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Posts by GefreiterKania  

Joined: 26 Dec 2020 / Male ♂
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17 Feb 2022
News / Will America send troops to fight a Russian invasion of Baltics and/or Poland? [281]

which would not be any more economically viable the second time around than it was in its original run

That's the main reason of Putin's frustration. With Fit for 55 program, and general move towards renewable/sustainable energy sources, Russia's position (and income!) will fall drastically. Russia is one big gas station - if that source of income disappears then, with the level of corruption and kleptocracy there, the entire country will collapse economically. The current Ukraine mess is a sorry attempt by Putin to win something for Russia while they are still relatively more important than Mongolia.
31 Jan 2022
Po polsku / Papież a sprawa polska [116]

Bez paniki było już gorzej

To prawda, ale wtedy nie było internetu. Teraz już nie da się niczego na dłuższą metę ukryć.

A Franciszek to nie papież tylko przedstawiciel lobby pedałów.

...a do tego kulturowy marksista (chociaż się oficjalnie nie przyznaje).
31 Jan 2022
Po polsku / Papież a sprawa polska [116]

Poza tym odnoszę wrażenie, że niektórzy mijają się z istotą problemu. To nie chodzi o to jaki jest odsetek pedofili czy innych zboczeńców wśród kleru, tylko o to co z tym faktem i z przestępstwami przez nich popełnianymi robił/robi kościół. A tutaj niestety, na całym świecie, kościół jako organizacja systemowo chronił tych dewiantów. Hierarchiczny kościół jako całość, a nie pojedynczy księża czy biskupi. Wszędzie te same wypracowane schematy działania.

Nawet gdyby tych gwałcicieli dzieci było dziesięciokrotnie więcej, ale byliby piętnowani, karani i wydalani ze stanu duchownego, to kościół rz-k nie miałby problemu. Niestety, kompletnie zdyskredytowali się swoimi działaniami jako cały kościół hierarchiczny.

Ktoś mógłby sądzić, że czegoś się nauczyli w ostanich latach, ale gdzie tam. Papież Franciszek ostatnio zabronił przekazywania dokumentów kościelnych polskiej komisji ds. pedofilii. Ten "kościół" jest nie do obrony. Zgubiła ich własna pycha, chciwość, żądza władzy i działania wprost mafijne. Zaorać i wyrównać.
31 Jan 2022
Po polsku / Papież a sprawa polska [116]

Kosciol mozna i trzeba dalej reformowac

Jeżeli chodzi o KRK, to raczej byłoby perfumowanie g... . Zaorać i wyrównać.

Ciekawe jak to funkcjonuje w innych wyznaniach bez celibatu?

Funkcjonuje bardzo dobrze. Watykańczycy jako jedyni wymyślili celibat. Nie ma tego w żadnym innym kościele chrześcijańskim.

Mniej jest procentowo pedofilii i zboczeńców wśród kleru niż wśród innych grup w społeczeństwie.

Niestety nie. Mamy potężną nadreprezentację zarówno homoseksualistów jak i pedofili wśród kleru, co przyznał nawet kiedyś w rozmowie na FB ojciec Knabit. Polecam "Sodomę" Frédérica Martela - mało przyjemna lektura, ale dobrze udokumentowana - otwiera oczy.
31 Jan 2022
Po polsku / Papież a sprawa polska [116]

Papiez probuje reformowac kościoł

Reformacja to już była - w XVI wieku (i całe szczęście).

Towarzysz Bergoglio to tak pięknie próbuje reformować "kościół" (chociaż w przypadku watykańczyków powinniśmy raczej mówić o organizacji pseudoeklezjalnej, a nie o kościele), że ostatnio zakazał polskiemu ePiSkopatowi ujawniać dokumentów związanych ze zbrodniami na polskich dzieciach dokonywanymi przez zboczeńców w sutannach.

A co do pieprzenia w stylu "nie wiedział, może wiedział albo tylko się domyślał, albo nie wszystko mu mówili" itp. itd. to naprawdę słabo się robi człowiekowi w zetknięciu z takim debilizmem. Mamy przytłaczające dowody na to, że "kościół" rz-kat na całym świecie, na wszystkich kontynentach, działał dokładnie według samego schematu i procedur postępowania (tuszowanie zbrodni, przenoszenie potworów na inne parafie, naciski na miejscowych polityków, zastraszanie ofiar i zobowiązywanie ich do zachowania tajemnicy etc.) - działał jak zorganizowana, mafijna struktura zła. Nie jeden czy drugi proboszcz, biskup czy nawet papież, ale hierarchiczny "kościół", jako całość, był w to zaangażowany (albo czynnie, albo biernie dając przyzwolenie na to przerażające zło).

