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Posts by Bratwurst Boy  

Joined: 2 Apr 2007 / Male ♂
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From: Berlin, Germany
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Interests: his helmet

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Bratwurst Boy   
4 Aug 2021
News / Poland Sports News [1076]

Actual medal table:

Switzerland has 3 too....Poland could still top them! :)
Bratwurst Boy   
2 Aug 2021
News / Poland Sports News [1076]

A North Korean?
Bratwurst Boy   
2 Aug 2021
News / Poland Sports News [1076]

Looks like Poland has a new sprinter!

Reminds me about the worst Cold War days....with GDR athletes defecting to the West when they could....Belarus must really suck by now!

Not fair. Just lazy and dishonest.

Not necessarily! In Germany talented athletes can get financial (etc.) help from the state...and that is financed through us tax

Or they can go to the forma only of course...through that scheme they have a "job", are housed, fed and clothed, get paid ...but can train as much as they want...totally officially! Our army has a special unit for would be tan achievement of all of us in the end! Of them and us as their supporter... :)
Bratwurst Boy   
1 Aug 2021
News / EU, Germany, Euros and Poland. [54]

When Joe hires a hooker to give him a massage......

What would I do without you to clear things up! :)
Bratwurst Boy   
1 Aug 2021
News / EU, Germany, Euros and Poland. [54]

What a fight that would be...the Taliban against the chinese army!

Whom would I cheer for??? Hmmmm :)
Bratwurst Boy   
1 Aug 2021
News / EU, Germany, Euros and Poland. [54]

but inviting millions of em

..."inviting" is abit stretching it....but I get what you mean...

Thing is, the people who want to come now have helped the western allies and are now under threat from the Taliban because of it....reminds be abit about Vietnam after the end...

But on the other hand, if they all leave who is left to fight the crazies? I mean, for decades other countries have fighted their war...they should start a resistance...there should be enough weapons and experience around by now...

Ach....I dunno....
Bratwurst Boy   
1 Aug 2021
News / EU, Germany, Euros and Poland. [54]

Merkel successor (in the CDU for now) Laschet in Warsaw
Bratwurst Boy   
28 Jul 2021
History / Did Poland bring on its own destruction in 1939? [71]

It's from a book "Armia Berlinga"

Thank you, will look for it...

Probably cancer just need to be cut-off.

....there won't be much left can't have it both ways Crowie....demanding that Central Europeans are all germanized Slavs and want them to remember their true past and rebuild Sarmatia and still treating them like your worst enemy, like cancer...that's a truly dumb move, that way lays your defeat, the reason you don't make any progress at all!
Bratwurst Boy   
28 Jul 2021
History / Did Poland bring on its own destruction in 1939? [71]


Why no mercy? We are your slavic/sarmatian brethren after can't reeducate corpses! Quite the contrary, the surviving germanized Sarmatians might become unwilling to listen to you and re-discover their true roots if you only show them revenge and cruelty....
Bratwurst Boy   
28 Jul 2021
History / Did Poland bring on its own destruction in 1939? [71]

I remember reading the account....

Just out of interest...who told that story? Do you have a link maybe?

(The history nerd in me likes to read these old accounts too)
Bratwurst Boy   
23 Jul 2021
Polonia / Which country is better SPAIN or POLAND [113]

Would be Spain better off when the regions would go separate if they are so different to each other (Basque)???

I mean....there are different regionalities (like Poland Germany has them galore) which add to the flavour of a still whole country... and then there are people who (sometimes) hate each others guts (English-Scots etc.) but are more or less for historical reasons pressed into the same borders, totally different people secretly (or openly) yearning for independence from each other....
Bratwurst Boy   
23 Jul 2021
News / EU, Germany, Euros and Poland. [54]

Refugee U-turn by the Chancellor

Millions of Afghans want to go to Germany

Whoa! *phew*

The message to millions of Afghans who might flee to Europe and Germany for fear of the Taliban:
stay at home!

Maybe she really learned from the consequences of 2015....even as she is bowing out come September...
Bratwurst Boy   
21 Jul 2021
News / EU, Germany, Euros and Poland. [54]

It means nothing. We have 50 states.

You are abit bigger??? :)

But it still irks me....such an EU-superstate ruled by Brussels is as much a bleak vision for Germans as for most other Europeans....but still it is always told as if the Germans can't wait to build it, and not the French who want it that way...

