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Joined: 14 Feb 2007 / Male ♂
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From: Novi Sad, Vojvodina, Srbija.
Interests: New Commonwealth (Sarmatia), Slavic Union, Poland, books, sport, traveling

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8 May 2020
News / Presidential elections 2020 - your opinions about campaign, candidates [2222]

Polonia, who take absolutely no responsibility for their actions.

Please. Spit on me if you must but please don`t speak against Polonia. Polonia is sacred. Best functioning Polish thing.

You know, I assure you Corey Lewandowski is more responsible then Duda. And love Poland more then Duda. Its Duda who authorized contract for those jets with one motor. He won`t put his child to fly there.
8 May 2020
News / Poles say a big YES to our European Union [957]

Vatican: we finance them, they get so much money from Poland they don't know what to do with it. :)

You finance Vatican, you finance EU, you finance NATO, you finance junk armament, etc. Man, what money remain in Poland. Are you all insane there?

But still nobody in Poland kisses German flag, and we don't expect them to kiss our flag.

They killed you and all Slavs in massive genocides. Sure you won`t kiss their flag.

Yes, yes, but why the flag kissing???

Because it works with Chinese. Its basic diplomacy. They just love it. It goes on their TV. Brate, you can`t imagine those comments on their TV. Somebody in Europe kissed flag of great China.

Its, it's kind... it's like when you share a cigar with Afro-American.
8 May 2020
News / Poles say a big YES to our European Union [957]

Good idea. But first you have to stop kissing Chinese asses... or flags; or preferably both.

Nobody kissing asses here. But flags are alright, as long as we have our intersts respected.

You think Vatican and Germany hurry to finance the prosperity of Central-Europeans? or Britain?

How can China harm us? If they try they easily get the middle finger and closed door of Europe. The problem are those who want and have the capability to dictate.

Screw Italy then?

Just a few days before Corona I tried here to speak something against Italy, to open eyes to Poles but, I got reprimandation. Problem with Poles is that they need things to blow-up in their faces to understand.
8 May 2020
News / Poles say a big YES to our European Union [957]

saving and hard work, then even more saving and even more hard work.

True. This is exactly how I imagine Central-European Confederation. EU just isn`t capable for sanity.
8 May 2020
Love / Dating a Polish guy. Do they cheat and have multiple women? [50]

She has not one ex from Poland, not two, but three..... and they all cheated on her......

Do you think she didn`t cheat on them? The third one was only the third flute. Actually, when the third came into her life, most probably the first one became the third flute.

Well GOODBYE to you Ms/Mr Bad mouth

Well said. But forget him my darling. He is totally confused and always complaining about something. Please, feel free to open yourself to this Serbian. Speak
7 May 2020
Genealogy / Was name `Szczerbin` first and original Polish ethnic name, local version of Sarmatian name ? [11]

One comment on Spartans, maybe most famous Sarmatians ever. Spartans, one of us, on the glory of our common venerable ancestors. A story that is useful to modern-day Sarmats.


It is said that Spartans separated male children from mothers at the age of seven.

Now, with all respect on mothers, this story teaches us not to hesitate to unleash the full manly potentials of our sons. So, go now, talk to your sons.

Only strongly! Sarmats shall prevail.
7 May 2020
News / Presidential elections 2020 - your opinions about campaign, candidates [2222]

I also hope that PiS goes to oblivion.

If I may say, Tusk is these days glorified in Serbian TV media. Even his role in Poland's recognition of Kosovo is softened by the fact that he back in time openly admitted how he was under the pressure of Poland's western European partners. One needed to be brave to speak of it openly. On the other side, Aleksander Kwasniewski and Tadeusz Mazowiecki are mentioned in a negative context. No words here of Duda these days.

Sure, tragically died Poland's President Lech Kaczynski is a local hero.
6 May 2020
USA, Canada / Poles Living in the Chicago Area [300]

God bless Poland for having nerv to send that team and show some backbone. But its not enough. Send more. Behave like Mother.

Then keep your silly serb propaganda off this thread you clown!

Posting your own photos here won`t bring you anything. Its even twisted. And scary, BDW.

Man, Joker, I didn`t know... but, well
6 May 2020
USA, Canada / Poles Living in the Chicago Area [300]

Poland sends medical team to Chicago

See, why would they sent medical team if there is no our people in Chicago. I have no words for your controversial comments.

