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Posts by Crow  

Joined: 14 Feb 2007 / Male ♂
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From: Novi Sad, Vojvodina, Srbija.
Interests: New Commonwealth (Sarmatia), Slavic Union, Poland, books, sport, traveling

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6 Jun 2021
News / Poles call for EU reforms. [67]

Visegrad members like Serbia so much they even support it's EU membership....

Sure. Those are rules of engagement in this game. But when western Europe become aggressive, Visegrad forming front from Baltic to Balkan.

Not even close to what Poland got and gets from Germany.

You said yourself. Its `pimp-sex worker relationship`.
6 Jun 2021
News / Poles call for EU reforms. [67]

it didn't come with a check.

How didn`t come back with a check? Russians arming Serbia and stand behind Serbia, while Visegrad count on Serbia and Serbia wants to join to Visegrad. So no Russian madding in business of Central-Europeans. Rather support. What better check Poland can get? After all, look at Duda. He knows. He allows weaponry from Russia to fly via Poland`s air space to Serbia.

Its obvious that Russia gave up from dominance in Central Europe, if Visegrad plus countries... controls the area. Best check ever Poland could get from Russia.
6 Jun 2021
News / Poles call for EU reforms. [67]

What I know Russians admitted and apologized for the Katyn. Didn`t they?
6 Jun 2021
News / Chances of Poland in case of war between EU (ie western Europe) and Visegrad Group ? [80]

Not this time. Moscow have to take in account wishes of other players in Europe and worldwide, so Moscow either help Visegrad or behave neutral on conflict... or, how things stand, even enter war on the side of Visegrad. Like in a case of Swedish yoke, when Poland and Russia cooperated.

*shows butt in a Celtic fashion*
6 Jun 2021
News / Chances of Poland in case of war between EU (ie western Europe) and Visegrad Group ? [80]

I find this question important considering development in Europe. Increasing pressure on Poland and other Visegrad member states by the EU leads to tensions. All that in environment of global pandemic crisis, lack of resources, high level of global pollution and crisis in relations between EU and USA on one side, and EU and Russia on the other side. Add to it increasing influence of far right and nazi ideologies in western Europe and becoming obvious that after direct clash with Islam and then merging with Islam, western Europe returning to the Drang Nach Osten.


Just this time, seams to me, Poland will be ready. And won`t be alone.
6 Jun 2021
News / Poles call for EU reforms. [67]

EU is a dead horse. Call for reforms is waste of time. Much better for Poland is to run as fast as possible.
5 Jun 2021
News / What should Poland do with the problem of Belarus? [1800]

I feel sorry for Ukraine...

What Ukraine? Ethnic Ukraine? Polish oriented Ukraine? Russian oriented Ukraine? Serbian oriented Ukraine? Ruthenian oriented Ukraine?

Or Ukraine which borders were defined by the communists?

Down with PiS!


Have in mind brate that PiS allows arming of Serbia from Russia and Belarus. They play complicated politics but they gave middle finger to the Vatican and Germany. And to EUrabia.
31 May 2021
News / What should Poland do with the problem of Belarus? [1800]

I am trying to find out if I should love him or hate him

I thought about Luka for few moments and sow many imperfections. Then I thought about Biden, stop thinking about Biden and put cross on myself.
30 May 2021
News / What should Poland do with the problem of Belarus? [1800]

By the God, I love brat Lukashenko. He said they could down even Biden`s plane >

Oh, that would be so great a service to the normal Americans.
29 May 2021
News / What should Poland do with the problem of Belarus? [1800]

You are all truly crazy. Poland should have open border policy on Belarus. Not that Belarus is perfect but let us face fact that Belarus isn`t sick like western Europe and States. Or evil like Canada and morbidly pervert like Vatican or sleazy like Constantinople, ugly like Greeks and Italians. And so on so on. Many are worse then Belarus.

Shame on you all.
27 May 2021
News / What should Poland do with the problem of Belarus? [1800]

Brilliant post, Crow!

Thank you dobri brate.

And the Crimea episode was an eye-opener...and perfectly executed; no shots fired and no real pain either.

You have the point here.

We can`t even compare merging in `Russia stile` and merging in any western `European stile`. Look how Germany and Vatican enabled formation of Nazi state of Croatia during WWII where 1 mil. Orthodox Serbs was exterminated and Catholic Serbs exposed to violence and cultural genocide. What is abominable same continued in 1992 when Germany and Vatican destroyed Yugoslavia and again enabled Nazi, apartheid and clerical state of Croatia. That is EU and NATO.

