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Posts by rybnik  

Joined: 16 Jan 2011 / Male ♂
Last Post: 2 Aug 2017
Threads: 18
Posts: 1,453
From: new jersey
Speaks Polish?: yes

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6 Apr 2011
Love / Polish girls' attitude towards different kinds of sex [88]

I was half tempted to turn around and tell that bloke that maybe if his &%$ wasn't the size of a AAA battery it wouldn't glide into tight spaces with such ease, but I'm still on my probation period there so I try to keep it down

Harsh but
7 Apr 2011
USA, Canada / Looking for Polish beer in the United States [39]

Rozmaryn Restaurant. If in Trenton try this place. Good home cooked Polish food and the owner is a very nice lady. It is located on Olden Ave. in the Polish section.

How far is it from the State House? I'm in West Trenton once a month.....I just wish these Polish places would write barszcz instead of the russian borscht. I hate it! I know it's silly. It's one of my many pet peeves.
7 Apr 2011
News / The New World Order and Poland's place [50]

I'm afraid Poland and it's politicians do not have the discipline needed to prevail in this world of sharks. Bunch of minnows they are.
7 Apr 2011
History / An American studying medicine in the PRL 1978-1985: my story [142]

I hope there is more, rybnik.

I was staring at my screen wondering how to proceed as you wrote your very kind message. It's as if the gods had you give me that kick in the butt that I so very much need. I haven't really thought much about those early days and I'm afraid I'm suffering from writer's block. I'm stuck fstop. :(
7 Apr 2011
History / An American studying medicine in the PRL 1978-1985: my story [142]

Kraków was mystical. Period. I was hooked. This country-bumpkin was quickly and soundly seduced. For the most part it was the people. Those ever-curious, always bowing-in-politeness Cracowians quickly won me over. However, there were times, where I was overwhelmed. Most notably in the beginning, I felt like a piece of red meat thrown into a river of piranhas. These people were as hungry for knowledge as those Amazonian creatures were for flesh! It was very hard at first. I had never been a rock star before. Every encounter with a Pole was another interview. I had no clue as to how one behaves. It was all so new, so strange and so very, very cool.So how much does a worker make an hour"? "How much does a loaf of bread cost" "How long must the average American have to work to afford a car?" We "from the west" were bombarded with these and many, many more questions each and every day.

Roommates. I have had absolutely no luck with roommates ever in my life. Upon our arrival in DS Piast we were assigned a roommate. I got Mark. Marek was a medium height, skinny guy from Albany, New York. He was pleasant with a goofy laugh and a goofy moustache. I don't remember what his major was in college but sociology or art history come to mind. He was a gentle soul to say the least. His feathers never got ruffled(until one night that I'll share with you later).....My roommates sense of style was neat,neat, neat. To this day whenever I see a pair of freshly pressed slacks I think of Mark:)....Getting dressed was a ritualistic experience for him. It took him at least 15 minutes to put his pants and shirt on. It was something akin to a Japanese tea ceremony. Pants were extricated from the closet and laid on the bed. The shirt was removed from the hanger and gotten in to. Next, the pants, with creases sharp and tight, were climbed into. The care and time he devoted to tucking his shirt into his pant was beyond belief. I tried many times to get my shirt to fit into my pants as he but never could do it(still can't)....Mark went about his life in Krakow as did I. Our lives only intersected in our room. I never knew what he thought about sex, religion, politics, etc. He was a closed book; very difficult to know. Later in the summer I brought a girl(an American from New Jersey) back to our room. We started getting affectionate and Mark became very upset kicking us out of the room. He was raging! He was mad at me for a week! Shortly afterwards I found PT, who was roommate-less, just down the hall and willing to take me in.
8 Apr 2011
Genealogy / Why are some Polish people dark complected, and others very light [511]

Slavic people ahve same geneology as the people that live in Central Asia, i.e. From Kashmir to Karachi, from Afghanistan, Tajikistan etc..

I'm brown-eyed and dark complected. My mom's people had a strong Armenian branch.
8 Apr 2011
Life / Are Polish roads really this bad? [237]

I'm watching TVP "wiadomosci"(news) and the reporter is doing an expose' on pathetic state of the roads. I can't beleive it. During my PRL-time, the roads were narrow and you had to share with TIRy, tractors and horse-drawn wagons BUT they were well-paved and maintained(at least in my part of the country). The roads are full of potholes. Is this accurate? If so, wtf happened? How can Poland do business this way? Maybe I'm being naive but I would've thought the transportation network would be a priority for the government.
8 Apr 2011
Life / Are Polish roads really this bad? [237]

So, why is that? Is it due to lack of funds? lack of resolve? lack of insight? typical Polish inability to unify?
8 Apr 2011
Life / Are Polish roads really this bad? [237]

in this day of drone missles it's truly a moot point. I'm talking about economic development ala USA(interstate highway system) and Germany(autobahns). Getting goods in and out quickly/safely is what all highly developed countries have in common.
8 Apr 2011
Life / Polish home remedies for cold, stomach ache, migraine? [49]

I've been using synthetic melatonin for 7 years now on a nightly basis. I'm happy to report I'm doing just fine. Remember, that it has a very short half-life: it's metabolized very quickly. Why do you think you "wake up" quickly upon exposure to sunlight ie when drawing the shades/curtains in the morning?
8 Apr 2011
Life / Do you think that Polish people are rude? [951]

Of course living under communism would make me grummpy too.

