The BEST Guide to POLAND
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Posts by PolskiMoc  

Joined: 15 Mar 2010 / Male ♂
Last Post: 15 Jul 2011
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6 Jun 2011
Food / Polish Pizza !! The best in the world? [330]

I live in New York & I am sure the best Pizza place is just a 200 foot walk away from my house LOL

I never had Polish pizza.

I know when I go to other parts of the U.S I hate the pizza,.

In the Western parts of the U.S they ruin the whole Pizza putting Pineapple & Other fruity non sense on it.

I hate people from Western parts of the U.S a bunch of Fruity, Weak Liberal Pansies.

I also hate people from Western parts of Europe also a bunch of Fruity, Weak Liberal Pansies.

The East is where it is at.
6 Jun 2011
UK, Ireland / Poles in the UK, you know were the door is [105]

Yes, an English person who can not even spell the world "Where" correctly.

English people go out of their way to be tolerent to Muslims, Nigerians, Pakis, Indians, ect.

But, English people don't go out of their way to tolerate Polish people. Rather the opposite. Poles are the scape goats in the Anti White nation of England.
6 Jun 2011
Genealogy / Polish DNA? Poles have the most genes in a group includes Balts, Macedonians and Greeks. [264]

R1a is Not a Polish or Slavic genetic marker as Turkic peoples and Kurdish peoples posess this R1a haplogroup at significant frequencies also!

R1a in Europe is oldest in Poland & Slovakia.

The R1a in Turkics was originally from Poland.

Central Asians were once Indo-European Andronovo people (The Aryans) who were .
mostly Blonde & red haired & Blue eyed Of Polish R1a

I do think the R1a in Northern Greece is likely from Indo-Europeans.

there is a direct path from Ukraine to Northern Greece by Proto Writing.

You had the First Writing in the Ukraine 24,000 yrs ago in Kamyana Mohyla

By 7,500 years ago there are the Tartaria Tablets of Romania & The Gradeshitsa tablet in Bulgaria also 7,500 yrs old.

By, 7,250 years ago you find the Dispillio Tablet in Northern Greece (Macedonia) The area with high R1a.

I think this shows direct evidence of R1a people from Ukraine & Poland settling in Northern Greece.

To me this is the start os the Greek culture. Clearly the Dispillio Tablet resembles Linear A B & C tablets in Greece as well as the Greek alphabet, & Phoenician alphabet.
4 Jun 2011
Genealogy / Polish DNA? Poles have the most genes in a group includes Balts, Macedonians and Greeks. [264]

Two R1a haplogroup maps show R1a is higher in North Eastern Greece than in Macedonia & Southern Serbia

Eupedia haplogroups shows under R1a Macedonian & Mcyenaean Greek

Which I believe why the most superior Greeks were Macedonian / Mcyenaenean

Like Aristotle & Alexander the Great.

Also both maps show Scotland has the most R1a in the British Isles which is why I think Scots are the most intellectual progressive in the British Isles.
4 Jun 2011
Genealogy / Polish DNA? Poles have the most genes in a group includes Balts, Macedonians and Greeks. [264]

cultural heritage in the same way SouthSlavs usurp the history and heritage of Alexander the Great and the ancient Macedonians from antiquity

Oddly enough Mycenaean & Macedonian Greeks have more R1a haplogroup than do (Fyrom) & Serbia. North Eastern Greece is in the 20 -30 percent R1a haplogroup range.

It is stated that Mycenaean & Macedonian Greeks were mostly R1a Haplogroup

It was probably bought by the Aryan Indo-Europeans from Poland & Ukraine.

It is thought that Proto Greek came from Poland & Ukraine down to Northern Greece.

With the First evidence of Writing in Ukraine 24,000 yrs ago

Then, the 7,250 year old Dispillio Tablet in Northern Greece shows a direct Link to Ukraine.
2 Jun 2011
History / Tuchola in Poland - roots of Katyn? [220]

Aren't Poles Not-Russians? ;) How do you unite with people you hate?

I don't hate Russians.
I donh't get why many Poles seem to often make a bigger deal about Katyn where 40,000 Poles died.

Then Nazi Germany where 3 million Polish were put into Concentration camps, 500,000 Polish Blonde babies kidnapped, up to 10 million Poles enslaved.

