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Posts by 1jola  

Joined: 23 Sep 2008 / Male ♂
Last Post: 24 Aug 2013
Threads: Total: 14 / Live: 1 / Archived: 13
Posts: Total: 1875 / Live: 401 / Archived: 1474
From: Warsaw
Speaks Polish?: yes

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3 Nov 2010
History / Ghetto Uprising better known than Warsaw Uprising? [111]

if you provide a summary of the text, it might be possible to re-insert it into the original post.

Why would I now summerize what took considerable effort to translate in the first place and is not on the web at all.

however, i can't promise this.

Shall I ask the boss then?
3 Nov 2010
History / Ghetto Uprising better known than Warsaw Uprising? [111]


100 words + URL

The 100 words + URL is in red. Moderator or Admin. What he or she is referring to is the PF rule #11.

11. Text that is a copy-paste from other online source/s and contain more than 100 direct words may be either deleted or edited. We encourage you to post only original and never published opinions or paraphrase opinions that have already been published.

It is clear from the thread that I am posting material that is not available on the net. I translated it from Polish from a book which I site for the purpose of the discussion. I say so a couple of times. The text was not very long. Is this a mistake or censorship? If a mistake, can you aknowledge that and bring the text back as it clearly did not violate the forum rules. Thank you.
3 Nov 2010
Genealogy / Jewish Roots of Poland [638]

I think Jews and Poles suffered a lot together and it should bring them closer together.


I think Poland would be a better place culturally for many Jews to reside. Poland is a land with a rich culture and the Jews seemed to thrive in their own culture there.

If you want to experience of this culture, arrange for tickets to the Jewish theatre in Warsaw. It is all pre war humor and song. You will miss the jokes but you will feel the music.

87-year-old, and the theatre director, Szymon Szurmiej, does stand-up like no one else.
3 Nov 2010
Genealogy / Jewish Roots of Poland [638]

Yup, it's a shame that the II RP chose to be such nationalist and xenophobic in its nature

I'm sure you have no idea about IIRP.
Here is a little insight:

As a further comment in the attitude of the Polish Jews themselves toward the new Polish State may be quoted the following from Colonel Mason's report:

"Poland has recently put into effect a universal draft law, and the army is being mobilized under it. The men

[page 20 of doc. begins]

are collected at training stations and are receiving training under the general supervision of a French General, the actual instructors being Poles who have had military training or experience in either the German, Austrian or Russian armies. The army is very largely composed of Poles. Upon the passage of the draft law, 90% of the Jews of the country called for what is known as the blue ticket, which is an exemption certificate given to those who are aliens. Incidentally this has an important political bearing as being an official announcement by 90% of the Polish Jews that they consider themselves not Poles but Jews per se."

This is all the while that Jews were against independant Poland - IIRP.
3 Nov 2010
USA, Canada / Polack/American Polonia/Plastic Pole "culture" [568]

Your obsession with everything Polish is missing your love for Polish literature. Have you read any? And how much time have you spent among the Polish-Americans? In which U.S. city?
3 Nov 2010
News / Polish Lithuanian Diplomatic War? At last. [533]

I just think that they are testing the arguments that is all, and good on them for doing that, any argument worth its salt is capable of forensic scrutiny. However I really to believe that in reality they actually agree.

See post 165 to see the argument.

It went like this: I said: Polish children are prevented from chating in Polish in Lithuanian schools, for which I did not provide a source since I didn't find it necessary as it is only a small part of a larger government policy to destroy Polish culture. Had someone requested it, I would have looked for it again. Harry took a different route. He briliantly excused this discrimination as the Poles children deserving it not for something they are doing but what had happened decades ago.

Then he started reasoning further. Poles should not complain about this discrimination because it the same as Brits who can't register right-hand drive cars in Poland. Then with a stroke of genius he exclaimed:

When Poland abides by all EU laws, then Poland can complain about other nations not abiding by EU law.

I won't even mention the demands that I show the official school Lithuanian, I suppose. But why bother? He has convincingly argued that the children deserve it and Poland has no right to complain. Full stop.

If you find this reasoning sound, you are at the right place. lol

as it is only a small part of a larger government policy to destroy Polish culture

I know there will be a alert reader who will ask me to show the government document stating that. :)
3 Nov 2010
USA, Canada / Polack/American Polonia/Plastic Pole "culture" [568]

But that is not what you mean though.
From another thread:

The use of "Polack" for me is a way of saying "an exceptionally stupid Polak" :)

(wonder where it originated from?)

