The BEST Guide to POLAND
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Posts by jwojcie  

Joined: 3 Jan 2009 / Male ♂
Last Post: 14 May 2013
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21 Jan 2010
Travel / Jazz in Poland [27]

Heh, I didn't look closely at the date ;-/ anyway, Mozdzer still rules ;-)
21 Jan 2010
Travel / Jazz in Poland [27]

In August? Hm... if I remember corectly August is usually quite uneventful in Wroclaw in regards to music events. You know, everybody is just before/during/short after vacations...

Another guy to check out if you get the chance is Leszek Mozdzer - one of Poland's leading pianists

Yeap, Mozdzer rules:
14 Jan 2010
Language / Polish was chosen the HARDEST LANGUAGE in the world to learn... :D [1558]

I was wondering after reading through some of this thread how native Polish speakers react to novice speakers...

Speaking in the name of a nation is always tricky thing, but well, we not used to it so sometimes reactions can be like surprise, astonishment, sometimes one just cann't help it and burst out laughing... But don't worry about that and go for it...

Welcome in the polish speaking community ;-)
13 Jan 2010
Life / Fat People in Poland? [161]

World obesity prevalence among males:,_2008.svg

World obesity prevalence among females:,_2008.svg
12 Jan 2010
Life / Poczta Polska Is Killing ME! Transit time. [28]

I know it will not cheer you up, but PP monopoly will probably end in 2013... PP is one of the last dinosaurs of PRL standing. PP is postosaur, PKP is trainosaur, just don't want to die... We had also shipyardsaurs but they luckily became extinct. Hm... there are also minesaurs but they seems to evolving in some kind of crocodiles.
1 Dec 2009
Life / 3 reasons why you hate Poland. [1049]

Have a look at this and laugh

OMG it must be a joke! How old is that video? 2008? Japanese are strange people, I suppose in Poland most of the time such "pushers" would end under the train, pushed there by angry mob... :-) Unimaginable, though I have to say that in my youth I traveled in such packed train in Poland too, but it was train full of youth headed toward music event (of course PKP and event organizers didn't foresee unusual influx of people...).

As for Poland, I think PKP gets a bad rap but they shouldn't. The only criticism would be the doors which can be a bi*ch to open.

Believe me, I have much more against them :-) They are complex problem. They are like dinozaur from previous era. They survived because PKP was one of the biggest employer in PRL, influential labor unions etc., nobody dared to touch them. Yes, they are changing... with a speed of tanker.
1 Dec 2009
Life / 3 reasons why you hate Poland. [1049]

Thread isn't about Switzerland, though so if you visit I hope that helps. PM if you want :P

I was on vacation there with Euro train ticket, so I was travelling whenever I wanted whereever I wanted and it was great :-)

I've never used the Japanese too, so I can't compare it either. But I wonder isn't Japan a little overcrowded, especially in public transport?

Well, ok it is an offtop... sorry :-)
30 Nov 2009
Life / 3 reasons why you hate Poland. [1049]

1. I've been spoiled in Switzerland with the public transportation being probably the best in the world so that might be one point.

I agree. Switzerland public transport is second to none. Polish is not even near but at least a lot cheaper :-) With exception of some trains, in general is reliable and functional too.
17 Nov 2009
Travel / 5 days in Poland [19]

It is hard to give more advices without specific questions :-)
Typical problem for me in foreign city is: "What to do in the evening and where to look for proper info":
So, in order to find out about cultural events during your stay in Wroclaw:
1. try this about two/three weeks before your trip, should be updated then (in polish):


Here, internet radio in English from Wroclaw:

They tend to have useful info on their website too.

PS. If you are Belgian, then maybe some recomendation from Belgian living in Wroclaw?:
15 Nov 2009
Travel / 5 days in Poland [19]

I think there is no easy way by train. I don't know if there is direct bus.
If I were you I would try something like that:
1. rent a car
2. go to Rogoźnica early in the morning - 1h drive - (easy way partly by highway - 67km)
3. then go to Książ castle - 50min drive - 36km (it is within the city of Wałbrzych borders)
4. then if you have time go to Walim (Riese is there) - 25 min drive - 17 km
5. then back to Wrocław via Świdnica - 90min drive - 77km (if you have time Świdnica has nice city center).

This site is useful for routes determination, in Polish:


Rogoźnica site:

Książ site:

Walim Museum site:

last entry in april is at 4 p.m.

I wasn't in Rogoźnica, but if I remember correctly my visit in Walim, then prisoners from Gross Rosen were used in Riese project.

PS2. I think that these people:

can organize such trip for you :-)
14 Nov 2009
Travel / 5 days in Poland [19]

You are welcome :-)

If your cousin is so interested in WWII history, then maybe he would like to learn about this:

It explains a lot why modern Wroclaw is so architecturally patchy.

If I remember correctly, there is some permanent exibition regarding Siege of Breslau
in The City Museum of Wroclaw - The Historical Museum:

but not sure about that...

