The BEST Guide to POLAND
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Posts by Marsupial  

Joined: 19 Oct 2014 / Male ♂
Warnings: 3 - TAA
Last Post: 30 Aug 2017
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Posts: Total: 871 / Live: 202 / Archived: 669
From: Australia, Sydney
Speaks Polish?: yes
Interests: many

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13 Feb 2017
Law / The right to own guns: would you support such legislation in Poland? [2237]

The murder rate in the Usa clearly shows that the law and order concept has failed there. After catrina and other examples where people were left to fend for themselves and crime took over clearly shows that the US could not respond to its own needs as a first world country would. The soldiers sent to fight overseas are in far less danger than your own citizens therefore those who stayed behind are the heroes. The lucky few who escaped to the army to be sent to the relative safety of a warzone overseas must be counting their blessings.
13 Feb 2017
Law / The right to own guns: would you support such legislation in Poland? [2237]

Nor do we need any guns here either. Too late for usa the hideously gun riddled dump that it is. Most of us don't even consider it a 1st world country anymore with all the shootings. Looks like 3rd world. Won't be going there on holidays or spending money. Poland doesnt need guns nor does any 1st world country. Good luck in your gun laden united states of africa.
6 Feb 2017
Life / Comparing Poland and Romania [108]

Who cares how i write it crow. Totally irrelevant. Eee you will be fine as well.
6 Feb 2017
Life / Are foreigners welcome in Poland? [275]

All these crimes have risen since their subhuman party took over. Basically a lot of you just sound backward and dumb. You would be laughed out of most places or punched out. The place is finished. Back to russias fold it goes. Had it's chance, too dumb to use it. Next. Yes 12, most of the backward crap most people say hete is so beneath a 12 year old of a civilised country.
6 Feb 2017
Life / Are foreigners welcome in Poland? [275]

How you going to fix hardcore xenophobia, homophobia, everything phobia with them in charge and the church the other 50% Basically pis has sent it back 10 years now a farken brazilian needs to hide? Looks backward world wide, because it is.
6 Feb 2017
Life / Are foreigners welcome in Poland? [275]

Poland is still backward with backward ideas on nearly everything and getting more backward by tje minute with pis.
5 Feb 2017
Life / Comparing Poland and Romania [108]

The Eu will still be there Crow. Germany will be fine to run it with neighbours to assist. Looking forward to it.
1 Feb 2017
Real Estate / Buying a residential flat/apt in Poland as a foreigner [24]

Never paid even 10 cents bribe in Poland. They were happy to get a business employ a couple more people for 75k australian per year because they get taxed to hell and back. Who made this up?
29 Jan 2017
Law / Hiring a Polish Worker - Pros and Cons [107]

Yes i managed all sorts of things. You are probably right it's personality. Just seems a coincidence that all this time i had the same personalities apply or similar. I would not say lazy, just uninterested in anything extra. It's sort of fair enough. Unfortunately it's not competitive compared to others so it may be fair enough but just isn't going to win it. Won't be hiring for ages my team is great 4 are coming up to 10 year long service leave soon. Two guys in Poland i have now already 8 years are really good too. Took me many mistakes in first 5 years to get it right.
29 Jan 2017
Law / Hiring a Polish Worker - Pros and Cons [107]

Tell us about it. In 20 years of business i hired one pom. He is great and now has become supervisor, leader of men. I even bought him a new company car so his would be better than the workers utes. Rest didn't make it past interview. Correction....22 years.
27 Jan 2017
News / President Duda rules out homo marriage in Poland as banned by the constitution [172]

Where i live we don't torture gays. Pretty much everyone i know woulnt offend people based on that. They have good protection in law too. I agree with this system. Like Poland we are also hesitant with the next step. One of the reasons is the old fossils in our governments are in charge. This is also the reason we are becoming technologically backward, old fossils with zero qualification in what they are talking about in many things including science. Can't see any change coming soon. Funny thing is my old folks and thier friends despise Kaczinski and everything his sheit party stands for. In my corner here we would gladly have po and gay marriage any day to get rid of him and the church from Polands future. I would take this option every single day of the week because gay people dont ruin our lives, pedephile priests and backward governments do.
27 Jan 2017
News / President Duda rules out homo marriage in Poland as banned by the constitution [172]

Its the same with our constitution here. There was supposed to be referendum on the subject but opposition killed it so now there won't be one and it won't be changed, for now. The opposition wants to just do it, they don't want us to have a say because they and the homos know it won't get in. Sounds like Poland is just not even going to consider it. What did actually happen to that rainbow thing? Hopefully it was recycled into something useful.
24 Nov 2016
Language / Is the term 'Polak' derogatory?? [254]

Funny why russians would make fun of poles. With rubbish economy and one of the richest mineral countries they just can't get their act together. They are useless.
20 Nov 2016
News / How serious is existence of Lithuania as independent state between Poland and Russia ? [72]

Nah he isn't a russian troll he isn't zealous enough. Leaves too much up for debate. Leaves too many cracks in theories because he is inviting debate. That doesn't look too russian troll like to me or if so he isn't on the payroll. More like Slavic troll! Crow wants all slavs to get along and make an empire. For that we obviously need russia. I could go on.