The BEST Guide to POLAND
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Posts by Bobko  

Joined: 13 Mar 2017 / Male ♂
Warnings: 1 - O
Last Post: 6 hrs ago
Threads: Total: 27 / Live: 23 / Archived: 4
Posts: Total: 2074 / Live: 1998 / Archived: 76
From: New York
Speaks Polish?: Y
Interests: reading, camping

Displayed posts: 2021 / page 53 of 68
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1 Mar 2023
UK, Ireland / Moving to Poland from UK [39]

Geraniums, let alone pelargonias, don`t excite me at all

Oh, but Pawian... geraniums are amongst the most beautiful of all! Is this because your are lazy, or you are unwilling to advance in the horticultural skills through some other impediment?
1 Mar 2023
News / What should Poland do with the problem of Belarus? [1800]

It is strange you are getting so emotional. You are not yourself

The man perpetuates some crude form of war communism over his people a-lá 1925, and you think I am being emotional? I have more respect for my Belarusian friends than this criminal does.
1 Mar 2023
Feedback / Feed Back on the Moderating [90]

If you are a Woke and agree with the owner.

I am not woke. I think I am equally unpopular here with Poles, Americans, right-wingers, left-wingers, Crnogorac, Crow, and maybe even Velund. In other words, I am in the place where a Russian feels most comfortable - in a state of siege.

My only allies are oddballs like Kania, Kashub and Novichok. Vincent bans me whenever he wakes up on the wrong side of the bed. I take the punishment in stride, and am grateful at the same time - as it allows me to focus on my actual daily life. Also, I'm just grateful that they let me come here to this little playground, which you don't seem to appreciate.

I'm telling you man, you ought to chill out and wind down.
1 Mar 2023
Feedback / Feed Back on the Moderating [90]

your toxic moderating tactics

Your diminishing personal attacks to intimidate, shame and control

Here, let me threaten you back.....

You live in a scary world, Johnny...
1 Mar 2023
History / Poland and Britain started WW2 [307]

How many times have you read it

In my experience, the people that spend the most time discussing the Communist Manifesto and Das Kapital, are exactly the people that have no idea about what is contained in those texts.
28 Feb 2023
UK, Ireland / Moving to Poland from UK [39]

I`d better give up now to avoid a headache.

Don't give up. Have pride. You are a Slav - ingenious, imaginative, and passionate. If these people can understand Geraniums, so can you!
28 Feb 2023
Feedback / Feed Back on the Moderating [90]

It's hard to understand you, Jon. When I was trashing BoJo, Truss, and Sunak you rushed to their defense.

Perhaps this was because I tied this to the demise of Britain...
28 Feb 2023
Feedback / Feed Back on the Moderating [90]

Missing your point was not a mistake, it was intentional.

This sentence made my brain explode. I see you are trained in the dark arts of sophistry. I shrink back from this challenge - you have me defeated.

28 Feb 2023
Feedback / Feed Back on the Moderating [90]

Did it ever cross your mind that it was intentional

Usually, I try to assume that people's mistakes are unintentional.

Care to debate that ?

28 Feb 2023
Feedback / Feed Back on the Moderating [90]

I posted the link of the dictionary

That you did, but missed the point in the process.

If you talk about "bias moderating", you are talking about moderating various flavors of bias. That is, you are exhibiting bias, I am exhibiting bias, and poor Vincent has to parse through it in an attempt to strike some middle ground. I believe what you were trying to say is that Vincent's moderation itself is "biased". That is, Vincent is exhibiting bias by deleting certain posts and not others.

Does this make it clear to you? "Bias moderation" and "biased moderation" are totally different things, but you use them interchangeably which makes me think you don't understand the distinction.
28 Feb 2023
Feedback / Feed Back on the Moderating [90]

@johnny reb

"Feed back" is a phrasal verb, what you are looking for is the noun "Feedback".

Also, this is the second time I'm correcting you re: your use of "bias" instead of "biased". You sound like a recent Cambodian immigrant at an ESL class.

How does one manage to live in the United States since birth, and still not master the basics of the country's language?
27 Feb 2023
News / What should Poland do with the problem of Belarus? [1800]


Like I said, it seems his plan is to replace Putin - pulling one of the most epic switcheroos of history (maybe Stalin can compare, or Catherine). I think, like most people, Putin thinks this is hilarious - but is also extremely tired of all of Lukashenko's antics. I really think that the protests in 2021 were Kremlin-engineered. In other words, I don't think Putin is a very big fan of the man.
27 Feb 2023
News / What should Poland do with the problem of Belarus? [1800]

Because making a NATO member a Chinese puppet would be too costly

Belarus is already part of the Union State with Russia, a member of the ODKB, CIS, Customs Union, and Shanghai Cooperation Organization. It does not seem to bother China, that Belarus has divided loyalties. This tells me that it should not be a problem for China if someone is a member of NATO also. In fact, after some 10 mins of research right now, I learned that China has in fact bought the largest port in Greece (Piraeus). Recently, also, China bought a share of the largest port in Germany - despite protests from Scholz's party. So... this argument of yours does not work.

