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Posts by Bratwurst Boy  

Joined: 2 Apr 2007 / Male ♂
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From: Berlin, Germany
Speaks Polish?: No
Interests: his helmet

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Bratwurst Boy   
14 May 2022
Off-Topic / Eurovision - Today I will be ashamed to be Polish [481]

I can't believe that we've sent something that good to Eurovision

*looks enviously over at Poland*

Whereas Germany is set again to go out with ZERO points....can you believe it! 🙄
Bratwurst Boy   
13 May 2022
Off-Topic / Eurovision - Today I will be ashamed to be Polish [481]

I can do without Morocco but Israel has had some cool entries in the past...they have had now such a long history with the Eurovision they have become part of it! :)
Bratwurst Boy   
13 May 2022
Off-Topic / Eurovision - Today I will be ashamed to be Polish [481]

I ask if them are OK for EURO - vision why not USA, New Zealand, Canada?

It seems there needs to be a connection with Eurovision:

...Although Australia is not in Europe, Eurovision has been broadcast in the country for over 30 years. In 2014, the year before it would compete for the first time, viewing figures in the country peaked at 2.7 million....

And Israel:

...Israel showed strong interest in the competition from the very beginning and it paid off very soon; they won for the first time in Paris in 1978 with the song A-Ba-Ni-Bi performed by Izhar Cohen and the Alphabeta. The Eurovision Song Contest travelled to Jerusalem in 1979 where Israel won the competition for the second time in a row...

I can only guess that the Eurovision isn't such a big thing in it in the US?
Bratwurst Boy   
13 May 2022
Off-Topic / Eurovision - Today I will be ashamed to be Polish [481]

.... "It's a daring and at the same time incredibly exciting move. It is our way of saying; let's celebrate this party together!" said Eurovision Song Contest Executive Supervisor Jon Ola Sand.

"At the very heart of the Eurovision Song Contest is the importance of bringing countries together to celebrate diversity, music and culture. We have admired and respected SBS's support of Eurovision for many years now and wanted to extend the invitation for Australia to join us in this special 60th Anniversary of the Contest. It would be remiss of us to throw the world's biggest party and not invite our Australian friends, who have such a long history and connection with Eurovision," he added....

Why the hell not?

Nobody said they are now part of Europe or will become a regular contestant....
Bratwurst Boy   
13 May 2022
Off-Topic / Eurovision - Today I will be ashamed to be Polish [481]

Interesting info:

Why does Australia get to be in Eurovision?

Australia was invited to get involved as a gesture of goodwill for the show's 60th anniversary, which had a 'Building Bridges' theme. Then on February 12, 2019, Eurovision confirmed that Australia has secured a spot in the competition for the next five years until 2023.

Bratwurst Boy   
11 May 2022
Off-Topic / Eurovision - Today I will be ashamed to be Polish [481]

Germany doesn't want to waste more money

We are fearless about wasting money on everything else....nah, that can't be it!

Yet it beats me why we send such **** to Eurovision.

It's nothing less than a miracle, isn't it....or a conspiracy....*scratches head*
Bratwurst Boy   
11 May 2022
Off-Topic / Eurovision - Today I will be ashamed to be Polish [481]

When Ukraine wins they can arrange the next Eurovision....I wonder which city they will chose and if everything is over next year by this time already....I hope so....

Germany will again land far behind, they already made a test survey....I dunno why we send such crap every year....something is rotten here!
Bratwurst Boy   
4 May 2022
News / Should Poland pay for gas in rubles? [167]

Ah, scrap that green nosense

What nonsense?

A green Germany would be independent from russian gas and more money for the russian war chest.

That alone shold make you a Greenie!
Bratwurst Boy   
4 May 2022
News / Should Poland pay for gas in rubles? [167]

why not Poland?

Yeah...good question....

I compare that abit to the situation of the ex-GDR....even after so many years now after the incorporation into rich West-Germany the East lacks in big part, we still are behind...Poland will take as long to catch up.
Bratwurst Boy   
4 May 2022
News / Should Poland pay for gas in rubles? [167]

Why should two countries dominate the EU?

