The BEST Guide to POLAND
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Posts by Novichok  

Joined: 17 Nov 2020 / Male ♂
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28 May 2024
Off-Topic / thinking of writting a book about myself [219]

I am sure you have some undeniable truth supporting the above statement, excluding Lazarus's fantastically crazy travels into the world of disbelief.

That was Ptak...

Now me: You are just a lying bi*ch...

So who is more efficient?

This was just an example...I am sure Feniks is always as truthful as she is secretive about her kids and marital status...

Did you ever consider posting in the threads where we are deciding who to nuke and when?

Poles are so good at it...No fear...They even want their own nukes ...straight from that factory in Radom...
28 May 2024
History / The Two Saddest Nations on Earth... Poles and Jews [243]

What a stupid rant.

What a stupid post...

DM reported everything condemning the actor for saying bad things ... in front of witnesses. Somehow, DM failed to get from them what the man said.

Bullshlt! DM didn't report what he said DELIBERATELY because it would be "offensive" or because quoting those offensive words would get DM in trouble.

Let's face it...the UK is a Euro gulag where 3000 people get arrested every year for posting "offensive" stuff on the Internet.

FYI, azholes, the First Amendment is meant to protect offensive speech...Nice speech does not need protection. Duh!

The Stockholm syndrome at its worst...Defending the ruling mob and that powerless idiot king with bad teeth...just to feel like a subject...
28 May 2024
Off-Topic / thinking of writting a book about myself [219]

Would you be happy

I would be happy if you answered my question. After all, I didn't ask you if you are a prostitute. I just asked if you are married and have kids.

There is nothing embarrassing about having a couple of kids and being married to a man with testicles, not ovaries.
28 May 2024
History / Honoring - Otto Schimek [47]

How many people know who Winding was?

Roughly...10, 10k or 10M..
28 May 2024
History / The Two Saddest Nations on Earth... Poles and Jews [243]

This is how sad the UK has become. A major news outlet is scared to quote what somebody said because the Ministry of Appovved Opinions and its goons may not like it.

Quoting Daily Mail:

Richard Dreyfuss sparks outrage at Jaws screening as movie theater apologizes for his 'sexist and homophobic' remarks

So what did that sob say, I wondered when I read the title above...Let's see....Nowhere to be found. Apologies, shock, and condemnations ... plenty of those...and this admission that journalistic integrity is now a concept only hateful right-winger adhere to:

It's unclear exactly what the actor said, but some of those present say he made 'sexist, homophobic' remarks.

Bullshit! You know exactly what the man said. You won't quote it because that dump you are in DOES NOT HAVE FREEDOM OF SPEECH!!! Duh!

That's how the brave Brits that want to go to war with Russia are fcking scared of their own Thought Gestapo.

If you want to see this shlt for yourself, here is the link:
27 May 2024
History / The Two Saddest Nations on Earth... Poles and Jews [243]

Your country, Poland, is far safer and far freer than the country you're an immigrant in.

My country is the US. That is where my family is and that is where I pay taxes to protect you parasitic asses.

I self-identify as an American, not a Pole. The US is the only country I am 100% loyal to.

English is my primary language. I speak only English with my Polish-born wife. My kids don't speak a word in Polish.

What about your wife? What language do you speak?

About that First Amendment...Can you post the British Freedom of Speech Act?
27 May 2024
Off-Topic / Feed Back on the Moderating - Part 2 [190]

Very few Muslims are Islamists,

70% of Gazans would do 10/7 again.
40% of Muslims in Dearborn, Michigan, would not report a planned 9/11-type event.
Fvck Muslims.
27 May 2024
News / How will Poland be affected by WW3 which has now started [559]

Russia is too weak to successfully invade Poland....

You can't have both ways...Russia is weak...Russia is a threat to Europe...
So which one is it?

If Russia is weak, what's stopping Poland, Germany, and France from chasing Russia out of Ukraine and Crimea?

I asked this question so many times and nobody gives a reason for this indifference to human suffering in Ukraine...600k dead, 1 million disabled, and Europe is doing nothing? What gives?

They will become aware very soon and rebel against their corrupt politicians

You are still failing to explain why they should do it. What is the payback?
27 May 2024
Off-Topic / thinking of writting a book about myself [219]

Jim the rapist is a completely lecherous creep.

Is this your last word or is there more coming?

Hey, Feniks, are you married? Do you have kids?
27 May 2024
News / How will Poland be affected by WW3 which has now started [559]

With a range of 1000km, they could, if fired from within our airspace, reach Moscow.

If you believe in God, pray to Him to make those missiles blow up at launch.

Or at least get your stupid Polish ass out of Warsaw...
27 May 2024
News / How will Poland be affected by WW3 which has now started [559]

I hope someone tells them that France have nukes too

As useless as they were in the days of Vietnam. We had them and lost the war anyway.