Anyway, have fun :-)
12 Nov 2009
Travel / 5 days in Poland [19]

Quite charming palace in Krobielowice (about 15 km from Wroclaw):

they supposedly have golf field over there... Another one fine castle near Wroclaw is in Wojnowice.

Here you will find Palaces and castles of Lower Silesia:
(quite old thread so you should first check if there is no reconstruction going on when you visit...)

If you like WWII history then Riese - underground military facilities may interest you:

is near Książ castle anyway...

Here, lower silessia smaller towns (in polish but with nice pictures, maybe to nice sometimes...):
12 Nov 2009
Travel / 5 days in Poland [19]

Some advert of my friends in Wroclaw (city guides) :

I second gumishu, Książ castle is interesting (you will have some spring hills in one package).
But if you weren't in Poznan it is quite enjoyable city too.
21 Sep 2009
News / Do Poles in Poland really feel betrayed because there won't be any US Shield? [288]

and in the end Poland still can get some lower priced Patriots which are important for our defence system :-)

We can get much better deals in Europe with a lot of cooperation for our industry. Yanks will give us 5% lower price and then screw us up big time on the spare parts. Screw them, no more deals with dumb rednecks.

You right, F-16 deal shows that they are costly. Maybe at least this Patriots deal could be used as "pressure factor" for domestic producers. I to prefer our producers if they made good quality stuff. Recent proposition made by Bumar is interesting. They made decent radar systems, they cooperate with French missile producer. So it seems they have most things in place...
19 Sep 2009
News / Do Poles in Poland really feel betrayed because there won't be any US Shield? [288]

It seems to me that some Americans on this forum do not understand one simple thing:
This shield wasn't for Poland protection it was for USA (and maybe western Europe). Poland would be ON the shield NOT under. So it was Poland doing a favour to USA not the other way around. Deal was simple: Poland will let USA build long-range missile site, and USA instead will give Poland short and medium-range missiles.

Do I feel betrayed? No, because being an american shield wasn't my dream... But, the fact is that Poland by signing this agrement took political risk. It doesn't pay off. Turned out that USA is not reliable bussiness partner. I'm glad that part of polish politcal estabilishment has to swallow up that lesson.

PS. but I've to give some credit to polish politics. Long range and short range were two different deals, and in the end Poland still can get some lower priced Patriots which are important for our defence system :-)
17 Sep 2009
USA, Canada / To move back to Poland from the USA or not to move back....that is the question [119]

Sometimes I wonder, who are all this people posting on PF... I have to tell you that this HUGE amount of whining, grumbling and complaing confirms myself in the conviction that most of you have polish origin :-) Or is it just the weather? :-)


The most important are people not place. Give it a try, if you'll find friends in Poland you will stay if not you will move on. You can always come back. But try to avoid whiners, they can spoil your life..
29 Jun 2009

Very true. Unfortunately.
In commie times food processing technology was in much worse shape so paradoxically bread was better. Currently most of it don't deserve to be called bread, at least everything under 2,5 zł for 0,5 kg. And, for the record it is not only the problem of price, at least not straigtforward. You see, most folks buy this cheap "bread", so bread which was typical in commie times is now kind of luxury, because is not mass produced = is expensive :-(

It is like Copernicus said "bad money displace good" :-(
23 Jun 2009
Life / Are foreigners welcome in Poland? [275]

I imagine even in the most tiny village most people would have had some contact with people from other countries.. Poland is hardly the Amazonian rain forest!

When in the late 80' some black man came to my small hometown in central Poland, then for some time he was like tourist attraction... :-) It still is quite uncommon to see foreigners in polish provinces (exept tourist places)...
28 May 2009
News / Is NORD STREAM dangerous for Poland's natural enviroment? [540]

Some important info, which I think wasn't posted here:
- gas is only about 12% in total energetic balance of Poland
- in these 12%, about 67% is from Russia, so even if from some unknown reason Poland will lose Russia as a gas supplier, it will be only 8% of total energetic needs...

- Poland has no such problem with oil because of naftoport, currently plans for LPG port are in motion, so it is reasonable to assume that in next 5 to 10 years dependence on one gas supplier will disappear...

To sum up, even if this north stream is some threat for Polish energetic safety it is not death threat... There is no reason to panic...
20 May 2009
News / Is NORD STREAM dangerous for Poland's natural enviroment? [540]

Is it true that Poland has all the time part of gas supplies cut off by Russia? Nothing changed from Januar ?

Yes, it is true, in a way. Poland don't get part of it which should be supplied by RosUkrEnergo. RosUkrEnergo is out of bussiness. It is not very big problem because it is only part of total supply, Poland get difference from reserves and besides there is an economy slow down. As far as I know currently technical agreement between Poland and Gasprom regarding this part of delivery was reached, and is waiting for political decision.
17 Feb 2009
News / Is NORD STREAM dangerous for Poland's natural enviroment? [540]

second month in a row Gasprom is cutting mining by 13% due to falling demand in Russia.
For example production in chemistry sector failed by 30%. As I said before production in Poland is failing too. It seems to me that Russians unintentionally made own goal.

