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Abortion still under control in Poland [2986]
Foreigner4,True,but you get the essential gist
No, I don't, otherwise I'd have said so.
you keep asking people what are people doing to stop it if they feel it is wrong.
No, I don't, well not completely anymore. I do keep asking how wrong people think it is and based on that I'm curious as to what people are willing to do or not do.
Let's say you saw you're neighbor trying to hang a door and you knew they were doing it the wrong way, would you tell them or do nothing?
If you saw someone smoking while pregnant, would you say nothing or speak up?
I'm curious as to how "connected" people feel to society, so to speak. and of course I'm also curious as to "how" wrong other people see it.
For instance, if I saw someone doing something really dangerous, like "holy sh*t-balls you're not really going to use that equipment here and now" kind of dangerous around a pregnant woman, maybe I'd say, "uhhhh Lady, you really shouldn't be here."
If she persisted in being there and I knew her presence would kill her unborn child, I don't know what I would do. If people said "hey buddy it's none of your business?" then I really don't know what I'd do.
Do you know what you'd do in either scenario?
If you saw a little kid near some dangerous equipment (auger, plasma cutter, welder, grinders without guards, wood chipper- you get the idea) would you quickly intercept the little person's path to danger or stand by idle and observe?
my point is that no matter what they are doing if it's wrong then its wrong.
If you can actually come up with a quantifiable reason why something is wrong then fine, I'm interested in where that might go.
People say they have standards and morals but go on doing a lot of "wrong" things every day and often don't care enough to change or don't care enough to know what they're doing is "wrong" even by their standards. If someone wants to say it's immoral then there's a good chance they're being more of a hypocrite than they (can?) imagine.
And then of course then that gets me asking "how immoral" but as of yet you're the only person to have answered that aspect of my questions.
F'n hell that was way longer than I wanted it to be. I should keep a 75 word cap on these.
I haven't mentioned religion with one word in this thread and my opinion about abortion has absolutely nothing to do with it.
Okay then, let's remove the word "sin" and use the words you really used to describe someone who seeks to get an abortion:
some thoughtless, irresponsible, party dolls who don't don't give a damn about the lives of their unborn babies?
Is that the only type of person you envision or is there more to your thought process than that?
why I feel about abortion the way I do and there's really nothing more to add to it.
and the reason you do nothing about it is? or you do something to prevent it and you're just being humble?