Not only you dislike our Polonia, you think they are exceptionaly stupid. Bravo.
2 Nov 2010
News / Polish Lithuanian Diplomatic War? At last. [533]

The Lithuanians are to pass legislation which will eliminate 2/3 of Polish schools. Poles are not immigrants in today's Lithuania like some posters here compared Pakis in UK. You need to understand that first. These kids will now have to go to Lithuanian schools. Let's say they will be allowed to speak Polish during breaks. Wow.

Pawian, Torq, step back and realize that Harry and Dolph have sent you on a goose chase digging up a quote you haven't even quoted. Even demanded Lithuanian school rules from you. lol. Limited the sources you can quote, and took the opportunity to repeatedly smear Gazeta Polska, as if they have ever read it. PiS got it too, although they are not part of this Polish-Lithuanian row. They have achieved their goal of disrupting the real issue of this thread and led you by the nose. Mind you, you two are willing to agrue in good faith - they are not, as you well know, so why play their game?. Their position from the begining is: Poles deserve it. Go back a couple of pages and see how it is easy to show their "argument" to be a logical fallacy, which makes their agrument invalid from the start. You don't need to argue against nonsense, but only show that it is that.
1 Nov 2010
USA, Canada / Polack/American Polonia/Plastic Pole "culture" [568]

I don't consider myself to be a patriotic guy

...and why should you. You guys are lucky and no one is trying to take over your country.

BTW, I love your new money.
1 Nov 2010
News / Polish Lithuanian Diplomatic War? At last. [533]

The point is that it does not matter what you will be presented with - you think Poles deserve it. I don't have time for that nonsense. I'll stop here because the rest would be all insults.

Pawian, here is the education issue:

Michalak rating in August, in a letter sent to Żiobiene that the bill , which is to be adopted at the autumn session of the Lithuanian Parliament , could lead to the closure of nearly two-thirds of Polish schools in Lithuania.

The project , which provides , inter alia, reorganization of schools, which precisely determines that comprehensive school can work only when it has no less than two eleventh grade , in which there are no less than 40 students . If it is impossible to meet, local governments will have to liquidate smaller facility . The Act at that school will be preferred state language .

According to the Polish Children's Ombudsman , the implementation of the Act will take place " at the expense of schools for national minorities" . " Then, with 40 currently operating Polish schools can remain 13, and it is worth noting that today science in Polish in Lithuania uses about 16 thousand . Children and young people " - noted in the list Michalak.

1 Nov 2010
News / Polish Lithuanian Diplomatic War? At last. [533]

And Poland should abide by EU law by not discriminating against British citizens who wish to register their cars in Poland. When Poland abides by all EU laws, then Poland can complain about other nations not abiding by EU law.

Argument worth studying. Only in a sense which logical fallacy it actually is.

Same here. Discussions with Harry and Delphinamine would end very quickly if one were to spend a little time identifying fallacies. These two are excellent subjects for this. The second quote is a tu quoque fallacy in informal logic:

The tu quoque fallacy is committed when it is assumed that because someone else has done a thing there is nothing wrong with doing it. This fallacy is classically committed by children who, when told off, respond with "So and so did it too", with the implied conclusion that there is nothing wrong with doing whatever it is that they have done. This is a fallacy because it could be that both children are in the wrong, and because, as we were all taught, two wrongs don't make a right.
1 Nov 2010
News / Polish Lithuanian Diplomatic War? At last. [533]

When you finally dig up the important and disturbing facts that Polish children are not allowed to chat in Polish between classes, the sign issue will seem minor and your thread will give a better picture of the problem.
31 Oct 2010
USA, Canada / Polack/American Polonia/Plastic Pole "culture" [568]

So, ethnically, I am about half Slavic and the other half of my background were Polish by nationality. I am American, but we all love to talk about what constitutes our background. I find it very surprising how vehemently upset OP is about this issue.

While you stand up for the Star Spangled Banner, the OP jumps up for the Internationale.
31 Oct 2010
USA, Canada / Polack/American Polonia/Plastic Pole "culture" [568]

Now - did these events actually happen,

Yes, these things happened. Independent Poland was emerging again after years of occupation and a war. Jews were dictating special conditions favoring Jews but not other minorities as prerequisite to Poland becoming an independent state, such as state funded, religious Jewish schools, although they were willing that the students also learn Polish. This was accompanied by a smear campaign in the American press about...what else - pogroms. Hugh Gibson, an appointee for the American ambassador to Poland was 'lynched' in the press for writting a report refuting the exegerated Jewish hysteria and falsehoods. It turns out the "pogroms" were the work of bolsheviks, but the aim of smears was political and anti-Polish state, the Polish-Americans united and othe Slavs joined in an economic protest.