Hmmm......... you mean Putin is so easily duped by a confirmed idiot???

I think... that Putin allows this idiot to think he duped him, each time, for yet another $10-15B in exchange for promises of integration that he does not plan on following through on. The hope is that at some point we can be rid of this idiot, but that the things he agreed to will have to be honored by the Belarussians. Two years ago we had a chance to get rid of him, but he went full Rambo/Saddam, and the moment was lost.

As for Lukashenko himself, I think his plan seems to be to become president of Russia, and then later for his son to be the next president of Russia. I think this is the whole appeal of the Union State for Lukashenko - that it gives him a path towards becoming leader of Russia. I pray to God this scenario never comes true.
27 Feb 2023
News / What should Poland do with the problem of Belarus? [1800]

The Chinese want to make Putin realise Lukashenka mustn`t be removed coz he is an important asset to China.

I read this often... but I still don't really understand why. Seems like a strange partner, for as large a country as China, to act in the role of "outpost". Why not focus on some kind of Spain or Greece to turn into a puppet? At least they have access to large ports, and are situated on major shipping lanes. Belarus is in the far east corner of Europe, completely landlocked, and run by a man with an IQ of about 80. His neighbors are not exactly influential either, and don't do much trade with China.

I suppose he's the only guy that is willing to spread his legs for the Chinese and that is the only reason. Also, he is a quasi-communist, and maybe this appeals to them too.

P.S. - I forgot that Chinas oldest ally in Europe is Albania, so it's not so unusual for them to ally weird countries that don't seem to represent much.
27 Feb 2023
News / What should Poland do with the problem of Belarus? [1800]

Lukashenko is being treated to a 3 day state visit in China. Even Xi will make himself available. It makes me curious what the Chinese want from the Tractor Man-in-Chief?


1) Consult with Lukashenko on the subject of peace talks between Russia and Ukraine (For what? What does Lukashenko know that the Chinese do not?)

2) To aid Belarus in surviving the current sanctions regime. Belarus is often viewed as China's outpost in Europe, and it may not be in their interest to see him face an unhappy populace.

3) To sign agreements where China will transfer large quantities of weapons to Belarus. In this way China avoids Western criticism for arming Russia, but the net effect is the same.
26 Feb 2023
History / What should Russia and Poland do to become if not friends, then at least not enemies? [945]

TRADE! for starters.

They blocked our pipelines, tied their progress to talks in Ukraine. Then, when the war finally broke out, "they" attacked that infrastructure, destroying it. With the same breathtaking hypocrisy as we had become accustomed to, they blamed the NS2 explosions on us.

Our entire approach to Ukraine was a trade-based one. We wanted them to join our Customs Union. Their president agreed. Then a Maidan started. The Ukrainian people decided to trade a very real customs union and promises of billions of dollars from Russia, for a mere "Association Agreeement" with the EU. They toppled the president that signed deals with us, and unleashed war.

We tried every instrument of the civilized West to tempt the Ukrainians. I suppose they saw us for the orcs we were - in the end. When we ran out of the novel approaches with which we were admittedly unfamiliar, we went back to what worked for us in the past. Brute force.
23 Feb 2023
Work / Are Poles workaholics? [128]

In antiquity Slavs were popular as slaves. Just as the Africans in the New World, Slavs were valued for being able to work hard, if not for being hard workers. Slavs seemed to be able to take on more punishment, and complained less than Greeks or Romans. Good beasts of labor, essentially. They were also valued for the unusual hair and eye color by Mediterranean standards.

So if history is any use, then we can say that Poles, as Slavs, are good at dumb labor demanding great physical exertion. After, it is important for them to lie down, and take a nice nap.
23 Feb 2023
Language / Extremely Hard - Polish the hardest language to learn [226]

I find Hungarian easier than Polish to read/write

Oh come on... I don't believe you. Bulgarian and Russian are closest to each other, outside of Belarusian and Ukrainian. Both are languages heavily influenced by Old Church Slavonic (which Byzantine Bulgarians invented). So I think I can judge the difficulty of the jump from Bulgarian to Polish...It's definitely nowhere close to Hungarian, which might as well be Japanese to me.

As far as reading goes, I've just trained my brain to transliterate all the Polish hissing sounds (the sczzzz, dzzzz, bzzzzz) to letters a normal human being would use, and everything becomes readable.
22 Feb 2023
History / Poland and Britain started WW2 [307]

Now it is time for the Euro-Asian empire of Russia to dissolve

Keep daydreaming, baboon. Our grandchildren will have V.69 of this discussion.
22 Feb 2023
Off-Topic / So you guys think there are a lot of sociopaths in Poland? [68]

First you call me a church leader and now you are calling me a Fag

Empirical observation demonstrates that the two are far from incompatible... one of the many reasons I steer clear of this opium, for the people.

A more nuanced response from you than usual. Good job, piggy.