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Posts by Bratwurst Boy  

Joined: 2 Apr 2007 / Male ♂
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Last Post: 5 hrs ago
Threads: Total: 9 / Live: 5 / Archived: 4
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From: Berlin, Germany
Speaks Polish?: No
Interests: his helmet

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Bratwurst Boy   
13 Jun 2021
News / Should Poland leave the EU institution? [147]

The way that prioritizes German interests and interest of German corporations.

Yeah....and some Germans like to say the USians have to much power and influence here....*shrugs*
Bratwurst Boy   
13 Jun 2021
News / Should Poland leave the EU institution? [147]

and are viewing issues German way

Which "German way" are you talking about?

In Germany we have political parties spanning the whole field....from the radical left (Die Linke)...over the the nationalist right (AfD)....most people would see themselves somewhere in the the political landscape is build more often than not by some coalition between the Social Democrats (SPD) and the Christian Demokrats (CDU)...with some LIBERALS (FDP) sprinkling...sometimes...if they make the 5% hurdle....mostly building on the lowest denominator compromise...

Do you mean that?
Bratwurst Boy   
13 Jun 2021
News / Should Poland leave the EU institution? [147]

I cannot wait for the day that I am vindicated and The EU is abolished.

Who should abolish it?

I agree that not all governments will be always totally happy with many rules and all that.

But there will always be several countries (strong center countries at that) which profit from that Union, which will stay together because of that....and that in turn makes that Union undeniable advantage which will always be interesting and seducing for alot of smaller, naturally weaker they would want to stay close, even trying to become members...and so it goes on.

Great Britain is not an example for european mainland countries! Even GB looks to other countries for treaties and support, trying to gain this world nobody can "go it alone"!

That doesn't mean that the EU won't change....after all it isn't some alien entity from's members shape the Union! Maybe another country will leave...or another will be thrown out....should the majority wish so. But nobody will abolish it! No country has the power to decide such a thing....

So I guess you will wait and hope in vain....
Bratwurst Boy   
9 Jun 2021
History / Why Was D-Day So Significant for Poland ? [266]

all those Americans who died on the D-Day would have probably reconsidered their desire to participate.

Hmmm....I just read that one-third of American troops during WWII were German-Americans...many of them fightin in the european theater, liberating Europe....I wonder what they would think and say....
Bratwurst Boy   
6 Jun 2021
News / Poles call for EU reforms. [67]

What about the Marines at the US Embassy?


Then, when Poland decide to go out of EU, there won`t be stopping Poland by force.

Of course not!

It could become painful once Poland pays more in.....
Bratwurst Boy   
6 Jun 2021
News / Poles call for EU reforms. [67]

....there is still the little problem with the nukes!

Accept it Crowie, there won't be any big war in Europe anymore....nobody is that suicidal....
Bratwurst Boy   
6 Jun 2021
News / Poles call for EU reforms. [67]

Visegrad members like Serbia so much they even support it's EU membership....
Bratwurst Boy   
6 Jun 2021
News / Poles call for EU reforms. [67]

What I know Russians admitted and apologized for the Katyn. Didn`t they?

I believe there was a wreath....but not directly a verbal apology....
Bratwurst Boy   
6 Jun 2021
History / Why Was D-Day So Significant for Poland ? [266]

Yes, he would.

I don't think so....

It weren't only the boots on the ground, but the sanctions and the boycotts which made it much harder for Germany to get ressources....not to mention the daily bombing which chipped away constantly at the war machine...

Not to mention that the western forces were much easier to surrender too....all these forces kept in the East, with no inclinement of surrendering, I doubt the Russians would had made it into Germany.

I could imagine a "standstill" in what is now Poland...on the old "default lines"...
Bratwurst Boy   
3 Jun 2021
News / A Polish u-boat calls for help? [16]

(after all it was a Pole who invented a submarine

Interesting....Google says it differently:

Submarines were first built by Dutch inventor Cornelius van Drebel in the early 17th century (1620), but it was not until 150 years later that they were first used in naval combat. David Bushnell, an American inventor, began building underwater mines while a student at Yale University.
Bratwurst Boy   
1 Jun 2021
News / What should Poland do with the problem of Belarus? [1800]

It's true....our (tiny but always impeccably clothed weakling) foreign minister Idiot!


Couldn't have said it better!
Bratwurst Boy   
1 Jun 2021
News / What should Poland do with the problem of Belarus? [1800]

hat set a new threshold that made Crimea a walk in the park on a sunny day. Love it!

Yeah....the whole PF got are repeating it several times a day several threads...

Germany today rejected calls for arms deliveries to Kyiv,

Do you have a link?
Bratwurst Boy   
1 Jun 2021
News / What should Poland do with the problem of Belarus? [1800]

Remembering them will.

They should never be forgotten! Not what led to them nor the destruction they brought, to avoid a repetition of these events.

It just seems that Russia has learned different lessons than the rest of Europe...

if you morons tried another such stunt today, it would last 30 minutes. Feels good to know...

That's nice that you feel good! You still come over as a grump.... :)

But there is no danger that one of us will try such a stunt, invading and occupying foreign lands is a sure sign of dictators....always has been!
Bratwurst Boy   
1 Jun 2021
News / What should Poland do with the problem of Belarus? [1800]

Particulary this aspect has always been puzzling to me.'s not so puzzling when you think about that they are the self declared "enemies of the West".

The West with its civic rights and of course it's capitalism!

When have leftists not wanted to destroy and overcome all's only logical to close rank with those enemies, I guess.

That's where I don't get the AfD, on the other hand....who make a regular point of NOT being leftists!
Bratwurst Boy   
1 Jun 2021
News / What should Poland do with the problem of Belarus? [1800]

Usually "useful idiots" are the supporters of dictators in democratic countries.....notably the Stalinists in Weimar Germany or the modern leftists who still cheer for Putin in the ex-Sovietunion, Chavez in Venezuela or whoever takes over after Raul Castro in Cuba.

They try to influence the media and official opinion in their home countries with brushing over and apologize for crimes and failures of said dictatorships. So that they won't get disturbed...

Very "useful" for these autocrats...and of course totally idiotic!
Bratwurst Boy   
1 Jun 2021
News / A Polish u-boat calls for help? [16]

Heh:) Football was my first thought too....what a great peaceful solution!!! :):):)

(Not to mention that Germany's track record looks better that way too, heh:)
Bratwurst Boy   
1 Jun 2021
News / A Polish u-boat calls for help? [16]

Hmmmm.....then God had made his children so, isn't it?

I'm not an atheist but a naturalist, and the passion for life, which includes fighting and warring and loving, is part of our hereditary nature, totally natural so to speak, nothing sinful or wrong about it. We share that with all living things on this Earth.

Like everything with humans it can be abused of course and then it ends badly....but without these passions, this zest for life, we wouldn't had evolved either.

So....better fight the future fights not on battle fields but find a better, pragmatic, not so self-destrutive solution!