You had Plan AB which was maybe even worse than Katyn where Nazis killed our Intellectuals. Like Polish Kazimierz Prószyński who invented the first hand held movie camera who died thanks to German slime in plan AB

With Katyn Georgian Stalin was behind it.

It makes me sick when I hear Poles loving Georgians & hating Russians.

WTF? Georgian Stalin murdered more Poles than Russia ever did. Georgian Stalin murdered much more Russians & Ukrainians sadly.

With the Soviet Union?
Germany sent the Bolsheviks with Lenin to Russia to destroy Russia. Lenin was Half Volga German & Not Russian at all Lenin actually hated Russians.

Even U.S president Woodrow Wilson HELPED create the Bolshevik Revolution with Woodrow Wilson sending JEw Leon Trotsky (Lev Bronstein) to help complete the Bolshevik Revolution

Under the Partitions of Poland Russia was under German Catherine the UNgreat who actually started the most Genocides against Poles during the time period.

Wake the F*ck up. Russians & Poles have suffered together thanks to Non Slavs
1 Jun 2011
History / Tuchola in Poland - roots of Katyn? [220]

Yes, Well there is a reason I hate Germans & Not Russians.

With Germans Poland did nothing to them & even was friendly to them & they paid us Poles back with horror.

Also the Soviet Union was created because Germany sent the Bolsheviks to Russia during WW1 with half Volga German.

With Russia much of the time we Poles actually started the tensions.
Although not always sometimes it was Russians who did.

With Germans it is always them being primitive & starting non sense.

Poles & Russians should both be united against German slime.
1 Jun 2011
Genealogy / Polish DNA? Poles have the most genes in a group includes Balts, Macedonians and Greeks. [264]

Look where Proto Indo-Iranians come from.

They come from the Andronovo culture in Central Russia. They were Proto Indo-Iranians. Genetic studies concluded that 60 percent of the Andornovo culture were Light haired & Light eyed.

The Andronovo people came from Kurgans from the area of Ukraine, Poland & russia.
The Kurgan Expansion where Indo-Europeans spread out of Ukraine & Moved to Russia &then were the Aryan Invaders to India & Persia bringing indo European languages & cultures with them.

The True Aryans were more lke Russians, Ukrainians, Poles ect than like Modern Iranians.

Scythians were an Iranic speakers who were closest to the Proto Indo Iranians. Greeks Depicted Scythians as largely Blonde haired & Even Whiteh aired.
Scythian Burials also generally show blonde hair.

Scythians were in Russia & Central Asia & Sarmatians a scyhtian tribe in Ukraine. Some think Slavs are Sarmatians or Slavs directly stemmed from Sarmatians.

You also had Tocharians in Western China who were Indo-Europeans & Were depicted by Chinese as light haired & blue eyed. The burials of the Tarim Tocharian mummies show Light haired Caucasoid mummies that look rather Russian.

There are multiple links that show the Aryans came from Poland & Ukraine & Moved to Central Asia.

For Example the First Wheeled Wagon evidence in Poland is the Bronocice pot 5,500 yrs old. The First Wheeled cart 5,300 yrs old found in Ukrainian Yamna Culture.

First True chariot in Andronovo culture 4,600 yrs ago (The Aryans Proto Indo Iranians)

Also there are Links with Swastikas. As the Swastika can directly show the path & spread of Indo-European languages.

The Oldest Swastika 12,000 yrs old found in Ukraine on a Mammoth bone.

Then, The 2nd oldest Swastika found in the Vinca Culture in the Balkaqns about 8,000 yrs ago

In Central Russia there are Swastikas about 5-7,000 yrs old found where the Andronovo culture (Aryans) are.

Before the Swastika was found in India! Hinduism is a Indo-European religion & they use the Swastika.

swastikas are central to Slavic Indo-European paganism too like Receboga, Wheel of Svarog. ect

There is even Writing evidence in Ukraine of the first examples of writen language. The evidence suggests writen Language spread from the Ukraine along with Indo European languages & Kurgans

But, Poland & Russia are also connected to these people

Ukraine Writing 24,000 yrs old Kamyana Mohyla - Megalithomania 2009. Tim Heatherlee Hooker
31 May 2011
Genealogy / Polish DNA? Poles have the most genes in a group includes Balts, Macedonians and Greeks. [264]

Germany is a great nation, only because its people have so much Polish blood in their veins.... I am proud of my Polish descent. I remember that in former times a Polish noble, by his simple veto, could overturn the resolution of a popular assembly. There were giants in Poland in the time of my forefathers.

