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Posts by Cargo pants  

Joined: 31 Mar 2019 / Male ♂
Last Post: 16 Dec 2023
Threads: 3
Posts: 1488
From: poland
Speaks Polish?: no

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Cargo pants   
16 Jan 2020
Life / How are electric cars doing in Poland? [413]

Yeah,I bought Model x in 2015 but missed lexus lx 570 and went back to it in 2018.I booked Cyber truck which will come out in 2022 maybe earlier in NJ with SUMMON feature,AWD and 500 mile range on full charge.LOL paid over 2000$ to install super charger at home also which will finally be handy again.Even though it comes with free life time charging at Tesla charge points.Plus Tesla cars a basically maintenance free,no oil changes etc main expenses are tires & brakes. and 8 year warranty on battery.

I see maybe 15/20 electric chargers under Plac Kultury in Warsaw and all are always busy and people waiting in line to charge there cars.There are more electric cars in Poland then anyone here thinks of.There are all kind of models.Almost every manufacturer has a electric vehicle or coming out with one.

Your Tesla stocks will hit 600$ for sure as Musk will get 12 bil shares(or $ in shares as bonus i forgot).Maybe after it reaches that mark shares might fall or maybe keep shooting up.

Good luck pal.
Cargo pants   
29 Jan 2020
Work / A predictable "Is my salary high enough post" - Krakow 13,500PLN GROSS Month [30]

I also see them more and more in Warsaw.

Infact they have decreased as there was a influx.You see them more cuz now they are becoming prominent in main stream.Before Uber eats was the main work now they are spreading in Micky Dees,burger King, and carrfourr etc & restaurant kitchens.I met couple of Indian girls driving cabs like Free now & I taxi.MPT and other cabs cost 45 Pln to airprot whereas those cabs cost 20 Pln from centrum(lol without tip as I dont tip but give good reviews,even if the car smells of incense/curry paying by card).I know a Indian and Polish guy who made millions importing them in thousands as workers esp from Bangladesh.

I also found out that Polish employers are done with Ukranians as they change so often,whereas Southeast asians pay to come and stick to there work.
Cargo pants   
29 Jan 2020
Work / Gross Salary 20000 PLN in Poland [9]

Please advise me

Dont come or you will really feel a third worlder here.No cleaning ladies,no dish washing servants etc at that salary.Wait till you get twice that offer,and forget getting a chauffeur,until you get a cab.
Cargo pants   
7 Feb 2020
Life / Why oh Why do Poles drive so incredibly poorly [100]

Poles driving badly is a myth by under achieved and jealous foreigners.I have been driving 20 years in Poland and have not seen much difference then NYC drivers.Most of Polish drivers are just fine.Its just like the Brit Bullies were making fun of Poles.
Cargo pants   
7 Feb 2020
Life / Are Poles flashy? [11]

But to be fair, this is true in most developing countries where wealth is relatively new,

Yup,agreed 100%.I still wonder if anyone has noticed that Americans are always proud to brag how cheap they bought something and was a deal,where as people with new money tend to brag about how much they paid for something(Usually high price)
Cargo pants   
9 Mar 2020
News / Roma community feels discriminated in Poland [40]

Some Gypsy groups classify sex within the group and with non-gypsies for money as two completely separate activities..

Only a person from that community would know all that.
Cargo pants   
13 Mar 2020
Real Estate / Selling property in Poland [30]

I would say hiring an agent saves lots of hassle esp curious market sensing idiots who just waste your time.2 to 2.5% commission is usually they charge and can be negotiated to even 1 to 1.5% if gotufka.
Cargo pants   
18 Mar 2020
Food / Traditional Polish Soups. [74]

true tripe soup

Yuck flacki,was my first polish food in a polish komunion,thought was bad mushroom soup.After that I puked away whole dinner.Hate that sheet.
Cargo pants   
19 Mar 2020
Work / English teachers in Poland - why are they so unhappy? [89]