RosUkrEnergo failed? Unnecessarily gas not delivered? we don't have to pay.
Maybe paradoxically one good news in this crisis mess.

PS. Don't forget that now gas is cheaper. I suppose that this gas from RUE was contracted with bigger price.
16 Feb 2009
News / Is NORD STREAM dangerous for Poland's natural enviroment? [540]

RosUKREnergo is also 50% owned by Naftogas which is Ukrainian state owned company. This is classical deadlock. Is the glass half empty or half full? Stop being such a hypocrite.

That is wrong. This 50% is owned by "private businessmans" from Ukraine.

Exactly, Gazprom one week after the end of Ukrianian crisise has stoped sending gas for Poland. Poland paid for this gas.

Heh, guys, you need to read more. Gasprom decided to cut off this "private businessmans" probably because at least one of them is donator of president Yushchenko. After last agreement between Naftogas and Gasprom, Naftogas took over all RosUkrEnergo gas which was stored in Ukraine. Of course now Gasprom says that it wasn't part of a deal... Anyway, legally RosUkrEnergo is responsible, and has no gas.

Of course Gasprom is behind it, but isn't responsible legally. So what can we do?

Again, important question: there is world wide crisis, now in Poland too, production is falling. Maybe after all it is not so bad that we didn't get this 24% of our contracted gas?

I think we didn't pay for it yet. Why do you think there is no alarming articles about it in Polish press? Why there is no alarming posts on internet forums? Why we didn't see directors from Azoty in the media telling as that they could have problems with production?

My hypothesis: we don't need this 24% now.
13 Feb 2009
News / Is NORD STREAM dangerous for Poland's natural enviroment? [540]

Ryszard, Sasha, it is not about "nice attitude". German is the biggest market for Gasprom, that is all.

Marco, if this pdf tells true:

"The unique situation of a high share of renewable and nuclear power in the Swedish energy mix has created a situation where the natural gas market share is weak compared to the rest of Europe, 2% compared to 24%, respectively."

then there is no danger for monopol in Sweden... Because gas is small part of energy sources. The EE countries have problem because gas segment is huge. Maybe because this small Sweden reliance on gas you don't fully understand EE problems.

No monopol is good for the market. It is not good for monopolist as well, what can be seen in recent Gasprom problems with output level.
13 Feb 2009
News / Is NORD STREAM dangerous for Poland's natural enviroment? [540]

As my previous post shows I'm somehow in forced favour this plan, but:

is it only me who think its strange that suddenly now Poles, latvians, Estonians and Ukriainians seem to care so much about enviremental issues ???!! ,:-)

The fact is, that the biggest obstacle is Sweden and their goverment. Eastern Europeans can only chat about it. Sweden has legal right and power to block this pipeline...

Secondly, just because we (Eastern Europeans) have some interests in blocking this pipeline doesn't mean that our ecological arguments aren't right.

Could you name exactly what kind of conflict restrains Gazprom from sending 24% of contracted gas to Poland now?

This thing is a little more complicated. Legally it isn't Gasprom but RusUkrEnergo fault. It is joint venture between Gasprom and some Ukrainians. Obviously Gasprom decideded to get rid of them. So with Mrs Tymoshenko help they've block this firm reserves in Ukraine.

Of course Gasprom pulls strings here, but leggaly Poland cann't blame them. Currently Poland is renegotiating original contract with Gasprom... As usual Gasprom is in better position, but not so good as it could be half year ago... Of course, as usual they want some strange stuff beside simple cash, but so what? The baltic pipe isn't there yet, so they can wish for something more, but they want get it.

One more important thing: Worldwide Crisis... There is slowdown in Poland to. Winter is not very hard. So, maybe, just maybe it is not so bad, that we cann't get all the gas we have contracted for this year? And we can even get some reparations instead?


PS: I LOVE Poles! I just cant listen to those easterneuropean conflicts which are so without logic, without saying anything...

Man, if you don't see logic in those conflicts then you have some homework to do...
Just simple stuff for start:
- Gasprom (yes, Gasprom) heats up those "conflicts" accidentaly before some important negotiations, this give them better position (because they have monopol in this part of Europe, so it isn't important how bad is their image)

- google for last year Gasprom victories, they've get pipelines in Serbia, actually they own Serbia..., they have some shares in Hungary I think and in Slovakia. Way? Because they want to have monopo, they want to block Nabucco... It is all about their monopol. Of course we don't want any kind of monopol. How logic is that?
9 Feb 2009
News / Is NORD STREAM dangerous for Poland's natural enviroment? [540]

Yes, it is, because when Russia stops pumping through Jamal and stops selling gas for Poland, then we will have to burn all the coal we've got...

But seriously, dear fellow citizens of Poland, please kindly
1. look at this:

2. try to google a few minutes for info regarding Russia position in Arctic sea dispute
3. find out about amount of gas which could be under this sea
4. once more look at 1.

Simple enough? This pipeline will be build whether we like it or not. And it will be full of gas for a long time. The only thing we can do is to swallow it and join them.

PS. I'm not some Russia lover. I'm just rational.