You should read more and talk less.
31 Oct 2010
USA, Canada / Polack/American Polonia/Plastic Pole "culture" [568]

Since you mentioned 1919 and Polonia that can do nothing, let me show you wrong. This shows not only Polish unity, but Slavic unity as well.

The Foreign Language Bureau of the Government Loan Organization of the United States Treasury in a report of June 4, 1919 states:

"The demonstrations of May 21st, participated in by the Jewish people all through the United States in the form of a public protest against the persecution of the Jews in Poland, has produced on the part of the Polish population in the U. S. A. (nearly 4,000,000) a well managed, quietly conducted commercial and financial boycott of all Jewish merchants and vendors.

Both sides of the controversy have had ample public hearing in the Press of the U. S. A. The Poles privately maintain that the Jews are disappointed in the development of Poland into a free and independent Nation as the ambition of Jewish leaders for many generations has been to make of Poland a Jewish economic state commanding the commercial and financial channels of Eastern Europe, under a German protectorate.

- - - - - - - - -

At this point, the document break off. There have been published citations of this document which indicate that it is of greater length and scope than the above reproduced materials. A search is being conducted for the lost portions. If and when these materials are located, they will be posted on PAPUREC's website.
31 Oct 2010
USA, Canada / Polack/American Polonia/Plastic Pole "culture" [568]

The American Polonia suck, this is true.

Yawn. Our Polonia are some of the most partriotic of all Poles and always have been. Largely thanks to them, the world is not yet convinced that Poles were worse than that Nazis. When this country was under the Soviet domination and we could not defend ourselves against the lies massively printed in the free world, only Polonia was in the position to straighten out some of them. You can join us, be against us, or just stay out of it.

Do Scots in America suck too or do you reserve that just for Poles?
27 Oct 2010
USA, Canada / Polack/American Polonia/Plastic Pole "culture" [568]

Seriously, why do real Poles put up with them?

We like people of Polish descent who are interested in Polish culture, history, etc. Unlike you, we are not that critical about the small stuff. Relax, and start a cool thread instead of this nonsense.
25 Oct 2010

The spelling of your name would be £awruk. There are 43 people in Poland with that name: and probably a lot more in the Ukraine. On the map, in red is where your possible relatives might live. Galicia.
25 Oct 2010
Language / Polish slang phrases - most popular. [606]

The English bobbies once had copper-coloured (brass) buttons on their uniforms,

I think they did away with the brass buttons:

24 Oct 2010
News / Polish Lithuanian Diplomatic War? At last. [533]

One could look at this differently. Lithuania has recently stood up for Belarus which is at odds with Russia at the moment. Sikorski criticizes Lithuania, and the minority problem ia not new so why now, thus scoring points with Putin. This government's willingness to suck up to Russia again is very disturbing.

BTW, Sikorski has a new squeeze:
14 Oct 2010
News / Poles are getting rich... [63]

A conversation for people completely detached from reality and lack of knowledge of probability and statistics, but that is who those figures are for. Somehow I don't feel better being considered a multi-billionare.


average salaries, not median salaries.

You're on the right track.
11 Oct 2010
Law / Are banks from Poland safe? [42]

I was not talking about a money making machine. There is no such thing, legally, or without connections. In comparison, keeping money in a bank is senseless.

No, I saved my money and bought outright in PLN. I am conservative, as you might have seen from my posts. In any case, I would rather take a loan at the current 6% than keep money in the bank. No bank is safe. Swiss rates might be better and more stable but I stay with PLN. Not to beat around the bush, take a trip to Torun, walk around the old town, check the prices, or you might have a better idea. I'm no expert.

As my mother used to say, life is long. Ponder on that.
11 Oct 2010
Law / Are banks from Poland safe? [42]

Sean, think about it, why would you keep your hard earned money in a bank? For the interest rate that just floats above the infaltion rate and does not guarantee that your money will be there when you need it? Come on, you work too hard for that. Invest it. Where? That is the golden question. I would say property. That's what I do, but I might be wrong. Just to play along, think where would be a good invesment in property? Warsaw, Krakow, Gdansk? Certainly, but flats might be too expensive for us po' folks. Lublin, Bialystok, Kielce? Perhaps not. Think some more. Try thinking about a place where there is a possibility that property is not outrageous, has the possibility of rising(crucial), foreign investment is likely, and you can afford it. Think of the places that the Germans did not want to bomb during the last war. Buy property there now.