The BEST Guide to POLAND
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Joined: 14 Feb 2007 / Male ♂
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From: Novi Sad, Vojvodina, Srbija.
Interests: New Commonwealth (Sarmatia), Slavic Union, Poland, books, sport, traveling

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22 Jan 2021
News / Poles march against Mandatory poisoning by vaccines [202]

No, I am not against Covid vaccine. Any vaccine. We can`t escape future.

Genetic reprogramming and manipulation, nano machines, implants, non-organic body parts, full or partial cyborgization, brain transplantation, mind digitalization, etc, etc are all inevitable future.
22 Jan 2021
News / Poles march against Mandatory poisoning by vaccines [202]

Let me tell you what I dreamed last night.

I dreamed that when Germans receive Covid vaccine of any producer, they become proud Slavs. I wondered in a dream whats going on and I heard chorus of angelic and spirit voices and finally Our Lord Jesus Christ and Our ancestral God Svetovid who said that they stays behind plot with vaccine in order to save Germans from the Allah.
22 Jan 2021
History / What Poland expected from western Europe? [78]

But the Marshall Plan was only for Western Europe.

Even year and half earlier one could complain about this if from Poland and now, in the foulness of time, we see many good things in it. Great economic expansion with globalist ideologies at work, prepared perfect ground for changing racial format of western Europeans and their islamization, or as respond in parts of population, return of most vulgar form of fascism, Nazism.

Non of this will happen in Poland or even if happen, it would be only small fraction of it and Poland can cope with it.
22 Jan 2021
History / What Poland expected from western Europe? [78]

Blood doesn't count, culture is more important imo.

So what? Today`s Slavs are connected with both, blood and culture. Actually, we Europeans are all connected by blood considering all Whites originate from Slavs (ie Sarmatians) and even our culture isn`t that different but, see, language seams to be most important. Language is that key element of culture that define you as a being. After that, when you are aware of shared blood, it can strengthen the argument. We Slavs preserved that direct linguistic continuity with our ancestors and non-Slavic Whites didn`t. That is one of explanations why are Slavs hated by non-Slavs. One always hate what he was.

Does this include the Croats as well? ........... Bulgarians too.

It is as you ask do Orthodox Poles belongs in Polish and Slavic civilization. Of course, Croats are included but Croatia is society in great turmoil, where people are tear apart by the pressure of Vatican and Germany, not to be Serbs, while they know they are Serbs and they deny themselves and hate their former self -Serbian/Slavic (speaking of majority of populace). For Vatican its nothing personal. They doing it also in Bosnia, in Hercegovina, in Crna Gora, Dalmatia, Slavonia, etc our native regions. Its missionary work and they gave themselves right to do so, even if it mean to create new nations out of Serbian people. Its not easy situation.

Bulgarians? I don`t know what to say. Let`s say they more and more wants to be Slavs and they are part of Slavic civilization.
21 Jan 2021
History / What Poland expected from western Europe? [78]

Don`t underestimate Slavic civilization. Slavs may differ between themselves but we know we are Slavs and in increasingly chaotic world we all want to have that Slavic component of our societies as last resort in defense of what we truly are. That functioned in history no matter every inter-Slavic or antagonism imported from outside influence.

In other words, EU would rather collapse (destroyed by Slavs) then could manage to globalize Poland in sense western Europe is globalized.
21 Jan 2021
History / What Poland expected from western Europe? [78]

On the other side, we ALL know that Poland won`t fall. If nothing else then because Poland is part of Slavic world. Our civilization simple won`t allow format of Poland to be changed in this way we mentioned here.

So EU can pressure Poland, threaten Poland with sanctions, embargoes and worse evil imaginable. Polish police and army may be exposed to real War against invading illegal migrants.

But, all have its limits and so patience of Slavs, too. Poland isn`t alone that is perfectly clear.
21 Jan 2021
History / What Poland expected from western Europe? [78]

Absolutely, I agree with every single words you said. Its legal way to penetrate Poland and no matter how Poland resists, its economical connection to EU is simple enormous.

But I came to the idea of this threat to Poland from another angle. I remembered story when Romania was accepted in EU how Gypsies an masse moved to western Europe. They, as all people after all, non-European migrants included, moving for better quality of life. Imagine if standard of living on the west of Europe fall and those are rapid trends, while at the same time in Poland and other central and eastern European countries increase. It won`t be just ``legal`` pressure on Poland by the EU to accept migrants. No, it would be literally war on Poland`s borders stampeded by millions of non-Europeans. Real War to stop illegal migrants or Poland would simple subjugate. I even don`t wish to imagine prospects and its a train that coming fast.
21 Jan 2021
History / What Poland expected from western Europe? [78]

Poland's expectations from western Europe may end up in receiving of enormous number of non-European migrants.

How so if Poland refuse? Simple, they won't ask. It would be stampede.

How standard of living in Poland improve and agravate on the west of Europe, migrants would smugle themselves to Poland. Sure EU would help them, not to Poland.
20 Jan 2021
News / In increasingly chaotic world, diaspora of Poland moving back to Poland an masse? [71]

No, I don`t think Covid can stop Poland. Not in situation when world moved to Multi-Polar formation, where western Europe and the USA losing its global economic and political dominance, while shackles of western Europe on Poland, and in general on eastern/south-eastern Europe (and outside of Europe) weakening.

Geo-strategically speaking, modern day Poland already reminding of back in past Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth.
18 Jan 2021
History / Świętowit/Svetovid, God of our ancestors - Does He watch over us even now? [47]

There many different variations of Christians and I am not talking about theological differences alone (Catholicism/Protestantism/Orthodoxy)

Speaking of it I spoke to some of my Serbian brethren. And we concluded that effort must be made in work with Russians and Poles so they are less deluded and so they can be reasoned for serious projects that awaits Central and Eastern Europe in this increasingly chaotic world. I mean, Vatican/Rome literally ride Poland like a donkey and imagine how Russians respond to that, they say they are Third Rome and offering their help to Poland. Abominable.

