The BEST Guide to POLAND
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Posts by Novichok  

Joined: 17 Nov 2020 / Male ♂
Warnings: 1 - A
Last Post: 5 hrs ago
Threads: 4
Posts: 7540

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2 Apr 2024
Life / Jewish culture in today`s Poland [158]

Still a moron....

Blacks used to be "cheap labor". We are still paying for that "cheap labor" with murders, rapes, looting, BLM, affirmative action, DEI,...the list is endless...trillions...
2 Apr 2024
Life / Jewish culture in today`s Poland [158]

Were Polish Jews treated exactly the same way as Polish Catholics as far as the military draft, taxes, and public education in the Polish language?

That king was a real moron...
2 Apr 2024
Off-Topic / Things we hate [405]

Today, every city has a black moron for a mayor, a black moron for the police chief, and a black moron broad as the DA.

This form of cancer has no cure. Neither does the woke shyt I had a chance to experience yesterday when I asked at Planet Fitness and a DMV facility if I could use the women's restroom.

It was amazing to watch these gutless cowards' reaction to my simple yes-no question.
2 Apr 2024
Off-Topic / Things we hate [405]

It's becoming more and more corrosive to my soul, the longer I stay here.

I don't regret immigrating to the US because the country was sane and normal life in Poland a financial nightmare in 1966.

Today, I would stay in Poland.

I my post 365, I wrongly assumed that you meant PF.
2 Apr 2024
Off-Topic / Things we hate [405]

the longer I stay here.

Hey, Bobko, I am really glad you are here but still wonder why you would subject yourself to the torment.
1 Apr 2024
Off-Topic / Things we hate [405]

I hate everything Western....and especially the UK. Quoting dailymail:

JK Rowling could now face jail for 'misgendering' a male rapist... Biden stumbles with a trans Easter insult... and sports lunacy prevails! MAUREEN CALLAHAN rages: When WILL the gender insanity end?

Way back, Americans were dying for "freedom and democracy" in Europe. Poor suckers...

Today, you go to jail in the "free and democratic" UK if you use the wrong pronoun.

Please tell me more about "communist" oppression...
1 Apr 2024
Life / Jewish culture in today`s Poland [158]

assimilated Jews have contributed

Have you ever met unassimilated Jews in Poland? How about unassimilated Catholics?

What is an unassimilated Jew?

How do you tell assimilated from unassimilated Jew?

Assimilated to what? Climate? Food? Water? Air?
1 Apr 2024
Po polsku / Polska miedzy Niemcami i Rosja. Zalety i wady. [471]

Jak to sie dzeje ze najlepsi umieraja szybko. Szopen mial tylko 39 lat...Ten skurwysyn ciagle ma jeszcze szanse dac nam wiecej bolu w dupie...
1 Apr 2024
Law / Weed laws in Poland [25]

take your wife out to lunch or doesn't she like your company either.

She likes me enough to stick around for the last 54 years. How is yours?
1 Apr 2024
News / Brilliant Poles and Polesses - presentation [65]

There are already 'virtual' images of child abuse and these are certainly illegal.

Only in the world of sickos, a computer-generated child p0rn is a felony but actually killing a child a day before birth is not.
1 Apr 2024
News / Brilliant Poles and Polesses - presentation [65]

When AI creates sth artistically valuable, you won`t have to pay so much as now. Simple.

Like child p0rn. I wonder how we are going to prosecute AI child p0rn that since no child would be "harmed".
1 Apr 2024
Love / Polish guy canceled 3rd date on me, is he uninterested or am I reading too much into it [43]

We aren't married though, even after 15 years.

You will never be married. At best, you can sign a contract.

Marriage is between a man and a woman. It was created to protect the kids, not for faggots to get a piece of paper and feel equal. Parasites are never equal.

A simple test...No heteros, no life...No homos...nobody would notice or give a fvck...
1 Apr 2024
Law / Weed laws in Poland [25]


a bitter loner and full time troll

I just invited JR to lunch and he turned me down. So sad and lonely...

How many got their DNA from you directly or indirectly?

You forgot a hyphen.
1 Apr 2024
Law / Weed laws in Poland [25]

I don't smoke, drink, snort, or inject, and I don't have dentures.
1 Apr 2024
Law / Weed laws in Poland [25]

Anyone who smokes this crap is a self-hating moron.
1 Apr 2024
Love / Polish guy canceled 3rd date on me, is he uninterested or am I reading too much into it [43]

I met this polish guy who's been living here in America for 8 years-

My question is, for American men,

So you are asking Americans how to read a Polish guy?

Hello, all for context I am an American woman living in America.

