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Posts by 10iwonka10  

Joined: 21 Aug 2008 / Female ♀
Last Post: 15 Jun 2019
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25 Mar 2019
Study / Various education and school issues in Poland. Opinions, stories, controversies. [998]


Ha,ha I don't think it is true and....with world nowadays obsessed with PC you could upset other religions or atheists....

I have just read your exchange of opinions about too many exams in Poland and Mafketis ideas of one-to-one tutoring. From my observations standard schools in UK are overcrowded and not always so good but it is class society in private schools and good universities ( Cambridge, Oxford...) education is superb.

Also- just my personal experience- all these exams which I took in Poland ( grammar school- technical University) helped me to work and learn quickly when under pressure.
29 May 2018
Life / What is Poland's view on obesity? How healthy, fit are Poles? [166]

I think I'm changing my mind about Polish people.

These changes with obesity are slow and it is hard to notice if you live in Poland. There are much more fat people in Poland now comparing to 10 years ago. I think food habits changed and people drive everywhere instead of walking or biking.
24 May 2018
Life / What is Poland's view on obesity? How healthy, fit are Poles? [166]

I don't know if Poland allows GMO's to be used

I don't think they are .....I vaguely remember that most European countries were against them lately.

When you talk about gluten free, healthy lifestyle, gym, running.....I am afraid it is all about social class and money. I guess gluten free food is not so cheap either. So rich people are slim and healthy but poor just getting fat on cheap food.

There is also something more- I remember when I was in USA - lots food seemed to me to be very sweet...I remember yogurts -they were sweeter than in Europe. I guess people are just used to it and don't see difference.
24 May 2018
Life / What is Poland's view on obesity? How healthy, fit are Poles? [166]

Probably the reason we're slimmer than Americans.

We are still slimmer but for the last few times when I visited Poland I noticed that people are getting fatter. I don't think its breakfast in McDonald :-) but I think its less exercise ( everyone drives) more processed food.

@johnny reb

Just the men

?????- I don't think so. You still struggle to find many 'obese' women in Poland in USA there are thousands of them.
23 May 2018
Life / What is Poland's view on obesity? How healthy, fit are Poles? [166]


I assume you mean 180 pounds so its about 90kg- it is quite much for 5ft 3 in. I am hardly convinced that you hardly eat and still keep this weight. I am aware there are weight problems with some thyroid ( or any others) conditions. I suggest doing some tests to check it.
30 Jul 2016
Life / Being a Jew in modern-day Poland; Israeli Jew who is of Polish descent [269]

it's time to take off the rose-colored glasses there, sweetie pie and take a look at the real world around you!

I think that behind your 'politeness' you are patronizing twat.

O yes...cry, cry everyone hates Jews we are victims.........O everyone i so sorry for you .... you have clearly too much time in your hand that you study bible so much.

Please focus on the thread
25 Jul 2016
Life / Being a Jew in modern-day Poland; Israeli Jew who is of Polish descent [269]

I have never really followed it from your point of view but I think it is history now....I don't remember from my lifespan ever hearing anything anti Jewish in Catholic church. Maybe Jews similar Polish like to feel sorry for themselves. I think it causes bitterness and so much negativity.

I don't know maybe I live in UK which is not very religious and rather cynical country so i got more cynical now....If someone tried to tell here about Jews killing Christ they would laugh and say that Christ is some imaginary figure which never existed. ha, ha sad but at least not much antisemitism here.

Just changing subject but similar thing just as example.I know it is on smaller scale.
I recently read some article about Catholic church in East Anglia /Norfolk in UK (area where i live). It was permanently ( with some breaks when King/Queen was Catholic) prosecuted for centuries. Lots people were killed, many moved to France. And now - some catholic churches are back but lots are taken over by Church of England which is nearly 'dead' and changed to coffee shops. When you think about it...but as for today both religion exists in peace next to each other.
19 Jul 2016
Life / Being a Jew in modern-day Poland; Israeli Jew who is of Polish descent [269]

Ha- I think there is one thing that Jewish and Polish have in common- we like to feel as a 'victims' of the world :-)

Talking about Polaphobes... I vaguely remember was it few months ago...some Rabbi in New York organising some hateful march in front of Polish embassy....
18 Jul 2016
Life / Being a Jew in modern-day Poland; Israeli Jew who is of Polish descent [269]

That is why I always preferred living in bigger cities.If I was to live in one of these little villages I would feel like ,buried alive'!!!!