All in all, we Slavs need more suvereignism, not globalism. We need more Svetovid and other OUR OWN things within Christianity. In Serbian variation of Christianity we preserved SLAVA, ancient Slavic/native European family custom dedicated to ancestors and also we have day (Vidovdan) dedicated to Svetovid and all things our own. I do believe that other Slavs with a good reason needs Serbian influence.

the German part of me

Like Eugen Paulus, Otto von Bismarck, Catharine the Great and many others, you must deeply in yourself know who you are. A Serbian. What else?

We must reconnect and re-knit what Greeks and Romans destroyed. We must prevail. Our civilization is too old and too precious to be lost.
18 Jan 2021
History / Świętowit/Svetovid, God of our ancestors - Does He watch over us even now? [47]


Lenka darling, see how Racow serve Poland. See why Mizkiewich and other great people of Poland loved and love Serbs? I expose hypocricy to the maximum. They will need time and time to comprehend all positive aspects of this thread. In the meanwhile I slowly sip rakija and read them.
18 Jan 2021
History / Świętowit/Svetovid, God of our ancestors - Does He watch over us even now? [47]

avoided mentioning the Jewish faith and their deity Yahweh

I said Jews also have Black God. Why is problem to tell it. And he also came from desert. Like Mohamed and Jesus.

Then they all started era of slavery on children of Svetovid.

I never heard you condemned era of slavery. Never. Because Rome was behind that. And you ask what is wrong with me?
18 Jan 2021
History / Świętowit/Svetovid, God of our ancestors - Does He watch over us even now? [47]

Who knows. Svetovid was maybe just a man, a hero or otherwise famous, just like some say Jesus Christ was.

But Romans prefered Jesus because he was Black hero and Svetovid was memory of White hero.

Who knows. Popes and Patriarchs says they know and they are usualy ready to kill to convince and rule globally. And they compete with mufties who worship another Black hero, Mohamed. Jews also have their Black hero turned into God.

What is wrong with me? Its clear. My God is White and he was here before came his Black golegues .
17 Jan 2021
History / Świętowit/Svetovid, God of our ancestors - Does He watch over us even now? [47]

I am free. Neither my body, neither my soul would be ridden by the Vatican, Constantinople, or Jehovean witnesses.

If Christ won, there would be love between old and new faith and not this eternal circle of hate within those who lead Christianity. It's just that greedy people used Christ's story to subjugate European natives, ie Sarmatians, ie Slavs. In my book, Christ walks side by side with Svetovid. My body is my own Church, as even the bible says.

That thing looks like the 4 Horsemen of the Apocalypse.

Svetovid is a symbolical nature elemental. Ancients imagined him as `One who sees everything`, with heads on all four sides of the world. Also as `Triglav` with three heads and also with one head with the eagle who have the power to see everything and report to Him.


17 Jan 2021
History / Świętowit/Svetovid, God of our ancestors - Does He watch over us even now? [47]

Svetovid, among most prominent Gods of one ancient and wast civilization, native to Europe and not only Europe. Glory to our Sarmatian ie Slavic ancestors.


Reconstructions after archeological and genetic studies


Russian steppes, feemale horse arshers


Sarmatian female warrior, Southern Ural


Pictish Sarmatians of British islands


Sartmatian armour - Central Poland


15 Jan 2021
News / Poles say a big YES to our European Union [957]

- give a breather and needed know how to Soviets which allowed them to continue with their BS Soviet rule!

I doubt best Russian strategists were able to predict EU would become like Soviet Union, and Russia would manage to prevail.

Must be that Svetovid cursed EU. See, Putin was wise to invest in St. Sava Church in Belgrade.
15 Jan 2021
Life / Do Polish people have a good ear for music? [90]

Now we listen one Russian song. Most popular song in Russia in last 45 years. And we thank to Russia that bought time to Poland and Serbia so we aren't assimilated and destroyed but we straighten and seek to unite Central Europe from Balkan to Baltic around us.


Here you have it with English subs
13 Jan 2021
Love / Must go to confession before the wedding in Poland? [20]

Tell me it's a joke or you are just yanking my chain. A guy who molests boys for breakfast tells you about marriage?

Its not a joke. Man, I thought you know I am St. Sava Orthodox. Priests here are all married man and they approach to you on the ground of experience and spiritual aspects of marriage. Its all fine and function. Nothing perv.

Sure, not that we don`t have pervs in the Church. Always some perv anywhere but in essence, Church is organized on positive and valid ground. I can even say, its Chuch that follow souverenistic policy, not globalist. We like that way. Why would we go global when we aren`t same as Ethiopians, for example. Why would we want to have same God. The very idea of it is morbid.
13 Jan 2021
News / Poles say a big YES to our European Union [957]

Now is obvious. The endgame. How could anybody thought Poland would force politics that differ from Serbia`s or vice versa. We are one package. One civilization.
12 Jan 2021
Love / Must go to confession before the wedding in Poland? [20]


Here where I live and you know where I live we have talk to a priest before the wedding. One goes togather with his/her partner. No any kind of confession. Its talk about what is marriage.
12 Jan 2021
News / Poles say a big YES to our European Union [957]

Margaret Tacher begged Gorbachov, Soviets to keep troops in Eastern Germany. But Gorbi refused, made wise move. He knew, when Soviets are out beggining clash within western Europe for domination. Even western European stabbing the USA. See, that bought time Russia to consolidate. Then came China. Rest is history.