Ludzie muszą sobie uświadomić, że z moralnego punktu widzenia nie ma żadnego znaczenia czy to ich własne dziecko zostało zgwałcone, a potem zgnojone, nazwane "wspólnikiem w grzechu", a miejscowy biskup snuł rozważania czy przypadkiem nie miało z tego gwałtu przyjemności (autentyczny przypadek - jak chcecie to znajdę linki), czy dotknęło to jakiekolwiek inne dziecko. A mówimy, przypominam, o niezliczonej liczbie takich przypadków na całym świecie.

Nie można mówić: "ale to nie moje dziecko zostało zgwałcone, tylko jakieś tam inne dzieci, innych ludzi - więc w sumie mogę dalej spokojnie chodzić do kościoła i być częścią tego". To jest po prostu głęboko niemoralne i, tak po ludzku, obrzydliwe.

P.S. Co do działań "biskupów" polskich, nie tylko w odniesieniu do dzieci będących ofiarami gwałtów, to jedynym możliwym wyjaśnieniem ich postępowania jest brak wiary. Oni po prostu nie wierzą w Boga.


Należą Ci się ode mnie przeprosiny - przez tyle lat uważałem rzeczy, które mówiłeś o RKK za głupoty. Niestety, po latach przekonałem się, że miałeś rację... w całej cholernej rozciągłości. :-/
20 Nov 2021
Life / Quotes from Polish right wing newspaper. [31]

the easy way to solve conflict with Poland would be lost election by PiS

Not only would it be the best way to solve conflict with Germany but, first and foremost, it would be the best way to solve most of Poland's internal problems.

If we could only get rid of the bolshevik locusts who are destroying our economy, dismantling democratic institutions and squander everything that the generations of Poles have worked and fought for, then improving the relations with Germany would only be a nice bonus. The thing of utmost importance now is regaining free, independent Poland, and with God's help regain her we shall!
14 Nov 2021
News / Abortion still under control in Poland [2986]

And then I read your next paragraph (...) I see and have doubts again.

That's because you didn't read the paragraphs carefully. I denied the idea that imposing bans on criminal actions is done with the purpose of saving souls. This, however, doesn't mean that no bans should be imposed. There reasons to impose a ban on murdering children are blatantly obvious even if we leave religion out of it.

The problem is that you so desperately want to "win" that you repeat already answered issues over and over again, pretend not to understand the most obvious arguments, and ignore the arguments that don't fit your point of view - that's called intellectual dishonesty, and frankly I don't think I want to play this game anymore. It's boring and ultimately pointless. I'm too old, wise and mature for this. :)
14 Nov 2021
News / Abortion still under control in Poland [2986]

because I want people to realise their mistaken approach


You are very conveniently ignoring the parts of my argument that don't fit your point of view, like the one that it's ridiculous to claim to possess saving faith and at the same time reject and break God's commandments. You also dismiss Reformed theology as being "mostly man-made" (as opposed to which theology, if I may ask?). You do it even though you apparently have no significant knowledge of it. It doesn't surprise me because it's your usual stuff - I don't remember anyone on this forum ever convincing you to change your point of view on anything - you are truly a besserwisser extraordinaire. :)

some believe they are saving their souls when they impose various bans on other people who don`t believe

I never said that. Moreover, I explicitly denied that idea, but still you bring it up again. Same old, same old. :)

And that is a very harmful belief coz all religious wars and massacres were started for that reason.

Such a horrible platitude. I would answer this if you were 16, but I believe you are closer to 60, so.

let non-believers do what they deem right for themselves (...) If they aren`t your wife or life partner, it is none of your business

Well, some things (like murdering children) should definitely be banned and it has nothing to do with people being believers or non-believers or with them being somebody's wives or partners. Any sane society has to have laws against criminal act of murder, especially murder of innocent child by its mother.

Of course, you can stick to your immoral and hypocrytical view of "I believe abortion is evil and I would never do it myself, but I want others to do it freely if they want to", but don't expect sane people, especially Christians, to subscribe to this preposterous approach.
14 Nov 2021
News / Abortion still under control in Poland [2986]

Based on God's revelation and the Holy Scripture. The closest thing there is to genuine biblical Christianity. However, your being a stubborn, willfully obstinate besserwisser that you have always been, Pawian, prevents you from seeing it. Oh, well... I can live with that. :)
14 Nov 2021
News / Abortion still under control in Poland [2986]

That sounds like Calvinism. :)

I told you I am of a Reformed confession now. :)

Again, who told you this? Coz it wasn`t in those quotes you offered.

