived: 98
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From: Novi Sad, Vojvodina, Srbija.
Interests: New Commonwealth (Sarmatia), Slavic Union, Poland, books, sport, traveling

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27 Mar 2020
Genealogy / Was name `Szczerbin` first and original Polish ethnic name, local version of Sarmatian name ? [11]

Deeper insight into history of Europe. Some thoughts...

Spali, Spalaei, Spalaei, Palaei - names of one and same people. Corrupted name of Serbs by Pliny (fl. 77-79).
Spalaei/Palaei/Pali - corrupted by Diodorus (2, 43). Even point at them as ancestral people (Royal Scythians) of all Scythians. This remind me of Polish legneds of Sarmatian origin.

Polish Tadeusz Sulimirski connects all these records with Sarmatian Roxolani. Spalirisos, Spalyris, Spalahora, and the Slavic word ispolin, spolin (`giant`). Sulmirski also thinks that other Slavs considered Serbs as overlords, ancestral people of their origin. Francis Dvornik says that Sporoi mentioned by Procopius (around 500 AD) aree old name of the Antes and that Sclaveni were probably the those Spali mentioned by Jordanes (fl. 551) and Spalei mentioned by Pliny.

Having this in mind and in context of this thread, where we, among else, try to analyze all local native versions of Serbian (Sarmatian) name.

So, on the first glance, in my opinion on the base of data and linguistic logic these names are native versions of Serbian name > spot how is line of original Serbian name preserved on the Balkan-Baltic line, first backbone of Europeans on this continent (in slow migration along the Danube river), after Europe was re-populated when Ice age was over.

(in Serbian sound - Shvabi) - Here we don`t have foreign corruption but linguistic evolution where we have that phenomenon where B moving to V or symple gradual softening of original (from all Europeans and Slavs only Balkan Serbs preserved ``R`` as vocal, being located in the ancient core of West/Ice age refugium where civilization never ended in last 70.000 years, on Balkan and language retained its primal originality). SRBI > SRVI. Serbs from Balkan, Lusatia and Kashupi would tell Srbin, Syarbin or Sorbin. See, you have that gradual softening. But Polish will tell Szczerb (in Serbian that sound SH).

Corrupted versions of Serbian (ie Sarmatian) name are for sure these remnants >

* SPAIN, SPANIARDS (in Serbian sound - Shpania)
* PORTUGAL (same as Spalei > Palei)

Among else, we now know more of European history. We see and learning that when we speak of slave rebellion of Spartacus against Romans, we actually speak about `Rebellion of Serbs led by Serbian`. So, Sarmatian rebellion that were at the same time slaves of Rome, while Sarmatian elite was in symbiotic relationship with Rome. For example, we know that Spartacus who led rebellion of slaves was directly from Thracia, Thracian (and it is dual designation for Sarmatians same as Serbian state even today have two names, Srbija i Rashka > Racowie > Th-racowia = Thracia). In all Roman records name of Triballi (biggest Thracian tribe) is exonym of Serbs. Duka (of Byzant) directly write, even in middle ages, write how Turks moved against Triballi and clashed with them on Kosovo (Kosovo battle - Serbs vs Turks) and speaks of Lazarus of Triballi (at that time Serbian King Lazar). Also, more Roman Emperors (Western and Eastern) were of Sarmatian then of Latin origin.
22 Mar 2020
History / Why could some Czechs dislike Poles/Poland? [25]

Poland`s government problem is blind obedience to Vatican and readiness to act against Polish interests. Its disguising to Czechs. Essentially, I understand them. Boii. They love Poles just don`t have that much nerves with Poles as we Serbs have. We Serbs are famous by our nerves. Scordisci.
21 Mar 2020
Love / My Polish bf cheated on me with a black girl [45]

My polish bf cheated on me with a black girl

Think of it as of romantic exploration. An incident. Forget it. You would anyway plot your revenge on hm in a kind of similar fashion and you would again feel you are most beautiful woman, loved, secure, etc what you must feel.
18 Mar 2020
USA, Canada / Poles Living in the Chicago Area [300]

What are you talking about? Shitcago aka Chiraq is no fortress of Slavdom anymore.

You updating me with ugly things about Chicago. It can`t be reality.

He hasnt a clue about Chicago, just more of his off-topic troll propaganda as usual.