Moved from

Teachers are privileged

The real ones are I agree.Ask the English teachers here,lol one time mentioning ENGLISH TEACHERS would get you permanently banned from the forum here.
Cargo pants   
1 Apr 2020
News / How hard will Poland be hit by the economic crisis? [116]

Price will not go down of prime properties and some owners who had/have outrageous prices will still be asking the same.Some who are stuck with loans etc might want to cash out.Poles usually never cut price until they seriously need money.Yes developers will be in trouble with residentials thats why I stick to commercials.
Cargo pants   
1 Apr 2020
News / How hard will Poland be hit by the economic crisis? [116]

Knowing Poles,coming here 20 years they will never sell at loss.Yes from developers you can get cheaper..Most of my tenants asked for 1/2 rent for April as they had already paid for March and I gladly agreed.Honestly if they even just paid spodzelnia and asked for whole month I would have agreed.I feel bad for them as most are restaurants and beauty salons and most are totally shut down.Even backhome in States I have been getting mails for 1/2 rent and I am agreeing.

In Krakow it will be worse than 2008

There was no such thing in Poland then,prices were going up constantly even then.Poland has never seen a down trend in real estate price for the last 20 years that I know of and I doubt I will in near future.
Cargo pants   
2 Apr 2020
News / How hard will Poland be hit by the economic crisis? [116]

Was it you that posted about how most apartments are bought for cash in Poland?

Yes,infact before 2006/8 most properties bought were in cash.Banks kicked in afterwards.

Many are bought on mortgage by younger people speculating in the market. Those people are now unemployed.

Yes,but those people might loose there property to komurnik,who will auction them off for the bank,and trust me I have been to those auctions in Poland and States,no newbees are entertained there.You might get a ******** of a property thats it,good ones of interest are taken by the old timers in the system.I think you are comparing the system to the one in States here,I tell you the mentality is totally different.Most people loosing properties usually have no equity in them and the bank wants the max out of it.

I have seen properties in market for over 8 years and the owners have not changed the price.They are sitting vacant with for sale sign on them.
Cargo pants   
2 Apr 2020
News / How hard will Poland be hit by the economic crisis? [116]

I agree with you,but people have different thinking here.If you are looking for restaurant in Warsaw,I can show you 2 which are closed and for sale by owners,1 in Ochota & 1 in Mokotow,all ready and fully equiped.The owners got tired and just closed it,but will not change the price.They are in market for the last 3 years or so.Beautiful restaurants but the owners want the price they ask.I also bought one all ready to go and rented to a Korean restaurant(and sold them all fixtures for 40k) in Mokotov and paid only 7700 a sq m for fully furnished.
Cargo pants   
2 Apr 2020
News / How hard will Poland be hit by the economic crisis? [116]

I believe you,this is Poland.It is so much fun when I shut up and listen to the agent or sellers sales pitch trying to screw a foreigner(not all but some).I tell you there is lots of opportunity here but I dont want to work hard anymore.80% of Mcdonalds franchisees are Ukranians in Poland.Ukranians are coming to Poland with lots of money here esp from Odessa.
Cargo pants   
2 Apr 2020
News / How hard will Poland be hit by the economic crisis? [116]

@BritboyBvd,which town are you talking about?In Warsaw 7k a Sqm never going to happen.Yes some towns like Bytom in Silesia,a friend of mine bought a 90 sq m for 112500pln.Poles living in Poland dont care about if currency falls,that is good only for a foreigner bringing money from out of the country.Your estimate of 60 to 80% fall in price is a dream never coming real.Residential sellers are worse sellers,they cling to every grolsh they can as they are on a budget already.Commercial ones are flexible still.
Cargo pants   
2 Apr 2020
News / How hard will Poland be hit by the economic crisis? [116]

You know what,When $ was 2 pln or less,people were all saying how USA is going down and while driving there I would think that all the new cars around would be dumped by the owners and they will walk away without paying for them.NO nothing of that kind happened.Only 30 mil people lost houses etc,then again who cares,we do have 10% not so bright financial planers so what>>>?We went back on track.Same goes with poles.Trust me my man there is no free lunch.