Russia? Far far from perfect. Very far. But give 20 to 30 years more to EU/NATO in their sadistic and sado-mazo approach and Russia would be welcomed even in Poland. Which I don`t advocate but just telling for the record.
26 May 2021
News / What should Poland do with the problem of Belarus? [1800]

Why would Russia want that? Have enough resources for itself and her natural enemies destruct from within. No, they will maximally desire to let in Eastern Germany. That is probably the final reason behind motto `Serbian world` and Serbian interest for question of northern Serbs, their eventual autonomy and rights. Most certainly things are set in motion to re-Slavicize ie re-Serbinize eastern Germans and re-establish old Serbian Balkan-Baltic line violated by Romans and Teutons.

If ever comes to this wars in Europe would be practically impossible
26 May 2021
News / What should Poland do with the problem of Belarus? [1800]

What do you think no more? Few days ago those were two more migs-29 and transport planes with God knows what things inside. Duda let. In madness around him he wants Serbs are fully armed. He knows we won`t hesitate.
26 May 2021
History / What do Poles owe to Jews? [586]

The Vatican propagated lies too.

Exactly. Lies vs. lies. Perfect situation in which Poland somewhat profited. Better exposed to two lies then only one.

It was and is confrontation of two globalist concepts, Vatican`s and Jewish. They both declare you belong to them, they seek to take your souls, brain and body. Just like Islam.

No wonder maniacal Hitler admired to Islam. Knowing two he opted for third. I f*k them all. Sure, at the same time I admire to Jews as to ethos from whom we Slavs can learn a lot of.
26 May 2021
History / What do Poles owe to Jews? [586]

If there was any value in importing Jews

But you must admit they were valuable counterbalance to the Vatican`s influence. Even no matter they actually had better connections with Vatican then any Polish magnate. They sure gave more Popes then Poles.
25 May 2021
News / What should Poland do with the problem of Belarus? [1800]

Inside Lukashenko's brutal torture chambers

I can`t even imagine Biden`s brutal torture chambers. These must be some kind of laboratory for lobotomy, dissection and mind probing, while old, hundred year old inquisitors represent key torturers. Real picture of hell on Earth.
25 May 2021
Off-Topic / Random Sports News [742]

Nikola Jokic shocked when Shaquille O'Neal spoke in Serbian to him



19 May 2021
Language / Etymology of the word "brat" - in Poland and other Slavic countries [21]

This is Last Glacial Maximum, which began about 110,000 years ago and ended about 15,000 years ago


This previous Ice age - Penultimate Glacial Period, began about 194,000 years ago, and ended 135,000 years ago


Main Ice Age refugium in Europe was always Balkan, where 90% of Europe`s populace retreated and then again re-populated Europe. Why Balkan? Because Balkan stays in correlation with European net of rivers. Spain is isolated. And what is Balkan? Remained Slavic ie Sarmatian region and kept Sarmatian name alive (Serbian name). Meaning? Europeans are Sarmats in origin. They must be. Some got foreign influence but being European and White means being Sarmatian (Serbian) in origin.

oot word among many languages, maybe this is a shared memory of a word

Seek your origin on Balkan Danube, within Lepenski Vir culture. Either you are from there, either you most certainly aren`t European. Politics aside, that`s it.


This is why we have dispersion Sarmatian/Serbian name from places/rivers in Europe to the Siberia, Eurasia, Anatolia and Near East. Sarmats/Serbs = Slavs.
17 May 2021
History / What do Poles owe to Jews? [586]

Poland didn't do anything wrong to participate in your suicidal acts.

How true. To put cross on myself, if they are morons, Poland isn`t.
17 May 2021
History / What do Poles owe to Jews? [586]

Mother Poland claims all Slavs as her rightful children. ;)

When Mother Poland claimed her children she was founded on Sarmatism. Meaning, it was Serbian state.

I nicely says that Poland needs to change its format and return to the right path. To the Sarmatism.

The Sorb I recently met insisted that she was Sorbian first and foremost.

Of course. But if Poland deflect from papacy and return to Sarmatic principle, all Sorbs would gladly join Poland, I assure you, now when Germany sink and when Poland demonstrate, as good Mother, care for the Balkan Serbs.
16 May 2021
Off-Topic / Poland and Slavic civilization in processes of Transhumanism [12]

We all heard of Transhumanism. Its a philosophical movement that advocate the enhancement of the human condition by developing and making widely available sophisticated technologies able to greatly enhance longevity, mood and human cognitive abilities.



I believe we already live era of Transhuman evolution that just now starts to accelerate. So I am curious how would these processes affect Slavic civilization and Poland as state in particular.