Quote Friedrich Nietzsche:

The idea lay dormant for 40 years. Gustav Kirchhoff (born in 1824) was an energetic Polish physicist who barely stood five feet in height. Through the mid-1850s he focused his research on electrical currents at the University of Breslau. In 1858
31 May 2011
Genealogy / Polish DNA? Poles have the most genes in a group includes Balts, Macedonians and Greeks. [264]

Also, the biggest percentage of R1b is in Wales (82 %!). Does this mean that Wales are the most Celtic? Wales are followed by Ireland (79 %), Scotland (72.5 %) and England (67 %). Very high percentage. It seems quite logical as Welsh, Irish, Scottish and English people live on islands and therefore there was little mixing.

Basques have even higher R1b at 86 percent.

R1b people in their pure form are Basques

I haplogroup people intheir pure form are Bosnians

R1a haplogroup in their pureform in Europe are Poles & Sorbs.

I think it is clear that we are the master race.

Sorbs have 63 percent R1a & Sorbs are only 50,000 people! a tiny population!

But! a Sorb was Gotfried Leibniz who invented Calculus, the Mechanical Calculator & Binardy code used in Computers.

Now, How many populations of 50,000 have someone as great as Leibniz?

Shows that we R1a people are the master race!

Look at Poles. Both in Russia & Germany Poles are WELL over exegerated as the Greats.

With Polish rootGermans like Nietzsche,a great philospher Rudolf Virchow who founded Modern Pathology, Thoedor Kaluza one of the best German physics of all time, Max Skladanowsky who founded Cinema in Germany, Charles Bukowski, Gustav Kirchoff, Paul Nipkow who invented Television ect

In Russia Polish roots with Konstatine Ciolkowski who invented Rocketry, Igor Sikorsky who invented the mass produced helicopter bomber jet, jet air liner, Doestoeysky one of if not the greatest writers of all time. Nikolai Gogol a top writer, Igor Stravinsky a top classical musician ,Aleksander Możajski who invented the first airplane 21 years before the wright brothers ect

Take Konstantine Ciolkowski he invented Rocketry.
Both Korolev & Wernher Von Braun used Ciolkowski's work to put rockets into space. They literally took Ciolkowski's blue prints for Astronautic theory, Rocket Propulsion, Jet fuel ect ect

& they put into Action.

Funny that Wenher Von Braun was born in Polish lands & Korolev born in Western Galicia on Polish lands as well.

How come the most superior Germans are typically from East Germany & or are mixed with Slavic? Typically the most superior Russians are from West russia & or mixed with Polish?

It is clear that you have to be mixed with Polish in order to be a superior human.

Even German Anthropologist Theodor Poesche came to the conclusion that the Blonde haired & Blue eyed Aryan race started in Eastern Poland.

Think about it. This means just about all of Europe with Blonde & Blue eyes is mixed with Polish!

We are clearly the Aryan master race.

Look at the British Isles the highest R1a Haplogroup is in Scots who are the most intellectual progressive proportionately.

Look at the Balkans Albanians have the least R1a in the Balkans & are the biggest sub humans in the Balkans.

Look at Scandanavia Finns have the lowest R1a in Scandanavia & are the lowest Scandanavians.

Basques have the lowest (No ) R1a in Iberia & they are the lowest in Iberia.

It is simple. You have to be mixed with Polish to be an Aryan master race.

Basques have no R1a & Basques don't speak a Indo- European language. They have the highest R1b. They have no Intellectual achievements.

They have alot lower B & ABblood types thananywhere in Europe because they are not mixed with Poles who have high R1a & AB & B blood type.

Even look at Jews! Ashkenazi Jews have more R1a than R1b while Sephardic jews ( The dumb Jews) have more R1b than R1a. Ashkenazi Jews did not become Intelligent untill they came to Poland.

Even at that the Polish population maybe the highest Iq scoring population in the world.

The Polish American iq was 109 in the 1970's. While Poland had a 99 iq. Of course East Germany had a 95 iq & West Germany the highest iq in Europe of 103.

Which shows that under the same circumstances we did better.

