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Posts by Mr Grunwald  

Joined: 16 Dec 2008 / Male ♂
Last Post: 32 mins ago
Threads: Total: 33 / Live: 19 / Archived: 14
Posts: Total: 2128 / Live: 988 / Archived: 1140
From: Poland
Speaks Polish?: Yes (Tak)
Interests: history - politics - food - heraldry - pro publico bono

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Mr Grunwald   
17 Jan 2024
Off-Topic / Personal Pan-Slavic Manifesto [37]

They are a western slavic speaking group (linguistically). Have been over most of it's history under Hungarian boot (culturally very harshly in the 1800+). It causes them naturally to be suspicious of Hungarians and Poles (Polish-Hungarian brotherhood).

They are basically mountain slavs, used to live by themselves mostly and look at larger events mainly by how to survive the best and lose as little people as possible.

They are a people who do not create any danger to any of their neighbours so they are mostly left in peace (historically).

When I visited Slovakia it was easy to find good vibe and tone with as a Polish speakers. (Was with family), I think of them being more clear headed and with feet on the ground (compared to Poles) yet more rough then Czechs.

I think the main reason Slovaks have No intention or dream of joining Poland on their own is all the years of Austrian, Hungarian and Czechoslovak statehood. Now they want to be left to their own.

Of all the Axis powers hostile to Poland, they did the least damage overall (Hungarians and Italians comparingly were sympathetic to the Polish cause)
Mr Grunwald   
14 Jan 2024
Off-Topic / Personal Pan-Slavic Manifesto [37]

Lucky for me, I do not have a need to included in pictures ;)

It's a good prospect but, very risky for nordics to entangle itself with Poland in any European Drama's. However when a situation like the one is now in Europe when Russia is aggressive and extremely more active in Nordic region. Then any help and Co-operation is welcome (see Sweden&Finland wanting NATO)

It's a golden opportunity for Poland, especially with politically correct Tusk to improve prospects with Nordic countries. Especially now with increasing chance of U.S withdrawal from Europe and U.K, France and Germany minding their own business I guess all three would welcome a initiative from Poland instead of the other three.

Problem is the political circus, which will rather be focused on and will become less attractive for Nordics. It would require a statesman tho
Mr Grunwald   
14 Jan 2024
Off-Topic / Personal Pan-Slavic Manifesto [37]

As both Moscow and Warsaw would rival each other for most influence in said Union. I would have lumped all Slavic states with exception of Poland and Russia.

Poland's or Russia's ambitions should be set aside as a guarantee for it's existence for it's longevity to last as long as possible.
Mr Grunwald   
11 Jan 2024
History / Pol-Shorpy Photo Thread [950]

patriot of Poland and an atheist.

Sounds like an oxymoron to me

Regardless, why would anybody really be concerned in any serious manner regarding Jaruzelski and his motivations claimed by him or others. There is European Union now, decisions will be made in Brussel from now on.

How life will in the area around Vistula river will be influenced the strongest by fashion and trends of technocrats in Brussels, what colours will fly, which people to give privileges to and why. Whom to honour and whom not to honour. Your vote, voice and body has been taken away. Blinded by hatred and disgust of PiS. Poland has been sold away. For what? A budget? Control? Tone of voice in the media? Silence?

Your hope is what I find nonsensical and absurd, I pity the Polish people.
Mr Grunwald   
11 Jan 2024
History / Pol-Shorpy Photo Thread [950]

are irrelevant to them

Not irrelevant to me, I will never side with that traitor. He betrayed Poland, his brotherhood in blood, faith and comrades in arms.

He is the example of one of worst possible Polish nobleman. Yet you seek to praise him as an example? Be my guest! A hero of Europrovince 16.

I am sure politicians in Brussel will pay for such stories, in droves? I won't be that customer however!
Mr Grunwald   
11 Jan 2024
History / Pol-Shorpy Photo Thread [950]

His "Polish patriotism" type meant siding with the enemy (communists, devil's offspring)

So tell us, what's the benefit of selling your soul to the devil and still telling everyone what a good Christian you are? Do you not understand that it is just: "nonsense?"

He was too afraid to die, end of story.
Mr Grunwald   
11 Jan 2024
History / Pol-Shorpy Photo Thread [950]

Cause the reds evolved and stepped away from it and Stalinism in general. They wanted to promise new and better times, not repeat mistakes of the past.

That's why these repressions were rather soft compared to what could had been done, a lot of it was also more about PR rather then practical policies or long-term goals.

WRONA wanted to stabilise and improve society by instilling discipline in the population and a soldier's way of life.

