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Posts by Crow  

Joined: 14 Feb 2007 / Male ♂
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From: Novi Sad, Vojvodina, Srbija.
Interests: New Commonwealth (Sarmatia), Slavic Union, Poland, books, sport, traveling

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13 Jul 2021
News / The ruling party in Poland tries to take American owned TV news station off the air [528]

No one has noticed or cares about PiS's latest attack on the press? A new proposed law is transparently aimed at TVN

Logical move. Position of TVN is anti-Slavic and Poland is great Slavic power that helping in arming Serbia. Poland knows how to hit hard and systematically f*k one foe after another.

Oh, God bless awakened Poland, PiS and brat Duda!
6 Jul 2021
Life / What do Poles really think about cats? [385]

I want new cat at my weekend house. It should save me from some rodents.

But, Chinese eat cats. And dogs. They say `Dog meat good, cat meat good but dog meat better.`




See, another continent.
3 Jul 2021
News / Achievements of the Tusk's Polish government [532]

Tusk only expressed ..... PiS has been devastating this country in neobolshevik style.

Pardon. It was certainly brat Tusk himself who persuaded brat Duda to open Poland`s air space (and heavily urinate on EU and NATO in the process) for Belarus and Russia when they sending weaponry to Serbia. In any case, Tusk, Duda and PiS are in Serbia seen as Sarmatian Piedmonts in Poland.
3 Jul 2021
News / Chances of Poland in case of war between EU (ie western Europe) and Visegrad Group ? [80]


Speaking strictly in connection to the topic here, I am sure that EU (ie western Europe) don`t have any chance in war against Poland and Visegrad group. Such a war would completely and finally put an end to the western European dominance over Eastern Europe and Slavs. In a first 24 hours of conflict entire Eastern and South-Eastern Europe would arise and join Poland. Russia, all Slavs, China, USA, most of humanity would stand with Poland and Visegrad. After the conflict western Europe would finish as poor and desolated place.

you never fought in any war.

I wasn`t in the zone of conflict. I was soldier but didn`t fought. Fortunately for all.
3 Jul 2021
News / Chances of Poland in case of war between EU (ie western Europe) and Visegrad Group ? [80]

Hell even EU is keen not to take side of the west

EU is keen not to be West anymore but rather Saudi suburb.

What war?

What war?

You know how people say... `Spit the wh*** between the eyes and she would think its a rain.`

That war around you, you stupido.

Which China will win since everything


Poland of course doesn't need to take side of the west.

The next conflicts will not be between the EU and Visegrad but between the West and China!

Poland is the West as is entire Slavic world. One and only West. Western Europe never was the West but rather usurper.

Now, war between EU and China isn`t war where West should intervene. Let western Europe sunk where it belong. In desert.
2 Jul 2021
News / Chances of Poland in case of war between EU (ie western Europe) and Visegrad Group ? [80]

Frictions between Visegrad Group on one side and EU on other around `Serbian question`. Behind all is fact that Brussels represent sole interest of western Europe, while Belgrade represent true and authentic European interests. Brussels is globalistic, Belgrade is suverenistic center of Europe. Groupings of Europeans started. These facts are behind public conflict of Hungarian president Orban, and official Croatia that is nothing but speaker for the Germany >

Orbán outlines his EU vision in six points, the seventh being: Grant Serbia accession


> b92..../eng/news/politics.php?yyyy=2021&mm=07&dd=01&nav_id=111144

Orbán hasn't done that because of Serbia

> b92..../eng/news/politics.php?yyyy=2021&mm=07&dd=02&nav_id=111152

"Serbia should be granted accession to the European Union," it was written in Orbán's announcement.

membership criteria, implementation of necessary reforms and achieving measurable results. This applies to all candidate countries for membership, including Serbia," Croatian MFA says

Czech President Zeman then supported Orban >

Only one man said: "I like it, because of the seventh point"


> b92..../eng/news/world.php?yyyy=2021&mm=07&dd=02&nav_id=111157

"I like and agree with the last point, which says that Serbia should become an EU member.

I see Viktor from time to time and our views are very similar," Zeman said

24 Jun 2021
News / Poland rejects international criticism over LGBT rights [28]


An EU human rights organisation Memory Centre Berlin (Hafiza Merkezi Berlin) equals Poland to Turkey

An article

Report: Poland, Turkey Undermining Women's and LGBT Rights


Turkish and Polish governments are using similar tactics to undermine the rights of women and LGBT groups

"In both countries, state officials, religious authorities, and conservative groups have supported each other in the drive to denounce the Istanbul Convention,

24 Jun 2021
Life / What do Polish people think of the Asia and Middle East? [86]

If Milo is asked Poland exist to serve Anglos, Germanics and Vatican. Poland to have its own interests is absolutely nonsensical concept to Milo.

Poland do have interest to cooperate with China and vice versa.
24 Jun 2021
Off-Topic / Ukraine, Belarus, Russia in EU in 2030? [89]

Now the British ship is saying that Russia didn't drop any bombs

British fear. That is why they speak so. Russians gave them challenge and Brits retreat. But its proof they are smart.
22 Jun 2021
News / Goodbye Rzeczpospolita, Goodbye Uwazam Rze! Killed by Tusk. [25]

No, Tusk won`t be problem. He is good friend to Serbian President Vucic, so he is good to Poland, too.

Let me remind, behind Golden Age of Poland in 1st Rzeczpospolita were Southern Serbs. Behind 2nd Rzeczpospolita, also were Southern Serbs. And they, beside working with Adam Mizkiewich, Czartorisky, etc, also heavily coordinated with Kashubian-Prussian Serbian elite, for example with Eugen Paulus.

Behind 3rd Rzeczpospolita were not Serbs and 3rd Rzeczpospolita (Poland within EU) turned to be disaster.

So, don`t worry for Tusk. He won`t betray. Others failed.
15 Jun 2021
News / Should Poland leave the EU institution? [147]

EU is nothing but Holly Roman Empire that is not holly but unholy. Unholy as Roman Empire was unholy. What Poland have from it? Bluntly speaking Poland have right to die for it. To die. Proudly. In the process of dying to spread word of the papacy and Germanics. Also, in the process of dying Poland have right to feel shame for being Slavic. So, ultimately, death in shame. That is the right of Poland here.
9 Jun 2021
History / Why Was D-Day So Significant for Poland ? [266]

How about made possible through ignorance, wishful thinking, and appeasement.

Especially when they can profit in opportunity.

Western men are great at all three, including now. When they finally wake from their happy stupor, it's always too late.

When they wake up only remain of Western world would be Slavic world.
9 Jun 2021
History / Why Was D-Day So Significant for Poland ? [266]

Why Was D-Day So Significant for Poland ?

Very significant. Friends of Poland decided to end WWII which they themselves organized.

With such a friends Poland even don`t need enemies.
8 Jun 2021
News / Poles call for EU reforms. [67]

Poles are naive to call for EU reforms. Very naive. Its like they ask for reform of daemonic world, pandemonium or let`s say Vatican or Constantinople, Mecca or Medina, (and no, I won`t mention Judaism).
6 Jun 2021
News / Poles call for EU reforms. [67]

nobody is that suicidal....

They aren`t? Good. Then, when Poland decide to go out of EU, there won`t be stopping Poland by force.