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Posts by Novichok  

Joined: 17 Nov 2020 / Male ♂
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29 May 2024
History / The Two Saddest Nations on Earth... Poles and Jews [243]

You mention that constantly.

You remind me to... plus I really hate the LGBT pervs and their in-you-face presence everywhere.
Hey, Vlad, thanks for keep these scumbags away from Russia's kids.

BTW, did you know that your Thought Gestapo arrests about 3000 Brits for posting what your Gestapo doesn't like while Russia arrests only 200?

That world-famous British freedom of speech...I pray daily for more Muslim migrants in London to replace the last white azhole.
29 May 2024
Off-Topic / thinking of writting a book about myself [219]

Congratulations Johnny - you're a special kind of stupid - in a league all your own.

If he was all that you guys would simply ignore him.

My kind of stupid is a guy who knows the answer to my very legit question but won't answer it because the azhole knows that it is a nailer.

For example...How many times did I ask the PF faggot for the British version of the First Amendment? A dozen?

How about why the Euros wanted all those migrants?

How about why Sweden is now #4 on the list of the worst crapholes as far as rape statistics go?

So it seems that JR is your escape because so many of you are just scared bootlickers...
29 May 2024
Off-Topic / thinking of writting a book about myself [219]

They are the new Woke Feminists

When they are asked what they bring to table after telling the guy their demands, these morons say: Me.
Translation: my tits and vagina.

They forget that for a couple of hundred bucks both can be rented for the evening - minus the daily BS and the 50% possibility of a divorce and being financially wiped out.

Women file for divorce in 80% of cases. That's how mentally unstable they are. Of course, they will lie about how abusive he was ... for the last 10 years...Why I didn't leave him? Because I love him soooo much...goes another lie...

This is why men avoid dating lately like a plague.
29 May 2024
USA, Canada / Why Americans don't allow men to be in briefs at the beach/swiming pools? [90]

You are not only disgusting but obsessed with homosexual sex.

Me disgusting? But fat old exhibitionists are not?

Did you ever catch a stone between your toes? There you go...the same concept...

Why do you think 99.999% of humans choose to cover their butts and genitals when outside on a warm day? They do it so that the rest of us won't be grossed out.

But the smell from older peoples and homosexuals anal leakage.

Exactly. When I see guys sitting in the locker room butt naked without a towel I ask them if they do it at home on that white couch...What's the problem??? The problem is that I may touch what leaked out of your ass. Direct quote.

You are not only disgusting but obsessed with homosexual sex.

It's not me who is "obsessed". It's that faggot and other weirdos with their faggot rainbows everywhere - the White House included...

This perverted flag is on a "church" a mile from me. I see this shlt every day...

29 May 2024
Off-Topic / thinking of writting a book about myself [219]

Mothers that let their daughters out of the house leaving nothing to the imagination

By 2030, 50% of those women will be single for life. Men may enjoy looking at whorish women but they sure don't want to marry them.
29 May 2024
USA, Canada / Why Americans don't allow men to be in briefs at the beach/swiming pools? [90]

There is a reason normal people wear shorts...

Just imagine a sharp stone stuck in your ass...What do you do? The restroom is half a mile away and every step is a sheer agony...Ouch...

Sir, excuse me, could you please stick your finger into my butt and remove that damn rock? Take your time...Faggots are probably smiling already...
29 May 2024
History / The Two Saddest Nations on Earth... Poles and Jews [243]

Only a moron or a British subject could ask such an insane question. Maybe JR has the patience to deal with it...

I don't beyond this...

Why does anyone need free speech laws? Obedient bootlickers don't need any such thing. Or guns...The King goons will speak for you and will protect you 24/7.