Great maybe they can treat all the dindus who caught coronavirus by going to that massive party last week

If its on me, I would send combined regiment of army from all Slavic countries. It would instill great fear in those who look on our people with hostility in these troubled times.
5 May 2020
News / Presidential elections 2020 - your opinions about campaign, candidates [2222]

And then, the second Sanacja. And the Golden Age of Poland.

You also need `Sarmatism` as way of thinking, to allow yourself to take Polish ethnicity as part of bigger meta-ethnicity (ie Slavic, ie Sarmatian/Serbian) and then also you can think of Polish ethnicity as meta-ethnicity to all essential ethnicities that are part of Polish national being today (Polani tribe just prevailed among other Sarmatian tribes on one limited territory). You then need national Polish Catholic Church same way as function Polish Orthodox Church. It is good so you contain element of globalism within Christianity and such a containment isn`t for religious but political aspect of Christianity and that way you protect your own ethnic ways.

You need to convince others you are worthy and be able to lead. You need that you look on yourself as worthy.
5 May 2020
News / Presidential elections 2020 - your opinions about campaign, candidates [2222]

I still hope on Kaczyński loosing his patience, and deciding to follow in Piłsudski's footsteps

I also hope

And then, the second Sanacja. And the Golden Age of Poland.

You need Balkan Serbs for Golden Age. Not just some Serbs but particularly Balkan Serbs. Brat Pilsudski knew that.

And we are content (because we know finances goes to us anyway) to see Poland how lead but, to lead one must have desire to lead and, even most importantly, to be able to act.
29 Apr 2020
News / Is NORD STREAM dangerous for Poland's natural enviroment? [516]

All we Poles and Serbs need is to survive and prosper between 1st Rome, 2nd Rome (Constantinople) and 3rdRome. Plus, in all that we have to have in mind that we share same Slavic civilization with Russians and, hope that they also have that in mind. We all share that Roman hate on everything Slavic (ie Sarmatian), no matter all our internal mutual differences.

In this particular case, we would like Russians to refrain themselves from collaborating with Germany. We should be priority to each others.
28 Apr 2020
News / Presidential elections 2020 - your opinions about campaign, candidates [2222]

To vote for Duda or not to vote, the question is now. See, its not easy to Poland.

But, no matter all critics that could be said on controversial brat Duda, one must admit that in his time, Poland allowed to Serbia to use Poland`s air space to import most heavy armament from Russia. That is something, no matter Duda himself allowed that or patriots pressed him to allow that or didn`t even ask him and Duda turned blind eye. In any case, outcome is the same, Poland is again Poland and works for Poland.
28 Apr 2020
News / Is NORD STREAM dangerous for Poland's natural enviroment? [516]

Just heard that Poland threatened Russia on Nord Strem. According to news seams that Poland intend to confiscate property of Nord Stream 2 if Russia fails to pay 1,43 mlrd US dollars to Polish PGniG company.

Thanks Poland. We here pressuring Russia to put its South Stream in its priority and not to collaborate with Germany. Poland`s move will only strengthen our arguments. Almost that one can say how Poland and Serbia coordinate when it comes to Gasprom. Just squeeze them little more. But not too much.
24 Apr 2020
Travel / Will corona kill my plans? Travel to Poland [18]

Actually, in my book, countries like Poland (like my own country in its current form that develop) are now more attractive then countries with seas solely. Poland`s mountains are full of negative ions that rising level of body immunity what is very important in time of Corona.
17 Apr 2020
Life / Polish neighbor problems [6]

Talk to them nicely. They are probably just frustrated by your own approach. Be kind, man.
17 Apr 2020
History / What is Poles opinion on Intermarium (Międzymorze)? [188]

But of course. We are all tool, if there is potential in us. Are you tool to your female or you aren`t? Are you? Trick is to extract something for yourself while serve as tool.

And why would Poland complaint? Belgrade will profit and Warsaw, too. It was so even during amber trade route, before some strangers from the west of Europe came and robbed us both. Orban making sure that Budapest also profit. No problem, there is enough for him, too. For some others, too. For some. What is the problem then?

Krzysztof Krawczyk & Goran Bregovic - Moj przyjacielu [Official Music Video]


Let us control the game. Let cards role on the table. Like heads. As long as those aren`t our heads. Never again.
16 Apr 2020
History / What is Poles opinion on Intermarium (Międzymorze)? [188]

And you're thinking that Germany would passively submit to that process?

