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2011 Stats: 80% of Poles happy [12]
More and more Poles are satisfied with their lives, more are saving and less are smoking, but in the last two years we've seen an increased in unemployment and an increase in the number of abusers of alcohol - on preliminary results of Social Diagnosis 2011.
The percentage of persons for whom the past year was a success, for the second time has exceeded 80 percent. - Results from a comprehensive study of the conditions and quality of life of Poles, who since 2000, is taken every two years by a team led by prof. Janusz Czapiński.
The most important conditions for a happy life for Poles in 2011 were as follows, health (63.7 percent)., A successful marriage (53.2 per cent.), Children (47.2 percent). And money (27.9 per cent.) However, only the number of people pointing to children has not decreased in comparison with the previous year.
At the same time the poverty rate in households living on unearned sources (eg benefits) increased since 2009 from 28.5 percent. to 36.4 percent. The sharp increase has occurred here as in the case of pensioner households (from 6.3 percent. To 10.2 percent.). For other farms there were no major changes. Except for some households of farmers, where the poverty rate declined from 13 to 9.6 percent.
Significant differences in this respect were also seen between different regions of the country. The highest poverty rate in 2011 is in the province. district (12.8 percent)., Kuyavian-Pomeranian (7.7 percent). and Podkarpackie (6.2 percent)., while the lowest - in the province. Silesia (2 per cent.), Pomeranian (2.6 per cent.) and Podlasie (2.9 percent).. The other is between 3-5,1 percent.
According to the results of the diagnosis, most people who are very satisfied with their place of residence are in Gdynia - over 41 percent. Such a response was given by more than 20 percent of residents of Slupsk, Rzeszow, Wroclaw and Krakow. Of the 32 major cities Warsaw ranked ninth (15.6 per cent. very satisfied). At the end of the list is Radom - where very satisfied are only 1 percent of residents.
In the large cities, most people with a higher education live in the capital. Where more than half (53.5 percent) have a higher education., in Toruń (50.8 percent).. A Higher education also has more than 40 percent of the inhabitants of Krakow, Poznan, Lublin, Koszalin and Rzeszow.
As assessed by Czapiński, education is one of the biggest successes of the Polish transformation. He noted that in the whole country the percentage of people with a higher education is currently 24 percent. This is thus 4.5 times higher than in the last years of the Polish People's Republic (PRL). Poland is also the second country in the world in terms of 19-year-olds who go on to college (80 percent).. Australia is only slightly ahead of us.