That's a guy born in 1990 informing you about, people in those times know that better then me for sure
Mr Grunwald   
9 Jan 2024
News / What should Poland do with the problem of Belarus? [1800]

ABW probably wanting to make it harder for Tusk to change too much with them cause they are: " Working so hard and effective in finding threats from foreign states! Just ask the media" kind of gimmick.

Wouldn't be surprised if more and more Polish institutions gonna be working extremely hard suddenly and be very friendly with every journalist in Poland and showing best possible results everywhere they can find it. Huge opportunity to improve peoples careers if they aid current managers or bosses in making them stay in their positions with TVP as horror and nightmare example
Mr Grunwald   
9 Jan 2024
History / Can a nation totally change its characteristics and national character throughout history? [79]

So your thinking about group mentality and "instinct" what a certain amount of people do while grouped together without question and/or without much willingness to contest it and easily subdued by group pressure compared to other things or values that no group pressure would help?

That's what differentiates one group from another Torq!!! This is why we talk about Ukrainians and not Poles! Ukrainians have a more savage streak then Poles! Just as anybody more east of Ukraine too! Why do you think the more east you go people are more willing to have a central authority?! To keep this savagery at bay of course!

Ukrainians want to change and are willing to, as far as shedding blood for it (with many trying to be smart about it and outplay U.S.A, Europe, Poland and Russia at the same time to everyone's dissatisfaction but, that is ALSO part of Ukrainians!)

I just don't get it, you really think everyone around are like Poles? Or even close? Many people mistakenly attribute cultural values as human values (I have seen this among Poles and Norwegians, which I just *facepalm* and shame my head around internally). It seems like you are going through this right now with this thread.

So I am warning you and trying to tell you. Do not expect Germans to be Polish, do not expect Ukrainians to be Polish, do not expect Russians to be Polish.

Expect Russians to be Russians, Ukrainians to be Ukrainians and Germans to be Germans.

You cannot change their core (God can as proven with Polish history) so no use focusing on that.

One can influence the flavour, change a few ingredients. Cake is still cake, bread is bread and oranges are oranges
Mr Grunwald   
9 Jan 2024
Off-Topic / Has Palestine ever existed? [70]

It started as an attempt by a Roman Emperor to destroy Israel and it's legality. A failed attempt due to his lack of knowledge of how Israel's legality changed and basically became indestructible. It's people now roaming the entire earth basically comparingly to the population of China.

So both Palestine and "Modern state of Israel" have no legitimacy really to the same land they claim.

Problem is both people have the same problem and issue, that it's potentially more dangerous or worse in the hands of it's neighbours or elsewhere longterm. Which is why both fight tooth and nail over the same area.

Poland took a pragmatic approach, seeing it as necessary is my guess. Not much about ideology or legitimacy in Poland's policy in this
Mr Grunwald   
8 Jan 2024
History / Can a nation totally change its characteristics and national character throughout history? [79]

You also have to remember that most of their members (I see it as reflected in Ukrainian society) affiliated UPA and UPA membership with being anti-Soviet and anti-Russian and were ignorant of atrocities performed against minorities and downplay it as they deem it to be propaganda or irrelevant in the face of Russian threat to their lives.

I honestly think most of UPA did not know of UPA ideology as it wasn't main reason to join it, not to mention education level at that time as well.

Besides, modern Ukraine has a lot of ex-Soviet knowledge, gear and know how which UPA did not have in ww2. There is a obvious difference
Mr Grunwald   
6 Jan 2024
News / The feud between Telewizja Republika and TV Trwam [19]

Your a little behind on your research, starvation breeds criminality like crazy. Why did the French revolution happen? Lack of food! If you think they will change through starvation of freedom, the mind or something else, you are very much mistaken. Weaklings belong to the left
Mr Grunwald   
5 Jan 2024
News / The feud between Telewizja Republika and TV Trwam [19]

Good to know which companies think that stop paying for people to speak openly in media is a good idea (it's a really bad idea)

These companies want extremists to find No tool to speak out with (leading to radicalization and martyrdom)

And YOU pawian is cheering this on. Do you think your pupils shouldn't have opportunity to create a school newspaper, the second you disagreed with it?
Mr Grunwald   
3 Jan 2024
Food / Polish Dinner for Boyfriend - what to cook? [34]

Home made pierogis should do the trick.

What kind of man wouldn't smelt his heart seeing his women making homemade pierogi's for him! Polish or not! The work in itself and the result is a gold winner
Mr Grunwald   
3 Jan 2024
Life / Polish people and TV Series - so good and hilariously spot on :) [99]

that's the part of the humour of "1670

I don't relate to much, then I see series like that trying to downplay or destroy what I relate to. Of course I will be moody, angry and dissatisfied. This series was not aimed to please people like me. These posts are the result of that, I am not surprised.
Mr Grunwald   
3 Jan 2024
Genealogy / Former Poland PM Donald Tusk - A Kashub or a German. [71]

Kashubs as Northern Serbs, too.