What we all can against global government that is obliged to bring balance in the world. Germany and many other countries and experiments may cease to be of use in global affairs.

I would see Belarus. Moldova and possibly Ukraine as a potential partners in that union.

Your wish may become reality but, what you think, what decision maker have capacity to bring your wish become reality?
16 Apr 2020
History / What is Poles opinion on Intermarium (Międzymorze)? [188]

whole point of Intermarium is for Poland to become a truly independent state.

Rather think of Intermarium in modern terms, in Multi-Polar world of emerging global civlizations. If Germany become part of it (Central European Union) then Germany cease to exist. It will join as several different states that embraced their Slaveno-Serbian past. It would be their return to us. What refuse that will join around France in Western European Union plus.

France should have their Mediterranean Union with Italy, Spain, Portugal and Greece where .....,

Exactly. We live in completely new era. Era where all have to have win win solution. If Germany collapse it won`t came as punishment to Germany. It would rather come as natural process, as salvation to population there and as measure of balance for that region and rest of Multi-Polar world.

And historical science must be liberated from politics. We all would learn to face facts and live with it. Why? Facts bringing progress. Lies bringing manipulation and decadency.
16 Apr 2020
History / What is Poles opinion on Intermarium (Międzymorze)? [188]

I don't know about that. Intermarium cannot be too small, but it can't be too large either. It's a question of cohesion.

When it comes to Italy, its predestined for another civilization. With France.

But, don`t hesitate to think in truly large measures of territory. What we live now is era of forming of global civilizations. It can be small as Isreal or Japan (one sole global civilization) or it can be as double as Russia. It depending on factors that will determine those civilizations and their role in world that emerging.

The solution is to include Serbia in Intermarium, and finally pull it out from Russia's orbit.

You too much worry for Russia, my friend. Today`s politics work other way. Listen... Russia is to become Eurasian Union, one of global civilizations that will include even Iran, Kazahstan, etc.

Chance that Serbia become part of that Eurasian Union is same as chances of Poland itself. How so? Because, if need to happen that way, it will happen and it will happen in scenario if USA and Russia agree to split entire Europe on two zones- Slavic and Anglo. In that case even France cease to exist.

But, I read different signals in forming global civilizations. Its as I said before.

I was thinking rather of including Germany in the union. After all - they are essentially a Central European nation...

Yes. You know, some in Germany, in Saxony and Lusatia already thinks this way. They know where they belong.

Great chance is that plan bringing collapse of Germany. I do believe it goes with us, with Central European Union. But it would be allowed only if Belgrade lead the process of it. Why? Simple, because of future role of such a conglomerate. Why would now Russia allow to be formed something that is founded on hate on Russia? See? Do you begins to understand why it must be Belgrade? Yes, Russians would be satisfied that conglomerate not to be anti-Russian and neutral. And that factor of neutrality is exactly what will satisfy USA. Only Belgrade can bring it and most probably, only thanks to historical and geo-strategic position of Belgrade, Intremarium (Central European Union) even becoming possible.
16 Apr 2020
History / What is Poles opinion on Intermarium (Międzymorze)? [188]

Main question is what Poland want. Is that Intermarium as Pilsudski suggested (balance between western Europe and Russia) it or Poland by the Kanopisht (Clero-Catholic Poland, Vatican-Germanic project, as ultimately anti-Russian creation). far as Międzymorze is concerned, but apparently there is one sea missing in Intermarium - Adriatic.

If its Intermarium Poland want, then you don`t worry for Adriatic. You know how Adriatic came to Slavic hands? First, it was always populated by Serbs, even when Rome, Venice, Hungary or Austria controlled it. Then Serbs liberated it and opposition countered with project of `Clero-Catholic Croat nation`, firstly, out from Catholic Serbs and then also from converted Orthodox Serbs. Then finally, Serbian state liberated Slavic/Serbian part of Adriatic and won it for the Slavic world. But Serbs mistaken. We didn`t listen good Polish Czartorisky and we didn`t create Greater Serbia (as he pointed out- Greater Serbia is just ethnic natural Serbia, ie where live all Serbs, of Orthodox, Catholic and Muslim faith), after WWI but, we fell in trap of creating Yugoslavia. We now know that Yugoslavia was Vatican`t and cominetrna`s trap for Serbs, with consent of western Europe and USA, our allies who betrayed us.

