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Despicable Ukrainian lies [144]
I was struggling to decide which thread this belonged in - so I will put it here.
On August 25th, in St Petersburg, there was held the "All-Russian Day of Catholic Youth". Pope Francis delivered an address to the young people in attendance, by video link.
At some point, he said the following:
"Никогда не забывайте о наследии. Вы - потомки великой России: великой России святых, правителей, великой России Петра I, Екатерины II, той империи - великой, образованной, великой культуры и великой человечности. Никогда не отказывайтесь от этого наследия. Вы - потомки великой Матушки России, шагайте вперед с этим. И спасибо вам - спасибо за ваш способ быть, за ваш способ быть русскими".Google Translation:
"Never forget your heritage. You are the descendants of great Russia: the great Russia of the saints, its rulers, great Russia of Peter I, Catherine II, an empire - of greatness, education, great culture and great humanity. Never give up on this heritage. You are the descendants of the great Mother Russia, step forward with this. And thank you - thank you for your way of being, and for your way of being Russian."How did the Ukrainian foreign ministry react? With an explosion of bubbling feces as usual, of course.
Link to Ukrainian diarrhea:
The Ukrainian state, in general, has been on fantastically bad terms with the Vatican the last two years. I really wonder what Crow would say about all this - haha!
Quote from UA MFA:
It is very sad that Russian great-power ideas, which, in fact, are the cause of Russia's chronic aggressiveness, consciously or unconsciously, come from the lips of the Pope, whose mission, in our understanding, is precisely to open the eyes of Russian youth to a destructive course of the current Russian leadership.This is one of the more tame things they've said to the Pope in the last year or so. Last time, they basically told him to not stick his nose into things he doesn't understand.