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Posts by Bobko  

Joined: 13 Mar 2017 / Male ♂
Warnings: 1 - O
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Threads: Total: 27 / Live: 23 / Archived: 4
Posts: Total: 2074 / Live: 1998 / Archived: 76
From: New York
Speaks Polish?: Y
Interests: reading, camping

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30 Aug 2023
History / What should Russia and Poland do to become if not friends, then at least not enemies? [945]

When it comes to efficiency then it looks like: Protestantism > Catholicism > Orthodoxy.


BTW, the emperor which cast out your hated Suvorov - Paul I of Russia - and did everything to reverse his mother's aggressive foreign policy (Catherine the Great) - was a big Prussophile. With this, came also his especial piety towards the Protestant faith.

Had he not been murdered, who knows how Russia would look today. But then again, he got murdered, so you can guess at how unpopular these policies were within Russia.
30 Aug 2023
News / "A merciful heart can share its bread with the hungry and welcome refugees and migrants" Pope Francis [89]

Suvorov sent Cossacks on purpose to do the dirty job

They seem reliable, as are the Chechens, at doing things in an especially dirty fashion. Why's that?

Probably, because they don't need any encouragement.

Remember how the Germans had to step aside in awe, when the Baltic nations got to the work of exterminating Jews? For some reason, the Cossacks relish butchering Poles. Now you're bosom friends with their descendants - ENJOY.
30 Aug 2023
News / "A merciful heart can share its bread with the hungry and welcome refugees and migrants" Pope Francis [89]

And you see nothing wrong with that??

It's not some mathematical model... and it's not about right or wrong.

I have to remind you, this is about whether or not Suvorov was a butcher of innocents. Evidence seems to indicate that what occurred, was not at all what he wanted.

Besides being listed among the best military commanders in history (alongside Caesar, Alexander and Bonaparte), he did much to liberate orthodox Slavs living under Turkish domination. I suspect this last liberation part, is the reason for his potential canonization.

this is definitely a terrorist organization?

Lol. What do we do then with the millions of Muslims and Buddhists living in Russia?
30 Aug 2023
History / What should Russia and Poland do to become if not friends, then at least not enemies? [945]

the influence that religion has on general culture either in Poland or in Russia isn't as strong as it would seem to be at first sight.

Yes, but neither is it so weak as to be immaterial.

Many Russians, myself included, have long wondered whether it is something about Orthodoxy that makes the societies of Russia, Greece, Serbia, Georgia, etc... relatively less "efficient" (the kindest way I can put it) in comparison to Western societies.

It certainly provides a stronger immunization to the various obscenities emerging in the modern west... but also - as I said above - puts a certain "brake" to the similarly strong need to evolve.

In another thread, I was having a discussion with Ironside about "Russian fatalism". The smart people that write about this specific type of fatalism, often "blame" Orthodoxy.
30 Aug 2023
News / "A merciful heart can share its bread with the hungry and welcome refugees and migrants" Pope Francis [89]

You despicable young Orcs of murderous RuSSia, the inferior RuSSia--den of sinners, thieves, and serpents

A nice way of underlining how unreasonable Paulina and Pawian's expectations are.

Better not to address Russian Catholic youth at all, from the point of view of the Pope.

Incidentally, I was quite surprised at there being a Russian Catholic Youth forum in St. Petersburg.
30 Aug 2023
News / "A merciful heart can share its bread with the hungry and welcome refugees and migrants" Pope Francis [89]

I wonder what prayer he said before the slaughter of Praga...

I trusted you, since I don't know much about this moment in history :)

However, learning about the "Battle of Praga" on Wikipedia just now, I read the following:

After the battle ended, the Russian troops, against the orders given by Suvorov before the battle, started to loot and burn the entire borough of Warsaw in revenge for the slaughter of the Russian Garrison in Warsaw during the Warsaw Uprising in April 1794, when about 2,000 Russian soldiers died.

An eyewitness to the massacre, General Ivan von Klugen, recorded this:

"We were being shot at from the windows of houses and the roofs, and our soldiers were breaking into the houses and killing all who happened to get in the way... In every living being our embittered soldiers saw the murderer of our men during the uprising in Warsaw... It cost a lot of effort for the Russian officers to save these poor people from the revenge of our soldiers... At four o'clock the terrible revenge for the slaughter of our men in Warsaw was complete!"