It's all in the Bible, Pawian - you can hardly expect me to quote everything for you. However, if apart from the Bible you would like some valuable commentary, then I reccommend reading: John Calvin, Herman Bavinck, Louis Berkhof, Cornelius van Til, John Frame or R.C. Sproul for a start. Tolle lege! :)
14 Nov 2021
News / Abortion still under control in Poland [2986]

I realised that a woman who has multiple abortions can still be saved.

The woman's actions of repeatedly murdering her own children (breach of God's commandment "thou shalt not kill") are a clear indication of her not having the grace of faith. Of course it's possible for God to eventually lead this woman to repentance and grant her true saving faith. It is also possible for me to play a perfect game of golf. Possible, but not very likely. That's why Christianity is not about clinging to some distant, fringe possibilities but about spreading the Gospel and the knowledge of God's commandments.

I am beginning to like Muslims for their attitude about abortions and the flying lessons for gays.

I, on the other hand, think that treatment of women and LGBT people in some Muslim countries is deplorable and nothing short of barbaric, and it saddens me to see it happening to an ever larger extent in islamic communities the West. However, it needs to be said that the West is bringing this scourge on their own heads by their mass apostasy.
13 Nov 2021
News / Abortion still under control in Poland [2986]

Because that's what you asked for (assurance of salvation).

There are tons of biblical, Christian teaching on abortion, consistent with what I am saying. I have discussed it in detail on many occasions - been there, done that, got the t-shirt. You won't persuade me, I won't persuade you (but the fact that you are uneasy about it indicates traces of conscience within you, so maybe there's still hope :)).

Good night.
13 Nov 2021
News / Abortion still under control in Poland [2986]


Being saved means being grateful for it and zealous for the glory of Our Lord, not negligent in spreading His word.

And if a woman killed twelve babies that would indicate an obvious lack of faith, so your "logic" fails (as most human made theories in the light of eternal wisdom of God).
13 Nov 2021
News / What should Poland do with the problem of Belarus? [1800]

How do you think you would do one on one with Turkey ,Pakistan, Iran, Saudi Arabia or India in a war ?

India is not an islamic country and Pakistan has atomic weapons (so that would be a bit unfair). Against other countries mentioned by you Germans would win easily - believe me, we Poles know them, they are a bunch of tough sons-of-b*tches when push comes to shove.
13 Nov 2021
News / Abortion still under control in Poland [2986]

you are adopting a fanatic attitude (...) you used to be like that in the past

Thank you.

then you relaxed a little

Well, we all have our weak moments...

Have you experienced any difficulties in your life recently?

Everybody has difficulties in their lives. The point is to hold fast to the Holy Gospel of Our Lord Jesus Christ and then all the difficulties stop to matter. :)

Until you do, you can`t say you are saved.

Yes, I can. The assurance of salvation and the perseverance of the faithful are one of the most glorious aspects of Reformed confession to which I currently subscribe, after finally being liberated from the popish nonsense. :)
13 Nov 2021
News / What should Poland do with the problem of Belarus? [1800]

if we Europeans would had stood true to our real own spirits and beliefs and not forget about all of our true roots

Paganism didn't turn Europe into the most powerful continent on Earth, Christianity did. When we abandoned our faith, our power shrank as well.
13 Nov 2021
News / Abortion still under control in Poland [2986]

Which is an important matter but what about atheists?

Atheists are clueless. They, of course, have to be tolerated but must not be allowed to wallow in their antinomian mud too much or, in any case, undermine God's decrees. It's only for their own good - we, Christians, tolerate them but Muslims won't. Can you imagine the ordeal of women or LGBTQ people under Sharia law? That's why we have to stop the God's scourge, Muslims, from taking over. Common sense 101.

I suppose you believe that if you contribute to banning abortion, you will gain special merits to enter Heaven.

I'm a Christian; I believe I am saved by Christ's sacrifice and God's grace, not by any of my deeds or merits.
13 Nov 2021
News / Abortion still under control in Poland [2986]

Not in the opinion of most or Europe.

Opinions are irrelevant. God's law applies.

Which is why abortion is freely available.

For now. When muslims take over the apostate countries, they will sort it out. Whether you like it or not when it happens is a completely different mater.
13 Nov 2021
News / Abortion still under control in Poland [2986]

Removing a foetus. No 'murder' involved.