Anyway I plan to visit Krakow next year during Jewish festival and these restaurants on Kazimierz serve very good food :-)
18 Jul 2016
Life / Being a Jew in modern-day Poland; Israeli Jew who is of Polish descent [269]

while traveling through Polish villages might well yield stares, occasional cat calls or unwanted and self-conscious staring!

Remember- life in little villages is dull like dishwater water so looking at someone who is different is quite a bit entertainment.:-) they would look at anyone different.
18 Jul 2016
Life / Being a Jew in modern-day Poland; Israeli Jew who is of Polish descent [269]

The latter I have on good authority from Polish Jews returning to their parents' villages during the late '80's, early '90's, and being identifiably Jewish, had less than positive experiences:-)

I think that as dolnaslask said it is different generation.I think lots of older people could have not so good memories about Jews action too ( joining UB special services in 50 -ies which tormented and broke lots people.)
18 Jul 2016
Life / Being a Jew in modern-day Poland; Israeli Jew who is of Polish descent [269]

[moved from]

As far as racisim in Poland, I feel once again that a random, identifiable Jew would be at far greater risk than a black woman, as the latter is not seen as a threat to take over Polish society.

I don't think that it is the case. I was born and educated in Krakow and unfortunately I don't live there now but we have Jewish culture festival in Krakow, there is small Jewish community which is settled very well , Kazimierz has changed from rundown area to pleasant ,booming district....In general I was brought up in quite positive attitude to Jewish culture but since I emigrated my feeling cooled down. I think there is quite strong anti polish feeling among some Jews in America which is quite sad.
26 Aug 2014
Love / Am I The Only One Who Doesn't Find Polish Women Attractive? [93]


It is nothing to do with ego. It is just completely idiotic ,narrow minded writing.People who write these kind of opinions have clearly hurt ego.

It is as if someone said- All British women are fat ,plain with rabbit teeth- is it true? I think your wife is British.....
16 Aug 2014
Love / Am I The Only One Who Doesn't Find Polish Women Attractive? [93]

I appreciate that you promote Polish man with Polish woman relationships but in my case it's just not going to happen

I partly understand what you mean but it is harsh just to blame polish women. I think that problem is deeper it is cultural one.

My husband is English and to be fair I find British men more attractive than Polish ones. In Poland it is often like in Italy men are a 'mummy boys' first looked after by mum then by wife. In England young people move out early ,share houses ,get more independent.

About women- It depends where they live- in small town/villages it is so big pressure to get married ( not get left on the shelf!!!) so they they don't always have chance to think about education,independence . Unless...they start university, move to bigger town ,get some independence.....
15 Aug 2014
Love / Am I The Only One Who Doesn't Find Polish Women Attractive? [93]


Your stereotyping is just painful- I only guess that you were rejected by some polish girl and it hurt !!!!

i think that all is about class- there are pretty, ambitious, clever, witty polish girl and the same about british ones.Again you can find chavs in Poland and England.

In same way with modern era, globalisation, EU there are probably less cultural differences now than 50 years ago.
16 Jun 2014
Language / Terms of endearment in Polish [222]

You can but I would be careful as it has some connotation with being fat or chubby :-)
15 Jun 2014
UK, Ireland / Prices of Clothes in Poland and England [35]

Ha,ha I nearly forgot about it- Yes second shops are quite good in Poland especially if you know when new delivery is.

The only thing with me that I wouldn't buy second -hand items like shoes,bells,handbags - as someone was wearing them before and you can't wash them. I don't mind clothes which you can properly wash and they are fresh.