...which are not Poland? You forgot to add..... :)

And why would anyone pay russia in roubles?

It seems the EU isn't quite clear on that.....

Italy demands clarification!
Bratwurst Boy   
4 May 2022
News / Should Poland pay for gas in rubles? [167]

We'll get in conflict with the Germans, Russians

Isn't that happening now and only likely to increase?


When had that ever ended well for Poland?

Do you think that smart?

One of the big achievements of EU and NATO was to put a stop to that unluckly development....but you would love to hop right back into it? Can't wait to show the finger to both of them at the same time? Again? Hoping for rescue from far away places? Again?
Bratwurst Boy   
23 Apr 2022
Polonia / Possible Green Surge in Germany [118] for sure....politically/militarily, I dunno if the US would even want that?
Bratwurst Boy   
23 Apr 2022
Polonia / Possible Green Surge in Germany [118]

Well....right now if I were Ukrainian I would put all my hopes on the german Greens!

They have gone from Saulus to Paulus, a profound change of front since the russian invasion....for many green follower that turn around is even to hefty. The current leadership is all for more real support and delivering of heavy weapons!

Not to forget they have also been the only party who always fighted NorthStream 2 against Merkel-CDU and Scholz-SPD....

So....and their argument that a green Germany would be totally independent from Russia etc...still stands!

Maybe the (german) Greens are no longer the leftist, woke, anti-US/anti-NATO, pacifist nutters as many have known them?
Bratwurst Boy   
22 Apr 2022
History / How much Poles trust to France? [93]

That's a selfish, stupid and dangerous attitude.

Especially as nationalists hate each other....there won't be any cooperation possible (other than keeping migrants out).

Every nationalist lamenting Germany not doing enough for Ukraine (or any other european neighbour) is a joke compared to real nationalists leading european countries....there won't even be a bad conscience any more "not doing enough", quite the contrary....there would be queues in Moscow!
Bratwurst Boy   
21 Apr 2022
History / History of Polish-Russian relations [186]

Just look around and think deeply...

There is a difference in "looking for it" because I WANT to fight, because I'm bored or something and having to fight, because I'm defending my life, my family, my loved ones, my way of living!

That's the "will" that counts....
Bratwurst Boy   
21 Apr 2022
History / History of Polish-Russian relations [186]

Could anyone tell a sharp distinction between a German and an Austrian

When they open their mouth!

Europeans lack will (to life), spirit and solidarity and they became the loosers.

I don't think so!

We have been pussified by decades of peace and food and (for a half) freedom....most people never had to truly fight for anything....where should the "will" come from?

But I'm totally's all still won't take much to get it all out again...but on the other hand, that won't be nice. I like it peaceful and fat better! :)
Bratwurst Boy   
5 Mar 2022
Off-Topic / Ukraine, Belarus, Russia in EU in 2030? [89]

I think without that propaganda very few Ukrainians would resist Russia willingly

Maybe before the invasion!

But every destroyed home and killed civilian will made the number rise up who hate you and who want to be free Ukrainians rather than living under russian occupation....

Putin lost Ukraine already! Trying to keep it will impoverish Russia....
Bratwurst Boy   
23 Feb 2022
Polonia / What about the Poles living in Germany? [65]

Right now I think since the AfD has itself positioned quite pro-Putin that not many Poles in Germany will vote for that....expats tend to be even more nationalistic then the folks at home!
Bratwurst Boy   
10 Feb 2022
Off-Topic / Socialism in 21 century? [96]

Up to date there was no socialist country in the world.

That is a bold statement!

Just because they all failed doesn't mean they didn't try the best they could. It just never worked like promised in the books because it forget about the people...but alot of things don't survive the test of reality! For such ideologies to work you need another humans!

Smart people learn their lessons....stupid people want to try again!

Do you know Einstein's definition of insanity?

"Insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results."