Oops...I was wrong...They will disarm you and let you deal with your security on your own...Especially when migrant hordes are involved...If you shoot one of those sobs before he rapes your wife, he goes free because he didn't know that rape was a felony and you go to prison for life.
29 May 2024
History / The Two Saddest Nations on Earth... Poles and Jews [243]

Freedom of speech is measured in the number of people arrested for posting "offensive" opinions on the Internet:

Per year:

UK - 3300
Russia - 400
US - 0

Try to explain THAT.
29 May 2024
History / The Two Saddest Nations on Earth... Poles and Jews [243]

Europe's hate toward free speech is not trivial. This cancer has already invaded US universities and is spreading down to Main Street and our homes. It manifests itself as the generational gap that is getting wider by the year.

You send a normal kid to college and in four years she comes back as a raving lunatic leftist.
29 May 2024
History / The Two Saddest Nations on Earth... Poles and Jews [243]


Hate speech is protected by the First Amendment.

UK gulag:

Current law provides for many exceptions to free speech. They include threatening or abusive words or behaviour intending or likely to cause harassment, alarm or distress or cause a breach of the peace,[4][5][6] sending another any article which is indecent or grossly offensive with an intent to cause distress or anxiety,[7][8][9] incitement,[10] incitement to racial hatred,[11] incitement to religious hatred, incitement to terrorism including encouragement of terrorism and dissemination of terrorist publications,[10][12][13] glorifying terrorism,[14][15] collection or possession of a document or record containing information likely to be of use to a terrorist,[16][17] treason,[18][19][20][21][22] sedition,[19] obscenity,[23] indecency including corruption of public morals and outraging public decency,[24] defamation,[25] prior restraint, restrictions on court reporting including names of victims and evidence and prejudicing or interfering with court proceedings,[26][27] prohibition of post-trial interviews with jurors,[27] time, manner, and place restrictions,[28] harassment, privileged communications, trade secrets, classified material, copyright, patents, military conduct, and limitations on commercial speech such as advertising.


Offences contrary to ยง 130 of the Criminal Code committed abroad, whether by German nationals or foreigners, can be pursued as a domestic crime when they so act as if they had been committed within the country, affecting the public peace in Germany and violating the human dignity of German citizens.

What is human dignity to be decided by Neo Gestapo...
29 May 2024
Off-Topic / thinking of writting a book about myself [219]

Where do innocent granddaughters come from, and what possessed you to drag innocent children into the pages of PF?

That's what single childless bit*ches do.
28 May 2024
History / The Two Saddest Nations on Earth... Poles and Jews [243]

and misinformed

How many times do I have to ask for information about your freedom of speech laws? I think I already did 10.

protests and demonstrations

Anarchy is not freedom of speech. On my island, street blockers would never do it again.
28 May 2024
History / The Two Saddest Nations on Earth... Poles and Jews [243]

But of course you'll hardly ever admit that you're wrong.........

I do when I am wrong. They didn't have those videos in the first version. I am not blind.

Besides, posting another man's video is hardly an act of bravery. Posting your own is in the gulag aka the UK.

Freedom of speech is measured in the number of people arrested for posting "offensive" opinions on the Internet:

Per year:

UK - 3300
Russia - 400
US - 0

In your gulag, offending X is not even necessary to get arrested. A mere possibility that someone out there MIGHT get offended is enough. That's how sick your gulag is.

28 May 2024
History / The Two Saddest Nations on Earth... Poles and Jews [243]

In my post 202 I said to you that the Daily Fail had linked to a video clip:

There is no such outlet. Go play those stupid games with that moron, Cymes...

Freedom of speech is measured in the number of people arrested for posting "offensive" opinions on the Internet:

Per year:

UK - 3300
Russia - 400
US - 0
28 May 2024
History / The Two Saddest Nations on Earth... Poles and Jews [243]

So much for your free speech fantasies...

Fox did because they are not woke leftists like you and your Soviet BBC.

You are deflecting. Free speech is tested when it involves ordinary people, not billion-dollar corporations. Nobody went to prison for posting offensive views in the US.

You, gulag bootlickers, are scared because 3000 of you end up convicted every year for posting offensive opinions about protected groups. BTW, in Russia only 200.