Pahleeze! While I was "in-country" during communism I thought the Poles were all taking politeness pills! Prosze this, prosze that. Pan/panie this. These folks were insane with politeness!
8 Apr 2011
Life / Are Polish roads really this bad? [237]

As for the reasons? As you noticed, during commie times the roads were in decent repair. Could it be that during communism the degree and scale of fraud and corruption was smaller than afforded by corporatism?

BAM! (the light bulb goes on over his head) Very interesting comment z... hmmm...
8 Apr 2011
Life / Polish home remedies for cold, stomach ache, migraine? [49]

Yes, makes sense and I can accept that. Ater all you are a doc not me.

I appreciate your sentiment but I didn't learn about melatonin in med school nor in any of my allopathic interactions. I learned about it and many other cool things on my own. I'm all about growing old gracefully AND living a long,long healthy life without the use of (or minimum use of) prescription drugs. I know it sounds contradictory but it's really fully compatible with being an MD as far as I'm concerned.
8 Apr 2011
Life / Are Polish roads really this bad? [237]

Polish government too busy selling the land to israel.

you're funny. You see, the roads that are in disrepair ARE the same commie roads. That's the point: very few new roads and the existing roads are all beat up.....You're right about the cars. I'm sure there are more cars on the road nowadays=more wear-and-tear.
8 Apr 2011
Life / Are Polish roads really this bad? [237]

the TIR's (semi trucks) are killing the roads, the indentations their overloaded load leaves are a killer.

Do you weigh your trucks(as in the States)?
8 Apr 2011
Travel / What's good to do in Wroclaw Poland? [34]

Also the tower where you have to step 200 staircases to enjoy the view of the city.

Is this tower relatively new? I don't think it was there in my time.
8 Apr 2011
Travel / What's good to do in Wroclaw Poland? [34]

the church is just behind Jas i Malgosia

Wow! I don't recognize the building facades. They're so bright and clean! I'm gonna be so disoriented when I get back. I gonna need a guide! LOL
8 Apr 2011
Life / Are Polish roads really this bad? [237]

However, unlike the US - an overweight truck is a far more serious matter, with the punishment being very severe - so there's not the same problems.

I would imagine the buildings located in the villages these trucks rumble through must suffer structural damge.
8 Apr 2011
Travel / What's good to do in Wroclaw Poland? [34]

anything u need to know... let me know.

Unbeleivable! The zoo was such a pathetic place in my day. The Google building on Plac Bema!? No more Hala Ludowa? Oh the shock of it all :) I am sooo stoked to make this trip! Is the Hotel Panorama still standing?....I will definitely take you up on your offer.
9 Apr 2011
Travel / What's good to do in Wroclaw Poland? [34]

not in name. it's still there, but cleaner.

Would you believe I saw Suzi Quatro in the Hala Ludowa? The crowd was really into the show. You know, getting into it. The MO shut the show down! I still remember how bummed we all were(not to mention the performers).
10 Apr 2011
USA, Canada / Travelling to Poland from the U.S. on a expired Passport [43]

I am a citizen of Poland only. I have a USA green card. My Polish passport is expired, I plan on renewing it in Poland.

why didn't you renew the passport in the States? cheaper in Poland?
10 Apr 2011
Genealogy / Help me find my cousins from Rybnik [25]

I have another request. Would anyone be willing to look up an address of a cousin of mine? I'm unsure as to the "etiquette" of such a request but I'm at my wit's-end.

Ok I've got an update. I've been busy since my last entry.....Over the past year or so I've been corresponding with an Australian cousin, whom I've never met. Just recently she started a Facebook account for her mother Teresa; I friended her and we began "talking".

I ask about some other cousins to which she sends me an address. I snail mail a letter to my Aunt, that I've never met. One week ago I get an e-mail from this cousin Wojtek who's also a stranger to me. We exchange e-mails and I find out the two cousins in Germany did change their last name to Schenker. Cousin Wojtek doesn't have an address but he does have a 10-year-old cellphone number and he doesn't know if it's still active.......Needless to say, I'll be checking-in on Wojtusz this September when I re-visit.