All in all, its not over yet. Things change rapidly. How things stand, all states, except Serbia, created from the ruin of former Yugoslavia, are semi-states, puppets, false states and not able to exist in real world, out of their political projects. For various reasons. Apart from Serbia, only Slovenia may be exception here.

In any case - the core is already there - V4. If we add Romania to V4

Conditionally. As I said, all depend on what Poland or to say it correctly, what those who lead Poland want or to say even more correctly, depending on what world powers already agreed to be destine of Poland. In any case, Poland, Poles and those who love them may try to at least tackle and affect things.

I will tell you what political commentators in Serbia says and they knows. Sums up of it is that when collapse, EU is going to split on at least two conglomerates. 1. Western Europe (French-German axis), 2. Poland (by Kanopisht), 3. Serbia (extended so called working title `Little Shengen` or it would be 4. Poland-Serbia (Intermarium or New Commonwealth).

In game is also `Orthodox Union` but, essentially, its rather trap same is `Kanopisht` is trap for Poland. So, more and more in Serbia we speak of `Little Shengen` and `Little Shengen plus` as working title. Hungarian Orban is wise and he speaks of `Visegrad plus` and call Serbia to be main plus in it, while at the same time don`t see survival of Croatia. Orban speaks real politic and possible speaks in name of those in Poland, as possible agreed, ... those who knows that Poland have no true option but Intermarium.

Serbia, on the other side, when once consolidate entirely, when dust in the region settle down and Serbia encompass of at least 60-70% of former Yugoslavia, all would want with Serbia, even Visegrad members. Its about ideology and spirit that Serbia promote and defend. Its about only force that can make things normal again, that can make us all great again as we truly are great and that is `Sarmatism`, that essentially refuse any foreign rule over us and care for all our specific interests.

But Poland have it in itself and we wait for Poland. Corey Lewandowski knows it. We Serbs wait for Poland to awake.




Corey Lewandowski in Belgrade, some year ago, in talk with richest Serbia`s economic magnates, with Serbia`s decision-makers; few days after this lunch Cory Lewandoski opened private Polonia`s company that established money flow with Serb Bosnian leadership

I've got a feeling that Austria is a

Austria becoming interesting in combination if Pan-Serbian card is activated, if entire Germanic world start to fall apart and return to its natural/original Slaveno-Serbian state, if the parts of very Germany secede from Germany and seek joining to rising Intermarium or some Central-European Union led by Belgrade, while rest of Germany join with France in some future Western European Union or Western European Union plus (read plus Northern Africa).

Sure, this scenario or any other depend on agreement between three main world powers, USA, China and Russia. I heard, I had right information. New Yalta is truly suggested to happen in June in Belgrade.
14 Apr 2020

The people who identify themselves as "British" I have no respect for them.

Don`t say that. Now when they are out of EU, there is hope to them. They learned the hard way. I hope they learned.

I know the real facts about Poland during WW2. The real holocaust is Polish. Glad you admit that you don't know the facts.

Something I know, something I don`t know. I don`t deny Polish holocaust but, you also can`t deny Serbian holocaust. My people also suffered as victim of genocide.
14 Apr 2020

@Vesko Vukovic

Nothing is absolutely unified. Jews aren`t all the same financial center. Russians have few centers of power. Vatican, USA, Italy, Britain, Poland, France, Saudis, Turks. Etc, all states. There is state, then deep state, then secret services, then mafia, obviously there is impact of diaspora also. All are balanced thru official state. Plus, balance themselves with other outside centers from other countries.

And we know that train with Lenin started from Switzerland and that even Vatican was involved with cominterna. But what Vatican? What order? We know that Franciscian order have closest ties with Germanics and their imperial plans. This Pope Francis is Jesuit. He have different approach. He more value (at least publicly) Serbian Orthodox Patriarch then any representative of Catholic Church in Croatia. Who controls deep state of Vatican, Russia, USA, Serbia, we don`t know.

What we know, its quite possible that all deep states coordinate with global deep state, ie world government. We know nothing. So, who can tell who ultimately wanted communism. Who wanted Katyn. Who wanted genocide of Serbs on Balkans, equally committed by Orthodox Greeks after WWI and WWII and in Frankenstein clero-Catholic ``independent`` state of Croatia during WWII.

When you look at events always look from at least two angles. One is `daily politics` and one is `deeper sight`. So who knows what happening to us all.