The BEST Guide to POLAND
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Posts by Marsupial  

Joined: 19 Oct 2014 / Male ♂
Warnings: 3 - TAA
Last Post: 30 Aug 2017
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Posts: Total: 871 / Live: 202 / Archived: 669
From: Australia, Sydney
Speaks Polish?: yes
Interests: many

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4 Nov 2016
Life / Will Poland ever be multicultural like Sweden, Germany or France? [201]

She's toxic. Her nut husband killed their poor kid with a cricket bat. Now shes doing the rounds funded by government telling woman everywhere they are in danger. Meawhile in the lounge room my wife and 4 other woman are laughing their heads off calling her a rubbish wife and saying she couldn't pick the right man while I make their drinks. That was a few weeks ago. She made a whole documentary about swedens hidden wife killing problem.
4 Nov 2016
Life / Will Poland ever be multicultural like Sweden, Germany or France? [201]

All I see of sweden is when they have a problem with their migrants in segregated areas. The last thing I saw was a show on telly by this woman here who made an industry out of man bashing because she married a mental loser. She was in sweden and labelled the place the wife bashing capital of the developed world.
4 Nov 2016
Life / Will Poland ever be multicultural like Sweden, Germany or France? [201]

I have the problem of never been interested n Sweden. It's not on my list of relevance and therefore all I know is very little. This makes me bad if you want a good debate as I am limited to media and we know how accurate that is. Sorry! I was never interested in any nordic country at all and still don't care now. I know more about france. Its a mess there Poland would never allow it.
4 Nov 2016
Life / Will Poland ever be multicultural like Sweden, Germany or France? [201]

Multiculturalism comes in many forms. This country here is a good example of how it can be successful. None of this applies to poland. Completely different. Or sweden or wherever. I do not agree it is successful in sweden. Polska can never be like that for many reasons. First reason....they can see the failed aftempt in sweden just across the water.
4 Nov 2016
Life / Will Poland ever be multicultural like Sweden, Germany or France? [201]

Nobody wants that sort of 'multicultural' nightmare. That is why even here in Australia right wing parties have won major slabs of control in the last election. Every week our great cops bust scumbags planning harm on us. Two more arrested last week. Same in the uk. They are all of the same religion.
4 Nov 2016
Life / Will Poland ever be multicultural like Sweden, Germany or France? [201]

Poland was multicultural for a long time. The ethnics who lived there were exterminated by germans and russians. Now they are not multicultural. Really need to take up your pea brain point with those other countries. GOOD luck.
30 Oct 2016
Life / Polish people are the most ignorant people in the world! [331]

Shut up trash. You are a povo peasant for sure. You are the thief for sure. LIve in a ccountry with 17 times murder rate, 20 times everything else rate and want to start preaching? Lol pathetic. Go back to your ghetto and you asian wife loser you are not good enough for white people. Get a job while you are at it there is plenty of cleaning to do. Scum bag filth.
15 Oct 2016
News / Poland's post-election political scene [4080]

A party that stands for an imaginary god p3? So deluded from the outset? Waste if oxygen. Surely you are beyond reason?
29 Sep 2016
News / Abortion still under control in Poland [2986]

I think there are tpo many humans on the planet already competing for finate resources so if a lady thinks it's better not to bring another human in I am not going to argue.
13 Sep 2016
Polonia / Let's talk about Sweden and other Scandinavian countries [236]

I was never interested in Sweden because of the weather. Spoiled by Australian weather. More than that when the opportunity arrived we couldn't think of any reason to go there. Nothing we wanted to see or do, couldn't think of a single thing and still cannot to this day. We actually came to the conclusion that sweden and most the other nordic countries sounded boring. Since that which was 6 years ago various people have corrected us and pointed out some things. We thought those people were also boring.

You can run a business in poland with few visits only but....only later if its set up and you have good people and not at first. Had to spend the time first, can't see that we would have ever succeed without spending the time.
23 Aug 2016
News / Poland Sports News [1085]

Hey p3 I agree. Cricket gets boring very quickly. Played it heaps but always bored me gave it up and did surfing in sumner. Much better. I don't even watch it anymore. I would really love if more poles tried rugby. It is a fun hard game.
22 Aug 2016
News / Poland Sports News [1085]

Soccer bores most of us here to death. After playing rugby I can't even derive the slightest bit of adrenaline playing soccer. Real pussy game.
21 Jul 2016
Life / West-East life in Poland? [45]

East is typically less developed. The neighbours are less developed mainly due to govermental structure I agree and not only today but for eons. That was always a given for me, like something one just knows without having to think about it. The other thing is there was always a lot of wilderness that way, vast amounts when poland reached the ukis, so far less urban by a long way.