Germans have other ideas....the HANSE worked well during its high time....the HRE was a nice place to live most of the time....these are all better examples to model the future unified EU on than a central state ala France!

One great fireworks

Hmmm....fireworks won't cut it, Crowie!

It's a war of ideas....Serbs must come forward with a better idea of Europe than the idea for all Europeans (not only for past and current and future Slavs).

A book about it would be a great start! :)
Bratwurst Boy   
21 Jul 2021
News / EU, Germany, Euros and Poland. [54]

ruled under one big blue flag by Germany from Brussels.

Since Germany has more and more problems to rule Germany I am not very hopeful about this....

Not to mention that for most Germans a strong central state with a capital "who rules them all" is also a nightmare. In our history we have been more often than not a federation, with up to 500 (during the HRE) quite independent states (modern Germany has 16). The most recent memory of a german central state was the GDR, not an experiment most Germans are keen to repeat!

A strong central state ruled by Brussels is more a dream of the Frenchies, who love their Republic also very centralized with Paris and not much would you please stop the Germans for that nightmarish vision of an EU superstate?

Thank you!

A unified EU, when Germans have something to say, would much more be modelled on the United States of America.....
Bratwurst Boy   
21 Jul 2021
History / What do Poles owe to Jews? [586]

I wonder if Germans had the same problem

Actually not....where in central/eastern Europe Stetls with yiddish speaking orthodox, quite isolated living Jews were more common, in the Germany before the Nazis there wouldn't fit a leaf between christian and jewish Germans....they were the best adapted and integrated minority...indistinguishable by clothing, looks, manners, language....patriotic to boot....part of the cultural, scientific, artist asset to the german society, not parasites....thats why Hitlers hate was so puzzling (maybe because he was Austrian)!

I read that many of the german Jews looked down their noses towards their Stetl brethren in the East...there was definitely a divide!
Bratwurst Boy   
21 Jul 2021
Polonia / Which country is better SPAIN or POLAND [113]

You preacher - I choir!

But as a German myself and hence direct successor of the Nazis and the german colonialists/imperialists its not that easy....they just won't stop knocking and demanding!
Bratwurst Boy   
21 Jul 2021
News / Years of Poland in the EU - assessment of pros and cons [1158]

Thank you, Germans.

Well...that's history now....Germans are today even unable to warn the population of upcoming catastrophes, even if every neighbour and his grandmom knows already all about it....Hitler would rotate in his grave (if he had one) if he could see what has become of an once flawlessly functioning Germany!

Soon the Poles will mock us with "deutsche Wirtschaft"! :(
Bratwurst Boy   
21 Jul 2021
Polonia / Which country is better SPAIN or POLAND [113]

Those comparisons with Nazi-Germany really make not much sense, the spanish policies in Overseas was vastly different to the usual colonial policies.

The main difference was surely racial, mixing was not only allowed but even encouraged to entrench the spanish culture/religion/language there (conquistadores and priests where all men....soon there were alot of little mestizos running around!).

So there was never an enforced segregation or a brutal apartheid policy because of skin color or heritage in the Central and South need to keep that in mind before comparing Spain with the Nazi-Germans or the british Empire!

(Of course even today those with lighter skin = more european blood are somewhat higher up the societal ladder than those with darker skin = more indian or african blood, but this is a thing everywhere in the world)
Bratwurst Boy   
19 Jul 2021
History / Did Poland bring on its own destruction in 1939? [71]

I can't imagine anyone wanting to live the life of animals....

theism (at a societal level) reduces people to the animal level...

But we are! (Animals that is)

This elevation of mankind to be the "crown of the creation" is.....well.....only human-religious

The sooner mankind takes back her place as full part of the nature and believes itself no longer to be something special, some "crown" or the other, the sooner we will regain our balance with nature and the whole planet again, just my two cents.

But I'm bowing out here, that is so far off topic I wonder the Admin lets it stand, heh:)

*takes helmet and wanders off*
Bratwurst Boy   
19 Jul 2021
History / Did Poland bring on its own destruction in 1939? [71]

Some brave/stubborn/idiotic people got their communion till the end of the GDR too, it still was thoroughly de-christianized during the four decades of commie rule....

East Germany became a religious black hole....and it still is!

Eastern Germany: the most godless place on Earth

....Indeed, the survey was unable to find a single person under the age of 28 in eastern Germany who believed in God.....