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What is the weather like in Poland where you are now? [202]
Most forecast services online are too general or unreliable.
However, it seems I found a good one. I tested it a few times and it really works. E..g, yesterday in Krakow it was hot and sunny in the morning but the service predicted rains in the afternoon, so, instead of going to the lake for a picnic, we went to the park. And it started raining, indeed, at midday. The same with our trip to Wrocław last week- the first day was great so we went to the zoo, on the second we did some sightseeing in the city first and then went to the Aqua Park to avoid getting wet by heavy rain. :):):)
The service is a bit complicated: you have to find your city/town/village in the voivodship:
After you locate your area, you get forecast for 5 days, divided into 3 times of day plus night, which is quite useful.
Pogoda na 6-10 dni, or
Prognoza długoterminowa in the bar above the first map, you can get long-term forecast.
So, let`s test how reliable it is. Where are you now?
In Krakow it is hot and sunny, but showers are expected in the afternoon, with a nice evening later on.
Sunday 10th - the same.
On Monday 11th - nice morning and rainy afternoon and evening. +17...+19°C +17...+26°C +22...+27°C +19...+23°C
In Wrocław it is warm and sunny and no rains today, only clouds in the evening.
Sunday - the same but showers in the afternoon.
Monday - rains throughout the whole day, temperature +17...+19°C +18...+21°C +20...+24°C +15...+23°C
In Warsaw - did it rain at night today?
Saturday 9th will be hot and sunny with a spotless sky.
Sunday 10th - still hot, with a sunny morning but rains later on.
Monday - rainy morning and afternoon, with clear evening. Temp: warm: +16...+18°C +17...+24°C +22...+24°C +18...+23°C
Saturday 9th - warm and sunny all day. +14...+16°C +15...+22°C +21...+23°C +15...+22°C
Sunday 10th - still warm but rains till evening. +15...+16°C +15...+23°C +19...+23°C +16...+20°C
Moday 11th - clouds in the morning, rainy afternoon and clear evening. +14...+17°C +14...+17°C +16...+20°C +12...+20°C
etc etc
You can write about the weather in your place.