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Posts by Wroclaw  

Joined: 1 Apr 2006 / Male ♂
Last Post: 19 Aug 2013
Threads: Total: 44 / Live: 1 / Archived: 43
Posts: Total: 5359 / Live: 643 / Archived: 4716
From: Wroclaw and Berlin
Speaks Polish?: More than yesterday.
Interests: Family History. Photography.

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24 Jan 2012
Genealogy / Are all Poles blue eyed and blonde? [450]

Blond is blond regardless of its shade,

i don't agree. light brown (mousy) is not blonde.

most Poles understand this when it is explained.

it stems from lack of vocabulary. mousy is a new word for many.
24 Jan 2012
Genealogy / Are all Poles blue eyed and blonde? [450]

"dirty" blondes are somehow not "genuine" blondes.....

'dirty blonde' is a term used by english speaking Poles. dirty blonde = mousy

scandinavian blonde is not the same.

check previous threads for clarification.
19 Jan 2012
Genealogy / Are all Poles blue eyed and blonde? [450]

i and i imagine the forum are fed up with the bickering.

please keep to the topic, and none of the i know better bullshit.
18 Jan 2012
Life / A Polish comedy programme (swiat wedlug kiepskich?) [16]

is it an old series or no? do you like it or have i got a strange sense of humour?

lots of people do like it. however, i'm not one of them :)

it's now repeats that are showing, i think.
18 Jan 2012
History / Polish inventors - what have they ever given to the world? [101]

To be honest, is there a Pole who isn't an inventor of sorts.

Poles would get more credit, if what they came up with were legal.

i give them credit for inventing the illegal decoder card for sky tv back in the early 90's. it worked for a few years at least.
15 Jan 2012
Travel / Favorite places/Cities for Poles to travel to in Poland or around the world. [9]

Merged: New 7 Wonders-contest. The worlds best cities (7 from Poland)

Warsaw, Krakow, Wrocław, Gdańsk, Bydgoszcz, Katowice, Lublin, Poznań, Szczecin, Toruń and Zamość have entered the race for New7Wonders Cities contest.

I don't know how by any stretch of the imagination wroclaw thinks it should make it even to the next round.
6 Jan 2012
Life / Automobiles vs. Pedestrians in Poland [77]

more roads more possible accidents , but also longer way to hospital

no. more bad drivers, more possible accidents, but also more deaths at the scene. your figures mean nothing.
6 Jan 2012
Life / Automobiles vs. Pedestrians in Poland [77]

The density and the equipement of hospitals matters more in such cases .

you are clutching at straws.

the point is that Poles have more accidents.
6 Jan 2012
Life / Automobiles vs. Pedestrians in Poland [77]

it doesn't matter how many cars per million. all that matters is that Poles kill more than anyone else on the roads, apart from lithuania.

so it is reasonable to say that Poles are among the worst drivers in europe.

i find it odd that in twenty years i've only met one Polish person who has taken an advanced driving course here. most Poles don't even know that such a thing exists.
27 Dec 2011
Real Estate / Residential real estate values go down in Poland [455]

The point is there must be a reason why new build prices have suddenly risen this month, contradicting the secondary market, the tend and everywhere else in Poland.

ok, thanks.
21 Dec 2011
Life / The Adult Entertainment Industry in Poland? [67]

I'm trolling?

given the circumstances surrounding simon mol i would suggest it was a bad choice to bring him into the discussion.

rather than help your argument mol is probably one stumbling block that you might have to explain away these days.

if you are not trolling, please continue with the discussion.
17 Dec 2011
Life / The Adult Entertainment Industry in Poland? [67]

One of my associates said that the sales figures of the movie in Poland were very good.

is that buying online or from sex shops ?

the reason i ask is because there are not that many sex shops and any new ones have closed after six months.

does anyone actually watch a prn movie because it might feature local girls ? i doubt it.

EM_Wave why do i think you are only posting this as a wind up ?
17 Dec 2011
Real Estate / Residential real estate values go down in Poland [455]

a good looking flat will sell itself in the right market.

you did say 'good looking flat'. and that's the point. the better it looks the easier it will sell.

staging can't be a bad thing to entice a buyer.
17 Dec 2011
Real Estate / Residential real estate values go down in Poland [455]

The reluctance of elderly people to downsize once their children have left home.

that's an interesting one. my folks were still in their 30's when i left home.

why should anyone downsize ? unless it's for health reasons.
16 Dec 2011
Real Estate / Residential real estate values go down in Poland [455]

i know some people will never "get it"-- this has nothing to do with channel 5. it works and usually in co operation with agents

i do 'get it' and channel5 showed how it works, but as my roots are in construction i see things in a different light.
16 Dec 2011
Real Estate / Residential real estate values go down in Poland [455]

it has to do with presenting a space to the best of its ability.

i've seen too much of this on channel5 to be fooled.

50 sq meters is 50 sq meters, however one presents it.

because so many people here live in similar homes they are very aware of what is and what is not.

clean and tidy is enough for me to view a home.
16 Dec 2011
Real Estate / Residential real estate values go down in Poland [455]

This whole 'staging' a home is an art of deceiving and covering up the shortcomings of the property.

nah! double aspect views. is a positive.

room for potential. would suit a confident DIY enthusiast. are negatives.

and fresh cut flowers on the table don't fool me.

not many would buy their first home without the opinion of someone with experience. besides that most folk make their mind up in the first five minutes of viewing.
13 Dec 2011
Real Estate / Residential real estate values go down in Poland [455]

flats with good public transport links and road links, in areas with good schools and not next to Commie-era flats are retaining their value and even increasing.

i don't know if this is all correct, but prices are certainly not going down.
12 Dec 2011
Life / The Adult Entertainment Industry in Poland? [67]

i have a different view. pûrn is accepted here. it's this acceptance that makes it no big deal. the very fact that all kiosks and newsagents sell pûrn mags with dvd's is evidence enough.

folks just don't make a song and dance about it, that's all.