Now, Western Ashkenazi Jews scored a 114 iq. Compare to a 94 iq to Israel . You pretty much have the same difference.

Considering that Jews are extremely ambitious.

Considering the most recent iq test of Poland is 106. This puts Poles to the top of the Iq list

I think Poles are by far the most Intelligent high iq scoring population on the planet by nature!

Polish Americans scored a 109 iq while White Americans scored a 100 iq & Asian Americans scored a 97 iq.

Today White americans score a 103 iq & Asian Americans a 107 iq.

Who knows what Polish Americans score on the iq test. White Americans jumped about 3 points in 30 years & Asians jumped 10 points in 30 years.

But, Even with Asians Americans having a 107 iq they are still behind the Polish American iq of 109 in the 1970's!
31 May 2011
Love / Why do so many Polish girls dye their hair BLACK? [124]

This is happening here in America too.

I had a huge crush on this blonde girl in school.

I saw her about a year ago & she dyed her hair black & I was so pissed that she ruined her beautiful hair.

I have seen a bunch of other Blonde girls dye their hair black.

I personally think it is just another step in the "White guilt self hatred propaganda machine"

We can not be Pale & Blonde & be proud.

Be must be ashamed of this.

We must tan ourselves Brown & Dye our hair black or else we will be plagued with white guilt & be terrible racists for wanting to have Pale skin & Blonde hair.
31 May 2011
Genealogy / Why are some Polish people dark complected, and others very light [511]

Interesting map... I cant believe Eastern England and Scotland have more percentage of blonde hair then Poles though -_-
On my dads side everyone has dark hair and on my moms side blonde.

This blonde haired map is more accurate. ion_in_Europe.png/783px-Map_pigmentation_in_Europe.png

It was created by one of the most respected Anthropologists Carleton Coon.

This map shows Southern Italy as darker than Northern Italy. Unlike that other map that you saw before that shows South Eastern Italy as the lightest part of Italy which is laughable.

That is light hair. Which includes Red hair. British Isles have up to 13 percent Red hair. While Poland is very low. I am not sure but probably not much more than 1 - 2 percent

Over 50 percent of people in some parts of the British Isles have Red hair genes. Thing is Blonde hair is more Dominant overlaps over Red hair giving more Blonde hair
31 May 2011
Genealogy / Why are some Polish people dark complected, and others very light [511]

True. Less Solar Activity can cause an ice age like what happened during the Maunder Minimum (Little Ice Age)]

Or the Milankovitch Cycles where Variations in the Earth's tilt that happen over time cause Ice ages & Warm cycles (We are in the Warm cycle now)

An Ice age tend to happen for a reason because less sun light is hitting the earth. thus, it cools.

With clouds they do block out some UV rays.

This is part of the reason why the British Isles tend to have rather cool summers compared to other parts of Europe.
31 May 2011
Genealogy / Why are some Polish people dark complected, and others very light [511]

Look at what caused the Little Ice age. Well, IT was the Maunder minimum of sunspots / solar activity ect.

What caused the warming up since the Little Ice age?

Well, Since the Maunder minimum we have seen increases in Solar activity.

Something that the Co2 Global warming nuts tend to keep hidden from the public.

Through out the past century we have seen a higher Solar Activity in the last 50 years than in the first 50 years of the last century.
31 May 2011
Genealogy / Why are some Polish people dark complected, and others very light [511]

Some here may question the presence of the Inupiat and the Yupiks (Eskimo's) presence in these latitudes.

Yes, Well, Eskimos are able to eat Cod Liver, Fish ect to get Vitamin D.
This is why they are not so pale.

When, Europeans entered Europe during the Glacier everything was frozen & thus it was not possible to get the Vitamin D Rich food in high enough amounts to be able to get enough Vitamin D.

Now apparently One of the genes for Pale skin is rather recently.
But, That is only ONE of the genes for Pale skin!

The Idea is that the other gene for Pale skin in Europe is the Red hair gene, Which causes Red hair, Freckles & Pale Skin.

That Europeans Originally looked more like this.
At the end of the Glacier Europeans gained a new Mutation with Pale skin which could also Tan. Which was more adaptable to the increasing sun light at the end of the Glacial period.

To me Poles & Other Slavs & Some Scandanavians seem to have this gene.

That is why alot of Slavs & Enough Scandanavians have Pale skin but can tan very well.