Why Northern Serbs? Kashubs are a Pommeranian tribe that affiliates itself with Poland rather then Germany, even tho Donald Tusk prefers to give Kashubs a bad rep -.-

I didn't think Sorbs or those slavs further west that became Germanised were much Pommeranian
Mr Grunwald   
3 Jan 2024
Life / Polish people and TV Series - so good and hilariously spot on :) [99]

I have watched a few episodes so far and plan see the entire series as to be able to fully criticise it to the dust at every possible occasion, so far it has more to do with leftists perception and perspective of modern day Poland and issues they think are unaddressed or ignored by rightists as major and important. I must give the series credit on how it showed the futility of combating the environment tho, the most annoying thing for me of course is how they butcher Sarmatism in every possible worst sense through the main character which comes out as a symbolical person of people who haven't achieved much in life and are grudgingly irritated by it and takes it out on everyone around him and blames everybody else (kind of a Kaczyński or a Polish dad who thinks he is the only one who sees these things, as in the truth from his perspective and feels a duty and his part to point them out at every possible unsuitable occasion while lacking authority that he thinks he has)

Although I must admit that most of the Szlachta were put in a positive light at the Sejmik (although they wanted to increase taxes, but were seen as minding the better of the country, but also it could had been done to underscore the tragedy and clear reason to dislike the main character)
Mr Grunwald   
2 Jan 2024
Life / Poland's birthrate on the decline [480]

You still expect a women of her stature to be reasoned with? They are all lost, so is their DNA. Their lottery offspring will have a tough time finding a job if they even get one.

You honestly think they won't be outbreed? Importing women will only escalate, just as passport broes increases. They cannot see the grave their falling into, cause their too busy climbing the ladder that leads to nowhere for them except for a gigantic undefeated wall which will plummet them into a grave.

Their pride make them blind and will not see reason cause they think they got all the cards and power. Foolish are they, foolish I say and write. Foolish
Mr Grunwald   
1 Jan 2024
Love / Smitten and Wondering [81]

No lectures on fidelity, religion, etc. please

Then find a deserted place, yell out to your hearts content what you feel, what you think about it and ask God «Why?!» Then I would suggest doing something monotonous, have phone on airmode and see if you can fall asleep and become more calm
Mr Grunwald   
27 Dec 2023
History / Famous Russian Poles [243]

You got to be kidding me... Polish officers leading that attack?! Here I thought Russians stood behind it!
Mr Grunwald   
22 Dec 2023
News / Time to clean the swamp - dePiSification of Poland [323]


they will remain empty and will be sold out to become shopping or community centres.

I guess that's a dream come true for the likes of you

Regarding unnerving, that wasn't my plan nor intention. Just sharing my thoughts. Think what you want however, it's of little concern to me.

At least some good news in all this chaos, hopefully competent.

So why are you writing such nonsense?

I am being pessimistic, hopefully groundlessly. It's just too bleak looking. It just doesn't look good at all
Mr Grunwald   
22 Dec 2023
News / Time to clean the swamp - dePiSification of Poland [323]

TVP shutting down, possibly CBA. No Police chief? I am just waiting for the moment of the hunt on the new military formations I guess.


pawian, should I expect burning of churches? Priests carried out in lorries or cameras on the street?
Mr Grunwald   
22 Dec 2023
Off-Topic / Russian Views On Poland and Vice Versa [382]

I have found that Wilno accent and Lwów accent the most interesting (from movies), also old fashioned Jewish accent in Polish too.

A sketch about "Sęk" will never leave my memory, the accent, way of speaking and deminour is just too wonderful.
Mr Grunwald   
21 Dec 2023
Off-Topic / The Pope has officially approved the blessing of same-sex couples [60]

Nonsense, he is adding unnecessary confusion and tries to be empathetic towards those who live for destroying the church and drag the world to the barbarism and debuchery of ancient times.

By weaking the West like the woke and West does, it opens up for the West to surrender to the east without a gunshot being fired, thankfully the east has began moving too early, too fast, and too unprepared. So there is hope, but yeah. I will never forget the lefts betrayal of the west
Mr Grunwald   
20 Dec 2023
Off-Topic / The Pope has officially approved the blessing of same-sex couples [60]

Any law from time of Moses and forth, how would you view any member of your family rejecting it?

To me, in IT terms. Judaism is like group of people who still sticking to Windows 98. Cause it's better then Windows 95.

Then you got people who use Vista that was updated, attacking and complaining about the people using windows 98.

Finally you have guys that are using Windows 9 that complain about updates to it.

If you catch my drift