You are cruel. As usual. Even Corona didn`t soften your heart. Maybe other parts so you impose your complexes on me.
17 Mar 2020
USA, Canada / Poles Living in the Chicago Area [300]

How doing our venerable fortress of Slavdom, Chicago, in these troubled times of evil Corona?
16 Mar 2020
News / Presidential elections 2020 - your opinions about campaign, candidates [2222]

Still, some people, some opposition, may prove to be more vulnerable to virus. Unfortunately, of course.

Just remember how good brat Lech Kaczinsky fall with his plane. Story ended in way that most people blame Lech himself for fall of plane. Its high level manipulation. In my country people believe that EU killed Lech.
15 Mar 2020
News / Polish lorry driver attacked by migrants in Belgium [21]

One moral dilemma. Should states, in order to prevent illegal migrant invasion, use Automatic Gatling machine gun turrets on migrant routes, on parts of borders out of official crossings?
14 Mar 2020
News / Presidential elections 2020 - your opinions about campaign, candidates [2222]

We are closer and closer to the moment when will one Polish Presidential candidate declare that support merging of Eastern Germany with Poland, if people in democratic plebiscite just decide so and if, of course, Germany as a whole recognize that as wise necessity.
1 Mar 2020
News / Presidential elections 2020 - your opinions about campaign, candidates [2222]

Wałęsa is a crazy old fart and an ex-communist regime agent. NEVER listen to what that lunatic says. NEVER.

I know what you mean. He is deranged, especially after he was raped at London airport. Poor man. But maybe that experience helped him to see better. He is right about Polish-Russian relations. I know that we Serbs see our interest in it. Time is that we all turn Slavic world into better place and machine for good business. All out of that is peripheral, private and technical detail. Truly, no reason third party to profit on inter-Slavic problems. At the same time, nobody speaks of Slavic unity but of interests that we share.
1 Mar 2020
News / Presidential elections 2020 - your opinions about campaign, candidates [2222]

Brat Walesa giving interesting comments in the wake of new elections in Poland. Interesting timing. In any case I support this way of thinking, speaking and doing >>

'Warsaw is closer to Moscow than to Washington': Polish ex-president Walesa vows to break ice with Russia

When we quarrel, only third parties win. Warsaw was always closer to Moscow than to Washington.

Poland should have good relations with both, with USA and with Russia.
29 Feb 2020
News / Presidential elections 2020 - your opinions about campaign, candidates [2222]

We have one... about 18,000 faithful strong

You do? But why only 18,000?

Why more trust to Pope and not to your own autonomous national Catholic Church? Pope of Rome, Patriarch of Constantinople, Grand Mufti of Mecca and Medina, its all the same. All globalists. Like communism and comrade Stalin. All globalism, brate. Much better to be loyal to national Christian Church.

You're talking nonsense Crow. You just a clueless plonker. Stop it.

Me talk nonsense? Don`t you feel shame Irone. If you aren`t Slavic first then you are globalist. Yesterday you was comrade. Today you are acolyte or what? Why can`t you be normal Catholic, ethnic first and then faithful. Man, Muslims are Islam first and ethnic second.
29 Feb 2020
News / Presidential elections 2020 - your opinions about campaign, candidates [2222]

Anyway, my wish is that after elections Poland become one more sensible state, more honest, with more justice, less hypocritical, first Slavic and just then Catholic, more proud of its Slavic heritage, more independent from Rome and state of Vatican with tendency to form its own autonomous national Catholic Church, more independent from western Europe, more free for all Slavs who live on soil of Poland, more educated, less naive.

That for start. At the end of process I would like to see revival of `Sarmatism` in Poland.
29 Feb 2020
News / Presidential elections 2020 - your opinions about campaign, candidates [2222]

"Nie ma Kaszëb bez Polonii, a bez Kaszëb Polśczi."

Yes, that could be seen on that video. Go on 07:01 and later go on 14:02 >>>>

Kashubi `married` Poland with Baltic sea. Antonio Abraham and General Haleb secured Baltic to Poland. Baltic that is ancient land of Kashubs (ie Serbs!- as Kashubs themselves say and history remembers) and in past entire Baltic was called `Ocenaus Sarmatiucs (Serbian ocean)`. So Kashubs decided to live in Poland not in Prussia and after the WWI Poland thanked them with forced Polonization. Very ``nice``. Look how on video Kashubs themsleves speak about discoloration in Polish army. Shame.