Apparently Suvorov was so horrified at what was happening, he blew the bridge to Warsaw over the Vistula, to prevent the chaos from spreading.

It's clear, he failed to prevent it, but it's also clear he did his best to put a stop to it.

Also, did you read that the worst atrocities were committed by the Cossacks (a seemingly recurring theme in Polish-Ukrainian relations)?

Regarding Catherine... who do you feel the Pope could have used as a better example from Russian history?
29 Aug 2023
Off-Topic / Best posters [885]

I never had anything to do with you until you came charging at me

Yeah... I've calmed down since)

PF has softened me, over time.
29 Aug 2023
Off-Topic / Best posters [885]

bobko who likes to defend people dancing like Mohammed Ali

29 Aug 2023
News / "A merciful heart can share its bread with the hungry and welcome refugees and migrants" Pope Francis [89]

I am not a fan of religion, as some might know here. So it's not a little bit strange, for me to defend Pope Francis. But I want to try anyway:

Catherine the Great, who was not even Russian (born Princess Sophie Friederike Auguste von Anhalt-Zerbst-Dornburg), is almost universally regarded as one of the most important figures of the 18th century. She brought the Enlightenment to Russia, and created the conditions which started a huge wave of European immigration into the country. She also founded such cities as Nikolayev, Kherson, Sevastopol and Dnipropetrovsk (which Ukrainians are now claiming as "historic" Ukrainian cities).

Her treatment of Poland, while perhaps unjust from the point of view of Poles, was totally normal policy for a statesman of her time. Had it not been done by her, it would have been done to a further extant than actually occurred - by the Prussians and Austrians.

Now as to the Russian Orthodox Church:

It is bewildering to me, how so many soldiers were made saints by the early church. One of those things which I find very confusing. However, you must admit that the ROC is definitely not unique in turning killers into saints.

Suvorov has a reputation of a martyr in the Russian historical tradition. He brought Russia some of its greatest victories (while sleeping and eating with the soldiers as an equal), only to be discarded by Catherine's son like a piece of trash. He is known to have been extremely pious, and kind (again, look to the way he treated his men). Applying modern Polish grievances to him, is as ahistorical an approach as blaming Catherine for following thorough on the partitions.


That's all, for my apologetics. As I've said - it's strange to me to make saints of soldiers.
29 Aug 2023
Off-Topic / Best posters [885]

one tenth of my former faith in the hierarchical Church

I thought that is where you recently returned?

Sorry. I'm a bit of a gloomy pill today.

Ooof. It seems so. I hope you find the answer, soon, to whatever is vexing you.
28 Aug 2023
Off-Topic / Best posters [885]

Stop bragging

From this conversation it is clear who comes from noble blood, and who has been a peasant for last 1,000 years.
28 Aug 2023
Off-Topic / Best posters [885]

used pawians like you as step-up stools to mount his horse

28 Aug 2023
News / Despicable Ukrainian lies [144]

Yes, it is typical of Polish intelligentsia

This explains a lot then.
28 Aug 2023
News / Despicable Ukrainian lies [144]

I only support the clergy in my village

I don't know much about Christianity, or Catholicism... but is it normal to tell the Vicar of Christ, the apostolic successor to St Peter - to whom Jesus gave the keys to Heaven - to fu*k himself?
28 Aug 2023
News / Despicable Ukrainian lies [144]

Imagine Crow saying something positive about Vatican

I know, I know... maybe this is why he's been silent)
28 Aug 2023
News / Despicable Ukrainian lies [144]

That pathetic pope

When he preaches a more liberal Catholicism - he's your Pope. You have no problem understating him within your framework of hate for PiS.

When he says something supportive of Russian dignity - he's a pathetic Pope.

I think this approach itself is... pathetic.
28 Aug 2023
News / Despicable Ukrainian lies [144]


We must be paying the Pope a lot, since he's been pretty consistent in advocating dialogue and peace - to the infinite irritation of the Ukrainians.

Maybe it's something about being from Argentina, which makes him immune to the charm of the narrative provided by the Western media of a black and white conflict.