It's murdering a child.

And of course it will be punished; in some cases already in this world and most certainly in the next.
13 Nov 2021
News / What should Poland do with the problem of Belarus? [1800]

I for one and with me most other Europeans don't want to wake up in a muslimized society one day...

Well, BB, you know what they say: "if you don't want to pay for your own army, you will have to pay for somebody elses". It's the same with religion: if you reject your own tradition (and I'm not talking about stone age paganism), if you reject Christianity (be it in its Lutheran, Reformed or Catholic form) on which the power of Europe was built, then you will have exactly what happens with islam in Europe now (not only through brutal demographics but also through intellectual and spiritual void of modern Europeans). :-/
13 Nov 2021
News / Abortion still under control in Poland [2986]

Abortions are still available on demand in civilised countries (and this will only increase)

That's probably why the so-called "civilised" countries are invaded by muslim hordes (and this will only increase). God has used muslims as a scourge against sin in the past and we are witnessing it at the very moment now.

If a woman wants to get a foetus flushed out, so be it.

That's a horrible way to describe murdering a baby. I wonder where the hatred towards innocent, helpless children in their mothers' wombs stem from. It seems demoniac.
13 Nov 2021
News / What should Poland do with the problem of Belarus? [1800]

Apparently majority of them are Kurds.

We don't know that (also because some of them have this funny tendency of burning their documents on arrival - documented cases in border camps). We only know their country of origin and if we are to believe the reports of US and Polish intelligence there are veterans among them trained to conduct terrorist attacks in the EU. Asking to let those people in and grant them asylum is nothing short of madness. Lukashenka brought them to Belarus en masse, so let him worry about it - we have our duties, first and foremost, towards the safety and well-being of our citizens.

Why? Because I'm trying to be objective and not forget that those migrants are human beings?

No. Because you would seem to ignore the whole body of evidence that shows that significant part of the people at the border are anything but "poor, innocent refugees".

we shouldn't be demonizing or dehumanizing those people only because we don't want to let them in

Of course not. But we also cannot be blind to their cooperation with criminal regimes and serious cases of breaking the law. We also shouldn't in any way facilitate illegal border crossing by those people.

Btw, young men are people too, not only women and children.

Oh, certainly. However the percentage of young men at the border completely busts the myth of them being genuine war refugees.

When he went to Germany

Germany is Poland's neighbour - that's where you go for safety, the first safe country where there is no war or persecution. Period.
13 Nov 2021
News / What should Poland do with the problem of Belarus? [1800]

Do you have any proof for that?

The number of young men among the first wave (and the consequent ones) of refugees to Europe and relatively low percentage of them trying to bring their families over (which is understandable, seeing that most of them don't have wives and children yet) would seem to confirm that. Also, the history of all major military conflicts show that ranks of refugees (genuine refugees) are full of women, children and the elderly. Not so much among the consecutive Arab waves, which throws some light on the matter.

The myth of strong young men, coming here to get jobs (how many of them do, by the way?) and bring their families over is so busted that even the leftist press doesn't use it nowadays.
13 Nov 2021
News / What should Poland do with the problem of Belarus? [1800]

The men usually go first in order to bring their family later once they settle in.

A common myth. When you escape from danger - real danger - you don't send young, strong men first. You save the most vulnerable ones at all cost.


If we are to believe the statistics, most people at the Polish border come from Iraq. There is currently no war in Iraq, and even if they come from countries where military actions take place, they should seek refuge in the first safe country, according to international law.

Your posts are very 2015. It's 2021 and luckily today we know much more about the criminal human trafficking and mechanisms behind it.
13 Nov 2021
News / What should Poland do with the problem of Belarus? [1800]

wouldn't you be doing the same if you were desperate enough (living in some sh*thole where your kids would have no future

Let's remember that people with children are a small minority there, and they are not the most aggresive ones. Having said that, the way they endanger their children is despicable and I would never do that. Also, people who can pay $5000-$8000 per person to Lukashenka for the entire trafficking operation are certainly not poor. I think the days of protraying them as "poor, innocent pawns and victims, fleeing war" are over, even in the liberal leftist media in the West. The EU currently has a much more realistic point of view on the matter, after the previous wave of "poor refugees".
13 Nov 2021
News / What should Poland do with the problem of Belarus? [1800]

There are people who can tell the difference, and they claim the clothes/equipment are genuine, but it's a secondary issue anyway - their actions and willful cooperation with Lukashenka's and Putin's criminal regimes make them anything but "poor, innocent pawns".