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Posts by Bratwurst Boy  

Joined: 2 Apr 2007 / Male ♂
Warnings: 1 - Q
Last Post: 6 hrs ago
Threads: Total: 9 / Live: 5 / Archived: 4
Posts: Total: 11662 / Live: 3917 / Archived: 7745
From: Berlin, Germany
Speaks Polish?: No
Interests: his helmet

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Bratwurst Boy   
2 Jan 2023
News / Unfulfilled promises by PiS [558]

The war crimes trials need to be done internationally

Huh? The EU is not "internationally"???
Bratwurst Boy   
31 Dec 2022
Language / New Years wishes in Polish? [21]

At last a thread for me....HAPPY NEW YEAR to all PFers! :)

To another year full of discussions and meetings of old friends! :)
Bratwurst Boy   
26 Dec 2022
Off-Topic / In Germany the Reichsbürger movement denies the existence of the Federal Republic of Germany [30]

I would say they rather dispute the legality of the Bundesrepublik, not necessarily the borders. They use other identifications....

...Reports regularly appear in the daily newspapers about citizens who reject the existence of the Federal Republic of Germany and its legal system. They boycott administrative decisions and hinder police officers in their work. They draw borders around their houses, thereby declaring their property their own separate state territory. They have their own passports, their own currencies and their own "governments". We are talking about so-called "Reich citizens" and "self-administrators".

They also deny the legitimacy of democratically elected representatives such as the Federal Chancellor or local mayors as representatives of the people. Some of these groups and individuals even assume that our legal system does not apply to them. Their motives can be very different....;jsessionid=877974332BF733F62E7DF09ED85A2059.1_cid364?__blob=panorama&v=2
Bratwurst Boy   
6 Dec 2022
History / History of two Neighbors: Poland - Germany Interrelations [283]

Something is happening....

Poland wants to accept German anti-aircraft offer after all

After some back and forth, the Polish defense minister wants to have the Patriot anti-aircraft systems stationed in the country......
Bratwurst Boy   
28 Nov 2022
History / History of two Neighbors: Poland - Germany Interrelations [283]

It's a trading bloc and nothing else, rather than a political entity.

That keeps us weak and perfect targets for every bigger predator....everybody for it's own is for Europe in a globalized world just not an option!

An England alone...a Scotland alone....a Wales would never had become an Empire nor would GB play any bigger role in the world today. A unified Europe would be more than a match for Putin et al! We wouldn't need a foreign saviour/guardian anymore...
Bratwurst Boy   
28 Nov 2022
News / The Baltics states rely on Poland as their main defender against Russian aggression?? [99]

It's a pity that EU's ideological bias and cultural neo-marxism

It's not THE's some influential countries setting the tone!

If more conservative countries would gain more influence the EU would lose that very quickly....but it's like everywhere in the world, he who pays calls the shots.

There is only one way around it, those who are more conservative have to gain more influence...must change from net-recipients to net payers! *shrugs*
Bratwurst Boy   
20 Nov 2022
Polonia / Tak Tak - Polish Deli (in Berlin) [34]

but I'm guessing it's usually done by people who don't have the time to cook their own meals at home. time....not in the mood...for a movie night....or just out of curiousity to taste something NOT home cooked, something more exotic! :)
Bratwurst Boy   
20 Nov 2022
Polonia / Tak Tak - Polish Deli (in Berlin) [34]

....thats to sad! Polish cuisine should be an instant success, for all the Poles in Germany but also for curious Germans! :)
Bratwurst Boy   
20 Nov 2022
Polonia / Tak Tak - Polish Deli (in Berlin) [34]

One think I don't see in Berlin is the kind with Indian spices which are getting popular in the UK;

..lack of Indians, I guess!

Chinese and Turkish that is in Berlin....and the usual Italian Cuisine of abit Arabic and Japanese.....sadly when you surf through the Delivery services there are not many, if at all, polish or other european offerings for hungry stomachs. I wonder why that is...Poland is so much nearer....and Poles are everywhere....there must be more Poles than Turks or Chinese in Berlin alone!
Bratwurst Boy   
20 Nov 2022
Polonia / Tak Tak - Polish Deli (in Berlin) [34] surely mean "Döner"...mjammi...:)

But...."Döner Boy" has somehow not the same ring to it.....
Bratwurst Boy   
11 Nov 2022
News / 11th November Independence Day in Poland [64]

Nah...since the end of the GDR we don't even have soviet-style parades anymore...nothing...nada...nilch! :(

We must be the only country on earth without some history-celebrating....
Bratwurst Boy   
19 Oct 2022
News / Poland to officially demand $1.32 trillion WW2 reparations from Germany [457]

There is that urge to build a political enitity under German boot

Always astounding how a viewpoint influences the opinion.....from inside Germany felt never econoically weaker and politically disunified. I might say that fearful look from the outside (Poland) onto a strong and influential and powerful Germany is not a realistic one....