Genealogy /
Polish DNA? Poles have the most genes in a group includes Balts, Macedonians and Greeks. [264]
Also, the biggest percentage of R1b is in Wales (82 %!). Does this mean that Wales are the most Celtic? Wales are followed by Ireland (79 %), Scotland (72.5 %) and England (67 %). Very high percentage. It seems quite logical as Welsh, Irish, Scottish and English people live on islands and therefore there was little mixing.
Basques have even higher R1b at 86 percent.
R1b people in their pure form are Basques
I haplogroup people intheir pure form are Bosnians
R1a haplogroup in their pureform in Europe are Poles & Sorbs.
I think it is clear that we are the master race.
Sorbs have 63 percent R1a & Sorbs are only 50,000 people! a tiny population!
But! a Sorb was Gotfried Leibniz who invented Calculus, the Mechanical Calculator & Binardy code used in Computers.
Now, How many populations of 50,000 have someone as great as Leibniz?
Shows that we R1a people are the master race!
Look at Poles. Both in Russia & Germany Poles are WELL over exegerated as the Greats.
With Polish rootGermans like Nietzsche,a great philospher Rudolf Virchow who founded Modern Pathology, Thoedor Kaluza one of the best German physics of all time, Max Skladanowsky who founded Cinema in Germany, Charles Bukowski, Gustav Kirchoff, Paul Nipkow who invented Television ect
In Russia Polish roots with Konstatine Ciolkowski who invented Rocketry, Igor Sikorsky who invented the mass produced helicopter bomber jet, jet air liner, Doestoeysky one of if not the greatest writers of all time. Nikolai Gogol a top writer, Igor Stravinsky a top classical musician ,Aleksander Możajski who invented the first airplane 21 years before the wright brothers ect
Take Konstantine Ciolkowski he invented Rocketry.
Both Korolev & Wernher Von Braun used Ciolkowski's work to put rockets into space. They literally took Ciolkowski's blue prints for Astronautic theory, Rocket Propulsion, Jet fuel ect ect
& they put into Action.
Funny that Wenher Von Braun was born in Polish lands & Korolev born in Western Galicia on Polish lands as well.
How come the most superior Germans are typically from East Germany & or are mixed with Slavic? Typically the most superior Russians are from West russia & or mixed with Polish?
It is clear that you have to be mixed with Polish in order to be a superior human.
Even German Anthropologist Theodor Poesche came to the conclusion that the Blonde haired & Blue eyed Aryan race started in Eastern Poland.
Think about it. This means just about all of Europe with Blonde & Blue eyes is mixed with Polish!
We are clearly the Aryan master race.
Look at the British Isles the highest R1a Haplogroup is in Scots who are the most intellectual progressive proportionately.
Look at the Balkans Albanians have the least R1a in the Balkans & are the biggest sub humans in the Balkans.
Look at Scandanavia Finns have the lowest R1a in Scandanavia & are the lowest Scandanavians.
Basques have the lowest (No ) R1a in Iberia & they are the lowest in Iberia.
It is simple. You have to be mixed with Polish to be an Aryan master race.
Basques have no R1a & Basques don't speak a Indo- European language. They have the highest R1b. They have no Intellectual achievements.
They have alot lower B & ABblood types thananywhere in Europe because they are not mixed with Poles who have high R1a & AB & B blood type.
Even look at Jews! Ashkenazi Jews have more R1a than R1b while Sephardic jews ( The dumb Jews) have more R1b than R1a. Ashkenazi Jews did not become Intelligent untill they came to Poland.
Even at that the Polish population maybe the highest Iq scoring population in the world.
The Polish American iq was 109 in the 1970's. While Poland had a 99 iq. Of course East Germany had a 95 iq & West Germany the highest iq in Europe of 103.
Which shows that under the same circumstances we did better.
Now, Western Ashkenazi Jews scored a 114 iq. Compare to a 94 iq to Israel . You pretty much have the same difference.
Considering that Jews are extremely ambitious.
Considering the most recent iq test of Poland is 106. This puts Poles to the top of the Iq list
I think Poles are by far the most Intelligent high iq scoring population on the planet by nature!
Polish Americans scored a 109 iq while White Americans scored a 100 iq & Asian Americans scored a 97 iq.
Today White americans score a 103 iq & Asian Americans a 107 iq.
Who knows what Polish Americans score on the iq test. White Americans jumped about 3 points in 30 years & Asians jumped 10 points in 30 years.
But, Even with Asians Americans having a 107 iq they are still behind the Polish American iq of 109 in the 1970's!