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Posts by rybnik  

Joined: 16 Jan 2011 / Male ♂
Last Post: 2 Aug 2017
Threads: 18
Posts: 1,453
From: new jersey
Speaks Polish?: yes

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26 Apr 2013
Life / Have you wonder how to recognise a Polish person on the street? [21]

This won't be a popular opinion but I found it silly and at times funny.
The guy's accent wasn't bad.
And let's face it, some Poles do use the K-word just as the author illustrated :)
He didn't seem to be mocking Poles imo.
7 Jun 2013
Life / Tomasz Lis radio show? [5]

no Lenko I can't because I forgot my password :(
So I had to register anew......więc Lis is not on the Radio?
18 Jul 2013
Travel / Worth visiting Warsaw? [20]

jon357, "starówki" as in Stare Miasto?
never heard the term before
20 Jul 2013
Life / What's the best Polish radio station? [36]

this could be useful for my Polish language learning.

I find listening to Polish radio very helpful.
I stream Polskie Radio Trójka.
It's got a nice mix of talk and music
20 Jul 2013
Life / What's the best Polish radio station? [36]

sorry swissi, I stream it from the States.(listen online)
I'm sure some of the in-country members can help you out :)
keep listening. it helps a lot :)
23 Jul 2013
Language / tej samej versus tego samego [9]

the form you use has to agree gender-wise with the object it's qualifying.

Idę do tego samego psa
nienawidzę tego samego chłopaka
wychodzę z tego samego budynku

idę do tej samej pani
wsadziłem kurczaka do tej samej wody (woda - feminine)
poleciałem do tej samej planety (planeta - feminine)

at least that how it seems to me
26 Jul 2013
News / Demolish Poland's Palace of Culture? [55]

The current plan is to build skyscrapers around in order to hide it.

dumb idea

I think it looks pretty cool, would be a shame to destroy it

2 Aug 2013
UK, Ireland / Daniel Pelka murder: Polish mother and stepfather face life sentences [96]

All the more reason then for police, teachers, social workers, neighbors, friends, work colleagues and other parents to have connected the dots as to why a 4 year old child was frequently showing bruises, displaying desperate behavior, and wasting away before their own eyes.

yes !

It's a sad state of affairs when Britain can only muster collective concern when a cat gets stuck up in a tree or when a wealthy celeb files for divorce.

4 Aug 2013
Life / Przystanek Jezus to the rescue [47]

The deafening 'music' and the organisers' 'kolorowo i wesoło' rhetoric cannot hide the many wayward and troubled pariticipants swaying and wandering about the grounds in a perpetual beer & marijuana daze at the the annual depravation fest known as Przystanek Woodstock

polonius3 that is by far your most colorful, most entertaining and most hyperbolic sentence to date!
"depravation fest" I love it.

Then the audience chanted: We are sorry.

VERY classy!
15 Aug 2013
Life / One of more conspicuous Polish traits - inconsequence? [37]

Isn`t it simple?

it's not that simple Pawian.
Here in the States most citizens openly align themselves with a religion but do not support the visible display of religious symbols in public places. Poland gets away with it because Roman Catholicism is overwhelmingly represented.....Just wait a few decades when the Muslims get a firm foothold and the Jews return.

That cross' days will then be numbered.
12 Sep 2013
Love / Polish girls- breasts size [65]

but here in Poland I can recognise a "burak" (let's say it's a Polish version of the word "chav") by him using word "cycki" instead of "piersi".

the word młot came to my mind Paulino ;)
19 Sep 2013
Food / What's your favorite Polish beer? [870]

I just returned from a short trip to the lake region and discovered £omża, delicious really. It's my new favorite Polish beer.