This is not how an American woman would say it. Try this:

Hi, my name is Jane, and I live in Nebraska.
Last month, I met this Polish guy...
31 Mar 2024
History / Life in communist Poland - personal relations [412]

In 1950 - 59
In 1966 - 69

Conclusion: PZPR caused the life expectancy to go up by 10 years or 16%.

Now the US:

1950 - 68
1966 - 70

Change: 2 years or one-fifth of what PZPR was able to achieve. Commies win.

BTW, did you notice that in 1966, in the depth of communist oppression, with the Red Army still terrorizing Poland and executing Poles daily, the life expectancy was the same as in the US, the best and the richest place in the whole universe...hahahahahahahaha...

Conclusion: Never come to a gunfight with a used condom.
31 Mar 2024
History / Life in communist Poland - personal relations [412]

Simple. That's what too much democracy does to you, I guess...Nothing to do with alcohol consumption and other idiotic habits...
It's the American "freedom and democracy" - the opposites of Polish communist "oppression" and the Soviet tanks in Legnica - that causes them to die early.
31 Mar 2024
History / Life in communist Poland - personal relations [412]

Prove that it was because we had PZPR and not because we were recovering from a fvcking war, people were drinking themselves to death, and that they were ill, and so on...

I was born in the middle of the war. No baby formulas. Raised under "communism" with meat shortages. Left when I was 24 and I am as healthy as they get. My doctors are still amazed and ready to ask how come I am not dead yet. So don't give any shyt about low life span under "communism". BTW, before I left "communism", I benched 315 lb and squatted 165kg.

In 2021, life expectancy for Native Americans was 65 years. So fvck off with your stupid stats.
31 Mar 2024
History / Life in communist Poland - personal relations [412]

In the US, in 1960, men could expect to live to age 66, on average, while women lived to age 73.

That's without any war and the shortages of food, and healthcare. It was the war, not the "commies", stupid...

I remember that until we moved in 1957, we had no hot water.

Americans didn't have to rebuild NY or DC from scratch, either.
31 Mar 2024
History / Life in communist Poland - personal relations [412]

Thanks to the Republicans, Poles in Warsaw will be spared from this vomit-inducing sight:,21.0240022,3a,17y,251.87h,104.96t/data=!3m7!1e1!3m5!1sbPEfNF59QpRTKxoUJYGNIg!2e0!!7i16384!8i8192?hl=en&entry=ttu

No more faggot flags on US embassies. Or schizophrenics...Or bipolar...Or blind and deaf...Or kleptos...Or cancer patients...just the most beautiful flag ever designed...the US flag...
31 Mar 2024
History / Life in communist Poland - personal relations [412]

I forgot to mention that I received my first communion and confirmation without any problems. No, there were no bears trying to have us for lunch...

To my great disappointment, I never saw any Soviet soldiers or tanks. The only Russian I met was a guy who asked me for directions.
31 Mar 2024
History / Life in communist Poland - personal relations [412]

I liked my life in "communist" Poland. The only flag I ever saw was the Polish red and white. The US Embassy had that beautiful American flag, not the LGBT fake rainbow crap. Use Google Maps if you want to see that embassy today. Make sure your barf bag is close...

We were not indoctrinated. If they tried, it didn't work.

Nobody was celebrating mental disorders with parades. We knew how to define "a woman". There were only two genders. Girls were not having their breasts removed because they liked to play with their brothers' toy trucks.

The Red Army was protecting us from the US kind of freedom, democracy, and a million deaths like in Korea. We were not afraid to say things the way American students are today.

We were not afraid to go for a walk at night. Justice was swift and being on drugs was not a mitigating condition. My tuition from K to MSEE was zero. And so were the hospital bills.

Nobody in my family belonged to PZPR. Yet, we lived in the best part of Warsaw on Nowy Swiat 47. My father used to attend conferences in France. In 1975, I met my parents in Paris. I left in 1966 at high noon. On a train. Nobody was shooting...

I was able to buy the New York Herald Tribune without any difficulties. I would visit the US Embassy regularly and nobody from the Polish KGB asked me why. Today, that embassy is less inviting than American prisons with their waiting rooms and restrooms.

For your convenience, here is the US Embassy in Warsaw:,21.0240022,3a,17y,251.87h,104.96t/data=!3m7!1e1!3m5!1sbPEfNF59QpRTKxoUJYGNIg!2e0!!7i16384!8i8192?hl=en&entry=ttu

And the Embassy of the Russian Federation:,21.0274719,3a,15y,243.61h,110.37t/data=!3m7!1e1!3m5!1sAGkwOTmtcf9UInzHR4ELLw!2e0!!7i16384!8i8192?hl=en&entry=ttu

Fvcking unbelievable...