Just saying.
28 Aug 2023
Off-Topic / Best posters [885]

No rules, just fun - that's PF

Poles are truly a free people...

In regards to Pawian - he can call me an orc for another ten years, but my tongue would never turn to call him a bad poster. He provides an important counter-balance, along with Paulina, to what would otherwise be utter domination by the conservative + Russian brigade.

Without him, it could be a rather boring amen chorus, where sooner or later we would get tired of discussing the various ways the Ukrainians ought to be punished.

Also, who knows so much about gardening, batalion parasol, Polish film posters of the 1970s, and life in rural Poland?

Except that one time he told me to "fekk" my grandpa - he's alright.
28 Aug 2023
News / Despicable Ukrainian lies [144]

I was struggling to decide which thread this belonged in - so I will put it here.

On August 25th, in St Petersburg, there was held the "All-Russian Day of Catholic Youth". Pope Francis delivered an address to the young people in attendance, by video link.

At some point, he said the following:

"Никогда не забывайте о наследии. Вы - потомки великой России: великой России святых, правителей, великой России Петра I, Екатерины II, той империи - великой, образованной, великой культуры и великой человечности. Никогда не отказывайтесь от этого наследия. Вы - потомки великой Матушки России, шагайте вперед с этим. И спасибо вам - спасибо за ваш способ быть, за ваш способ быть русскими".

Google Translation:

"Never forget your heritage. You are the descendants of great Russia: the great Russia of the saints, its rulers, great Russia of Peter I, Catherine II, an empire - of greatness, education, great culture and great humanity. Never give up on this heritage. You are the descendants of the great Mother Russia, step forward with this. And thank you - thank you for your way of being, and for your way of being Russian."

How did the Ukrainian foreign ministry react? With an explosion of bubbling feces as usual, of course.

Link to Ukrainian diarrhea:

The Ukrainian state, in general, has been on fantastically bad terms with the Vatican the last two years. I really wonder what Crow would say about all this - haha!

Quote from UA MFA:

It is very sad that Russian great-power ideas, which, in fact, are the cause of Russia's chronic aggressiveness, consciously or unconsciously, come from the lips of the Pope, whose mission, in our understanding, is precisely to open the eyes of Russian youth to a destructive course of the current Russian leadership.

This is one of the more tame things they've said to the Pope in the last year or so. Last time, they basically told him to not stick his nose into things he doesn't understand.
28 Aug 2023
Off-Topic / Best posters [885]


If I knew I could make a list of 12, my list would look almost identical to yours.
27 Aug 2023
Off-Topic / Best posters [885]

Once again, I must produce an updated list of best posters:

1) Still Crow (I miss him so)
2) Gefreiter Kania
3) AntV
4) Barney
5) Ironside (depends on day of week, cycle of the moon, atmospheric pressure)

Worst Posters:

1) Always Sralec35
2) Amiga500
3) Cargo Pants
4) Lyzko
5) Michael2 (stupid hohol b!tch)

Until next time, friends!
27 Aug 2023
Life / Polish loos have made great strides.... [12]

grey paper does not clean anything and it hurts.

OooOoo! I thought this gray demon paper existed only in the former USSR...

I do like the idea that it is sustainably made from recycled newspapers and cardboard (sometimes you could even see the odd letter within the paper), but it definitely ripped up your anus like nothing else.

I see the toilet evolution in Poland has been more or less parallel to what was happening in Russia.

  • IMG_6689.jpeg
27 Aug 2023
Life / Was Legionella in Poland a biological weapon attack? [22]

As mentioned, Legionella does not affect most healthy people. I just Googled it, and less than 1% of people exposed to it, become sick.

Those most at risk are the very old, and those that are already sick.

This seems like a strange choice of a biological weapon. No?

If I were in charge of Russian biological warfare in Poland - I would use conjuctivitis, also know as pink eye. We send a group of say... 1,000 Russians disguised as political refugees. Each will be tasked with farting on the pillows of their Polish host families while they are away at work. Since "pink eye" spreads like wildfire, 1,000 such cells could in rapid order collapse Polish society.

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25 Aug 2023
Travel / Being Transgender and visiting Wroclaw [467]

This title is the stupidest tiltle ever written

I don't know, I like it. It inspired me to create my Gdańsk thread.