What happened to those who were executed in Katyn? Where are they now? Were they used as fertilizer?

What a vile thing to write.

Hey, jonny boy, where is that vile thing?

Let me only ask, what is Poland doing in NATO?

Nobody knows but it feels being part of something regardless of what...
27 May 2024
History / The Two Saddest Nations on Earth... Poles and Jews [243]

A weird comparison, considering the number of their citizens that they kill.

How many school mass shootings did NK have last year? The answer is zero!

A shooting B has exactly zero to do with freedom of speech or "democracy

Are there any words in the above sentence you don't comprehend?

Hey, subject, how posting your version of the First Amendment?
27 May 2024
Off-Topic / thinking of writting a book about myself [219]

(Without any credentials or formal training, just self-proclaimed)

That is forgivable...After all, I am a self-proclaimed genius.

Hey, Laz...Are we gonna get them closing arguments or what...
27 May 2024
History / The Two Saddest Nations on Earth... Poles and Jews [243]

You will have to wait until hell freezes over Novi.

I found it!


British subjects are allowed to say any damn thing they want as long as the parasites at the Ministry of Good Manners do not object.
27 May 2024
History / The Two Saddest Nations on Earth... Poles and Jews [243]

The freedom of kids to go to school without having 'active shooter drills'.

A shooting B has exactly zero to do with freedom of speech or "democracy". By that standard, North Korea is a model to follow.
As JR are really stupid.
27 May 2024
Off-Topic / thinking of writting a book about myself [219]

Best to just start ignoring him after June first.

With very few exceptions my rule very simple:

I read a post and respond to it if I feel like it. NOTHING before that post matters to me.

X can call me any name he wants, and I will respond to his last post as if it were his first. Life is simpler this way...
27 May 2024
Off-Topic / Feed Back on the Moderating - Part 2 [190]

then make bail just before Christmas.


I served 25 years for the triple murder of three faggots fvcking in front of my house. Now what?
27 May 2024
News / How will Poland be affected by WW3 which has now started [559]

Russia, to my knowledge, is the only country that admitted a crime of such magnitude and erected or allowed to erect a memorial site to remind the world what their leaders did in the past.

If Putin read the hateful posts by Russia-hating Polaks, he should order the Katyn monument leveled and shipped in pieces to Poland.

I am still waiting for a monument erected in Japan to remember the bestiality the American POWs were subjected to by the Japs.

I am so disappointed the US had only two... Too late now...

What a vile thing to write.

Where is the "vile" part?

OK...I know so you don't have to answer...It was here:

and only give ground after fertilizing it with hundreds of Russian bodies.

This somehow you didn't notice?
27 May 2024
Off-Topic / thinking of writting a book about myself [219]

Jim the rapist's housemate is a convicted paedophile.

Hey, Laz, the Nuremberg Trial with 24 defendants took only 11 months - or 2 weeks per one criminal.

Time for the closing arguments...

27 May 2024
Off-Topic / thinking of writting a book about myself [219]

your mind became open to the truth

The truth is what they say it is. Now we have private truths and any of the 7 billion genders aka personalities. I wish I had known it earlier...I could self-identify as 67 and start collecting Social Security at 27.

According to the spokesman for the LGBT Nation, women may have penises and men can be pregnant. It was impossible in the last 1 million years but now...hey, why not...
27 May 2024
History / The Two Saddest Nations on Earth... Poles and Jews [243]

It would in Germany, but in the UK you would have to be proven to be inciting violence.

No. In the UK, anxiety is enough. In the Soviet Union, you would have to be acting against communism to be in trouble. A causing B anxiety was never a problem. I know. I lived there.

In your Orwellian hell it is. Go to Post #180, fast forward to 5:15, and watch the video for a minute or so.

The UK currently has more freedom of speech than the USA,

No, you don't. In the UK, for my posts, I would be in prison by now.

Dealing with lawbreakers is outside of free speech. Those who block traffic should be given 1 minute to clear out and beaten into a bloody mess if they don't because their freedom of speech ends where my right of free movement begins. If that block causes the death of a person in an ambulance, they should be charged with the second degree murder.

Do you want to compare our First Amendment with your freedom of speech laws? Here it is:

Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.

Nothing about feelings and anxieties. No howevers, umlesses, and other weasel words...
26 May 2024
History / The Two Saddest Nations on Earth... Poles and Jews [243]

Who said that what I wrote is true?

But it sure would have me charged criminally in Germany and in the UK. Especially this:

I love NAZIs and Hitler.
Hitler was a great German patriot.
Hitler would know how to deport Muslim migrants.

Tell me that you could post this today and not have your Gestapo arrest you tomorrow.

I can here, in the country of the First Amendment. In fact, I just did.

Just curious...How many exceptions did your ruling mob manage to smuggle into your "freedom of speech" lie?