Unlike inthe British Isles where people often seem to have trouble tanning & where the skin color trait they have seems to be more of the Redhaired kind which has trouble tanning.

I think it is because Britain is in the path of the Gulf stream they get so much cloud cover& rain that they never got enough sunlight to have a big demand for tanning.

Close to 50 percent of British Islanders have Red haired Genes. So, It seems that this is the reason why British Islanders have a different skin than us.

Alot more British Islanders have Pale skin, Pinkish skin & Freckles than Slavs or Scandanavians.

Slavs & Scandanavians seem to have more of a Honey colored skin that is pale in winter but can tan well in Summer.

With Blonde hair it seems to have come about during the middle of the Glacier. Anthropologists have said between Ukraine & Lithaunia is where the Blonde haired gene started.

So Poland isr right there.

my guess is the Blonde haired gene likely came about for hunting purposes. Because, Red hair sticks out like a sore thumb in the Glacier with only white snow.

Blonde hair blends in better & thus is camouflaged better for the Arctic Hunt than a Red head.

Blondes seem to be better built & tougher & Taller too which fits well with Hunting. You look at Slavs, Germans & Scandanavians & Scythians ect who had alot of Blonde hair.

Through out History we were much tougher than people in places like the British Isles & France ect where more Dark hair & Red hair is found rather than much Blonde.

When it comes to the Female line we are more like other Europeans.

that explains why your women look much better than your guys :-)

Does it explain why our Girls look alot better than Western European girls????

Norwegians have the most R1a Haplogroup in Western Europe & Norwegian girls seem to be the best looking in Western Europe.

It seems the R1a line has tougher men & better looking women.

Even in Scotland the most tough clan leader that kicked out the Vikings was Somerled of R1a Haplogroup.

Vikings were alot tougher than British Islanders & Vikings have alot more R1a Haplogroup.

Oh yeah & Most Western Europeans are R1b haplogroup it also comes from Central Asia.

The difference is the path. The R1b people are thought to have gone through Anatolia to get through Europe while R1a people through Siberia to get to Europe
31 May 2011
Genealogy / Why are some Polish people dark complected, and others very light [511]

High Caste Indians are closer related to Europeans than to Dravidians.

Yes, Well our Male line of R1a is shared. But, Our Female line is seperate. Central Asians & Indians differ on the Female Genetic line than Slavs.

When it comes to the Female line we are more like other Europeans.

The female line seems to be more accurate. For Example Cameroon & the Hausa in Africa are mostly R1b (male line) But, The Female line of Cameroon is the same as other Africans.

Well the result is Cameroon people look like Africans because of the Maternal DNA.

The Oldest R1a Haplogroups are on both sides. In Poland & Slovakia isthe oldest R1a in Europe. In Asia it is India Pakistan.

With oddly Central Asians being the younger R1a.

How this happened is a huge mystery & it causes lots of questions & little Anwsers.

It is still not known where R1a started.

My personal guess is that R1a started in the North Caspian & then split with half going to Poland & Half going to India. Thus this is why these two areas are the oldest.

But, It seems that from Poland then R1a moved East into Russia & then Central Asia. This is supported by DNA, the fact that Central Asians were once mostly Light haired & Light eyed.

Also that the Central Asian R1a is younger.
It is also supported by Kurgans & the movement of the invention of the wheel.

The oldest evidence of the wheel is the Bronocice pot in Poland 5,500 yrs ago. By 5,300 yrs ago a Wheeled cart was found in the Ukraine.

By 4,600 years ago the First chariots were found in the andronovo culture in Central Russia (Who were the Aryans) The Aryan Invaders to India.

But, Later Turks from near Mongolia moved in & mixed with Central Asians so they became more like Mongolians
31 May 2011
Genealogy / Why are some Polish people dark complected, and others very light [511]

When the Tatars raped and pilaged their way through Poland, children were conceived. These children were raised as Polish. Many Poles have a bit of Asian blood in them.

That is a huge lie. There are no C or O haplogroups in Poles, Russians or Ukrainians.

Truth is most Tatars likely kidnapped Poles & Bought Poles into their Tatar line.

So thus the Polish genes went into the Tatars & not the Inverse.

Same is rather true with Germans. There is much more Polish blood in Germany than German blood in Poland.