In your gulag, aka the UK, a woman was charged and found guilty for posting a rap song composed and performed by another guy.

A guy was charged and found guilty for posting his views about LGBTs.

28 May 2024
Off-Topic / thinking of writting a book about myself [219]

Why would I post details about my private life here when there are posters like Johnny

Why not? I have two sons and I couldn't be more proud of them.

I have been married to the same woman since 1970. Now what? Try to "stalk" me...Go ahead.

Also, I lived at Nowy Swiat 47a m 4. Now I am really shaking in my boots...

you should have no problem introducing him to your granddaughters

Why would I have a problem with it? My problem is that they aged out of us, their grandparents, and they are "too busy to see us".
28 May 2024
History / The Two Saddest Nations on Earth... Poles and Jews [243]

So that's a no.

So it's a yes, bootlicker...Quoting Fox News:

Richard Dreyfuss upsets fans with gender comments at 'Jaws' event

Down below:

In a video posted to YouTube, the actor can be seen walking onto the stage wearing a dress over his clothes and dancing to a Taylor Swift song.

"a video posted to YouTube" is a link to this video where free citizens like me, as opposed bootlicking subjects like you, can hear what Mr. D actually said.

And the readers' comments from free and unafraid citizens:

Good for Richard Dreyfuss! He quickly sized up the fact that he was talking to a bunch of wild-eyed Democrats and thus decided to have some fun by making fun of their twisted values. It worked. Thanks Richard for ringing their bells!

"10 year olds shouldn't be allowed to get gender changing surgery". How can any real parent disagree with Dreyfuss? If you vote for Any Democrat in November, you're supporting this Agenda

The theater would not have apologized if a leftie made opposite remarks. They would have praised them.

That's the top 3 ...the next 6 are just like these 3...

From New York Post:

Richard Dreyfuss' son reacts to his alleged sexist, homophobic rant at 'Jaws' screening

At least they used "alleged" but still not what he said. Same garbage as DM. Leftists or scared rightists are all the same.


And we still have no idea what he supposedly said.

Would love to see the text of what Richard Dreyfuss said or see some video clips.

Now the summary:

The real difference is not between woke leftist scum in the UK and the US. The difference is between our reactions to these mother fvckers.

We, Americans, despise them and say so publicly. You, gulag bootlickers, adore yours, never criticize them, and always defend them.

Where the fvck is that British freedom of speech law?
28 May 2024
History / The Two Saddest Nations on Earth... Poles and Jews [243]

That's how...

Hollywood LOSES THEIR MINDS After Richard Dreyfuss Said This...

Your gulag press had access to what D said. Yet, they decided not to quote him....only his critics...

In the US, every citizen is a reporter and protected by the First Amendment. Not you, gulag inmates.

In your gulag, aka the UK, a woman was charged and found guilty for posting a rap song composed and performed by another guy.

A guy was charged and found guilty for posting his views about LGBTs.

The one who edited the above video had more integrity than all the UK garbage press combined...He actually played what Dreyfuss said!

Where the fvck is that British freedom of speech law?
28 May 2024
History / The Two Saddest Nations on Earth... Poles and Jews [243]

No, moron, tabloids have lawyers and have to check their "someone said" stories carefully.

And if they can't, they keep quiet.

DM is actually better that MSM because DM allows readers' comments. Real MSM garbage like AP and Reuters does not. So, in that sense, DM is "democratic" because it allows opinions that are contrary to the DM editors'. I know because I posted many of mine.


Where the fvck is that British freedom of speech law?

28 May 2024
History / The Two Saddest Nations on Earth... Poles and Jews [243]

You report facts not hearsay if you have lawyers that are any good.

You are trying to outlast me again...

No, moron...So-called MSM routinely start with "Sources claim that..." Duh!

Where the fvck is that British freedom of speech thingy? You, bootlickers, ain't got any...You can wiggle your azz all you want...

I already produced mine...