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Posts by rybnik  

Joined: 16 Jan 2011 / Male ♂
Last Post: 2 Aug 2017
Threads: 18
Posts: 1453
From: new jersey
Speaks Polish?: yes

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10 Apr 2011
Love / Polish girls and the national sport: COMPLAINING HARD all the time [25]

they keep on complaining that they are poor and good and llife is hard
but they reallly do not lift a finger to change anything...

Buy some books about the PRL-days; show her some food-coupons and remind her that not too long ago people could only buy vinegar and canned peas in the store. "Things are not THAT bad pobrecita".
11 Apr 2011
Travel / What's good to do in Wroclaw Poland? [34]

Is it that building? Now there is a medical unit in it.

That's it!

PS. I think you can appreciate site with all kinds of photos from Breslau and Wroclaw, old and new

Great site! Thanks
12 Apr 2011
Language / Too many English words in the Polish language! [709]

I just came upon this thread. It's comforting to see that I'm not the only one concerned. I understand all too well the fluidity of language and how it is constantly morphing BUT what's happening to the Polish language vis a vis english is horrifying. I fell away from Poland/Polish for a long time and only began re-connecting over the past 18 months. I simply couldn't believe all the new words incorporated in such a short time! It's almost as if Poles are all-too-quick to "sell-out" their language to be more like Americans. Anyway, that's how I feel.
13 Apr 2011
Language / Too many English words in the Polish language! [709]

To all those concerned by the alarming rate in which Polish incorporates new words - the above is perfectly good Polish, isn't it? Well, can you find all the borrowings from other languages I stuck in there?

I get your point. It just seems that these english words are being incorporated at a very accelerated rate - that's all. :)
13 Apr 2011
News / Poland ready to receive Libyan refugees [159]

Why it always has to be Europe or/and US coming to the rescue?

Because we are civilized people; we are predominantly charitable people and because it's the right thing to do. :)
13 Apr 2011
Language / Too many English words in the Polish language! [709]

Read any pre-war memoirs or newspapers and you will see for yourself.

very cool! So maybe there is yet hope? Polish will get this American-thingy "out of its system" and right itself someday?......Maybe because it just got "out of jail" and feels it has to catch up?..Thanks Magdalena.
13 Apr 2011
Language / Too many English words in the Polish language! [709]

ok But again, it's the sheer volumeof new english words that the culture is trying out for size. Were the pre-war numbers(of new words) similar? You have to admit it is a lot. I certainly don't recall any remotely similar occurring in American english over the past 20 years; nor 50 for that matter :)
13 Apr 2011
News / Poland ready to receive Libyan refugees [159]

That’s the beauty of it all, why do you suppose that France jumped on it so fast?

Italy's the big player in Libya. France jumped on it because the little man with the BIG Napoleon-complex wants to show the Americans/Brits that he can "get down". He's very ambitious(see how he's keeping those Muslim women in check ;)

Could some Africans, Chinese, Arabs, Indians, South Americans try to be civilized and charitable too?

Point taken. Do we wait for those countries to take part and watch hundreds of people die?
13 Apr 2011
Life / Are Polish roads really this bad? [237]

I hear what you're saying. I do. It's still incomprehensible for me that a country of Polands
business and manufacturing heritage doesn't see how important good, fast roads are especially with Germany right next door! Nie kapojÄ™(I don't get it).
13 Apr 2011
History / Nowa Huta and other achievments of PRL (People's Republic of Poland) [79]

I remember a HUGE statue of Lenin very near a tramstop. One night in late summer of 1978 two American friends of mine went to "explore" Nowa Huta. We had never seen a statue that big! It needed to be climbed. So, my friend from Buffalo, New York and I climbed onto the pedestal and mimicked Lenin's pose(walking with hands clasped behind his back, if I recall correctly)..What I was most impressed by and remember to this day was the reaction of the passerby Poles: shock, amusement and silent applause. We had no idea what we were doing. lol Later, back in the dorm we were reminded frequently by the Polish students of our good fortune.
15 Apr 2011
Life / Polish Hoarders? [42]

you don't have to be old. My wife's from the Phillipines. She grew up very poor. Her hoarding is creating a lot of chaos/tension in my life :( I have given up trying to persuade her to give her stash up. "The Phillipines can use it" is her reply. You wouldn't beleive the stuff she squirrels away!
16 Apr 2011
Life / Polish Hoarders? [42]

I appreciate your concern. Luckily she hasn't inventoried her stash. Part of it gets tossed in the garbage, part I'm selling on Ebay ;) When I've collected a healthy sum of money, I'll hand it over to her. THAT will be the moment of truth.
16 Apr 2011
Life / Polish Hoarders? [42]

Panic attack is the least of my worries. I'm afraid she might leave me. I just don't know how she will react. That's why I'm tossing stuff like expired medicines and selling stuff like toys.