Because alot of Poles became Germanized &thus became assimilated into Germany.

Same is true with Tatars, Mongols, Vikings ect.

Poles are actually the most pure people in Central & Eastern Europe. Even Germans have more Asiatic genes than Poles do!

Very few nations are more pure than Poland.
Even Sweden & Norway & Iceland have more Asiatic genes than Poland.

The only nations that might be more pure than Poles are possibley Ireland, Scotland & Maybe Iceland.

Is tough. Poland is in the top 5 most pure nations in Europe though.
31 May 2011
Genealogy / Mongolian the Golden Horde - do Poles have Mongolian ancestry? [256]

No Poles do not have C or O haplogroups like Mongolians or Tatars. Neither do Ukrainians or Russians.

However 9 percent of Mongolians are R1a.

Likely from Mongolians capturing Slavs & Or Central Asians.

Or Ancient Indo-Europeans like Western Chinese Tocharians mixing with Mongolians who came from near Ukraine, Polish, Russia area.
15 May 2011
Law / Weapons laws in Poland. Carrying a concealed handgun? [918]

Russia, Mexico, Colombia, ect all have much lower gun ownership rates than the U.S & yet much higher murder rates.

Norway has one of the highest gun ownership rates in Europe & Yet one of the lowest Crime rates.

While the U.K has the lowest gun ownership rate in Western Europe & Yet the highest murder rates in West Europe are found in the U.K

Like in Glasgow
15 May 2011
Law / Weapons laws in Poland. Carrying a concealed handgun? [918]

Poland has strict gun laws.
But, It shouldn't. I find it kind of insulting.
Because the Soviets & Nazis both took the guns of Poles so we could not rebel.

So, This is why I think Poland should have practically no laws.

Polish people need their guns. If we had our guns under Soviet & Nazis then we would have had a better chance or rebelling.
13 May 2011
Love / How do Polish men feel about gender equality? [780]

Yeah I really have to agree. Women don't do good work.
I mean even Female bar tenders despite being more pleasant to look at generally are much more poor than Male bar tenders.

Most Male Bar tenders are very intentive & they pick up more on what is going on & what people want & who needs to be served.

I notice Female bar tenders often space out & Forget about you more often & they get wrapped up into non sense.

I mean more women can cook. Yet, almost all chiefs are Males.
11 May 2011

My last name is Stefanowicz
I guess it means Stephenson in Polish.
That is what my dad said. But, Maybe the family just oversimplied.

Other surnames in the Family are Baj & Halka. I am not sure of the meaning of those.
11 May 2011
Love / How do Polish men feel about gender equality? [780]

Genders are different & they are different with good reason. If both people in a relationship are dominant you just fight & destroy. If two people in a relationship are submissive then you get nothing done & just submit & go no where.

This is why Gender differences are good & should be acknowledged.

I don't see anything wrong with a Family not hiring a man for a Nanny, Maid or Babysitting job due to their gender. I don't see anything wrong with Construction, Police & Miltary not accepted Women.

Feminism has only destroyed the Western Family.

Luckily Poland has not been as plagued by Feminism. Which is why Poland has a much lower divorce rate. Of course Catholic values are a large part of that.
10 May 2011
Life / Why Poles have so pro-emigration attitude? [92]

I just think alot of Poles dreamed of coming to the West during Communist era & Were not allowed too. So alot now are exploring what they imagined.

Alot of Poles seem to be unhappy in England I hear.
7 May 2011
History / Where did the power of Poland vanish to, since... let`s say, some 300 years ago? [180]

...and the livonian wars were without doubt the fault of the apecocroachwormslime! (did I miss something?)

At this time we should have been attacking Germans...

I mean Poland let her guard down on Germans.

Even tried to help Germans & Make friendship with Germans with Jan Sobieski in 1683

Then Germans backstab Poland & Steal our land in the 1700's
7 May 2011
History / Where did the power of Poland vanish to, since... let`s say, some 300 years ago? [180]

Russia wanted to expand into Poland, there was no way of forging an alliance as long as both countries were powerfull.

Alot of the problems go back to the Livonian wars.

In the First Livonian war Poland made more enemies with Sweden

Then in the 2nd Livonian war Poland made more enemies with Russia

This is what lead to the chain of events of what became the Deluge

This is what directly lead to decline in Polish power & to the Partitions of Poland.