We Serbs coming back and we will bring balance. Kashubs are Kashubs and Serbs. And they Poles when they want that and we Serbs from Balkan support them to be Poles. With Poland confronted to Serbia, Kashubs would be Serbs. So, Poland would be in balance of `Sarmatism` once again.

You Torq think you can BS to me, don`t. Crow knows.
29 Feb 2020
News / Presidential elections 2020 - your opinions about campaign, candidates [2222]

Each of those groups, Silesians included, indentifies as Poles first and formemost.

You have wrong info.

Kashubi for example, who in past had one of their oldest Capital named Belgrade, consider themselves Kashubs, Serbs and Poles, while also says that in past they were only Serbs. After all they have language closer to Balkan Serbian then to Polish what is not surprising to us who knows for ancient Sarmatian line from Balkan to Baltic when Europe first time was populated after Ice age.


As Kashubs themselves say they were victims of Germanization and then also forced Polonization, what is to me abominable considering Poles themselves were Serbs in past. Man, Germans were Serbs in past. Proof how madness don`t have boundaries. Sure, no boundaries but there is Rome.

That is just one example.

Even a German-sponsored "Silesian Autonomy Movement" has completely lost its momentum

Expected. Other worries now. Soon we will have German Autonomy Movement within Germany.
28 Feb 2020
News / Presidential elections 2020 - your opinions about campaign, candidates [2222]


Election euphoria yet to start, so don`t cry like an old woman. And even if Poles wouldn`t need Serbs to hear their opinion, all other brethren who live in Poland would need... Kashubi, Silesiani, Gorali, Kursenieki, Luzichani, Lemkosi, Oledrzi, Mazuri, etc. But, we know, Poles do need.

After all, you know who is Champion of Polonia here in the region? You know who receiving funds of Polonia via especially formed company? Of course, I talk of Serbs. Of Racowie. Because brat Lewandowski and all Polonia love us very much and invest wisely.
27 Feb 2020
News / Presidential elections 2020 - your opinions about campaign, candidates [2222]

Chose wisely Sarmats of Poland, my most venerable and noble sisters and brothers, Poljaci, Kashubi, Silesiani, Gorali, Kursenieki, Luzichani, Lemkosi, Oledrzi, Mazuri and others. Chose wisely. Morning of Sarmatia is at hand and we need wise leaders, so we retake throne that belongs to us since time immemorial. Sarmatians, reclaimers.

God bless you all. God bless Poland and elections in Poland.

Sons of Dragon gathering
27 Feb 2020
News / POKO and LGBT lobby is trying to sexualize children in Poland. Now they aim for adoption [120]

That is not a concern, because it is not possible to change a child's sexual orientation. In fact ....

Let us not speculate. Why would we? In my country LGBT have all rights, same as heterosexuals. Except adoption of children in cases of dead heterosexual parents, if parents themselves didn`t allow possibility child to be adopted by LGBT person. Dead parents have their rights. That`s how it is here where we have respect for ancestors (child do have right to inherit presumable sexual orientation of parent/ancestor). Principle of justice is universal and applies to all. When LGBT person dies prematurely and have children, right to adoption is reserved for other LGBT person (or other option if parent himself predicted) or state taking care of child. Logical and normal, isn`t it. Normalcy is nice.
27 Feb 2020
News / POKO and LGBT lobby is trying to sexualize children in Poland. Now they aim for adoption [120]

POKO and LGBT lobby is trying to sexualize children in Poland. Now they aim for adoption

Exactly to avoid these kind of things, one must give to LGBT persons their deserving rights. You must give them right to marry between themselves, to have their own children, etc, but, if LGBT wants to adopt child from heterosexual parents, it can`t be allowed. Why? Simple, because we must presume that heterosexual parents (if dies prematurely) desire heterosexual orientation to their children.

In my country this is clear- rights of parents and rights of their children to have choice to remain oriented as their parents must be respected no matter if parents died prematurely.
26 Feb 2020
News / Poland's new golden age : shifting from Europe's periphery to its center [29]

Poland's new golden age : shifting from Europe's periphery to its center

Yes, interesting development. Its result of blessed Multi-Polar era of the world, you know. Poland thrive in it. Literally thrive.

I am curious what would Vatican now. It did all to prevent rise of Poland, to support assimilation of Poles/Slavs (ie Sarmats) into Germans and other western Europeans and now needs to take Poland seriously. More seriously then western Europe. Say that God don`t have sense for humor.