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Posts by Cargo pants  

Joined: 31 Mar 2019 / Male ♂
Last Post: 16 Dec 2023
Threads: 3
Posts: 1488
From: poland
Speaks Polish?: no

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Cargo pants   
12 Dec 2023
News / Polish Parliamentary Elections 2023 [933]

store workers who used to complain to me about working Sundays

Why the Govt cant make a law for the workers working on Sunday or any holidays tp be paid 1 1/2 times or double,than just hurting the business owner..

Who's a happy bunny today? AHA! AHA!
Now who's a happy bunny? AHA! AHA!

LOL Stop gloating at someones look what happened to them when they did the same for 8 years.
Cargo pants   
13 Dec 2023
News / Poland says no to flood of Immigrants [648]

I was at a typical ethnic Mexican restaurant and they were talking about going to Mexico for Christmas and come back(they didnt have papers),I asked them why not go to the EU (where they dont even need a visa for 90 days)than coming to the US illegaly and there answer was "FU.CK the EU".They rather live in Mexico than go to the EU.It shows what type of immigrants EU gets where even Mexicans dont want to go.LOL only moose limbs,knee grows and even faggots from the uk go there lol.
Cargo pants   
13 Dec 2023
News / Poland says no to flood of Immigrants [648]

Did you see all the homos supporting Hamas?

LOL man I love it,cant wait till they make high walls for them lol,did you notice how the resident faggot here supports them lol

Imagine a rainbow flag flying in gaza lol under palestine flag like we have POW,MIA flags lololol.
Cargo pants   
13 Dec 2023
News / Poland says no to flood of Immigrants [648]

three stories down. Many broken bones, some ruptured organs, and extreme pain in the year to come.

LOL thinking of that happening to him give me orgasms lol but me being a nice person would wish him to live over 100 yrs with that pain lol.I wish to drop dead than live that long in his situation.


Man you should see him,totally bald(not shaved bald),wearing a $ store glasses with that cheap frame and hunch but the senior old fag is not fat lol.Now why would a person try to hide when he is such a big shot as he claims here lol who in fact lives in a rented flat in a commie building.I was with my notariusz and she even asked me why is this person trying to hide and I told her he owes me money and is also known in Warsaw bars to steal people drinks.LOL Imagine the faggot dresses up to go to a bar.
Cargo pants   
14 Dec 2023
News / Poland says no to flood of Immigrants [648]

You have to snap a photo of the fruitcake next time and post it:):

I was kind of being nice,but you bet next time I will.LOL He has mine as his friend went upstairs and was snapping my pics from the steps and my friend told me that and when I looked up his clown looking short fat old friend acted suspiciously lol.I fully authorize him to post it .But next time I see him I will go right up to his face and click the pics and lets see what he can do:)))

doesnt want anyone to actually see his decrepit figure.

Yup,now why would any one just brag for years...just like his bum chum blank shooter lol

He doesnt pay people back

Most fu.cking english immigrants esp English teachers in Poland are like that.Harry the blank shooter had to run as people in Warsaw he owes money are seriously looking for him,also remember his debt for less then 1000PLN was for sale by a Polish credit agency lol

Common fu.ckers bring it on dont be hiding lol I am coming there next month.
Cargo pants   
14 Dec 2023
News / Polish Parliamentary Elections 2023 [933]


Is PO really going to abolish CBA

I doubt that but for sure they have to create new departments to accommodate coalition partners as dept heads and ministers.
Cargo pants   
14 Dec 2023
Off-Topic / You guys are wrong [12]


Maciej Wieslaw Lata???
Cargo pants   
14 Dec 2023
News / Poland says no to flood of Immigrants [648]

cheap bars that I'd never go to due to the type of clientele.

lol Do you go to the bars where you have to dress up in heels and pink skirt with red lipstick...sorry not for me.

Bullsh1t all

LOl is it?? still living in that rented flat in a commie building at that crappy suburb of Warsaw?
No middle seat in business class in planes lol
Have driving licenses from 4 countries lol
smuggle illegal contraband in the EU lol
Have a electric vehicle( that has yellow and red color with big signs " Jestem elektryczny"
Have AIDS and get medicine for it from the Church.
LOL Being gay have biological children lol
Live is a high class ZIPCODE lol
and so on........lolol
Cargo pants   
15 Dec 2023
News / Poland says no to flood of Immigrants [648]

Till 2008/11 immigration to Poland was mostly from the west and since 2011 it started from the east and they would make Poland as a step to enter in the EU and move to the west,but for the last 3/5 years they have started staying in Poland.Mostly from turd world countries.In US we also get the same kind of people except in the EU mostly are moose limbs & knee grows and radicals compared to the US mostly are South Americans and not much radical terrorists.,lol a bit better quality lol
Cargo pants   
15 Dec 2023
Law / Will my polish national visa (D) for students allow me to enter other schengen countries? [15]

I have noticed that all flights coming from Germany and Netherlands esp are checked.I always see border guards outside the plane in the jet bridge checking passports and IDs.Cpl of my friends also have confirmed that.My friend who drives to Amsterdam has been stopped many times by the border areas by the Polish guards.
Cargo pants   
15 Dec 2023
Work / Working in Poland as a Paramedic / Nurse [13]

I have seen an Ethopian nurse in Piasczeno hospital and a Nigerian Phamacist in Apteka on widok street.Guess they speak Polish well.
Cargo pants   
15 Dec 2023
Work / Working in Poland as a Paramedic / Nurse [13]

Lot of Iranian and Iraqi doctors also.My Urologist is from Iraq in Warsaw and years back I met a dermatologist from Iran.
Cargo pants   
15 Dec 2023
News / Poland says no to flood of Immigrants [648]

lol Do you go to the bars where you have to dress up in heels and pink skirt with red lipstick..


I knew it lol maybe a pink frock next just a suggestion dont forget to wax your legs or use the razor that you dont need to use on that plain bald head lol

lol wait you use em Rajstopy lol.
Cargo pants   
16 Dec 2023
Off-Topic / Pop A Cork - Wine [292]

Where can you find that?I tried googling it but its not there ?
Cargo pants   
16 Dec 2023
Work / Working in Poland as a Paramedic / Nurse [13]


Medicover is linked with Damian and it is more convenient for me.I buy the Medicover insurance which also pays for Damian and all the tests etc doctors/specialist appointments are so easy.test results are in 5/6 hrs.They have lots of English speaking doctors and walking distance from me.In case of hospitalization they use Medicover and say in case of emergency I can use any body and they refund the money.It is strange that my US insurance wants more premium for overseas coverage,but Medicover covers me for overseas also.Freaking 5200or so PLN a year for Medicover compared to Blue Cross that sucks out almost 21k USD a year and no overeas coverage.

go to them for your medical care

My life is way important than anyone,I would go to any good doctor who I think can help me even if it was Mr b ladens doctor lolol.